[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V9 #133

info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (06/10/91)

Info-Mac Digest             Sun,  9 Jun 91       Volume 9 : Issue 133 

Today's Topics:

      [*] bikaka.hqx
      [*] QRead2.5
      [*] Suitcase II 1.2.10 updater
      [*] system-7-is-a-smash.hqx
      [*] Triangulate
      [*] Type/Creator Edit DA Submission
      CEToolbox v.1.6
      Cher: File sharing for < 7.0 Systems
      File Sharing fixed
      Foxbase+ Comments
      German and Spanish KCHR's
      HP Deskwriter's 'New Ink'
      HyperCard 2.1
      Info-Mac Digest V9 #131
      Leaving it On...
      Looking for "Thomas"' creator on GEnie
      Looking for part of FontMonger Demo ...
      MacPassword Query
      Mirror Technologies Support
      Network Management Software
      PD shareware extensions and panel devices with System 7
      PostScript to HPGL
      Powering down your Mac
      Problems with Retrospect 1.3 and Teac tape drive
      PROLOG for my si...
      snd's vs. Macintalk with HyperCard 2.0
      TrueType support for DeskWriter in Sys 7
      WholeHouse 54

The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Thu, 16 May 91 15:43:01 +0200
From: Ingemar Ragnemalm <ingemar@isy.liu.se>
Subject: [*] bikaka.hqx

Enclosed is a game I wrote last autumn. It is a Tetris-clone, most related to
Hextris, though I wasn't aware of Hextris when I wrote it, I just thought it
could be fun to make a Tetris on the hex grid. It has some big differences
>From Hextris, though:
- Color
- High score list
- Hex grid differently oriented

The game is freeware.

Ingemar Ragnemalm

[Archived as /info-mac/game/bikaka.hqx; 56K]


Date: Fri, 17 May 91 17:30:39 EDT
From: wang@pennmess.physics.upenn.edu ( Huangxin Wang)
Subject: [*] QRead2.5

This is a DA miniEditor for view any file as text, somewhat similar Unix
command "strings" does.  You can use it as a quick reader of any file,
or a text editor with basic text edit ability.


o  It can do regular Mac text editing, find, print, undo.  Also it
   displays the file type, text size and creator information.
o  For file larger than 32K (TextEdit limit), you can still read and
   print the file (but not edit).
o  QRead uses all the fonts available on the system, you can edit in
   foreign language if you are running a special international system.
   It handles the two-byte character (Chinese) properly.
o  Supposed you are using a mainland Chinese OS with Beijing font, you
   can conviniently edit file in Chinese (GuoBiao, or GB), convert it
   to Hanzi ASCII format to send it through email, or read Hanzi file
   and then interactively convert it back to Chinese. The original
   filter code for conversion was written by Lee Fung Fung of
   Stanford. This new version keeps up with the new GB code after
   System 6.0x.
o  Printing is optimized to look best for Chinese Beijing font.

QRead is free.  Source codes can be obtained on request.
Bugs and postcards are welcome!

        Huangxin Wang, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Pennsylvania.

[Archived as /info-mac/da/qread-25.hqx; 34K]


Date: Thu, 16 May 91 03:27:41 -0700
From: c9e-bt@volga.berkeley.edu (Hello)
Subject: [*] Suitcase II 1.2.10 updater

This is the latest version updater for Suitcase II. This will 
update version 1.2 through 1.2.9 to the latest version which is
1.2.10. It is now more system 7 compatible, etc. compact pro,

[Archived as /info-mac/util/suitcase-ii-1210-updater.hqx; 46K]


Date: Sun, 9 Jun 91 02:13:32 EDT
From: phssra@emoryu1.cc.emory.edu (Scott R. Anderson)
Subject: [*] system-7-is-a-smash.hqx

This is System 7 is a SMASH!, Apple's humorous comparison of
System 7 and Windows 3.0.  It was created using MacroMind Director.
Put on your thinking caps!  The questions are really tough! :-)

Scott Robert Anderson   Department of Physics   Emory University

[Archived as /info-mac/app/system-7-is-a-smash.hqx; 534K]


Date: Sat, 18 May 91 11:07:27 NZT
From: pdbourke@ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz
Subject: [*] Triangulate

Triangulate is a utility for a Mac II computer which takes a text file
containing randomly distributed samples of a surface and generates either a
triangulated or mesh grid representing the surface in one of a number of
popular formats for 3D modelling applications. Its main users are architects
and landscape planners.

The binhexed stuffit archive contains two files, the application itself and
the manual in MicroSoft WORD 4 format.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/triangulate.hqx; 65K]


Date: Thu, 16 May 91 01:16:41 PDT
From: clarson@ucdavis.edu (Chris Larson)
Subject: [*] Type/Creator Edit DA Submission

Type/Creator Edit DA 1.0

This is a freeware DA that allows alteration of file types
and creators.


[Archived as /info-mac/da/type-edit-creator.hqx; 29K]


Date: Sat, 08 Jun 91 01:29:15 EDT
From: mjkobb@media-lab.media.mit.edu
Subject: Brightness


  Does anybody know if it's possible to change the screen brightness in
software, on a Mac-II series machine?  The CDEV "Dimmer" uses this feature of
color Macs as a screensaver, but I was thinking that it'd be cool to have the
option, via cdev, fkey, or whatever, to dim the screen for those latenight
typing sesssions.

  The problem that I see with this is that I think I read that Dimmer loads in
a "dim" CLUT, and if that's the case, then another app with a different CLUT
would suddenly brighten the screen again.




Date: Sat, 08 Jun 91 13:40:11 PLT
From: Paul Brians <HRC$04@wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu>
Subject: CEToolbox v.1.6

I downloaded a list of 7.0 compatability updates recently which
mentioned the upgraded version of CEToolbox CDEV as being available
on CompuServe.  It took me quite a bit of looking, but I found it.
To save others the bother: it is called CEToolbox V1.6/sea and is
in Library 4 of MACAVEN.

It would help if folks mentioning the availability of files from
other boards would provide the precise information needed to locate
it.  I appreciate the update list very much, however.


Date: Sat, 8 Jun 91 11:34 GMT+1
From: HEKSTERB%UTWENTE.NL@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Cher: File sharing for < 7.0 Systems

Jesse_M._Evans.El_Segundo@xerox.com says:

>       I'm now the proud owner of a IIsi and I'd like to hook up a mini-net
>between it and my old Mac, which is an original 128K upgraded several times so
>that it is now a 1M Mac Plus. The file-sharing capabilities of Sys7 sounds like
>just the thing I need but, so far, all references I've seen to Sys7 indicate a
>minimum RAM of 2M, which seems to rule out upgrading my old Mac.

>       Is there a minimum configuration of Sys7 that will fit in 1M of RAM, or
>is there another way of connecting these two machines?  I'm mostly interested
>in sharing files without resorting to dancing the floppy shuffle.

I'm writing and have just started beta-testing a System Extension called
"Cher", which should let any Macintosh with HFS and the Control Panel act as
an AppleShare file server.  The shared volumes can therefore be accessed
through the Finder.

        I really don't know whether anything like this exists already.  Since
I'm writing it basically for my own personal use, it's still somewhat limited:
only reading from the shared volumes is possible, and only one user at a time
can be connected to the server.  I do intend to get rid of these limitations

        If anyone is interested, let me know, and I will mail you a copy when
it looks sufficiently finished.

Ben `Hacker' Hekster


Date: Fri, 7 Jun 91 18:07:32 EDT
From: siegel@max.physics.sunysb.edu (Warren Siegel)
Subject: File Sharing fixed

Previously (actually twice; sorry, I forgot) I complained about getting a
"File Sharing Extension address error" when trying to start File Sharing,
even though I'd dragged all my Control Panels, Startup Apllications, and 
Extensions out.  Silly me, I forgot the stuff in the top level of my System
Folder!  The culprit was Coach Helper, which I located thanks to the
Extensions Manager.  This Extension was a real help, since even if you're
careful you can easily forget something, there's so much.  Thanks to all who


Date: Sat, 8 Jun 1991 00:15 CDT
From: "Thomas L. Hausmann" <HAUSMANN@iscsvax.uni.edu>
Subject: Foxbase+ Comments

I will soon be working on a small database project and would like comments,
positive or negative on the Foxbase database package.  As yet I have not 
purchased any database package.  I am aware of 4D but it is somewhat more



Date: Sat,  8 Jun 91 03:15 PST
From: Robert Front <T121267%TWNCU865.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: German and Spanish KCHR's

Actually, Robert CAN *receive* mail from the Internet, his system mailer
simply isn't able to SEND to the Internet reliably :-(
 ---------------------------Original message----------------------------

Could you send the following for me to:info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Life is difficult without an INTERNET address.  Thanks again.

_________________________________ message follows ________________________

Dear Network Friends:

Good news for those of who use the cdev Keyboard Switcher 1.9.2. It is not
only compatible with System 7.0, but can happily be configured to set its
SICN's (the little icons you click to change key sets) right over the silly
help balloon; a nice camouflage which my French Department colleagues find
amusing. I am now looking for German and Spanish KCHR's (key sets) to
install on all the Mac systems in our computer lab. If your Mac is
presently running either a German or Spanish system then you undoubtedly
have the accompanying German or Spanish KCHR I'm after. In order for you to
help me out you have to know how to get at it, so here's what you do:

% Use ResEdit (1.2, 2.0, 2.1, any flavor will work--or any resource editor)

% Open the System file in your system folder (this is not as dangerous as
many make out)

% Type a "k" ( there are lots of resources) which moves you to the first
resource beginning with "K" and then look nearby for KCHR

% Double click on the KCHR resource to open it

% Select the German or French resource and then "Copy" from the Edit menu

% Close your System file

% Select "New" from the File Menu

% Give the new file a title and click "New" (which saves the file)

% Paste the French or German KCHR into this empty file.

% Close the file (click "OK" to save changes) and exit ResEdit. That's it!

You now have the resource I'm after--and just one or two Kbytes! If you
binhex it (no need to stuff something so small) and mail it to me at my
BITNET address, you're going to make a lot of folks here who study German
and Spanish really happy. Yeah, I'll be glad to upload the German and
Spanish KCHR's (as well as the French one that I'm using) to the archives
together with full installation instructions. Those who need it can then
have a bilingual system at a mouse click while, at the same time, hiding
System 7.0's menu albatross,the balloon.
Robert E. Front, English Department, National Central University
BITNET : T121267@TWNCU865


Date: Sat, 8 Jun 91 14:52:56 -0600
From: con_mdp%lewis.dnet@selway.umt.edu
Subject: HP Deskwriter's 'New Ink'


I'm a proud owner of an HP Deskwriter, and I love it dearly.  However,
the cartridges are now labeled with 'New Ink' on them.  I thought this
could be wonderful, but I've had two of the cartridges now, and they
both leak!  The first I thought might be a fluke, and I tried an old
cartridge I re-loaded with much success.  However, the second new one
leaking too makes me think there's something wrong with my printer. 
This is quite a mess, and is very depressing considering how beautiful
the output is otherwise.  Has anyone had this problem and know of some
adjustment I can make for it?  Respond to me directly and I'll
summarize.  Thanx!

Mike Post


Date: Fri, 7 Jun 91 17:18:05 +0800
From: bcarter@claven.idbsu.edu
Subject: HyperCard 2.1

>Can this possibly be true?  When I ran Compatability Checker prior to
>upgrading to System 7, it told me that HyperCard v2.1 was included in
>the System 7 upgrade.  When it wasn't there, I assumed that this was
>just an oversight that would be corrected in due course.  
>Will I really have to pay $50 for HyperCard 2.1?

The official upgrade packages (that is, the ones you purchase) do include 
HyperCard 2.1.  They are just not allowed to put it out for electronic 
distribution, or relicense it for distribution.


Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1991 1:40:24 EDT
From: RAS9@jaguar.uofs.edu
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V9 #131

Two questions:

Is there any programming language/compiler for Macintosh that's public
domain/freeware? I need to know size bec. I am using two 400K drives on a
512 (!).

Are there any Mac User Groups in the Scranton Pa area?

Please e-mail to ras9@jaguar.uofs.edu


Date: Sat, 8 Jun 91 01:19:32 EDT
From: rudman@caen.engin.umich.edu (Daniel Edward Rudman)
Subject: Leaving it On...

The problem comes not in the Macintosh hardware/circuitry, but rather stems
>From the massive surge which is necessary to get the HARD DRIVE spinning.
It's not the Mac per se that should be on all the time, it's the hard drive.

Currently, a general rule of thumb is: if you're going to work on the machine
in the next eight hours, don't turn it off.

The massive surge from the hard drive causes wear and tear on the hard drive
mechanism (and I suppose could cause wear and tear on the Mac, too) in a
manner I'm sure you know of: It's like this: When you turn your car on and
off a lot, you waste a lot of gas, you hurt the engine, and the car goes
to hell.... if you run the car at a steady 55, you get GREAT gas mileage,
your car lasts a LOT longer, and the engine gets worn in as it should be.

Nuff said.



Date: Fri, 7 Jun 91 19:29:46 EDT
From: k044477@hobbes.kzoo.edu (Jamie McCarthy)
Subject: Looking for "Thomas"' creator on GEnie

I really like the font Thomas posted at sumex-aim, and would like to get
ahold of David Dowe, its creator.  Unfortunately, he lists only a GEnie
address in the readme file, and I don't do GEnie.  Can anyone help us
trade messages, through the internet or snail mail?  If so, mail me.
Dowe's GEnie address is XTH04747.  Thanks--
 Jamie McCarthy						k044477@kzoo.edu


Date: Sun, 9 Jun 91 10:31:21 PDT
From: jDo@polaris.sjc.mentorg.com
Subject: Looking for part of FontMonger Demo ...

Several weeks ago, FontMonger Demo 1.0 was posted on Usenet's
comp.binaries.mac newgroup but, for some reason, "Part 06 of 10" did
_not_ arrive at my site for some reason. If anyone reading this still
has this missing part, pls kindly send it to me. Thanks, James.


Date: Fri, 7 Jun 91 17:43:47 HST
From: Phil Conley  <hpa@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu>
Subject: MacPassword Query

In response to Paul Devalier's request on MacPassword: It was on info-mac some
time ago, but I think they periodically clean out the info-mac directories.
I am a registered owner of MacPassword and I am happy with the results. Right
now, however, I'm not using it because I'm at home and I only need security
at school (to keep my computer away from prying eyes). Version 3.8.7 should
be available on GEnie, or, if you do not have access to thar or any other
commercial services, I can upload the latest version to the info-mac archives.
Unless you shut down the computer properly, however, the hard drive COULD
remain unlocked. The protection it offers, when the machine is protected, is
fairly good, and is well worth $35.
Dameon Welch


Date: Sun, 09 Jun 91 00:12 PDT
From: Gann Matsuda                         <IYI4DTN@mvs.oac.ucla.edu>
Subject: Mirror Technologies Support

I just read Robert Brenstein's comments about Mirror Technologies RM42 and
the cartridge-loading init that comes with it.  One common problem with
Syquest drives is that you can't always expect cartridges formatted with one
utility to be mounted by another.  For example, I know that cartridges
formatted with SilverLining 5.28 can be mounted by the Mirror init without
problems.  In addtion, carts formatted by the Media Manager can be mounted
by the Silver Init, which comes with SilverLining.

But the same does not always hold true with other companies formatters. For
example, the Ehman formatter has had problems in the past reading carts not
formatted by Ehman software.  Quite a few other formatters present the same
problem.  This is not necessarily Mirror's fault.  I've never had problems
mounting a cartridge before using the Mirror init, and I usually don't know
what utility was used to format the cartridge, unless they are my own.

Brenstein also complains that Media Manager has a nice interface, but does
not offer many features.  What features does he want?  MM runs extensive
testing of drives and carts, formats many drives, and more.  It does just
about everything that SilverLining, the leading hard drive formatting
utility on the market, does.  Some say it even has a better interface.  It's
hard to figure out what he's complaining about.

Mirror's customer service and tech support has proven to be excellent--among
the best in the business--for a few years now.  I've never had a problem with
them and I've always got my questions answered.  You might pay a bit more
for a Mirror drive (except for their Syquest drive, which is priced very low
at $497), but you get much better after-sale service and support.

I feel that the RM 42 Syquest drive is among the best around--if not THE
best.  Many of my friends and colleagues agree.  I strongly recommend this
drive, and the company.

Gann Matsuda
INTERNET: iyi4dtn@mvs.oac.ucla.edu

P.S. I have no connection with Mirror Technologies, except as a satisfied


Date: Fri,  7 JUN 91 10:53:30 +0100
From: AJ_FREEMAN%VAX.ACS.OPEN.AC.UK@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Network Management Software

A cry for HELP!

Hello All.

Does anyone have experience with AppleTalk managment software?
We have 30 Shiva Fastpath 4's and approx 1500 macs, and we need to gather
stats (ie usage, errors, packet types etc.).
We already have bought Farallon Traffic Watch and Phonenet Checker but
neither of these see accross zones.
I have heard about the AG.Group. Their software sounds really good, bur
we are shy about buying more software in if it is no good!!

So does anyone already have AG.Group software (LocalPeak, Etherpeak and
Netwatchman) or know of anything else that they recommend purchasing
or avoiding.

Please mail me direct and if there is any interest I'll sumerise to the net.

Adam Freeman.



Date: Sat, 08 Jun 91 13:33:40 EST
From: Murph Sewall <SEWALL%UCONNVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: PD shareware extensions and panel devices with System 7

Ah well, I couldn't resist the tempatation to install System 7 and play
a little.  A few things that don't work will probably keep me using
System 6 much of the time until I get updates, but I'm pleased at the
amount of stuff that does work.

I use LOTS of pd/shareware things both fun and serious.  Some things
take quite a lot of fooling around with (extensions folder or not, for
instance) to determine whether they'll work or not.  I'll put together
as complete a list as I can of the stuff I have and what happens with it
(it may take awhile to test it all), but here's a partial (no particular
order).  I'd be happy to hear from (and beta test for) any of the
authors of the things that don't work or have problems.

Works                                           Doesn't work

!DeskPicture                                    Fruits of passion
  (leave the picture in System Folder)          The Grouch
Sound Control (and Sound mover) [see below]     Finder Sounds
Depth Gauge                                     Kolar (well, a little)
Eyeballs                                        Zoombar (crashes DAs!)
BigFoot                                         Scroll2 v2.0 [see below]
ClockAdjust (apparently)
SCSIProbe v3.0

[Note] Not all of the Sound Control sounds work (disk insert does, disk
eject doesn't for example??).  However, the panel device CONTINUES to
recognize the snd suitcases and DOES permit random sysbeeps (and random
beeps for other things too; I haven't tried ideltalk yet).

[Note]  Scroll2 v2.0 caused a "Finder CHK" error on restart that
couldn't be corrected until it was removed from the Control Panel.

Remember? (was a DA) works, but I haven't yet figured out exactly how to
get the startup to work correctly.

I find I can switch back and forth between 7 and 6 without 7 rebuilding
the desktop every time if I'm willing to put up with the items I
normally have out on the desktop ending up in the "desktop folder" when
I'm using System 6.  Maybe I'll figure out how to use aliasing to make
that less painless.


Date: Fri, 7 Jun 91 16:00:41 -0400
From: castlet%gtewd.dnet@gte.com (TIM CASTLE, A.K.A. 'T.C.'")
Subject: PostScript to HPGL

mpb@terminator.cc.umich.edu writes:

> Does anyone know of a way to convert Poscript files to
> HPGL format for plotting on an HP Plotter.
> Specifically, I'm using MacFlow to make E size flow charts and
> I need a way to plot the the HP Draftmaster II. Currently
> we're using MacPlot as the plot driver, but it only works
> in 72 dpi mode.

You might try looking into Palomar Software's PlotterGeist Chooser-Level 
HPGL drivers for the Mac. At MacWorld Expo, they were running an E-size 
plotter (as well as an HP7550+ in A-size) from a Mac. Palomar is in San 
Diego, CA, and can be reached at (619)721-7000. There is a review of the 
software in MacWorld, February 1991, page 236.

DISCLAIMER: I am neither an agent of nor a user of Palomar's products. I am
somewhat interested in them, as I use HP Plotters with other machines, and 
thought I would pass along what I know.

     -Tim Castle


Date: Fri, 7 Jun 91 17:52:07 HST
From: Phil Conley  <hpa@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu>
Subject: Powering down your Mac

In response to Kieran O'Connor's question about leaving your Mac on, it's
a good idea to leave the equipment on. Most electronic equipment doesn't take
kindly to being powered down and powered up to often. The electronics and
other stuff in there, due to the heat, expand when they are on and contract as
they cool. Reducing the number of times you have to do this reduces the wear an
tear on the equipment, and ultimately, may save you a power supply or mother-
board replacement in the long run. Of course, make sure that your equipment
is plugged into surge supressors and/or power regulators if you take on this
For the record, I leave my Mac on all day and turn it off before I go to bed.
Dameon Welch


Date: Sat, 8 Jun 91 21:47:10 GMT
From: ace@tidbits.ithaca.ny.us (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: Problems with Retrospect 1.3 and Teac tape drive

Hi All,
  I'm having some trouble with Retrospect 1.3 and a Teac 150 MB
tape drive on an SE/30 with no internal hard drive. We just got
it to replace a SyQuest drive as primary backup media and want
to switch over the network backup (four hard drives mounted over
TOPS under 6.0.x) to it while retaining the SyQuest drive for
other work. Originally we had it set up theoretically
incorrectly with the internally terminated Dataframe 1st in the
SCSI chain, the internally terminated SyQuest second, and the
externally terminated Teac third. It worked, or seemed to work,
but gave a communications error after backing up about 11 MB.
Switching the SCSI chain to put the now-unterminated Teac in the
middle of the chain eliminated that problem, but now Retrospect
is failing with strange errors like "No Media Present" while 100
files into the backup. The tape is obviously present and
apparently operating fine, but we keep getting these problems
after a while into the backup. Needless to say, it's not the
same place each time. Agggh! Of course this happening on the
weekend, so I'll be calling Dantz Monday, but I thought it was
worth asking here first. Any idea what might be wrong? I've had little
experience with tape drives before this, which is why I'm unsure what
might be happening.

PS: Please respond via email, since I'm not able to keep up with these
groups. Thanks!

Thanks for any input!   Adam Engst


Date: Sun, 9 Jun 91 19:23:24 +0200
From: Clive Wilmot <cwilmot@frg.bbn.com>
Subject: PROLOG for my si...

Gruess Gott:

Can someone please tell me if there's an online copy of PROLOG or  recommend  a
reliable  mail-order company from whom I can "expressly" buy it (for my si)?  I
needed a copy -- yesterday, but with your prompt response, I still think I  can
meet the deadline, hopefully!




Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1991 15:48 CDT
From: AEEVERETT%UALR.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: snd's vs. Macintalk with HyperCard 2.0

Hello net folk,

First, thanks to all who answered my query a few weeks ago about setting the
position of card windows, etc in HyperCard 2.0.  Apparently, the way to make
everything work with CloseView is to have an xcmd set the cursor position at
some location, then CloseView will follow, no matter what the magnification.

Second, I have been asked to pass along yet another query.  This situation
involves Macintalk and snd resources in HyperCard 2.0.  We know that Macintalk
is not supported by Apple.  What happens is that once Macintalk is called
to do some synthetic speed, HyperCard's "play" command no longer works at all.
The stack in question would like to do either one.

Have any of you seen this?  Are we using the wrong version of Macintalk?  If you
have some clue about this, please respond directly to me, and if people are
interested, I will post to the net.

Thanks in advance.

Albert Everett


Date: Sat, 08 Jun 91 19:58:41 -0700
From: proteus@medisg.stanford.edu
Subject: TrueType support for DeskWriter in Sys 7

dplatt@ntg.com (Dave Platt) wrote:
>> Are there any plans for support of TrueType on the HP Deskwriter?  I
>> bought one last night.  I have the TrueType INIT and would like to get
>> into TrueType ASAP.
>Install the INIT in your System folder, install some TrueType fonts in your
>System file using Font/DA Mover 4.1, and everything should work fine.
>If you print documents using fonts for which the DeskWriter driver does
>not supply an HP-style outline, the driver will ask the Font Manager
>for a suitable oversized font bitmap.  If you've installed a TrueType
>outline for the font, the TrueType INIT will construct the necessary bitmap
>and hand it back to the DeskWriter driver... the driver won't know the
>difference between this dynamically-created bitmap, and a static bitmap
>>From your System file.

In system 7.0, then, will deskwriters work fine, even w/o the INIT? I
don't have a DeskWriter, but I thought this might be an appropriate

Gregg L. Kasten, proteus@med.stanford.edu


Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1991 17:39 CDT
From: Stark Raving <TRIMPERG@lawrence.edu>
Subject: WholeHouse 54

MacPhreak! <JPONS@vax.clarku.edu> writes:
[various misgivings with WholeHouse 54]
>This is the last time I buy something from them! I would have rather
>have paid $50 more and get good service than to have gone thought this
>ordeal! My advice is, avoid warehouse 54 completely (I know of someone
>else who had problems with them!) and order from more respectable mail
>order places like >>>Hard drives international!<<<
This is interesting.  I have never had a bad experience with HDI,
but have heard nothing but bad about WareSale 54.  Yes, they 
do interchance names.  
But some interesting facts:
1.  Address is in Tempe, AZ, virtually undistinguishable
    from HDI.
2.  Rumor has it that a) WH54 is a clearinghouse/front
    of HDI, b) WH54 buys and resales HDI returns,
    or c) WH54 is trying to trick the public into
    thinking it is HDI.
Anyone have any REAL info on this company?
Beats me.  I just know that HDI's prices are the same as
WholeWareSaleHouse 54, and the service for me has been
excellent for years.
Greg Trimper   Rumour@monger.disclaim.and.all.that


End of Info-Mac Digest