[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V9 #129

info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (06/06/91)

Info-Mac Digest             Thu,  6 Jun 91       Volume 9 : Issue 129 

Today's Topics:

      [*] Bollinger Bands program [preview]
      [*] BootSnd1.0.hqx
      [*] gnuchess
      [*] HyperExpert update
      [*] TextMaster Version 1.4
      Backup ?s
      Calculus Educational Software
      Changing Syquest Removable Icons
      Color Disk Icons
      Floppy fixer
      HELP: Download MacPaint Image from a Unix
      Hypercard 2.1
      Imbedded Postscript
      Mac Plus-SYS 7-Chooser
      Quantum ProDrive
      Radius FPD ROMs & system 7
      REAL hypertext on Mac?
      Running 7.0 with only 2MB - IT WORKS! -> Hypercard or MACL??

The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Sun, 12 May 91 20:50:25 -0800 (PST)
From: dplatt@snulbug.mtview.ca.us (Dave Platt)
Subject: [*] Bollinger Bands program [preview]

This is a small application by Mike Wilber, which plots the S&P 500
stock index closing values, the 20-day moving average, and the
Bollinger bands (named for John Bollinger).  The moving average and
the Bollinger bands can be used to make some predictions, with a fair
degree of confidence, as to the limits of the S&P index during the near

This version of the program is a free preview of the full Bollinger
Bands program, which Mike plans to distribute as shareware as soon
as it's finished.  This preview version may be used freely, but it will
expire at the beginning of July.

Contact Mike Wilber for further information (his address is in the
About box).

Dave Platt
    dplatt@snulbug.mtview.ca.us       (domain/MX)

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bollinger-bands.hqx; 45K]


Date: Sun, 12 May 91 18:17:37 PDT
From: mings@cs.uoregon.edu
Subject: [*] BootSnd1.0.hqx

Why I wrote it ?
  1)  SoundMaster is good, but
        I only want to play sound at system startup,
        it cannot play compressed sound ('MACE' format),
        it patches the system heap,
        it does not use sound resources ('snd '),
        it cannot play sounds randomly at startup,
        it cannot play multiple sounds at startup,
        and it's not free.
  2)  StartupSndInit (in SoundMover package) is good, but
        it cannot play compressed sound ('MACE' format),
        it cannot play sounds randomly at startup,
        it's not convenient to assign sounds to it (need
        SoundMover or ResEdit),
        and it's not free.
  3)  I want to practise in writing a cdev/INIT (this is the
      first cdev or INIT I have ever written).

What will it do ?
  This cdev/INIT will let you assign a file to it, and either
  randomly plays one sound resource or plays all the sound
  resources in that file at system startup.  As a side
  feature, the cdev will also let you examine the sound
  resources in any file which resouce fork is not empty.

Minimal System Requirement:
  Mac 512KE (128K ROM) and System 6.0.4.
  BootSnd may crash when trying to play a sound at startup on
  a System with Communication Toolbox installed.

BootSnd is a freeware.

Ming Yau So (mings@cs.uoregon.edu)
AOL: Ming So

[Archived as /info-mac/sound/program/boot-snd.hqx; 31K]


Date: Mon, 13 May 91 17:12:38 MET DST
From: Airy ANDRE <airy@cernvax.cern.ch>
Subject: [*] gnuchess

 This a version of GNU Chess for the Macintosh, with sources for Think C.
 The sources are not really clean and "Macintosh-only"
 You can play against the computer, against another human or let the computer
play alone.
 Work with any Macintosh.

e-mail : airy@cernvax.cern.ch

[Archived as /info-mac/game/gnu-chess.hqx; 179K]


Date: Mon, 13 May 91 14:17:11 EST
From: Tkelley@hel4.brl.mil
Subject: [*] HyperExpert update

	This is the updated version of HyperExpert. I fixed a few bugs that
	occured during the change to HyperCard 2.0
	HyperExpert is a psuedo Expert System Shell. I say psuedo because it
	does not do any of the things that a traditional expert system does.
	It is a Bi-nomial decision tree. It allows an expert to design a 
	decision tree, with questions and answers leading to specific 
	conclusions. I am going to call the next version HyperDecisionTree.
	Anyway, after the Expert as designed his tree, he can save the 
	system and HyperExpert creates a stack of the decision tee, which
	the expert can then give to users in need of his expertise.

[Archived as /info-mac/card/hyper-expert-25.hqx; 190K]


Date: Mon, 13 May 91 08:54:42 -0700
From: Captain_Picard <dburr@ocf.berkeley.edu>
Subject: [*] TextMaster Version 1.4

                          TextMaster -- Version 1.4

By: Donald Burr

This is version 1.4 of TextMaster, a UNIX- and Macintosh-end program to
convert text file formats between UNIX and Macintosh.

This is a MAJOR bug fix release.  It fixes a bug in the Macintosh version
which will not correctly convert from Macintosh -> UNIX.  Other minor cos-
metic changes and such have been made to both parts of the program,

TextMaster will convert between UNIX newlines and Macintosh end-of-line
characters.  Direction of conversion (UNIX -> Mac, or Mac -> UNIX) can be
specified at the command line, and thus files can be converted in any

This is useful if your UNIX -> Mac downloads, or uploads, of text files
are failing miserably.  White Knight has a tendency to do this, and other
comm programs may as well.

Please send all comments, bug reports, feature requests, etc. to the
Internet address listed above.

This software is being donated to the public domain.  Permission is hereby
granted to freely copy and distribute this source code, as long as no fees
are charged for such duplication.  Permission is also granted to modify
this source code at will, providing that you insert a notice in the dist-
ribution that this source is NOT the original TextMaster source, and that you
not remove my name from the program and accompanying documentation.

[Archived as /info-mac/unix/text-master-14.shar; 180K]


Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1991 19:13 EDT
From: !! <ACSWILEY%EKU.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Backup ?s

Dear Sirs,

  I am in the process of researching ways to backup a MAC hard drive (s)
I would greatly appreciate any advice you might have. I would like to
here about any software..hardware or backup schemes that you use. Your
experiences would be helpful. THANKS..direct E-mail is fine.

Eastern Ky. Univ.


Date: Wed, 5 Jun 91 17:00 EDT
From: "James A. Muysenberg" <Muysenberg@dockmaster.ncsc.mil>
Subject: Calculus Educational Software

          Back in May I asked the readers of Info-Mac to tell me what
software packages were available which teach calculus and ordinary
differential equations.  I said I'd called three different mail-order
companies to see what they had and received the names of three companies
offering calculus-teaching programs:  Broderbund, Sensei, and True
Basic.  I asked for your experiences using these and other Mac-based
calculus software.

          My hearty thanks to the five people who responded.  Below are
their recommendations:


Date:  Sunday, 12 May 1991 02:24 edt

I have used a textbook, "Calculus and Mathematica", by Brown, Porta and
Uhl, recently published by Addison-Wesley (1-800-447-2226).  Excellent.
The software requires Mathematica (Wolfram Research), which is not
cheap, but there are educational discounts.  The combination of the
variety of problems supplied in the book and software plus the symbolic
equation solving and graphics capabilities of the program convert
learning calculus into a pleasure (almost).


Date:  Monday, 13 May 1991 17:46 edt
From:  John Doner <doner%henri at HUB.UCSB.EDU>

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by teaching calculus.  However, there
is a pretty nice suite of programs available from Cornell University
which are useful in teaching calculus and differential equations, in the
sense of providing tools for students to experiment with (as opposed,
for example, to cai packages).  You can write to Beverly West at the
Cornell Math.  Dept.

John Doner                    doner@henri.ucsb.edu

Date:  Tuesday, 14 May 1991 11:59 edt
From:  John Doner <doner%henri at HUB.UCSB.EDU>

I don't have an e-mail address for her.  Her husband, Jim West, has one
listed in the AMS directory, west@mssun7.msi.cornell.edu.  The mailing
address for the Cornell Math.  Dept.  is Cornell Univ., White Hall,
Ithaca NY 14853-7901.

There is a guy here at UCSB, Ken Millett, who has been using Mathematica
as a vehicle for calculus teaching--contact millett@henri.ucsb.edu.  I'm
still a bit skeptical about this because of the complexity of
Mathematica, and I know some students are too, but it does seem to be
working out better than I expected.  It is a high-cost approach since
Mathematica is so expensive.

A much less expensive program is Theorist, call Edutech at (408)372-8126
to get info on the educational discount version, or contact Jeanne
Flatland (408)372-8100, an Edutech representative.  Theorist will do
much of what Mathematica will do, has a much more intuitive paradigm for
its user interface design, and should be much easier for students to
learn.  The program is a product of Prescience, (415)543-2252.  They
have a representative for the higher education market, Bill Marsh, who
is himself a mathematician---you might call him first.  Mailing address
for the company is 939 Howard St., San Francisco CA 94103.

John Doner          doner@henri.ucsb.edu


Date:  Thursday, 23 May 1991 10:48 edt
From:  Bertrand Rousseau <rousseau at CAPSOGETI.FR>

During my PhD I have developped a Macintosh program, called Dynamac, for
the graphical analysis of systems of first order ordinary differential
equations.  It is quite a big program (written in C) making intensive
use of all Macintosh facilities (mouse, windows, menus ...).  Dynamac
offers :

   * a language for defining arbitrary complex differential equations,
     with features such as auxiliary variables, classical mathematical
     functions, tabulated functions, etc ,

   * the possibility to open an arbitrary number of windows containing a
     graphical view of the behaviour of the system. Windows can be of
     type "time series" (variables vs time) or "phase portrait" (variable
     vs variable),

   * the possibility to "cut and paste" trajectories on different windows,
     having different views of the same trajectory in space,

   * Runge Kutta numerical integration methods

   * numerous facilities such as zoom, vector field, choice of the initial
     conditions with the mouse, computation of the equilibrium points for
     2D systems, etc.

Unfortunately, I have no time for writing the documentation, but I think
it is manageable with only a few explanations.  If you are interested
send me your postal address and I will send you a paper presenting
Dynamac.  It is written in french, but at least you will see pictures.

PS : A similar commercial product exists, but is less powerful. Its name is

Bertrand Rousseau
 elec-mail: { rousseau@capsogeti.fr | rousseau@csinn.UUCP }


[From Info-Mac]
Date: Wed, 15 May 1991 21:50:29 GMT
From: kerr@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Stan Kerr)

You should also look at Calculus/TL from Brooks-Cole.  It's $39.95 for a
single user copy; lab and site licenses are available.  It's based on
the Maple package from Waterloo.  Here's an address and phone:

  Brooks/Cole Publishing Company
  Department TLFS
  511 Forest Lodge Road
  Pacific Grove CA 93950

---- end of summary

James A. Muysenberg


Date: Wed, 5 Jun 91 12:55 CST
From: SJONES%RHODES.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Changing Syquest Removable Icons

Greetings all!

I am the new owner of a Syquest removable 44MB drive and have a question that
hopefully someone out there can help me with.  It is this: When I insert a
cartridge into the drive as the Mac boots up, the volume appears on the desktop
with a particular icon.  But if I insert the SAME cartridge AFTER the Mac is
completely booted, the volume appears with a DIFFERENT icon.  This would be no
big deal, EXCEPT, an alias (under 7.0) created when the icon looks one way
does not work when the icon appears the other way.

Perhaps an exampl would help:  For simplicity, say that the two icons I get in
the above situations are a circle icon and a square icon.  Now assume that the
drive is mounted, and there is a square icon on the desktop.  If I create an
alias to a folder "X" on the Syquest, and then move that alias to the Mac's
internal hard drive, everything works.  BUT, if the next time I use the Mac and
the syquest icon is a circle icon, the alias tells me that it can not find the
folder/application.  Note: the name of the drive never changes, just the icon!

My only thought is that there are two different drivers mounting the Syquest
at different time--but even that shouldn't change the alsias's map to the
original, should it?

Thanks in advance for any and all help!



Date: Thu, 6 Jun 91 02:51:40 EDT
From: rudman@caen.engin.umich.edu (Daniel Edward Rudman)
Subject: Color Disk Icons

Marcus Harvey asks why he isn't getting color disk icons: You SHOULD be.

Also, you can use some ingenuity to place some REEEEEEALLY nice color icons
in place of your disks (use PICT resources and your favorite color image

Hope this helps... I'm not sure WHY you'ld be getting black and whites...
are you still running facade? (blech!)



Date: 5 Jun 91 18:42:35 GMT
From: mryman@oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu (Mark Ryman)
Subject: Floppy fixer

 I was recently informed that someone was able to help a user with disk
problems via floppy fixer.  This was the same user who I tried to help,
unsuccessfully with SUM II, First-aid, Norton for the Mac and Mactools.
I was also told that the person using Floppy Fixer has a very high success
rate for recovering damaged files with that program.  I would like to get
a copy of this program for use here in our main lab at Ohio Univ.  Could 
someone please send me some info. on where I can get it or who to contact
about site liscense, etc.  Thanx in advance.

Please e-mail replies to this account or to aldstf04@ouaccvmb.bitnet

-Mark Ryman


Date: Wed, 5 Jun 91 17:23:38 -0500
From: luj@ecn.purdue.edu (Jun Lu)
Subject: HELP: Download MacPaint Image from a Unix

Sorry if this is a FAQ...

I converted some images in other formats to MacPaint format using pbmplus
utility on a Unix workstation(Sun).  Then I downloaded the macpaint images
to a Mac using MacIP( binary format during transfer). However SuperPain
cannot recognize the downloaded MacPaint images. It seems that the files
should contain something like (resources, forks ... What are they ??). I
know little about Mac, would anyone please tell me what I should do in order
for Mac-resident applications to recognize those images ?

Thanks a lot for your help.
--Jun  (luj@ecn.purdue.edu)
Aero & Astro Dept.
Purdue U.

p.s. I have mcvert on the Unix. Can it do the job ???? I tried it with no


Date: Wed, 5 Jun 91 23:38:05 EDT
From: phssra@emoryu1.cc.emory.edu (Scott R. Anderson)
Subject: Hypercard 2.1

In Info-Mac Digest V9 #128, Michael J. Tarr <tarr-michael@cs.yale.edu> writes:
> I realize that Hypercard 2.1 comes with the System 7.0 upgrade kit, however
> I obtained 7.0 from ftp.apple.com. So far as I know, Mark has not posted
> HC 2.1 to this ftp site. Local dealers say they are not allowed to let me
> copy HC 2.1, so how is a person supposed to get a copy legally (other
> than buying the upgrade kit)?

User groups also did not receive HyperCard 2.1, and Apple Licensing says
that that was not their decision because it is Claris' product (I assume
that this applies to Mark as well).  I communicated with Claris about this,
and I was told that my only choices are to "pay $49 for the Claris upgrade
by calling 800-628-2100, or purchase the HyperCard Development Kit from a
Claris Authorized Dealer, (Suggested Retail Price is $199.00)."  If you
*purchased* HyperCard 2.0 previously, and are therefore a registered user,
you are entitled to a free upgrade to 2.1.

So unless you shell out $49, reading stacks under System 7 will be an iffy
proposition (HC 2.0 works most of the time, I'm told).  So much for "system

Claris Customer Relations can be reached at CLARIS.CR@AppleLink.Apple.com.

Scott Robert Anderson


Date: Wed, 5 Jun 91 15:54:20 EDT
From: saper@norway.biop.umich.edu (Mark A. Saper (313)764-3353)
Subject: Imbedded Postscript

Does anyone have hidden PostScript code to add to a Microscroft 
Word document, so that the word "COPY" is printed in large light grey
letters over each page?

Please send answer to me directly and I'll summarize for net.

-Mark Saper, Biophysics Research Division


Date: Wed, 5 Jun 91 20:34 CDT
From: LEFKOWIT%UABCMC.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Mac Plus-SYS 7-Chooser

        I have installed System 7 on a Mac Plus with 2 M of memory and
find that with one exception, everything is working fine (I have about
700-800 K left for applications).  The one problem I am having is that
the chooser keeps loosing the Laserwriter.  This happens if all inits
are disabled.  It is not an appletalk or cable problem since all other
computers on the network are readily accessable using appleshare.  But
if I select the Laserwriter driver, it can take a minute or more for
our Laserwriter Plus to appear, if at all.  After closing the chooser,
the Laserwriter is again lost.
        Other computers on the network are not having this problem.  I
have both system 6.07 and 7.0 computers on the network (all running
the 7.0 printer drivers) with no problems.
        Any Ideas?
Thanks for any help, Elliot.


Date: Mon, 3 Jun 91 11:47:48 EDT
From: rudman@caen.engin.umich.edu (Daniel Edward Rudman)
Subject: Quantum ProDrive

I am planning on purchasing a Quantum ProDrive (105Mb, 12ms) from Wholesale 54
in the next week or so. The drive's price and the mechanism maker (Quantum)
are so appealing to me as a combination: 105Mb for $389.00. According to the

"All external drives include zero-footprint solid metal case, dual SCSI ports
for daisy-chaining, external LED, SCSI cable, power cable, ONTRACK formatting/
partitioning software."

The problem I have is that this price, despite that Quantum is trying to
push the drive onto the market, is soooo low compared to other places that
I simply must know other people's experiences with the company and with
the drive.

1. Has Wholesale 54 been generally helpful, quick, or decidedly friendly?
2. Is the ProDrive 105 a quiet machine?
3. Does it come with a fan?
4. Can it be mounted on its side?
5. Is it reliable?

I'm sure that Wholesale 54 will answer a couple of these questions (if I
can ever get ahold of them; I let the phone ring a couple hundred times
on Friday during business hours...), but I'd like to check it out with the
experts on the digest first.

Please direct all responses to rudman@caen.engin.umich.edu

I will summarize to the net (and evaluate Wholesale 54's performance) if
so desired. Thanks in advance.

Daniel E. Rudman
CAEN, The University of Michigan


Date: Wed, 5 Jun 91 17:19:19 EDT
From: Craig Macfarlane <cmacfarl@bbn.com>
Subject: Radius FPD ROMs & system 7

I tried unsuccessfully to get my MacII to run system 7.0.  My mouse would
freeze shortly after booting.  I then isolated the problem to the monitor.

Radius tech reps were not aware of any problems with sys7.  Eventually, I
was called back by local dealers that looked into it.  According to Radius,
my Radius FPD video card has old ROMs(1.0) in it and needs the new
ROMs(2.2).  I also need to be running Radiusware v2.0, yet to be 
released.  The new ROMS will cost $60.

The new ROMS are expected to ship in a month or so, and they aren't sure
when the new Radiusware will ship.

My problem with all of this is that Radius must have had copies of sys7
to test with their stuff.  It would have saved me a lot of grief if the
compatibility checker knew about Radiusware not working with sys7.

I don't know if this is for all Radius monitors or just the FPD.

Stuck in 6.0.5land, :-(
Craig Macfarlane

My system:
Mac II
5meg memory
40meg HD
Radius FPD


Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1991 23:59:39 -0500
From: Yoshinori  Sasaki <ysg6704@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu>
Subject: REAL hypertext on Mac?

I want to learn whether there is such software that provides a REAL
environment on Mac. I am posting this question because I am becoming
with HyperCard's only partially hypertext nature---HyperCard does not allow
for nesting of text grouping; processing of texts, such as
cross-referencing, often requires programming, etc. 

Or, is there a collection of HyperTalk subroutines that reduces at least
some of these limitations?

If not on Mac, how about on IBM, NeXT, or other workstations?

-- Y. Sasaki


Date: Wed, 05 Jun 91 20:08:59 PDT
From: REM@suwatson.stanford.edu
Subject: Running 7.0 with only 2MB - IT WORKS! -> Hypercard or MACL??

>>Date: Sat, 01 Jun 91 08:25:38 SDT
>>From: ALexander Falk <FALK2%EDVZ.UNI-Linz.AC.@@forsythe.stanford.edu>
(Your return address looks bad, so I'll reply publicly.)
You say you can run applications under System 7.0 with only 2 megabytes
RAM. Question: Can you run Hypercard or Macintosh Allegro Common Lisp,
the two programs I use most? Or are they a little too big for 7.0 in 2MB?


Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1991 18:30:07 EDT
From: tim@ufcia.health.ufl.edu (Tim Cera)

I remember the letters more than a few infomacs ago about the 
Asynchronous LaserWriter Driver and the poor support that Apple
gave for it.  I was wondering if there was any other product that
would do a similar thing AND (the biggy) it must work with a
LaserJet Series II with an Adobe Postscript Cartridge.  Am I trying
to fit a square peg into a round hole?  That is what my boss wants.
Can the Asynchronous LaserWriter Driver or some other driver work?

I have looked at most solutions and they all are lacking.

Pacific Data Products has a solution at $495 (Pseudo-Postscript Cartridge)
and $95 for cable and software.  A little pricey.  Serial cable and software
work ONLY with their cartridge. :+(

MacPrint, JetLink are not postscript.  (If I cannot find an elegant
supported solution to postscript then JetLink is probably our choice.)

Freedom of the Press, Ultrascript, and TScript are ENOURMOUS resource

Incidently, I have the APDA catalog and they list the Asynch LaserWriter
Driver for $20.00.  Not really a bad price at all.

Take care
tim cera

P.S. write to me to keep traffic down.  If I get tons of letters I
will summarize for the net.


End of Info-Mac Digest