[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V9 #79

info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (04/03/91)

Info-Mac Digest             Tue,  2 Apr 91       Volume 9 : Issue 79  

Today's Topics:

      [*] da/kuten-code-table.hqx
      [*] robbat.sit.hqx
      [*] SWLLOG.1.0.sit.hqx
      [*] THINK C header and library for HyperCard 2.0 XCMDs
      [*] THINK Pascal header and library for HyperCard 2.0 XCMDs
      [*] TidBITS#52/01-Apr-91
      Comm on appletalk?
      CompuServ, America On-Line...and other Msg Centers.
      DOS Mounter conflict
      Hand-Held Scanners and Laser Printers
      ImageWriter II & IBM compatible
      Mac+ accelerators
      NEC CD-ROM Incompatibility
      Networkable software
      Non-American systems
      print drivers ... help!
      SE/30 info s.v.p., please...
      SuperMac Two Page Display Software available [ TPDinit Vn. 1.1 ]

The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Thu, 21 Mar 91 22:21 CST
From: "Ken R. Lunde" <KLUNDE@vms.macc.wisc.edu>
Subject: [*] da/kuten-code-table.hqx

	This DA is called the KUTEN Code Table. It is very useful for those who
run Japanese system software (i.e., KanjiTalk). This version is dated March 17,
1991. It allows one to find ANY character in the Japanese character set
specified in the document JIS X 0208-1983. Compacted and binhexed. Enjoy!
	A friend in Japan passed this DA on to me, and I wish to make it
available to others.
[Archived as /info-mac/da/kuten-code-table.hqx; 25K]


Date: Mon, 25 Mar 91 21:07:23 -0500
From: "Tobish E Smith" <bluecow@unix.cis.pitt.edu>
Subject: [*] robbat.sit.hqx

Revised upload - no longer just a demo, the program's fully-
functional now.  Contains fewer weapons than the registered
version, but has no other limitations.

  This is the game Robot Battle, by Blue Cow Software.
  Program two robots in RIPPLE, a BASIC-like language, and watch
them slug it out.  Very nice Mac interface, including a small
built-in text editor. Features digitized sounds, a scrolling 
closeup view of the battle arena, humans which throw grenades
at unsuspecting robots, and a very high amount of playability.

Toby Smith   bluecow@unix.cis.pitt.edu

[Archived as /info-mac/game/robot-battle.hqx; 359K]


Date: Thu, 21 Mar 91 11:20:37 -0800
From: Von.Rospach@Chuq, net.god {retired} <chuq@apple.com>
Subject: [*] SWLLOG.1.0.sit.hqx

Here's the new release of my shortwave logger stack. This one now has full
control capability for a kenwood R5000 shortwave receiver if the IF232 
option is installed.

Requires Hypercard 2.0

[Archived as /info-mac/card/swl-logger-10.hqx; 99K]


Date: Thu, 21 Mar 91 16:49:59 est
From: "Phil Shapiro" <phils@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu>
Subject: [*] THINK C header and library for HyperCard 2.0 XCMDs

Here's the official conversion of the HyperCard 2.0 header file and
library for THINK C.  We've tested it for a while and haven't found
any problems.  This release fixes some problems that are present in
the copy presently in your archives, so you will probably want to
replace your copy with this one.

These files are in a binhex'd Compact Pro archive.


[Archived as /info-mac/lang/think-c-hc-20.hqx; 16K]


Date: Thu, 21 Mar 91 16:50:57 est
From: "Phil Shapiro" <phils@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu>
Subject: [*] THINK Pascal header and library for HyperCard 2.0 XCMDs

Here's the official conversion of the HyperCard 2.0 header file and
library for THINK Pascal.  We've tested it for a while and haven't
found any problems.

These files are in a binhex'd Compact Pro archive.


[Archived as /info-mac/lang/think-pascal-hc-20.hqx; 8K]


Date: Mon, Apr 1, 1991 11:27:50 PM
From: Adam Engst <ace%tidbits.UUCP@theory.tn.cornell.edu>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#52/01-Apr-91

[*] TidBITS#52/01-Apr-91

Index of TidBITS#52/01-Apr-91

MailBITS/01-Apr-91 - a saying from an envelope

A Whole New Ball Game - Rumors about IBM and Lotus

Clone Cubed - A new super clone, perhaps the clone to 
end all clones

Piggyback Portable - A combo Mac for those who stay at 
home and go out

SentientNET - a new networking scheme that gives 
increased processing power.

[Archived as /info-mac/digest/tidbits-52.hqx; 33K]


Date: Tue, 2 Apr 91 09:45 N
From: "jordi@sc2a.unige.ch ==> S. Jordi, Geneva, Switzerland" <JORDI%sc2a.unige.ch@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Comm on appletalk?

Hi netters,
Here at my University Dpt, we share a laserwriter between 8 Macs. We are only
connected with AppleTalk this way

   1    2    3    4     Laser   5    6    7    8

I would like to know if it is possible, with a PD, shareware program to
send messages, for example, from Mac 1 to Mac 7. In one word, is this network
able to send files or messages in a primitive way ?

Thanks for any help

Steve Jordi,
Uni Of Geneva,


Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1991 15:07 EST
From: "Life. Boy, what a hoot!" <ENGLISH@northeastern.edu>
Subject: CompuServ, America On-Line...and other Msg Centers.


	Howdy, long time since I've posted here.  Got a quick 
question to anyone out there with a quick answer.  How does one
post a message to CompuServ, America On-Line and assorted other
Message Centers ?  I want to send out a message to the general 
public at large.  But here is the tricky part, I don't have
accounts on those systems.  Help !!!
	One more, I want to subscribe to a listserver, what is the
proper format for this ?

Thanks ahead of time.


PS:  did everyone get a copy of the Banana Jr. Icon for their HD's ?


Date: Tue, 2 Apr 91 15:19 EST
From: "Mark Nutter, Apple Support" <MANUTTER@grove.iup.edu>
Subject: DOS Mounter conflict

Just got the upgrade to DOS Mounter 2.01 from Dayna, and I ran into trouble
almost at once:  I put in a DOS disk and the drive spins for a second or two,
then the watch cursor comes up, and then we just sit there.  Even SuperClock
stops ticking.

I suspected an INIT conflict, and after some experimentation (kudos to John
Rotenstein's INIT cdev), I found that removing Foreign File Access (vers. 1.1
>From Apple) made the problem go away.  I originally put it there thinking I
needed it to access my CD-ROM drive, but apparently not, since the "develop" CD
comes up OK without it.

I bring this up both to help anybody that may be having the same problem and
also (just out of curiosity) to ask if anyone knows what is going on.  What is
Foreign File Access for, and why doesn't it get along with DOS Mounter?  Or is
mine an isolated case?

Mark Nutter [MANUTTER@IUP]
Apple Support Manager, Indiana University of Pennsylvania


Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1991 09:13 EST
From: AMINZADE%uvmvax.bitnet@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Hand-Held Scanners and Laser Printers

I'm in the market for a hand-held scanner, and I'm wondering what kind
of experiences people have had.  I'm kinda fascinated with the one
called "The Typist," which also does OCR.  I assume the OCR is somewhat
funky.  Advertisements for the product don't mention that it works as
a standard image scanner, too, but I assume that it does so.  Is it
300 DPI or less?  Also is i just a 1-bit pixel depth? Can I expect a
quality similar to the old "Thunderscan?"  How about the hand-held guy
>From the Thunderscan people (I think it's called "lightningscan")?  No
OCR, but, hey, I type fast.

On another topic, we must not be the ONLY ones that want to connect a
PC and a bunch of Macs to a laser printer at the same time.  Is there
ANY machine that does this cleanly?  What I mean is that we could
connect a PC via the usual parallel port connection, and a bunch o'
Macs via appletalk.  Said clever printer (let's say it's postscript...)
will be smart enough to switch between receiving serial data and
appletalk packets without rebooting and resetting DIP switches.  I'm
not sure this is even possible, but it sounds better than getting
Appletalk boards and software for a bunch of IBMs.

Any help or comments appreciated.  I will summarize responses to the


Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1991 14:18 EET
From: "Hannu Tuominen, OKL, p. (90) 191 8134" <HATUOMINEN@cc.helsinki.fi>
Subject: ImageWriter II & IBM compatible

Dear net pals,

I would appreciate if someone could give me a series of practical hints how to
make my AST 386SX use the Apple ImageWriter II printer I already have. It just
feels so ridiculous to think about having separate printers for the two
computers on my desk...

What I know is that Imagewriter actually is a C.ITOH thing - but that is all.

Thanks in advance,

Hannu Tuominen
University of Helsinki (try your geography and find out where it is)


Date: Tue, 2 Apr 91 17:08:02 PST
From: 6600dtam%ucsbuxa@hub.ucsb.edu (Marc "Tae-Kwon" Tamsky)
Subject: Mac+ accelerators

I am very interested in the replys you get to your posting about
Mac+ accelerators.

I have an old 512E, and am also interested in an accelerator.



Date: 2 Apr 91 18:01:59 GMT
From: Mitch Cherniack <mitch@alpha.cs.concordia.ca>
Subject: NEC CD-ROM Incompatibility

Can somebody identify my problem?  I have a Mac IIcx with a built-in
hard disk, a PLI Infinity 40 removable hard drive, a NEC CDR-77 CD Rom 
player and a GCC PLP II laser printer on my SCSI daisy chain.  Despite the
fact that each component on the chain has a different SCSI id,
(Mac hard disk has ID 0 I believe, PLI has ID 3, PLP has ID 4 and
CDR-77 has ID 7), I am unable to boot up with these components.  When
I try, the Mac sits there waiting for a system disk or just says that
my finder file is damaged (typical SCSI ID conflict responses).  I have
tried changing the first 3 DIP switches on the CD-ROM player to change
the SCSI id but have gotten the same results repeatedly.  I have also
tried taking things off of the daisy chain and have only been able to
boot normally when either:

  a.  the CD-ROM player is not connected
  b.  only the CD-ROM player is connected

The latter success is only minor - I have then tried running the application,
Music Box (for playing audio CDs through the NEC player) and have had no luck 
playing my audio CD's.  As yet, I have no CD-ROMs to try.

Thus my questions are these:

  1.  Can anyone figure out what I am doing wrong that I cannot boot
      with all components on the daisy chain.  Note that of the
      components, the PLP has a built-in terminator.  I removed the
      terminators built in to the PLI (this worked fine), and as far
      as I know the CDR-77 has no terminator built in.  The PLP is the
      last device on my chain.

  2.  When I boot with only the CD-ROM player connected onto the chain,
      why do I not have success with Music Box?  The program loads
      and shows up on the screen saying "NO CD".  When I put an audio CD
      in the drive, the computer freezes and I am forced to reboot.
      I believe that I have placed all of the inits etc. necessary
      in my system folder.

Any help for these problems would be greatly appreciated.

Mitch Cherniack


Date: Tue,  2 Apr 1991 12:53:57.39 MST
From: <hundere%gc.bitnet@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Networkable software

We are running a large student lab, and are having trouble getting some
popular software to run on the network. It is a real pain having to have
10 separate copies of PageMaker on the server, 'cause it won't run
multi-user. And of course Aldus is no help.

Does anyone have hints and/or tips on getting the following software to run
on a network?   Thanks......

Pagemaker 4.0   Illustrator 3.0
Quark Express   Photoshop



Date: Mon, 01 Apr 91 21:15:39 EST
From: Pete Tamas <V5296E%TEMPLEVM.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu>
Subject: Non-American systems

I heard a mention of a Hungarian System on one of the lists. I looked in
APDA log and only found the American & the Kanji systems.

1) How can I get a non-American system?

2) How do I findout if there is an Hungarian system?
Acknowledge-To: <V5296E@TEMPLEVM>


Date: Mon, 1 Apr 91 21:12 EDT
From: "Gordon Watts @ U. of Rochester" <WATTS@urhep>
Subject: print drivers ... help!

Hi y'all,
  I have been exploring print drivers recently.  I have IM 1-V, and the firt
168 tech notes.  But all I find are docs on how to use the print manager.  I
found some detailed resource info in one of the "Mac Revealed (sp!?)" books. 
But nothing on how to go about writing one of these beasts.  Can some one point
me to the book, books, etc. that I need to read?  Or do I have to be an Apple
developer to have the priv of exploring print drivers?

P.S.  I don't know if my other message ever made it to the net -- does anyone
know the status of the tech notes stack that was on apple.com?  They seem to
have stopped updating it.  I thought it was a great way to navagate the tech

Gordon Watts
INET: gwatts@ruthep.rutgers.edu


Date: Tue, 02 Apr 91 07:07:07 EST
From: Steve Greenfield <FEATS%VTVM1.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu>
Subject: Printers

I am about to purchase an IIsi and the last detail I am trying to get a
handle on is a printer.  I have been reading information from this list
and it appears that there are 3 printers that are in my ballpark.  The
StyleWriter, ImageWriter II and the HP DeskWriter!  I have only seen the
output from the StyleWriter, and only graphics; no letter type output.

I want a printer for printing letters, envelopes, labels, index cards and
other possibilities.  I have concerns about smearing of ink, quality of
print, ease of use, and cost of operation!  Does anyone have comments on
these topics related to these aforementioned printers?

I know nothing about printers except I want a printer to go with my IIsi!
Can anyone give me some information on the following topics:

          -  PostScript
          -  TrueType
          -  Drivers
          -  DA (does this even relate to printers ?)
          -  Printer set-up and extras I need to get (handware and/or
             software) to make my printer choice more usable

Thanks to anyone and everyone who might respond!

Steve Greenfield
Internet: feats@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu


Date: Mon, 01 Apr 91 17:54:09 EST
From: UOG01597@vm.uoguelph.ca
Subject: SE/30 info s.v.p., please...

At the moment, I'm contemplating the purchase of an SE/30. At present I have
a + that has sufficed upto the present, but for various reasons, an SE/30
seems to be the cure. What I've found out about it ranges from Apple's
info sheets (including the tidbit that the SE/30 can handle 16Mb SIMMS if
and when they're produced) and the cursory review given it by MacWorld in
February of 1989. What intrigues me most is its potential for expandibility,
namely the option of an additional monitor, be it color, gray-scale or mono-
chrome. Any review of color monitors I've found has mentioned solely the
Mac II series, and mentions little if any about the cards required to drive the
monitors, let alone the Mac SE/30 compatibility of the card. Any information
about this would be most appreciated. Something else that has bothered me
is whether I should go for a 4/80 or a 1/40 config. Any ideas? Suggestions?
Please mail me directly, thanks.


Date: Tue, 02 Apr 91 07:10:01 EST
From: Steve Greenfield <FEATS%VTVM1.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu>
Subject: SIMMS

I am about to purchase an IIsi and have read that the machine comes with
either 2MB of RAM or 5MB of RAM.  I cannot afford to go the 5MB/80MB HD
route so that leaves me with the 2MB/40MB HD option.  I have heard that
recently Apple was shipping the IIsi with 3MB instead of 2MB!  Can anyone
confirm this?  I asked a salesman at the University bookstore on Saturday
and he knew nothing about the 3MB deal!

I have a cousin who has worked for Apple, the last couple of years, on MACs.
I asked him, "if I upgrade my IIsi from 2MB to 5MB will I void my 1-year
warrenty?"  He said, "You can install these yourself (SIMMS) and the warrenty
will still be intact!"  I asked the salesman at the bookstore, on Saturday,
the same question and he said that if I put anything that was non-Apple in
the machine, the warrenty would be null and void!  Who do I believe?  If I
can upgrade myself, how can I get verification of that fact?  I don't want to
lose my warrenty! ! !  Thanks for any information!

Steve Greenfield
Internet: feats@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu


Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1991 10:21 EST





Date: Mon, 1 Apr 91 17:39:17 CST
From: Werner Uhrig <werner@rascal.ics.utexas.edu>
Subject: SuperMac Two Page Display Software available [ TPDinit Vn. 1.1 ]

	[ available with permission on RASCAL.ICS.UTEXAS.EDU, as

	  mac/support-of-products/Supermac/TPD_Init_1.1_SEA_bin ]


If you intend to use an Apple Macintosh Display Card 4x8, 8x24, or 8x24GC
with a SuperMac display that supports a two page (1152 x 870) resolution,
you will need to install the enclosed video cable and software.

This software is designed to work with the following Apple graphics cards:

	Apple Macintosh Display Card 4x8
	Apple Macintosh Display Card 8x24
	Apple Macintosh Display Card 8x24GC

Note: The cable and software are only required when using one of these Apple
graphics cards with a SuperMac display supporting a two page resolution of
1152 x 870.
SuperMac graphics cards do not require the "Two Page Display Software."

			     About the Software

The SuperMac Two Page Display Software included in this kit provides you
with the best possible performance when using your Apple Macintosh Display
Card 4x8, 8x24, or 8x24GC with a SuperMac display supporting a two page
(1152 x 870) resolution.

Simply copy the TPD INIT from the enclosed "Two Page Display Software"
diskette to the System Folder of your boot drive.  This will ensure that
the image generated by your Apple Display Card is always centered on your
SuperMac display, every time your Macintosh starts up.

To disable the TPD INIT, simply hold the mouse button down while the INIT is
loading.  If the TPD INIT has been disabled, or is being used in a
configuration where it is not applicable, its icon will appear with an "X"
through it indicating that it did not load.

If you later choose to use your Apple Display Card with an Apple Two Page
Display or other monitor, please remove the TPD INIT from your System

Note:  A/UX (including v2.0) does not currently support the TPD INIT.
       When using A/UX, you may notice that the image on your monitor is
       shifted to the left.


If you have any questions or problems with the use of your SuperMac graphics
display system, please contact SuperMac Technical Support at (408)-245-0646
between the hours of 7:00AM and 5:30PM (Pacific).

Tech Support can also be reached via the following electronic services:

SuperMac BBS:	(408)-773-4500		9600/2400/1200/300 baud,
				    8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
AppleLink:	SMT.TECH
CompuServe:	76004,2330
America Online:	SuperMac
Connect:	SuperMac Forum


Date: Tue Apr  2 10:04:19 1991
From: "Heinrich Puschmann, Santiago" <HPUSCHMA%UCHCECVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>

Has anybody been able to compile Motif v1.1 under A/UX v2.0?  Some people here
are trying there best to do this, but without luck sofar.  They manage to
compile the software (with Apple's C compiler), but running it generates lots
of segmentation faults.

It is recommended (so they tell me) that Motif should be compiled with the gnu
C compiler, but setting it up for A/UX v2.0 is a daunting task.  Has this
perhaps been done somewhere?

Looking forward to your expert help!

-- Thomas Fruin, Apple Chile            laichi.spt@applelink.apple.com


Date: Tue, 2 Apr 91 13:27:13 +0100
From: peje@alma.fysik.uu.se

Hi netlanders,

I've problems. A few weeks ago I bought a DoveFAX Desktop. Nice stuff, but it
refuses to work on my machine. Other macs are ok, but on this config,

	SE with 2 internal floppy drives
	LaCie, Cirrus 30MB external hard disk
	System 6.0.5,

it just doesn't work. And I have the feeling that it's the hard disk that
causes the problem.
Anyone that might help? Anyone that knows of any hard disk managing program
that might be tried (change drivers etc.)?

** Per Ejeklint, Uppsala University, peje@alma.uu.se


Date: Tue, 02 Apr 91 17:28:18 EST
From: Barry Zalph <NOTCHES@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu>

Subject: FDHD Drive Problems
Since shortly after i purchased my Mac SE/30 in April 1989, i have had a
lot of trouble with its internal FDHD (1.44MB) floppy disk drive, which
i use solely for file-by-file backup.  I have finally concluded that the
problem is not with my initial batch of diskettes, but with the drive or
controller (since similar problems have occurred with both 800KB and
1.44MB diskettes from 3M and Fuji, none of which had any reason to be
physically damaged).  After a number of read/write passes, a disk will
begin to develop errors on particular files, making them unreadable.
Most recently, a HD 3M disk that had  been formatted to 800K and used
for about 6 months was rejected by my Mac as "unreadable - do you want
to initialize it?". Sometimes the disk can be reinitialized success-
fully, but sometimes initialization fails.  I have rarely succeeded in
repairing these files using MacTools Rescue; more often, the "repaired"
version is unreadable.  Once, i took one of the damaged HD floppies and
reformatted it as an MS-DOS disk on an IBM PS/2.  It formatted fine, but
64K of bad sectors were locked out.  The most common error reported by
MacTools is "error -72", bad data mark checksum.
Have you run into similar problems?  Am i stuck with a bad drive or
controller?  What can i do to fix the problem or minimize it?  Thanks
for your help.  As appropriate, i will post to the archive a summary of


End of Info-Mac Digest