[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V9 #140

info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (06/18/91)

Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 17 Jun 91       Volume 9 : Issue 140 

Today's Topics:

      [*] Adobe-Screen-Fonts.hqx
      [*] Bootswitch: Disables "Set Startup" Application
      [*] Password v1.3
      [*] PLP 3.0
      [*] Sound: Resistance is Futile
      'mcvert' ported to Iris available....
      Coin/Stamp Stacks
      FSOpen() XFCN query
      Help Pascal Init
      HyperCard - Old vs. New
      Laserwiter fonts (LWFN's) under System 7
      LC Screen resolution
      Macintosh X term emulators?
      Making the System Folder the default directory
      Millisecond timing on the Mac
      Modem that drops carrier at restart...
      Monitor for si
      mounting Sun disks etc
      On Leaving Machines On
      Pesky Miniscribe HD
      Recording evolving moire patterns onto video
      Safe locks and System 7
      start up items (diabling)
      Stripping off the highest bit
      Submitting programs to the archives
      Sys 7 Kernal
      system 7.0 warning msgs.
      Telnet and 7.0 (For Digest)
      upgrade path fm PFS:File, Filemaker PRO
      ZORTECH C++

The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: 4 Jun 91  9:31 -0700
From: Les Ferhc <ferch@unixg.ubc.ca>
Subject: [*] Adobe-Screen-Fonts.hqx

The following 746K archive includes a complete set of screen
(bitmap) fonts for the standard 11 font families found in most
PostScript printers.  These are the screen fonts from Adobe that
include plain, bold, italic, and bold-italic versions of sizes 10,
12 , 14, 18, and 24 point and have been combined into NFNT font
families.  This means, you won't actually see the bold, italic, and
bold-italic fonts in your Font menu, but they will be used when you
select the appropriate style via the Style menu.
As a bonus, I have applied the patch to Symbol and Chancery that
allows you to print these fonts in bold.
Further information is provided within a MacWrite document included
in the archive.
Now, if someone could provide 9 point versions of these fonts,
many of us who have to use tiny print would be very grateful.
[Archived as /info-mac/font/adobe-screen.hqx; 746K]


Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1991 06:59:08 GMT
From: gillies@m.cs.uiuc.edu (Don Gillies)
Subject: [*] Bootswitch: Disables "Set Startup" Application

Here is "Bootswitch", an INIT that disables the multifinder startup
application in multifinder / system 6.x or system 5.x.  It does not
work with system 7.0 (maybe some day).

Drop "Bootswitch" in your System Folder, then "Set Startup" as you
normally would.  When you machine boots, if you depress the CAPS LOCK
key (not the SHIFT key), then this startup application will be
disabled.  Bootswitch can also select between two different startup
applications; see the LightspeedC source doe [included] for more

Don Gillies  |  (gillies@cs.uiuc.edu)  |  University of Illinois

[Archived as /info-mac/ex/bootswitch.hqx; 11K]


Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1991 08:36:59 +0000
From: Ralph Martin <ralph@computing-maths.cardiff.ac.uk>
Subject: [*] Password v1.3

Here is version 1.3 of my Macintosh Password Protection utility, now
upgraded for System 7.0, including Balloon Help, etc. This is shareware,
but people who have already paid me for any previous version get this
upgrade for free.

[Archived as /info-mac/util/password-13.hqx; 19K]


Date: Wed, 5 Jun 91 10:08:05 EDT
From: kenh@eclectic.com (Ken Hancock)
Subject: [*] PLP 3.0

The enclosed Compact Pro archive contains GCC Technologies' PLP 3.0 printer
driver, release notes, and upload notes.  Please make sure you also
download the GCC Print Manager 3.0 archive as it is required.  Previous
versions will NOT work with PLP 3.0.
Customers upgrading from versions prior to 2.2 may want to consider
ordering the complete upgrade package from GCC as the outline fonts have
now been compressed and take up less disk space.  Should you have any
questions regarding the enclosed files or other GCC products, GCC may be
reached at our 800 number (1-800-422-0822) or via e-mail via the
Internet-Compuserve gateway at 76004.2302@compuserve.com.


[Archived as /info-mac/util/gcc-plp-30.hqx; 176K
             /info-mac/util/gcc-print-manager-30.hqx; 72K]


Date: Wed, 5 Jun 91 10:27:04 CDT
From: "James P. Callison" <jpcallis@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu>
Subject: [*] Sound: Resistance is Futile

Here is the Mac sound file "Resistance is Futile", as spoken by
Locutus of Borg in the Star Trek: The Next Generation season 3
cliff-hanger "The Best of Both Worlds (Part 1)". It was BinHex'd
using StuffIt v.1.5.1.
(I don't know who recorded it originally; I got it off of USENet.)


[Archived as /info-mac/sound/resistance-is-futile.hqx; 45K]


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 91 21:31:52 -0700
From: Mike Newton <newton@gumby.cs.caltech.edu>
Subject: 'mcvert' ported to Iris available....

Hi -- I made a couple fo changes to 'mcvert' from sumex::info-mac/unix
that allows it to be compiled on the SGI Iris (and probably other
system 5 boxes like the DG).  Feel free to put it on the archive or
forward this note to the list.

The patches were pretty minor.

It is at  csvax.cs.caltech.edu in pub/mcvert.tar

Lost in time and space, let alone reality,
- mike (newton@gumby.cs.caltech.edu)


Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 9:55:41 MST
From: "Luis F. Morales,Jr." <lmorales%natchez.huachuca-emh8.army.mil@huachuca-emh8.army.mil>
Subject: Coin/Stamp Stacks

Hi Netters,

I am trying to locate a Coin Collecting Stack and a Stamp Collecting Stack.
I checked the archives and found none.  Does anyone know of one in the public
domain or have one they would like to share.

Thanks in advance,

Luis (lmorales@huachuca-emh8.army.mil)


Date: 16 Jun 91 16:07 EDT
From: science@oasys.dt.navy.mil (Mark Zimmermann)
Subject: FSOpen() XFCN query

  Help!  I need to open a named file from within a HyperCard XFCN
(written by me in Think C, running under System 7.0 in HyperCard 2.1),
WITHOUT going through a Standard Files Dialog ... can somebody show me
an example of a Think C code fragment to do so?  Maybe this is trivial
(I hope so!), but I can't get it to work without calling SFGetFile()
first to get a vRefNum and file name (unless the named file is in
the same directory as HyperCard itself -- see below).  What am I doing
  Specifically, I seem to be having trouble with getting the vRefNum to
work right ... I had thought (naively?) that I could use 0 for a vRefNum
and provide a file name, and the file would be opened if it was in the
same directory as the current HC stack (which I assumed would be the
default volume) ... that clearly doesn't work.  I tried calling
GetVol() with NULL for volName, and that gives me back a vRefNum which
seems to correspond to the directory in which HyperCard itself lives
(which makes sense, since HC is running the stack which my XFCN is
executing from).  So, I can open my named file with FSOpen() when it
is in the same directory as HyperCard, not a good solution.  My attempts
to provide a colon-delimited path as part of the fileName given to
FSOpen() also have failed.
  So, any advice?  My ultimate goal is to simply find out the vRefNum
for the directory in which my stack is stored, and to open a named file
in that very directory.  Would it work to ask HyperCard to provide me
with "the long name of this stack" and then to edit that into shape?
But what about the vRefNum that I need to provide FSOpen()??
  Tnx for any advice or pointers to relevant info or sample code! ... ^z
   (Mark Zimmermann, "science@oasys.dt.navy.mil", "zimmermann" AppleLink)

P.S.  I am still interested in seeing examples/advice re interapplication
communication between HC2.1 stacks and UNIX-like processes running under
System 7 ... preferably in Think C ... has anybody done this yet?  ^z^z


Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 18:59:50 GMT
From: Andrea Viscovich 259872/SM <turner@alessia.dei.unipd.it>
Subject: Help Pascal Init

Forwarded message:
> From turner Mon Jun 17 18:48:24 1991
> From: Andrea Viscovich 259872/SM <turner@alessia.dei.unipd.it>
> Message-Id: <9106171748.AA10559@alessia.dei.unipd.it>
> Subject: posta
> To: turner (Andrea Viscovich 259872/SM)
> Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 18:48:20 GMT
> X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL0]
        we are two italian student and we are trying to do an init in Pascal
        Please,forgive us if you are going to waste a little time reading
        this letter,and thanks again for your time and answers!!
> 	Returning to INIT,we already know how to do one that does 
> 	something at the start up,but not yet one that set different traps!
> 	Now I try to explain better.
> 	We built the following code resourse and we use it as a resource 
> 	for the INIT.
> 	unit provaRes;
> interface
> {    uses}
> {    sound;}
> 	procedure main;
> implementation
> 	procedure DoJSR (addr: LongInt);{this has to Jump to the original routine}
> 	inline                    {the mouse button in our case}
> 		$205F, $4E90;
> 	procedure main;
> 		var
> 			h: handle;
> {    e: OSErr;}
> 	begin
> {h := GetResource('snd ', 1004);}
> {hLock(h);}
> {e := SndPlay(nil, h, true);}
> {hUnLock(h);}
> {DisposHandle(h);}
> Sysbeep(20);
>     DoJsr(148056);        {148056 it's the long word of the button trap}
> 	                      {address,but probably it isn't always the same}
> 						  {but this is a problem that we resolve later}
> 	end;
> end.
> 	Now there is the Init that use the previous as resourse
> 	unit init;
> interface
> 	procedure main;
> implementation
> 	procedure main;
> 		var
> 			h, k: Handle;
> 			jGNEFilter: ^longint;
> 			oldAddr: longInt;
> 	begin
> 		h := GetResource('INIT', 181);
> 		HLock(h);
> 		k := GetResource('cici', 300);{cici is the resource before}
> 		DetachResource(k);
> 		hlock(k);
> 		oldAddr := GetTrapAddress($174);{$174 is the mouse button trap}
> 		SetTrapAddress(longint(k^), $174);{longint(k^) is where we want
> 		                                  {to go when the mouse button
> 										  is pressed}{I think the error
> 										  is here!(but I don't know how to
> 										  solve it)}
> {    jGNEFilter := Pointer($29E);}  {this is something to use instead of
> {    jGNEFilter^ := Longint(k^);}   mouse button,for the moment we didn't
> 									use it}
> 		hunlock(k);
> 		HUnLock(h);
> 	end;
> end.
> 	The end is that we obtain a system error (ID=02 or 03 or 10)
> 	That's almost all.
> 	How many mistakes we made?
> 	Bye,hope to hear you soon!!!(if you need anything tell me please)
> 				Andrea&Andrea.
> P.S This INIT has to beep when mousebutton is pressed.


Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 14:01 EDT
From: RiSKy business <RKRICK@ruby.vcu.edu>
Subject: HyperCard - Old vs. New

	I have a HyperCard stack that must use the older version of HC (v1.2.5)
	to execute properly.  I also have stacks that use the new version 
	(v2.0).  My problem : when the v1.2.5 stack is executed it "finds" the
	newer version and starts executing...needless to say, it doesn't work
	properly.  How can I "hard code" this stack to use ONLY the v1.2.5 HC ?
	This is probably very basic...Thanks a bunch...

	R. Scott Krick
	Manager, Computer Based Instruction Lab
	Medical College of Virginia


Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1991 10:58:58 CDT
From: A_WILLISGT@ccsvax.sfasu.edu (TY WILLIS)
Subject: Laserwiter fonts (LWFN's) under System 7

Okay, netters, here's another one...

Under System 7, should Laserwriter files (LWFN's) be placed in the Extensions
folder, or should they reside just inside the System folder (i.e., not in
My sanity and I thank you in advance.
Ty Willis				a_willisgt@ccsvax.sfasu.edu


Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 09:29:40 EST
From: Murph Sewall <SEWALL%UCONNVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: LC Screen resolution

I brought our local bookstore a VERY Appleish desktop screen for the
LC on display.  I noticed two things immediately - 1) the color graphic
doesn't look nearly as pretty on the 12 inch screen as on the 13.  In
fact it looks VERY much like it does when ported to a MeSsy DOS (VGA)
box.  2) The LC swithes to 16 colors every time it is restarted (its got
System 7 and only 2 MB) instead of remembering what color depth is set
in Monitor.  When I changed the color depth from 4 to 8 bits the picture
didn't look any different (maybe my poor old eyeballs simply aren't
discerning enough).  I've just gotten too used to the quality of the 13 inch


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 91 17:47:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Gregory S. Fox" <gf0c+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Macintosh X term emulators?


  This is probably a frequently asked question, but I'm looking for
input on Macintosh X terminal emulators; something that will work
(reliably) with an X terminal server  (eg- a Sun).  Just a pointer
to a vendor would be fine, actual experience with a package would
be much appreciated.

  Send me e-mail and I'll summarize meaningful responses.



Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1991 09:30 EDT
From: GLENN ROSEN <GROSEN@lucy.wellesley.edu>
Subject: Making the System Folder the default directory

I am writing a program where the user creates a file that needs to be
saved into the system folder. When I call SFPutFile I want the default
directory to be the system folder. I have attempted to do this by
calling SysEnvirons(environsVersion, theWorld) where
environsVersion:=2. I then use theWorld.sysVRefNum as the value for
vRefNum in a SetVol call. I thought this would set the default
directory to the system folder. When I call SFPutFile, however, the
default directory is the last directory where I had opened a file. I
then tried creating and opening a temp file in the system folder
before calling SFPutFile, and again there was no change (although I
did successfully write the temp file to the system folder). I have
used a similar routine to find a file in the system folder (that is,
using SetVol to set the default directory), so I am quite baffled. I
assume that I am missing something obvious.
I would appreciate any help from programmers out there. I am aware
that the Gestalt Manager handles these things a little better, but I
am not certain that this program is going to be always run on Macs
with v6.0.4 of the system or greater.
Please respond directly, and I will summarize for the net if
requested. Thanks in advance.
Glenn Rosen                    (grosen@lucy.wellesley.edu)


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 1991 18:49:02 GMT
From: rpoldrac@s.psych.uiuc.edu (Russ Poldrack)
Subject: Millisecond timing on the Mac

I tried to email this to the original author but failed, so here it
There was an article in Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and
Computers (1990, 22(2), 105-117) by Ronald Rensink entitled
"Toolbox-based routines for Macintosh timing and display" which tells
all about doing ms timing in Think Pascal.  I have implemented some of
the code and can email it to anyone who is interested.
Russ Poldrack
Univ. of Illinois


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 91 12:27 CST
From: WILLIAMS@gamma.is.tcu.edu
Subject: Modem that drops carrier at restart...

JK> decides to lock up, when I do a reboot (with the programmer's
JK> reboot switch on the front of the IIci) the modem port gets reset
JK> and I lose my connection. Is there any way to configure the system
JK> to not reset the

>-John Kriens

This is a "Feature" of the DTR line from the Mac to the modem.  You can
prevent it by setting 

"AT &D0" 

to override the DTR reset function.  The limitation to this change is that
you will now have to use


to disconnect.  If you have (or get in the future) a high speed modem that
requires the use of a hardware handshaking cable, this problem will disappear.

You can confirm that this is what is happening by watching the "DTR" or "TR"
light on the front of your modem (if it has one) when hitting the programmer's
switch.  The indicator should extinguish immediately, followed by the "CD" &
"OH" lights.

Mark Williams


Date: 17 Jun 91 13:51 +0200
From: "K.F. Wender" <wender@uni-trier.dbp.de>
Subject: Monitor for si

I+m looking for a cheap occasion to get a monitor for a IIsi,
does someone have information about mounting an VGA monitor
on  a IIsi? I also need some hints for getting driver software and 
a kind of wiring plan. Can anybody help me?
Please send e-mail to wender@uni-trier.dbp.de
Markus Specht


Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 14:53 EDT
From: KARL WALDMAN <KWALDMAN@wash-vax.bbn.com>
Subject: mounting Sun disks etc

	I would like to be able to mount Sun disks (or Vax) on my mac, is
this possible?  I am especially interested in anything that works over local
talk to ethernet.




Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 14:26:17 -0400
From: "Keith E Gatling" <kgatling@rodan.acs.syr.edu>
Subject: On Leaving Machines On

Well here's my two cents.

Normally I leave my machine on all the time.  But since we live in a flat
without air conditioning, (and even if we did, we would consider running
it all the time just to be able to leave the Mac on a bit wasteful), when 
it gets to be about May, I turn off the machine as soon as I'm done.  
Having your machine freeze up on you a couple of times from overheating will 
make you a bit cautious about that.  Now as soon as September hits, I go back
to leaving everything on.

Also, maybe I'm a bit paranoid, but whenever it looks like there's going 
to be an electrical storm, I not only turn off my machine, but I unplug
the power strip that the Mac and modem are plugged into AND I unplug the
modem from the phone jack.  I don't take *NO* chances!



Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1991 6:20:09 CDT
From: A_WILLISGT@ccsvax.sfasu.edu (TY WILLIS)
Subject: Pesky Miniscribe HD

Okay, netters, here's one for you...

There's a Miniscribe 20meg hard drive sitting on my desk that I want to use for
transporting files around campus. Trouble is, it's an IBM drive, and the SCSI
ID jumper pins are a little unfamiliar. So far, I haven't been able to give the
drive a SCSI address that a Mac will recognize.

It's got ten pins where the Mac drives only have eight. Everything else seems
to be identical. And yes, it works fine on an IBM.

If anybody out there is familiar with IBM SCSI addressing, please drop me a
line. I'll admit, the drive makes a nice paperweight, but I'd like to put it to
better use...

BTW, it's a Miniscribe 8425 S, SCSI, 20 meg, 3.5" half height.
I will summarize for the net if there is any interest expressed.

Ty Willis                     a_willisgt@ccsvax.sfasu.edu


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 1991 07:59 EST
From: DRAPHAELY@vax.clarku.edu
Subject: Recording evolving moire patterns onto video

I'm interested in recording approx 3 mins sequences of evolving moire patterns
onto black-and-white video. Does anybody have any idea of hardware and software
that might accomplish this?

If you want to reply directly to me, I will summarize if this generates some
interesting proposals.

-Den Raphaely


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 91 21:45:32 IST
From: "Dr. Michael Silverstein" <MTRMS01%TECHNION@taunivm.tau.ac.il>
Subject: Safe locks and System 7

I am a recent susbscriber, and have a few
questions regarding items I've heard mentioned:

I am looking for a SAFE way to 'lock' my
Mac II ci (4/80) with a password, and was
wondering how I can do that and will it
a) prevent access to the hard disk
b) prevent someone using the computer from a system on diskette
c) prevent someone from using command and alt keys from
   disabling the protection.

In addition, I have a BLP laserwriter which, as far as
I can tell has to be hooked through the appletalk
port, which puts it on a network. I heard of a something
called Laserwriter Lock. Will this make the printer available
to me and not to anyone else, or will it just 'hide' the

Also, I have been using the Mac for about 1 year, adding
and erasing all sorts of systems, programmes, etc.
Should I be optimizing the disk every once in a while?
Is there a SAFE way to do this?

Finally, I downloaded something that seems to be System 7
>From ftp.apple.com  After unpacking it I had 1.444 M
files, all with a .image suffix.  These are too
small to put on microfloppies, although I understand that
is the general idea.  What are these .image files,
what do I do with them, how do I get system 7 running,
without wiping out system 6,
can I switch using system switcher between 6 and 7.

Any help will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance for the replies.


Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1991 08:19 EDT
From: "David J. Knapke 317/283-9420" <KNAPKE%BUTLERU.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: start up items (diabling)

>       A question about system 7.0!!!  Is there anyway in which onw
>can prevent the startup of starup items in the startup folder!  Is
>there some type of key combination which will allow you to dsiable
>this featuire of system 7.0 on startup?  If it does not exist I'm sure
>somebody out there could make it (should be just like init picker)!

If you hold down on the shift key after the last Extension has loaded,
no 'Startup Items' will load.

DJK   Knapke@buteru.bitnet


Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 14:43:09 -0400
From: ctchou@kodak.com (JOE CHOU, CTCHOU@KODAK.COM, INTERNET)
Subject: Stripping off the highest bit

Does anybody know of a program that can strip off the highest bit of a
non-plain-ascii text file, a WordStar file, for example?

Thanks in advance for any reply. 



Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1991 8:54:46 EDT
From: IOCONNOR@sunrise.acs.syr.edu
Subject: Submitting programs to the archives

Flame on!
I just spent over an hour downloading stuff that would not work on my 
mac--not color, doesnt have a coprocessor, is for system 7, etc.

As someone recently requested--could submitters of programs please 
identify the programs requirements if the program must be run on 
anything other than a compact mac?  Stating whether system 7 is 
required would also be helpful since many of us still use sys 6.

Thanks bery much!  Flame off!


Keep on Mac'in!


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 1991 14:37:04 CDT
From: GEOFFREY PARSONS <parsons%WKUVX1.bitnet@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu>
Subject: Sys 7 Kernal

  DAL, FileSharing, and many other things can be turned off via
Extention Manager (so they aren't loaded.) The simple fact is that system
7 has many new managers with tons of new calls. Have you seen InsideMac 6?
IM6 covers the additions to system 7. IM 6 is the size of a New York phone
  Why can't you by more memory? Memory is very cheap now.
  Unix? A/UX requires a min. of 4Mb of memory!


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 91 12:11 EDT
From: KARL WALDMAN <KWALDMAN@wash-vax.bbn.com>
Subject: system 7.0 warning msgs.

	I've seen this question before, but not the answers and I am
having the same problem.  I have a Mac SE, 4meg memory, 68020 accelarator
and system 7.0  Whenever there is a system message it prints it so that only
the bottom half of the message box is shown, the rest is off the screen.
No other software I have does this including the print monitor.
	Anyone have any solutions?

	Thanks in advance




Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 8:18:36 EST
From: Tkelley@hel4.brl.mil
Subject: Telnet and 7.0 (For Digest)

	I have a macIIx and an ethernet connection to a SUN machine. I am
	using telnet 2.4b12 and system 7.0. I am getting bus errors like
	crazy. I have a freind here who as a macfx with a appletalk connection
	who is using 7.0 and he can't connect at all. Anyone out there
	have any suggestions?

	Troy Kelley


Date: Sat, 15 Jun 91 23:27 PDT
From: CONDOF%CLARGRAD.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: trashchute20.hqx

Beware of the utility Trash Chute! If you drag an ALIAS onto it, it will
delete the ORIGINAL file, not the alias file! You can easily destroy
vast quantities of data if you are not aware of this, and you must
never try to delete an alias with this utility. Use the trash can in
the Finder instead.


Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 08:41:05 -0700
From: grian!alex@elroy.jpl.nasa.gov
Subject: upgrade path fm PFS:File, Filemaker PRO

I have a customer with a rather varied setup: they have the very first version
of PFS:File (Yes, A.00 from 1985--I couldn't believe it either) which Software
Publishing no longer makes/supports; FileMaker Pro, whose mfr. (Nashoba)
I cannot find; Works, which doesn't seem able to eat either of the above.

I need a way to get all these files into one database & manage them.
Any suggestions/takers?

E-mail, please...	


Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 11:11:16 GMT
From: Sak Wathanasin <sw@network-analysis-ltd.co.uk>
Subject: ZORTECH C++

In Infomac digests vol 9 no 138, Emmanuel CASTRO <CASTRO@FRMOP11.BITNET> asks

> I heard about ZORTECH C++
> a C++ compiler for the macintosh
> I need some information about it

see below

> -Which price

250 pounds sterling, a *lot* less in the US (I *think* someone said US$300).

> -Where can I find it (in the USA or in France)

I've had a copy of Zortech C++ for a few weeks now. I got it from

Zortech Ltd
58-60 Beresford Street
London SE18 6BG
(+44) 81 316 7777
fax: (+44) 81 316 4138

For people in the US:

Zortech Inc
4-C Gill Street
MA 01801
(+1) 617 937 0696
fax: (+1) 617 643 7969

> -Has it ready to use classes for easy making of Macintosh application
>   (like MacApp or Think Class Libraries)

It generates code that can use MacApp, but you have to buy MacApp as a separate

The compiler is simple to install, but requires another set of header and
library files (needs another 2MB of disk). Compilation speed is good, but only
a little bit faster than CFront/C with load/dump (ie precompiled headers). With
programs that use large header files (such as the MacApp headers), I think the
CFront/C combo may even be faster if you use precompiled headers. Code
generation with full opt. is good: seems to run as fast as MPW C with -68020
switch on. (This doesn't mean that it makes your Plus an fx, but that you'd get
roughly the same %age speedup if the 68000 in your Plus were to be replaced
with a 68020 at the same clock speed.)

I posted an item in comp.sys.mac.programmer about ZTC describing a problem with
it, and asking others to describe their experiences with it. I have received a
few replies with descriptions of problems; I have promised to summarize and
will do so shortly. Briefly, there are at least 4 bugs in ZTC that either crash
the compiler, or generate incorrect code (send me email if you want details).
Note that I have a *final* release version for which I have paid full price and
not a beta.

All the problems are related to interfacing with MacApp or the Mac toolbox.
Given Zortech's reputation on other platforms, I'd guess that the core of the
compiler is solid, and that the problems that I've encountered are porting
problems. In all fairness, their tech support has been very responsive, but I
think their beta testing should have been more extensive. I cannot recommend it
wholeheartedly at the moment, and suggest that you wait for the next release
unless you like being on the "bleeding edge".


Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 10:11:58 CST
From: Todd Campbell <TCAMPBE%ISUCARD.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>


Our shop has the Blues, and we're trying to infiltrate with Macs.
We have a IIci with 4 meg and Apple's tokentalk board.

When connected to OS/2 Lan server 1.3 with HPFS drives,
we can't run DFT and AFE together, and we have to reboot to
switch between them.  When we do this, MAC DFT works as
expected, but AFE only shows 8 files or 8 directories on the
network drive.

When connected to PC Lan Program DOS Server, AFE works as expected,
DFT works as expected, but we still have to restart to switch between
them.  In the future we won't have a DOS server, so this won't help

When we installed System 7 on the machine, MAC DFT works, but
SMB File Transfer does not.  System 7 rejects the program installed
under 6.0.x, and we can't install it in system 7 because it has to
boot from the install floppy and we can't fit 7 on that floppy.

Apple people here say they know about the 8 file problem, but say they
don't know if there will ever be a fix.

1. Is there any known way to get this to behave with System 7?

2. Are there any TCP/IP programs that will work with this card and net?

3. Will we be able to run Appletalk over the same network between two
   Macs at the same time that they run DFT, AFE, TCP/IP...?

In view of recent "We're Open to Anything" ads, I'd think this would
be a big push for Apple.  Has anyone any token ring advice for us?


End of Info-Mac Digest