info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (06/15/91)
Info-Mac Digest Fri, 14 Jun 91 Volume 9 : Issue 138 Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#66/Font Converters Apple Customer Relations Applications to use a digitizer ? BinHexing? DiskPaper -- anyone know retail price? email address for Kurt W.G. Matthies of Code of the West FTP sites for Macintosh software getting the folder and volume from a pathname HyperCard Write-and-Forget Technique? Laser Printers - I wanna get one! Location question Macintosh User Groups Macro for LaserWriter? MacroMaker and System 7 Macromaker and System 7.0 Macsbug_Probs Mac SE --> Mac SE/30 Upgrade MicroLaser from TI Millisecond timing on Mac II--using Think Pascal Moire and File Sharing DON'T mix Need isometric joystick.. Need to force Mac II power on New Submissions PRINTER PROBLEMS Scheduling program SERIAL POSTSCRIPT LASERJET DRIVER ANSWER start up items (diabling) SYS 7 KERNEL System 7 wish list: hierarchical apple menu Turning the Mac off!! VGA and Macs Visual? BASIC Zortech C++: more info? ZORTECH C++ ??? The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa and Jon Pugh. The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any password) in the info-mac directory on []. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help. Please send articles and binaries to Send administrative mail to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 12 Jun 91 14:39:50 GMT From: (Adam C. Engst) Subject: [*] TidBITS#66/Font Converters Ken Hancock and Dave Platt test two popular new font conversion programs, Metamorphosis Professional from Altsys and FontMonger from Ares. Font Converters Metamorphosis Pro FontMonger Head-to-Head Test Specs Type 1 to TrueType Type 3 to Type 1 Outlines to PICT Conversion Speed Bottom Line [Archived as /info-mac/digest/tidbits-66.hqx; 31K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Jun 91 11:16:54 GMT From: (George Williams) Subject: Apple Customer Relations > Claris has an Internet address for their "Claris Customer Relations, CLA", > which is 'CLARIS.CR@AppleLink.Apple.COM'. > I tried mailing to this address and it bounced. Is there a _real_ Claris address out there? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Jun 91 12:13:25 +0200 From: "Pol A. JAMAGNE (LEMA - Universite de Liege)" <> Subject: Applications to use a digitizer ? I'd like to use a digitizer to enter a map in my Mac. I found a little program called "Cartographie 2D", but it seems to have bugs... Does anybody knows such an application that could work with a CALCOMP 9100 or TDS-LC12. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1991 13:07 GMT+1 From: Subject: BinHexing? Help! I need to transform a file, which contains bytes whose values range from 0 to 255, to a file with printable characters only; that means that byte values should be between 32 and 127. How can I do this? It's a sort of binhexing... right? BTW: it's in C, but I just need the algorythm... it should be fairly simple, I think. Thank you very much, - Alberto Ricci - ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1991 22:34:38 CDT From: (Gordon Watts -- Rochester) Subject: DiskPaper -- anyone know retail price? Hi y'all, More on the topic of a better document format. I've been told that Farallon has created a product called "DiskPaper" that does exactly what I have been talking about -- allows you to make a file containing the printed output of any application. The reader they plan to give away is free, but the chooser document most likely not. Any one know anything about what price they plan to sell it at? Is is out yet? Etc. Gordon. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Jun 91 13:15:05 EDT From: (Scott McAlister) Subject: email address for Kurt W.G. Matthies of Code of the West I'm looking for an internet address for Kurt W.G.Matthies of Code of the West. He's doing the "Power Programming" articles for MacUser. Thanks, -- Scott McAlister ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1991 17:00 EST From: Subject: FTP sites for Macintosh software MacNetters, I'm trying to get a list of FTP sites that are avaialable for the Macintosh. Aside from [], what others can you give me? Please respond directly to me at DOEMELC@WABASH, and I will summarize to the digest. Thank you, Christopher Doemel Wabash College ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 06:53:00 EDT From: adobe!! (Charles E. Bess) Subject: getting the folder and volume from a pathname Does anyone have an opinion on the best way to get the volume number and folder longword from a pathname of a folder (i.e. userdisk:incoming folder) I have tried a number of things and I think there has to be a better way. Thanks Charles E. Bess ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Jun 91 09:34:15 PLT From: Joshua Yeidel <> Subject: HyperCard Write-and-Forget Technique? The Claris "HyperCard Reference" for 2.0 says (p. 116): Warning: Some stacks are designed so that, when the stack is locked, you can type into a field or paint a picture on a card or background; but the changes disappear as soon as you leave the current card. I'd like to know how this is implemented. I am writing a HyperCard catalog for a digital media collection, and I need to support rather complex searches (e.g., "location contains Prague and date before 1800 and date after 1750"). I thought the best approach would be a "Find" card with fields and check buttons (sort of simulating a dialog box) for the user to specify the fields, quantities, and relations for the search. However, the stack needs to be locked (or read-only), so that users can't mess it up for others. The "changes disappear" technique would work fine (I could capture the values in variables before leaving the card), I think. Or maybe I could use an XCMD to actually present a dialog box (though I'm reluctant to depend on unsupported software for this project, which ought to have a life of several years). OK, Card-players, any ideas? -- Joshua ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 11:12:21 EDT From: (Chris Caputo) Subject: Laser Printers - I wanna get one! I am in the process of deciding on which laser printer to purchase in the $1500 to $2500 price range. I realize that MacWorld had an article a few months back on the subject. The author's recommendation was the QMS 410 ($1995). Since that time, however, a few new printers have come out. In particular, the RealTech Laser ($1995) has caught my eye. The specs on the printer are far better than the QMS, including support for PostScript Level 2. The strange thing is that the RealTech Laser has the same specs and appearance as the Dataproducts LZR 960. Are these the same printer with just different labels? Are they both made/assembled by another company? Has anyone had good or bad experiences with either of these printers? Can you recommend another? Also, with the advent of TrueType, is it a bad idea to buy a PostScript printer these days? Is the PostScript future on the Mac dim? I will summarize if there is interest... Chris Caputo. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 16:24 CST From: Subject: Location question Hello, I'm trying to locate something I believe is called "Initshare." With it I understand one can load inits from an appleshare server as if they were running on a Mac+ workstation. This program solves the problem of not hav- ing enough space on an 800k startup disk, allowing one to load such things as printer drivers and such. If anyone knows of an ftp location for this program, please contact me directly at: BITNET: JYOUNG@UMKCVAX1 Internet: Thanks. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1991 17:51:40 EDT From: Subject: Macintosh User Groups I am interested in starting a Macintosh User Group in Cortland, New York. COuld someone please give me info about who I need to contact at Apple, preferably an internet address. I would also appreciate mail from folks who have started a user group--do's, dont's and the like. Thanks! Kieran O'Connor IOCONNOR@SUNRISE (bitnet) IOCONNOR@SUNRISE.ACS.SYR.EDU (internet) ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jun 91 07:34:00 CDT From: "Dr F J Van Wetering" <> Subject: Macro for LaserWriter? I have seen reference made to a macro for Microsoft Word 4.0 that enables the word "DRAFT" or "COPY" to be printed in light gray over a copy of a manuscript printed on a LaserWriter. Could someone please send me a copy of this macro, along with instructions for use? If a direct send is too much trouble, could someone give me the location where I might FTP this from? Any help will be much appreciated. Francis J. Van Wetering FJVANWET@UNOMA1.BITNET FJVANWET@ZEUS.UNOMAHA.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Jun 91 02:39:54 PDT From: Subject: MacroMaker and System 7 <<From: -- Date: Thu, 6 Jun 91 09:37:42 +0800 -- Around here we depend on MacroMaker.>> I do too. I have a library of hundreds of MacroMaker macros. <<Now we update to 7.0 and find MacroMaker is incompatible -- AND APPLE ISN'T SUPPLYING A REPLACEMENT? ... Apple's stated solution to this is "seek equivalent functionality from a third party product".>> MacroMaker provides two functions: (1) Making new macros, and (2) Re-using the ones that you've already made. Of course other programs can provide (1), but what about the hundreds of macros I already have? Is the internal representation of MacroMaker files publically documented so I or a third-party vendor could write a program to convert them? If not, then it is impossible to obtain equivalent functionality from a third party product. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1991 10:01:53 PDT From: Subject: Macromaker and System 7.0 Will Howard writes: <<I've been using Macromaker (version 1.0.2) with System 7.0 with no problems, so rumors of its demise seem to be premature. Depends if demise means it doesn't come free with system software, or doesn't work at all.>> I haven't gone to sys 7.0 yet, so I don't have any first-hand knowledge of whether or not Macromaker has problems with it. What was our original source of info that said it was incompatible? When I've talked to people from Apple about Macromaker, they said that their surveys showed that only a very small percentage of Mac users use the program, so it wasn't worthwhile to upgrade it. Well, I rely on it with some applications, and it sounds like others do too (hopefully more than Apple's data indicates). If it truly is incompatible with System 7.0, and if it's going to take some sort of groundswell to convince Apple that we DO use Macromaker and that it IS worthwhile, then I'd like to add my two cents worth to the flood (or trickle) of support for a upgrade. Anyone know of any appropriate address at Apple? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Jun 91 14:22:59 PDT From: Subject: Macsbug_Probs I need to find out if there is an incompatibility with the debugger, Macsbug, and the Mac II. I have several machines that bomb only on Macsbug. I don't want to replace the logic board (which does fix the problem, some times) just to run this little debugger. Is there a better debugger? I would appreciate the help. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1991 17:49 EDT From: Joshua J Hart <> Subject: Mac SE --> Mac SE/30 Upgrade Hello Netters!!! Question(s): What is done in an upgrade of a Macintosh SE to an SE/30? I have a Mac SE 1 MEG RAM and a 20 Meg hard drive and would like to Upgrade to a SE/30. What is done in the process of upgrading? Could it be mail ordered, or does the upgrade have to go though apple? How much would such an upgrade cost? thanks, joshua <STUHART@EKU.Bitnet> P.S. Thanks again! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 09:47:43 edt From: (Rocky Olive) Subject: MicroLaser from TI Anyone using a TI MicroLaser PS17 or PS35 with their mac? I have a Mac IIcx running Sys7, and I've just purchased a PS17 to go along with it. It seems to handle outline (TrueType) fonts ok, but if I use more than one TT font on a document (eg. MS Word 4.0 or SuperPaint 2.0 in Draw mode), I get error messages that complain about "offending commands". I never used AppleTalk before, but since it comes with an AppleTalk interface, I am now. Also, I'm not a genius on fonts or PostScript, so I'm not sure exactly what the problem is. BTW, the MicroLaser has 1.5 Mb of RAM, and the mac has 5 Mb. Do I just need more memory in the laser printer? If you have a microLaser (even if you don't know what my problem is) I'd like to hear from you, to find out your experiences. Thank you. Rocky Olive, Data General Corp, Apex, NC ------------------------------ Date: 13 Jun 91 16:08:32 GMT From:! (Reza E. Jahromi) Subject: Millisecond timing on Mac II--using Think Pascal I am currently working on a senior project for a psychology proffesor. My task is to create a procedure in Think Pascal for the Mac II. This program is supposed to accept two inputs indicating when to activate the timer and when to disconnect it. Accurate timing is very important--timing in milli- seconds. If anyone knows how this can be done using Think Pascal, please reply directly to my account: ta00rj@unccvax. Any help will be appreciated. And even if you have the procedure to do this task, or anything close to it, please e-mail it to my account. Thanks in advance. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 09:13 EDT From: <> (Peter Jorgensen) Subject: Moire and File Sharing DON'T mix Greetings, Please be advised that the wonderful screen saver Moire (I can't wait until I can get ALL international characters in a mail message!!!) has a problem with File Sharing in System 7. The problem is, if you let Moire take over the screen while File Sharing is on, and someone has one of your folders mounted on their Mac, when they try to do a read or write to a file in your shared folder your Mac will hang. The only recourse I've found is the reset switch. This has occured with a 2.5MB Mac Classic as "server" and 2MB MacPlus (6.0.5) as client. As long as Moire isn't creating its screen patterns, it's OK, i.e. if the mouse is in the "never sleep" corner, or you keep busy on the "server" Mac so that Moire never kicks in. Peter Jorgensen - PJORGENSEN@COLGATEU.BITNET ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Jun 91 22:38:23 EDT From: Bob Beaton <> Subject: Need isometric joystick.. Hello Mac-netters, I need help locating vendors of ADB-compatible isometric joysticks. We are working on an input device usability study, and we need to test an isometric (i.e., force-displacment or so-called "stiff stick") joystick. I know that Measurement Systems has a product for IBM-type platforms, but I need the device to sit on the ADB (similar to Apple's mouse-device or Kensington's trackball-device). Your help is appreciated greatly. Please e-mail your replies to me. If I get enough useful infomation, I'll post a summary to this net. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Jun 91 16:15:49 PDT From: "William J. Lipa" <> Subject: Need to force Mac II power on I have a couple of Mac IIs (the original model) that need to be able to come back on after a power failure automatically. The newer models such as a IIci have a power switch that you can push in on the back to get this behavior, but the Mac II doesn't seem to. Is there some product I can buy to make them turn on unattended? There must be some way of doing this through the ADB. Thanks for any information, Bill Lipa ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 16:06:37 edt From: (Rocky Olive) Subject: New Submissions I would like to go out on a limb and make a suggestion to those who are planning to post new submissions to the archives: === Please state if the software is System 7.0 compatible! === least to the best of your ability. I understand that some people post things of which they are not the author. The reason I bother to mention this is that many people are still using System 6.x or less. And some programs are just aren't compatible. Stating the submission's System 7.0 compatibility will greatly decresase the frustration of those who download, only to find that it doesn't work quite right under 7.0. Thanks. (I don't necessarily speak for the moderators, but I think they may agree that this is not a bad idea.) Rocky Olive, Data General Corp, Apex, NC ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1991 15:31 CDT From: Subject: PRINTER PROBLEMS Netters: IUve got a LaserWriter IINT that I want to hook up using an RS 232 cable instead of AppleTalk. I want to access Ethernet (which you canUt access at the same time as AppleTalk - that I know of) and the LaserWriter at the same time. Can this be done?? Also, I have a coupple of old HP QuietJet printers which I need drivers for. Is there a Quiet Jet dirver available anywhere? Does anyone have an old copy of SoftStyleUs Jet Start (the program the HP manual says one uses to whip up a QuietJet driver - I think SoftStyle is out of bidness)?? Any HP PCL1 driver - such as the ThinkJet - might work. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Jun 91 10:45:27 EST From: Pete Tamas <> Subject: Scheduling program I need a program, commercial or p.d., which caan be used to schedule several computer classrooms and about 12 teachers. Schedules need to be printed for the coordinator (who will use the program) and print outs will be an overall schedule and individual instructor's copies showing just their commitments. Any suggestions? Project management? Thanks-- Pete Tamas ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1991 16:49:29 EDT From: (Tim Cera) Subject: SERIAL POSTSCRIPT LASERJET DRIVER ANSWER I received 8 responses to my question on hooking a Mac to a LaserJet with PostScript. THANK YOU! Outlines of the letters follow and I will tell about the solution I chose at the end. Peter Galko PTRPB@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA } Uses the Asynchrounous LaserWriter Drivers without fail. Elisabeth Cuddihy } Want info on public domain serial laserwriter driver - sorry, but there } is a hack to the Apple LaserWriter Driver. See below. Ross Moran rtmoran@calstate } Used Apples Asynch Driver - works well after fixing a cabling problem } that could be atributed to the IBM 4019 laserprinter (DTR had to be set high) } Some other printer problems (can't have many fonts - 1.5 Mb RAM, and some } Apple specific postscript code for special effects don't work. } Works at 19.2 Kbaud. Have configuration file called Direct.ACL. This } file may be specific for Apple's printers. There are tweaked file around } for the HP and Pacific Page cartridges. } Have used MacPrint and JetLinK - very slow (6 times slower than postscript). } Suggested the AppleTalk upgrade for the LaserJet. } Thinks that the Asynch Driver has been orphaned. There is no AppleTalk Upgrade FROM HP for the Series II, (all of their other printers have upgrades from HP). There is the Bridgeport from Extended Systems (I actually have one for another computer and it works as advertised - nice), or a Pacific Data product whose name escapes me right now (more about Pacific Data later). Don Gillies Don Gillies sent the "generating-postscript" file available from sumex. Sorry that I had forgotten about it. This would be fine for me, BUT a hack job is not a good idea. What if I leave and it breaks? Thought someone would like to have th info. } Used MacPage to print to a HP IIID from a multiport serial card. } Tried to figure out the Asynch LaserWriter without the docs and } mentions a "bizarre" setup file. MacPage is what I have chosen. The person I spoke to was WRONG from Pacific Data products when she said that MacPage would only work with their cartridge (I just had to think about it a little - The cartridge should be enough like PostScript to accept PostScript commands - right?). I called up a print sharing company who regalarly sell the MacPage product for a serial connection to ANY postscript printer. You should probably check this though. The company is Wilco-AMS Inc. 473 Macara Avenue Suite 702 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 MacPage with educational discount is $74.25. I spoke to Richard who set up his father's business with the exact setup I want (HP II with Adobe Cartridge). Tom.Lane@G.GP.CS.CMU.EDU } Had heard that the APDA driver works great once you have it set up. } Some reservation about whether it would work under System 7.0. } Also keeps a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) document - I quess } on sumex-aim about printing to LaserJets. daniel schwabe } Prints to a DEC LN03R laser printer by downloading PS files using } ZTERM. } Uses Asynchrounous Driver to print to HP series II with and } Adobe PS cartridge. } Wrote his own ACL (I do not know what this is) to get around a bug } in the cartridge. Has another patch that enables smoother and } faster bitmap printing to an HP II. } Does work under System 7.0. with some caveats (can't modify setup from } chooser. } Has posted the instructions for the patch and a copy of the ACL } on Compuserve. Again, Thanks tim cera ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 09:07:57 -0700 From: (John Louch) Subject: start up items (diabling) Netters, A question about system 7.0!!! Is there anyway in which onw can prevent the startup of starup items in the startup folder! Is there some type of key combination which will allow you to dsiable this featuire of system 7.0 on startup? If it does not exist I'm sure somebody out there could make it (should be just like init picker)! Thanks, John Louch ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 11:14:49 SST From: TNG TaiHou <> Subject: SYS 7 KERNEL Ok. So 2 meg ram ain't enough to run more than one reasonably size application 'cause the system alone eats up more than 1 meg. Folks, this is ridiculous waste of space for a lot of wonderful functions that might never get used. Why can't the guys who wrote it do it like unix, with a small core. The rest gets loaded when necessary. Who used DAL in his/her computer back home? And why can't functions such as file copy be a code resource that gets loaded when it is needed. I thought the solution is easy. I certainly don't want lots of things loaded into ram that might never be used in my lifetime! What say you? ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Jun 91 17:25:17 EDT From: (Don Berry) Subject: System 7 wish list: hierarchical apple menu Sure, System 7 is wonderful, and I'm already totally hooked on the flexibility of the new apple menu, but wouldn't it be nice if... ...the contents of folders included in the apple menu were listed in hierarchical menus. Basically, this would just be the sort of functionality used by OnCue (and extended by Rich Ragan with his Freeware utility, hierLauncher.) The apple menu is too tempting. I want to put everything in it, but of course it gets cumbersome. So instead, I've got folders full of aliases ("In progress", "utilities", etc.) This is o.k., but I'm spoiled, and the 2-step process of picking the "In progress" folder >From the the apple menu and then double clicking on the file of interest is too tedious. The same thing is true for the Control Panel folder. I, for one, would be more than willing to pay a shareware fee to the clever programmer who adds this trick to the apple menu. Think of it... virtually ALL of your applications or work in progress could be accessed in a flash from the apple menu. Well, maybe two flashes. Rich Ragan, are you listening?? -Don Berry ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 14 Jun 91 15:28:50 CDT From: Subject: Turning the Mac off!! Come on folks. Do you realize the amount of energy that will be wasted if we ALL leave our Macs on? Maybe it is only $55 or so but there are a lot of personal computers, also, the figure was only for the difference between 8 hours and 24 hours. We are constantly bombarded with information about how to save energy and resources, yet there appear to be a lot of people willing to waste money so they can leave their computer on and entertain an empty office. I have used a Mac SE since 11/87 and have had days where I have turned it off and on 4, 5 or 6 times, yet never had any trouble. I have watched Macs being turned off and on all day in Mac Labs on campus, and yes they do break down, but it appears that power sources and related com ponents are not the culprits(sometimes). Let us be aware that we do not need to waste the energy, and we do have (my opinion) obligations not to actively waste resources if we can avoid it. I like the idea of the hardware technology used in the portable being used in the standard desktop Macs, I have been wanting that for quite awhile. Jeff Kline ( ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1991 08:09 CDT From: Subject: VGA and Macs I'm writing with an answer to my own question posted last week. In the Thurs., June 13 issue of the _Arkansas_Gazette_, Bob Schwabach's column "On Computers" reports that BMUG has developed an adapter that allows a color VGA monitor to be used on Macs. It costs $12 as a parts kit, or $40 fully assembled. Orders can be made from BMUG (415-549-BMUG) or James Engineering Co.(415-525-7350). Hope this helps some others who were also wondering. Brian P. Roden ------------------------------ Date: Friday, 14 June 1991 10:29am CT From: Subject: Visual? BASIC Somebody told me a couple of days ago about a new language that is sup- posedly "all the talk". I think they said it was from MicroSoft and was called Visual Basic or maybe Virtual Basic. They also said they knew of some people using it. So does anybody know anything about this? Is this a real product? Is it only in the beta stage? Whats so great about it? Any actual information would be appreciated. paul mccord , Univ. of TX at Austin (BITNET: pmccord@utxvm) (INTERNET: ) PS: And what's this about IBM asking Apple to write them a new DOS? Supposedly they're ganging up on MicroSoft. Go figure. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Jun 91 23:00:44 PDT From: (Paul Rensing) Subject: Zortech C++: more info? Recently, Geoffrey Parsons said that there is a Zortech C++ compiler for the Mac. Could someone please post or send me more information about it? When was it released? Can one get a demo copy? Does anyone know how to get an educational copy if my bookstore does not carry it? Thanks in advance. Paul Rensing ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Jun 91 18:18:08 GMT From: Emmanuel CASTRO <> Subject: ZORTECH C++ ??? Hi from France I heard about ZORTECH C++ a C++ compiler for the macintosh I need some information about it -Which price -Where can I find it (in the USA or in France) -Has it ready to use classes for easy making of Macintosh application (like MacApp or Think Class Libraries) (Please, don't write me to tell that there's MPW C++, I've already got it) Thanks in advance I wait your replies Emmanuel CASTRO CASTRO@FRMOP11.BITNET ------------------------------ End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************