[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V9 #92

info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (04/22/91)

Info-Mac Digest             Sun, 21 Apr 91       Volume 9 : Issue 92  

Today's Topics:

      [*] Digit factory
      [*] Zaum Gadget
      America Online the bad guys?
      Cherokee Font wanted
      Classified Ads?
      Control Panel Lockouts
      Converting to TrueType
      Emulation of MAC through Atari
      Expo mac dates needed
      HC Virus ...
      Kyocera modem and Classic problem
      laptops vs portables
      LW II NTX and SCSI
      MacTCP, Modem, Vax Comm question
      MacTCP installation
      Mathtype 2.0
      My Mac SE
      Opening Windows and AppleShare
      Pivot and Mac SE
      Postscript on NEC Silentwriter
      Printing irregularly-ordered pages
      Query: Transfering a Post Script font to the PC and saving EPS files.
      Sam Virus Update
      SCSI drives and IINTX
      SLIP for Mac
      TokenRing/NetWare/Mac II's
      Unix Volumes: In defense of Intercon.
      Voyager Art
      Wanted: PLP II Printer Driver

The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 17:23:24 PDT
From: PUGH%CCV.ESNET@ccc.nersc.gov
Subject: Administrivia

Well, Bill is gone for a week, and I have the digest all to my self.  What 
sort of mischief can I come up with?  Well, none I guess, but I do have an 
announcement.  I have taken a new job, so my email address will be changing. 
That means all my software will be wrong.  It may also mean that I will no 
longer be able to help Bill.  His request for a co-moderator is sincere.  
Info-Mac isn't a lot of work, although I sleeze by without doing many 
archives, which is only a few repeated script invocations. 

I took over when there was no one to do anything. I didn't do nearly as well
as Bill is doing now, but I was there.  The ultimate reason I started
moderating Info-Mac was because I couldn't be the techno-stud that I am (whoa!
ego check limit exceeded. Resume.) without it.  With me gone, there will be no
one to take over if Bill is suddenly hit by a stray Lotto winner. 

Ask yourself, where would my Macintosh skills and knowledge be without 

I didn't like the answer that I got when I found out what it was like with no 
Info-Mac.  I volunteered.  Now someone else needs to volunteer.

The work is simple.  You just just use the mail editor to put a bunch of 
messages into a file, then run a program which munges them.  Finally, you type 
the sendmail command. Tough stuff.  There are a couple more commands if you 
are going to archive a file.  It's not hard.  In addition, you get the 
Info-Mac password, which is a lot better than trying to FTP in as anonymous.

So volunteer, please.

OK, enough begging.  Now for the good news.  I am joining Apple's System 7
effort by contracting to them as the AppleEvents coordinator.  It is a
renewable six-month position, which means I could be tossed, extended, or
bought.  It's a foot in the door, y'knowhatimean?  As AppleEvents coordinator,
I will be moderating the creation of AppleScript's roots. Sounds like fun to 

So I will probably be pugh@apple.com sometime in the future, but that's only a
guess and not to be construed as Gospel.  I don't really recall reading the
Book of Jon in the Bible(tm) anyway.

Enough rambling. I hope to remain on the net somehow.  If not, it's been fun. 
If so, I'll see ya tomorrow.  I start at Apple on the 2nd.  Wish me luck.



Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 16:17:34 CDT
From: "Seth Tisue" <tisu@midway.uchicago.edu>
Subject: [*] Digit factory

This is a free HyperCard 1.2 stack created by Mike Miskowski, editor
of MaLLife magazine and Bomb Shelter Props.  It's similar to Miekal
And's Zaum Gadget stack, which I am also uploading, but reflects
Miskowski's fascination with consumer machine culture.  It's fun to
play around with and as a demonstration of what you can do with

Note: Stack is almost 800K, and should be run off a hard drive for
the sounds to play correctly.

[Archived as /info-mac/card/digit-factory.hqx; 726K]


Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 16:14:29 CDT
From: Seth Tisue <tisu@midway.uchicago.edu>
Subject: [*] Zaum Gadget

This is a freeware HyperCard 1.2 stack created by Amendant Hardiker of
Xerbudox Techneologies -- it's sort of a cross between a game,
a hyper-art object, and an introduction to Zaum, a Russian avant-
garde movement earlier in the century.

Note: It is almost 800K in size, and should be copied to a hard
drive before using for all the digitized sounds to sound right.

[Archived as /info-mac/card/zaum-gadget.hqx; 961K]


Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1991 19:58 CDT
From: Stark Raving <TRIMPERG@lawrence.edu>
Subject: America Online the bad guys?

deichman@cod.nosc.mil (Shane D. Deichman) writes:
>Subject: America On Line WARNING!
> I am writing in response to Rob Schoenborn's recent post in
>today's Info-Mac.Digest on the America On Line Service....
>I was very dissatisfied with their service and with the way
>in which my situation was handled by the "moderators."
> From my experience, I am led to believe that AOL -- while
>providing its customers with a snazzy Mac-interface -- has
>little or no regard for the satisfaction of their subscribers.
Wow.  I have had incredible luck with nice Customer service 
people.  Helped me log in from another city, (needed a local
number), credited my account for time that my modem refused
to drop carrier, and are generally nice and responsive.
>I had a number of postings mysteriously removed from the
>AOL boards with no reason or rationale provided to me.
> After several repostings, I finally received a notice from
>the AOL "moderators" threatening me with termination of my
>account if I did not refrain from my efforts.  This was the
>first and only notice I received from the AOL "moderators."
Sounds like a paranoid delusion.  Are you sure that you
aren't confusing AOL with Prodigy, which IS a paranoid
delusion, and little else?
> My relationship with AOL came to an end when they abruptly
>cancelled my account (due to an alleged "payment problem"
>despite my excellent credit rating).  Once again, I received
>no warning of their actions.  I had to search for my original
>software package to find their 800 number since they don't have
>it posted anywhere in the "free" area, 
If you had been terminated, how did you have access to the 
free area?  For your information, though, the 800 number is
in the help files, which you can get at through the "Help..."
Menu under the Apple.
>nor do they have it
>listed in information (1-800-555-1212).
As I understand it, you have to pay to have your 800 number
listed there, and 800 numbers are expensive enough as it
> In closing, AOL is severely delinquent in their "customer
>service" efforts, leading one to believe that their primary
>interest lies not in providing a high-quality service to
>their users, but rather in lining their own pockets with
>user fees.
Hasn't been my experience or impression, nor apparently
has that been the experience or impression of the hundreds
or even more users on Compuserve/ZMAC who keeo on asking 
to have ZMAC moved to AOL due to nicer interface, better
Macintosh support, both hardware/software and Customer
Service wise, and lower rates ($5/hr v $12.95/hr)
Now, Prodigy did what you mention, which is why I cancelled
my membership there 20 days after activating it.  That
was on an IBM.  Now they keep sending me info for their
Mac version (Mailing list looks like it came from
MacWeek), and I just laugh....
Greg Trimper    satisfied@aol.customer.service


Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91  15:25:16 CST
From: <VZHNW%TTUVM1.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Archie


I know this was mentioned earlier this year, but could someone tell me how
to connect to the Archie archives?  I can't remember or seem to find the
address.  There was also some mention about NOT ftp'ing to this site.  If
anyone would be kind enough to reply, I'd appreciate it.

Brandon Hopper

Bitnet:  vzhnw@ttuvm1


Date: 18 Apr 91 14:22:00 PDT
From: "351M::LEVINE" <levine%351m.decnet@scfb.nwc.navy.mil>
Subject: Cherokee Font wanted

	The subject says it all, A user at my site is looking for
a Cherokee font. Where can I get it by either Anonymous FTP/mailserver
or send me a binhex'ed version.

Michael N. LeVine  Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, Ca 93555, USA
Internet: levine%fidler.decnet@scfb.nwc.navy.mil,levine%fidler.decnet@
(619) 939-2614  avn  437-2614 

 "Waiter, there's a bug in my soup!"        
 "No, Sir, it's not a bug, it's a feature!" 


Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 10:33:26 PLT
From: Paul Brians <HRC$04@wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu>
Subject: Classified Ads?

Are there any boards on BitNet or the Internet carrying classified ads
on which I might offer my used Plus for sale?


Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 22:51:42 GMT
From: Michael Everson <MEVERC95%IRLEARN.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Control Panel Lockouts

Really the easiest way to do this is to remove the Control Panel
>From the System. I have not done this but we have so many inquisitive
students hell-bent on changing things that we may do this tomorrow.
This morning I had a complaint that letters like W and Y couldn't
be typed; some twit had changed the keyboard from British
to Swiss French......

Michael Everson


Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 22:35:09 GMT
From: Michael Everson <MEVERC95%IRLEARN.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Converting to TrueType

As far as I understand, if you buy a font you are entitled to do with
it what you wish, for your own personal use. I use Metamorphosis Professional
together with Fontographer to modify my fonts to handle strange and
weird languages with amazingly bizarre diacritic requirements; these
tools are available to enable me to make such modifications, for my own
personal use. Of course it would be illegal for me to go and sell, or
even give away, a TrueType version of Garamond, for instance. I don't
know whether dull standard fonts like Helvetica and Times have this
restriction. When in doubt, consult your lawyer, or at the very least,
Jiminy Cricket, who will remind you to let your conscience be your guide.

Michael Everson

PS If anyone out there knows anything about modern orthographic standards
for Lakota and other Native American languages, please drop me a line.


Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 21:24:17 GMT
From: Francois Bonnafy <francois@LOIRE.EDRC.CMU.EDU>
Subject: Emulation of MAC through Atari

I offen heard from these emulators for the Atari, allowing it to run Mac
software . Advertising says that it is wunderful, efficient, fast, sure...

But say, who believe advertising?

So my questions:

- Do ALL the software for Mackies function on the emulator?

- how fast is it in comparison to a Mac LC or IIsi?

- How offen do the programs cras down?

_ What kind of hardware can you use with it (Portrait Screens CD, ...)

I will compile the answer and make a posting of it

Thank you in advance



Date: Wed, 17 Apr 91 09:22 CST
From: IE83858@udlapvms.pue.udlap.mx
Subject: Expo mac dates needed

Date sent:  17-APR-1991 09:15:59 

Dear Mac users,

	A week ago I sent the same request: Could anyone of you answer this
	easy question?
	I need the date of this  events:

	Mac expo in VIENNA,
	Mac expo in BOSTON,

	If someone need the date of mac expo in AMSTERDAM, that will be from 
	15 - 17 of may.

	Please reply directely to me or at this list.

				Thank you in advance

		Fabio     IE83858@UDLAPVMS                 ( BITNET )
			  FABIO@CCA.PUE.UDLAP.MX           ( SUN )


Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 11:43:55 HAE
From: Jean-Pierre Paradis <PARADISJ%LAVALVM1.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: HC Virus ...

I just receive a upgrade card from SYMANTEC for SAM 3.0.
Along with the upgrade infos there's something about an HC Virus :

  "We at Symantec want to call your attention to a new Macintosh HyperCard
  virus that was recently discovered called HC Virus. The HC Virus infects
  HyperCArd stacks.

  This new virus is a "Data" type virus."

Does anybody have heard about this virus ?
Does anybody know if a new version of Desinfectant is on the way for
that virus ?

_____    __    ____    __    ___   __  ___
  _   /__\   __   /__\   _ \   / __   ParadisJ@VM1.ULaval.CA
  __                      \__ \   Analyste
_    __ _\_\ __ ___/   ___   UniversitQ Laval


Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 13:46:24 PDT
From: moore@qal.berkeley.edu
Subject: Kyocera modem and Classic problem

Why does my Kyocera KM 1200S Full Duplex Direct modem work fine
with a 512KE, but not at all with my new Classic?  When I hook up
the modem to the Classic and turn on the modem, the TM light
(which is always lit when it's connected to the 512KE) turns on,
then off in half a second.  No terminal emulation program then
can work with it on the Classic, so it seems like a hardware
issue.  Both serial ports on the Classic work perfectly with my
printer.  Do I need to reset dipswitches on the Kyocera (if so,
which ones? - I've lost the manual) - or buy another modem?
Thanks, in advance, for any advice.
           -Roland Moore (moore@qal.berkeley.edu)


Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 12:02:08 CDT
From: JOHNSON%TWSUVM.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu
Subject: laptops vs portables

Hello:  Would someone please explain the difference between a laptop and
a portable?  I always thought they were the same.  Thanks in advance.


Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1991 20:20:45 +0200
From: Knut Mork <kmork@ulrik.uio.no>
Subject: LaserChase.12.hqx

I am the author of one of your shareware files ("LaserChase! v1.2") which was
uploaded to you in damaged/buggy form.  PLEASE REMOVE IT IMMEDIATELY. It
is, by the way, in the games folder.

I will send you a correct version Friday or Saturday.

Thank you,

Knut Mork

[It's gone. -- Jon]


Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1991 16:51:34 PDT
From: Rex Sanders <sanders@parc.xerox.com>
Subject: LW II NTX and SCSI

Sridar Narayanan writes:
>        Regarding David Mills' question about connecting a 20 Meg SCSI
>drive to the NTX, I seem to recall that Apple rigged it so that you MUST use
>an Apple 80 Meg SCSI drive.  Try to get your hands on one and check it out, or
>verify this directly with Apple.

Hmmm... We've got 10 NTXs with non-Apple hard drives on them - SuperMac,
CMS and Micronet, in sizes from 20 Mb to 40 Mb.  Maybe they haven't
been told yet :-)

Seriously, the main restriction is documented in the back of the NTX
manual.  Something about the drive responding to a particular SCSI
command.  Some of the early SCSI hard drives for Macs were really cheap
PC drives with slap-on SCSI controllers that didn't do everything
right.  These drives did not work on NTXs, but worked fine on Macs.

I think all currently sold Mac SCSI hard drives will work - but surely
some exception exists!

-- Rex


Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 22:48 EDT
From: ADMSK904@ksuvxa.kent.edu
Subject: MacTCP, Modem, Vax Comm question

Can anyone tell me if I can FTP or Telnet with a 2400 baud modem directly
with a VAX. I would like someone to explain to me exactly how I would go 
about setting up my system so I could ftp directly to my LC. I am still
a bit foggy about how the whole system works and what I would need.

Please e-mail directly to me
ADMSK904@KENTVMS (bitnet) 


Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 15:56:42 EST
From: dpugsle@nswc-wo.navy.mil (Donald Pugsley)
Subject: MacTCP installation

Is there anyone out there who can give me an overview of the
installation procedure for MacTCP?  I have a brand new v1.01 update
disk, but I am still waiting for my manuals to arrive from my old
office in Italy... I have it set up in the system folder, all gateway
and domain server addresses set, but applications are unable to open a
connection.  Is there an install script which is on my original disks?
I copied the DRVR resource into the system file manually
(ResEditally?) but that didn't help.  Is there a simple answer other
than waiting for the manual? 


					Don Pugsley


Date: 19 Apr 91 00:35:17 GMT
From: j.princen@trl.oz.au (John Princen)
Subject: Mathtype 2.0

I am currently having problems pasting equations created using Mathtype 2.0
into Word documents. The cut and paste appears to work correctly and
the equation is displayed on the screen, however when I print the
document a blank space is left in place of the equation. Interestingly
if I paste the equation into MacDraw and then into Word everything
works fine. However this is very time consuming.

Can anybody help?

Thanks in advance, John

 John Princen                                  Internet: j.princen@trl.oz.au
 Telecom Research Laboratories                    Voice:      +61 3 541 6282
 P.O. Box 249 Clayton, Vic, 3168                    Fax:      +61 3 543 6026


Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 14:07 EST
From: GFERRONI%LAUVAX01.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: My Mac SE

My Mac SE reboots itself 3 or 4 times after it is turned on.  Only a few
minutes elapse between these restarts.  Is there an obvious diagnosis?

Garry Ferroni


Date: 18 Apr 91 19:40 GMT
From: KURAS@applelink.apple.com (Kuras, Patrick)
Subject: Opening Windows and AppleShare

>The problem is that SOME (not all) Macs exhibit network activity when
>LOCAL folders are opened. Sometimes, it takes SEVERAL MINUTES until the
>window appears in the Finder. During that time, the AppleShare arrows blink
>in the menu bar. This occurs only if an AppleShare volume is mounted. When
>it is unmouted, everything goes back to normal. Strange enough, opening a
>folder on the remote AppleShare disk is done with the usual speed.
>When the Desktop file of the local hard disk is rebuilt, the problem
>disappears, but not forever. Until now, we cannot tell exactly when it
Try using Icon view for your windows. When in the list view, the Finder wants
to assign a kind to each file. If it cannot resolve the file kind from the
startup disk's desktop file, it looks on all mounted volumes until it
determines that no application is available. When in the icon view, there is no
need to go through this process.
Hope this helps,


Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 14:12:29 EDT
From: dmg@cornea.mitre.org (David Gursky)
Subject: Pivot and Mac SE

Can the Radius Pivot monitor (b/w / greyscale) be used on an old (pre-Super
Drive) SE?  We've order one for an SE/30, but know want to use it on an SE.
The easy thing to do is simply let the existing order stand and install it
on the SE...


Date: 19 Apr 91 11:55:35+0200
From: Prof. Hans Schlichter <schlicht@informatik.tu-muenchen.dbp.de>
Subject: Postscript on NEC Silentwriter

I am unable to print Postscript files which were generated on the Mac
(using the Ctrl-K and the Laserwriter Prep file) on a NEC 890
Silentwriter (postscript printer). The printer is connected via a serial
line to a Decstation. I just get the error message

        Error: invalidaccess; OffendingCommand: setdefaulttimeouts

It seems the Silentwriter does not accept certain commands specified in
the Laserwriter Prep file if it is not connected via Appletalk with the
Mac. I called NEC and asked if they had a separate Postscript header file;
there wasn't any available. How do other people handle that problem; does
a modified header file exist which works with the NEC Silentwriter. Thanks


E-Mail: schlicht@lan.informatik.tu-muenchen.de
Surface Mail: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Institut fuer Informatik
              Postfach 202420, 8000 Muenchen 2, Germany


Date: 19 Apr 91 13:41:25 BST (Fri)
From: David Brake <derb@ibmpcug.co.uk>
Subject: Printing irregularly-ordered pages

Has anyone produced a utility that would allow you to print random
pages all at once? i.e. print pages 1, 7, 13 and 21 without having
to put the dialog box up 4 times.


Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 08:18:56 EDT
From: Jason D. Blue <jblue@mwunix.mitre.org>
Subject: Query: Transfering a Post Script font to the PC and saving EPS files.

Hi there, Mac'sers,

First, I would like to know if there is an easy way to transfer a post script 
font (Recycle in particular) to the PC for use in Ventura or Coral Draw.  
We have here a newsletter that is produced in PC Ventura, and I think that
having the Recycle logo on it would be great.

Second, how do I create EPS files?  I have tried creating a post script file 
using the command-F and command-K while printing trick, but both file
formats were not recognized as EPS when brought to the PC.

Thank you, and please reply directly to me.  I will summerize to the net if
there is enough of a demand.



Date: 19 Apr 91 15:24:26 GMT
From: hoepfner@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov (Patrick Hoepfner)
Subject: Sam Virus Update

Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:

>In comp.sys.mac.digest you write:

>>I just received a note from Symantec saying that there is a new virus around 
>>which will infect HyperCard stacks called the HC virus.  The note also says 
>>that they are unable to supply me with the anti virus code for this virus 
>>because it is too complex.  

>Drew -- I'm a little hazy about exactly where this virus grafts itself into a
>stack, but I'm under the impression that it attacks an area that SAM simply
>is not coded to check or deal with, so its a basic lack of functionality.

This HC virus lives in the DATA fork and until now the data fork of files 
was thought to be immune (or at least no one have found a data virus before). 
I know that the other virus protection software developers have to do a 
similar radical change to check for this kind of virus.

In fact, Disinfectant and one other shareware anti-virus program choose NOT 
to upgrade to fight this virus because the Hypercard commands responsible for 
this virus can be EASILY changed to make it difficult/impossible to check for 
every variant of this virus.

The answer is:  The developers of SAM are not trying to rip you off and as 
a user of SAM I am sending in for my upgrade now!

Note:  I have no connection with Symantec except as a happy customer.

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center 


Date: Fri, Apr 19, 1991 10:08:34 AM
From: Adam Engst <ace%tidbits.UUCP@theory.tn.cornell.edu>
Subject: SCSI drives and IINTX

SCSI drives and IINTX

> Regarding David Mills' question about connecting a 20 Meg
> SCSI drive to the NTX, I seem to recall that Apple rigged
> it so that you MUST use an Apple 80 Meg SCSI drive. Try to
> get your hands on one and check it out, or verify this
> directly with Apple.

I don't think this is the case, since I know some friends of mine have used a
DataFrame 20 meg drive on their IINTX. Actually, I'm not absolutely positive
that it's a DataFrame 20, but I do know that they don't own **any** Apple
drives other than one 20 meg drive  that's internal to an SE. However, short of
this experience, I don't know much else about the subject.

-Adam Engst, TidBITS Editor


Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 20:11:38 PDT
From: "Donald R. Proctor   spgdrp@ganges.ucop.edu" <spgdrp@ganges.ucop.edu>
Subject: SLIP for Mac

  Does anyone know of a SLIP implementation for the Mac?  I'd like, for
  instance, to dial in to a Unix host at work and ftp files to my Mac
  at home.

  Thanks, Don.


Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 14:45:19 EDT
From: Mark Cole (GC-NSI) <mcole@pica.army.mil>
Subject: TokenRing/NetWare/Mac II's

I am trying to get some info on connecting a Mac II onto a Token Ring
network that is using Novell Netware as a File Server.

I have set up a Mac II onto an Ethernet that was using Novell Netware
version 2.15 using the MAC VAP on the server and a Kinetics Etherport II
card in the Mac II.  I haven't heard much about doing this with Token
Ring though.

Can anybody suggest a Token Ring board for the Mac II?? 

I have heard that there are problems with this set up when the Mac II has
an oversized monitor (doesn't make much sense to me) anybody know about

Any help?  Or can anyone point me in the right direction?



Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 18:42:22 -0400
From: macmgr%tammy@harvard.harvard.edu (Mac Manager)
Subject: Unix Volumes: In defense of Intercon.

We have few complaints using a Shiva fastpath and NFS/Share from
InterCon Systems Corp.  I disagree with an earlier posting to the effect 
that it is buggy and poorly documented.  The documentation is concise (a real
pleasure when it comes to network documentation), and a simple drag to the
system folder and a reboot put us on our way to mounting UNIX volumes to
our hearts content.  We also run CAPS, but this took days and the aid of
several CAPS/UNIX gurus to get it functioning. The resulting appleshare volumes
are much slower than NFS/Share volumes.  I must admit that CAPS is
performing our printing service from the UNIX machines to the laserwriters.
All in all we are quite happy with NFS/Share's performance and I look forward 
to them providing me with printing service in the future.

No, I don't work for Intercon, but I am a pushover for good technical




Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 22:42:18 GMT
From: Michael Everson <MEVERC95%IRLEARN.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Voyager Art

The Voyager Screen I uploaded was an ordinary SCRN created in SuperPaint.
SuperPaint saves startup screens in this format so that what you see on
the screen fills your screen adequately. The file is supposed to be
a SCRN made by SPNT; it shouldn't say NONE. I will download it and look at it
myself. If it's faulty I'll repost.

Michael Everson


Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1991 01:50:48 GMT
From: smisra@eos.ncsu.edu (SAURABH MISRA)
Subject: Wanted: PLP II Printer Driver


I am the owner of a PLP II printer and I am in need for
the latest printer driver (PLP v2.4)that handles
Truetype Fonts.  GCC Technologies
in keeping up with the rest of the companies has
again ripped off their customers.  Instead of providing
the software free of charge they want to charge
$$$ for this upgrade which should be free
according to their previous claims (Someone
could really take them to court for this) Anyways
the catch is that you can get it 'free' from CompuServe
or America Online (they probably get a percentage of
CompuServe's online time charge).
So if you have downloaded this from CompuServe, please
upload it to internet (sumex-aim.stanford.edu is probably
the best place) and send me a copy



Disclaimer:  I am not encouraging anyone to illegally
provide software copies.


End of Info-Mac Digest