[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V9 #143

info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (06/21/91)

Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 20 Jun 91       Volume 9 : Issue 143 

Today's Topics:

      ".Z" files and SMTP mail: the answers
      Apple's New Non-Support Policy
      CD ROMs and System 7.0
      Cricket Graph & tabs ...
      Data capture on serial port
      Does sys 7 spool to ImageWriter
      Driver for Micropolis 1558
      FDHD Disks/System 7/Apple File Exchanger/Steve Greenfield
      Hypercard - Old vs. New
      Looking for BBS Software
      MacDraw <-> MacWrite Alignment Problem
      MacTCP & Sys7 (Works??)
      Nec monitors
      New Galaxy Release (fwd)
      Open-wide 2.4
      Preferences folder and foreign systems 7.0
      Printscreen problem with term emulation programs
      Quickeys 2.01?
      Remember? 2.1.2 and System 7
      Summary:  Macintosh X-term Emulators
      Third Party Hard Drives and System 7.0
      window size

The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 08:01:06 CDT
From: traurig@ncavax.decnet.lockheed.com (Scott Traurig/603-885-3408/Lockheed Sanders)
Subject: ".Z" files and SMTP mail: the answers

             Thank you everyone for the numerous replies to my
         questions. Here are the answers for those who are curious:

             ".Z" files are compressed files that can be restored by
         using the "uncompress" command on a unix machine, or by
         getting "MacCompress" from the sumex archives.

             The 2 files I had retrieved turned out to be damaged, but
         Beavergate is a SMTP gateway for Quickmail users, which I
         can't use. The other one is too far gone to identify. Of
         course, I would post a question about SMTP mail gateways just
         as that question is being answered for me in the previous
         issue of info-mac :)  I will be trying "LeeMail".

             Scott (traurig@ncavax.decnet.lockheed.com)


Date: Thursday, 20 Jun 1991 15:50:41 EDT
From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Apple's New Non-Support Policy

Disclaimer:   The following does not represent West Virginia University,
it's policies or the policy of the department that I work in.  It is only
my opinion.

I think most people consider me an Apple booster.  Some even accuse me
of being a Mac fanatic.  Guilty as charged.  However, Apple has
a new policy that is deeply troubling. It has to do with local support
of their systems.

In the past, decent Apple support was hard to find at WVU (and other
campuses for that matter).  The bookstore wasn't strong on Macs and
with just one Apple SE to cover all of West Virginia, support was
stretched thin.  Apple must have realised this because they created a
local support policy.  Certain individuals on campus were asked to
volunteer as Apple Technical Coordinator's - or ATCs.  The ATCs were
to assist campus users with problems and questions.  If the ATC needed
help, he had an AppleLink account where he could question Apple's
Technical Operations staff.  This seemed to work out reasonably well.

Yesterday, I received the following message from Apple's technical

  "Now for the bad news, we at Technical Operations are no longer
   supporting Apple Technical Coordinator accounts via phone or
   AppleLink.  There has been a Support Line set up called the
   Technical Coordinator AnswerLine for ATCs and other accounts.
   For pricing information or more specifics on the product, please
   call 1-800-950-2442."

Yesterday I called the number.  The bottom line is that Apple wants
WVU (and other institutions) to pay $1,995 per year per coordinator
in order to receive technical assistance.  The way I see it, the
ATCs are providing a service to Apple.  With the ATC program, Apple
doesn't need to place qualified support personnel on campus.  The kind
of items ATC's handle, help increase user satisfaction and promote
the use of Macs on campus.  To my thinking, it is absolutely ludicrous
for Apple to charge nearly $2,000 for a service that benefits them
as much as it does anyone else.

I fear that unless Apple changes its policy, it may be very hard for
me to recommend the purchase of Macs to campus departments.  I would
be curious to know if others have considered this problem and if there
is something that we as users and campus representatives can do to
cause Apple to consider the damage that is being done by this policy.


Date: Thursday, 20 Jun 1991 15:02:59 EDT
From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: CD ROMs and System 7.0

Has anyone noticed that with 7.0's file sharing turned on, a CD placed in
Apple CD SC can not be ejected.  If it is dragged to the trash, the
Mac says that it can not be removed because it is being shared - even
if it's not!

Another undocumented feature, or a bug?  If you turn file sharing off
the CD can be ejected.  No, no one is using the CD besides the local
Mac.  Hmmmm!


Date: Wed, 19 Jun 91 19:51:54 PDT
From: Les_Ferch@mtsg.ubc.ca
Subject: Cricket Graph & tabs ...

One important note about converting space delimited columnar data
to tab delimited data...
That is, if you have columns where there are blanks, and you use a
conversion method that changes space runs or white space to tabs,
wherever there is a blank in a column, your data will shift right
one column. Yuck.
The answer is to "Parse" the text file.  Lotus 123 has always had
this feature and I expect Lotus Mac will as well.  The shareware
program AddStrip can also parse text files.  However, neither of
these programs make this chore an easy one.  You have to fiddle
with a formmating line and get the syntax just right.
Does anyone know of a program that makes parsing columnar data
files easy?  (Please, no suggestions for McSink or Vantage - I
have those - they can't do it).


Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1991 12:49 EST
From: MacPhreak! <JPONS@vax.clarku.edu>
Subject: Data capture on serial port

Hello netters!

I am wondering if there is a utility to capture the data coming in/out of the   
modem port while a coomunications program is connected to host?

One other unrelated question.
I saw on a friend's computer a system extension called Warhol that displayed a 
Campbells can of soup at startup. Does anyone know what this extansion does? 

Please respond to me and if there is enough interest I will summarize to the   
net as usual.



INTERNET JPons@Vax.ClarkU.Edu  BITNET JPons@ClarkU  AOL MacPhreak


Date: 20 Jun 91 12:28 -0700
From: Mark Alldritt <Mark.Alldritt@vancouver.osiware.bc.ca>
Subject: Does sys 7 spool to ImageWriter

System 7 does not spool to image writers.

I also use SuperSpool 5.0, and it is not compatible with system 7 (system 7 
finder crashes on startup).  I contacted 5th Generation Software and learned 
that there is no upgrade available at this time.  Further, they could only 
say that an upgrade would be available sometime this summer, and that 
registered users would be informed when it is available.  No pricing was given.

A utility that allows an application to print in the background (I forget the
name) was receintly posted to this list.  Apparently this utility is system
7 compatible.  I've not yet tried it, but its going to be my next step.



Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 16:50:34 +0200
From: peter%FenK.WAU.NL@cunyvm.cuny.edu
Subject: Driver for Micropolis 1558

We have a Micropolis 1558 disk, that we want to connect to the Mac SE/30
SCSI interface. Does anyone know of a driver for the 1558?

Peter Barneveld


Date: 20 June 1991 12:48:17 CDT
From: "Richard K. Wolf (312) 996-9664" <U16480%UICVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: FDHD Disks/System 7/Apple File Exchanger/Steve Greenfield

This may be a related to Steve Greenfield's FDHD problem -- I'm not sure.

Last Saturday I was reformatting floppy diskettes on my Mac IIci using
Apple File Exchanger.  Since some diskettes were formatted by DOS, others
by the Mac, it was easier for me to use AFE to format them all.  That way,
if there was anything valuable on a particular diskette, be it a Mac
or DOS formatted disk, I'd be able to see it right away.

Anyways, I came across three FDHD diskettes which could not be formatted
by AFE as Mac diskettes.  Funny thing was, all three _could_ be formatted
as FDHD diskettes by the Finder!  If memory serves, each diskette had
formerly been formatted by DOS on a PS/2 Model 30.  I wasn't sure which
application was being goofier about the formatting of the diskettes, Finder
or AFE.

I should say that I am already running System 7.0 and am using the AFE
that came with the "Disk Tools" gold diskette.  I don't think Steve was
using System 7 when he tried.

Any clues about this weird stuff?  No big deal really -- I'm just curious.

Richard K. Wolf
University of Illinois at Chicago


Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 10:32 EDT
From: Jane Hesler <HESLER@ruby.vcu.edu>
Subject: Hypercard - Old vs. New

From:	GEMS::RKRICK       "RiSKy business" 17-JUN-1991 14:01:20.21
To:	JANEH, BETSY, NET%"info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu"
Subj:	HyperCard - Old vs. New

	I have a HyperCard stack that must use the older version of HC (v1.2.5)
	to execute properly.  I also have stacks that use the new version 
	(v2.0).  My problem : when the v1.2.5 stack is executed it "finds" the
	newer version and starts executing...needless to say, it doesn't work
	properly.  How can I "hard code" this stack to use ONLY the v1.2.5 HC ?
	This is probably very basic...Thanks a bunch...

	R. Scott Krick
	Manager, Computer Based Instruction Lab
	Medical College of Virginia


Date: 20 Jun 91 11:45:00 EST
From: evans@grumpy.dgrc.doc.ca
Subject: Looking for BBS Software

I am looking for some public domain BBS software so that I can transfer files 
between my unattended Macintosh at home and a remote Macintosh.

Is Hermes 1.6 public domain?  Where can I FTP Hermes or other BBS software from?

Randy Evans
Ottawa, Canada


Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 11:27:31 -0200
From: Peter Kay <comqpk@hatfield.ac.uk>
Subject: MacDraw <-> MacWrite Alignment Problem

A short time ago, I posted the following message to the digest:

> I have been asked by a colleague to get advice on a problem which is 
> driving him mad. When he incorporates MacDraw II drawings in MacWrite II
> documents and prints the resulting documents on a laserwriter, the lines
> of the drawing no longer meet, and this problem isn't cured by using the
> "Group" facility to lock the lines into one object.

I had a few responses, two of which made a lot of sense (thanks to Mark 
Nutter and Peter Harrison). The gist of one suggestion was to select
the Precision Bitmap Alignment option under Page Setup (in MacWrite
and/or MacDraw) and the other was to approach the same solution from a 
different direction, ie., to set the grid snap in MacDraw and to use
the grid spacing of 1/72 of an inch.... to tie up with the resolution
supported my MacWrite.

I would have put money on these suggestions curing the problem. I am glad
I didn't because even when both suggestions were put into effect
simultaneously, the problem wasn't completely cured. The difficult junctions
were those where curved lines joined straight lines. The final solution
was a fudge. We went to a magnification of 3200 and, using the handles,
made the lines OVERLAP.

Thanks for the help.

Peter Kay, Hatfield Polytechnic


Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1991 17:07:19 PDT
From: LIVESEY@merry.rad.washington.edu (John Livesey)
Subject: MacTCP & Sys7 (Works??)

I seem to remember reading that v1.0 of MacTCP was incompatible with
System 7.0.  This incompatibility was one of the chief reasons I've gone
slowly with testing Sys 7 - waiting for our campus site-license to receive
the update to 1.1 or 1.2 which "is" compatible.  However, today, for grins,
I put MacTCP (v1.0) in the CP folder, MacTCP Prep in the main Sys Folder, 
and a copy of Telnet (2.3.2W) on the drive from which Sys 7 boots.  I ran
the installer to install ethertalk software... and voila... it works

Configuration: MacIIci, 8MB/80 with Sys7 installed on a Mirror Syquest
cartridge drive.

My question to the Mac gurus out there: Can I expect this to work on other
macs (ethernet connected) or is this a fluke and I really should go lathering
after a MacTCP upgrade?

Oh, forgot: the IIci has an Asante Ethernet board, if that matters...

John Livesey


Date: Sun, 20 Jun 99 16:57:37
From: rhz@cwns4.ins.cwru.edu (Hobbes)
Subject: MaxAppleZoom

I've had MaxAppleZoom v1.2 running under system 7 for quite a few months.  Today 
for some reason, it decided to no longer be compatible with my system.  I tried 
a backup of the same v1.2 and the newer v1.3, neither would work.  As this 
little cp recovers a considerable amount of desktop real estate, I would 
appreciate hearing any ideas you might have, or in getting the author's e-mail 
address if he has one.



Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 09:57:18 ITA
From: ibrahim <IBRAHIM%IVRUNIV.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Nec monitors

Hi all,

   I am palnning to get a Macintosh IIci and i think to get a non-apple
monitor for it (Nec IIID). I wish to know if some one used this monitor with
Macintosh and how was the result.


                                      IBRAHIM KHACHAB


Date: Wed, 19 Jun 91 18:31:46 EST
From: jeffrey templon <templon@copper.ucs.indiana.edu>
Subject: New Galaxy Release (fwd)

This will be of interest to Mac users, as it runs on the Mac.
Galaxy is a programming environment, with a sort
of object-oriented language.  GLE is an implementation of a circuit
drawing / analysis package using the Galaxy environment.  I have
no further information.

Forwarded message:
> From beetem@eceserv0.ece.wisc.edu Wed Jun 19 12:41:38 1991
> Date:  Wed, 19 Jun 91 11:54:34 -0500
> From: beetem@eceserv0.ece.wisc.edu (John Beetem)
> Message-Id:  <9106191654.AA15314@eceserv0.ece.wisc.edu>
> To: beetem@eceserv0.ece.wisc.edu
> Subject: New Galaxy Release
> Greetings!
> A new release of Galaxy is now available, with the following features:
> 1.  GHDL (Galaxy Hardware Description Language), Hardware Flowcharts,
>     and State Diagrams are now available.  The directory GCS.tar
>     has a user manual for these in LaTeX format, with figures.
> 2.  There have been a number of small improvements to GLE.
>     The most noticable is group move with rubber band lines.
>     When you select a group in GLE with button 1, lines that
>     cross the group now stretch when you move the contents of
>     the group.  Select with button 2 to avoid rubber lines.
> 3.  The Mac SE simulation start-up error is now fixed.
> 4.  Galaxy now runs on the Sun-3!  In fact, the version is identical
>     to the HP 9000/3XX/4XX except for the bootstrap file.
> 5.  The hierarchical simulator now checks time stamps, preventing
>     crashes due to inconsistent hierarchies.
> 6.  A number of small user-interface enhancements have been done.
> 7.  A number of minor bugs have been fixed.
> To obtain the new version, connect to "eceserv0.ece.wisc.edu"
> ( using FTP.  Log in as "anonymous" with password
> "guest".  Galaxy is in directory "pub/galaxy".  The file "README"
> in that directory gives further instructions.
> To update to the new version, replace all current Galaxy directories
> with the contents of pub/galaxy.  You will not have to replace
> the CAD directory (the one that contains dozens of components), since
> it is unchanged except that Add.Lgx and Sub.Lgx have been replaced with
> AddX.Lgx and SubX.Lgx.  These files can be copied from the Galaxy/Updates
> folder on eceserv0 to your own CAD directory.  This will save you
> the trouble of retransferring the CAD directory.  If you have
> any files that contain Add.Lgx and/or Sub.Lgx, replace those
> instances with AddX.Lgx and SubX.Lgx.  Other than this, all your data
> files should be OK.
> Please let me know if you have any problems or questions.
> Best Regards,
> John Beetem
> ECE Department
> University of Wisconsin - Madison


Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 00:57:29 PDT
From: REM@suwatson.stanford.edu
Subject: Open-wide 2.4

I tried to reply to an INFO-MAC posting by:
Jim Walker <walkerj@milo.math.scarolina.edu>
but there seems to be no such host, so I'm posting my reply publicly:

<<Date: Fri, 7 Jun 91 23:09:36 -0400 -- This fixes a bug in the previous
version that sometimes caused a crash on startup. -- System 6.0.4 or
later is required; ... [Archived as /info-mac/cp/open-wide-14.hqx;
I have only 6.0.3. Will the older version work with 6.0.3? What chance
is there of the new version being fixed to work with 6.0.3?
Is there anyplace I can obtain 6.0.4 or 6.0.5? All I can find on the net
is 6.0.7 (which can't run Hypercard 1.2.x) and 7.0 (ditto). I want to
upgrade to 6.0.5 because it should still allow me to run Hypercard 1.2.x
while having some bugs fixed and supporting Open-wide, PrintAid 1.4,


Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1991 10:32:45 +0200
From: JM CORTES <EPARI@etsii.unizar.es>
Subject: Preferences folder and foreign systems 7.0

A brief note for all who programs 7.0 software:

Don't suppose that the preferences folder was called "preferences". There may
be another form to localize the prefences folder that for name (I don't know).
I'm testing a Spanish version of 7.0 and the preferences folder has other name
("Preferencias"). Some application use rigth this folder (Resedit,Gatekeeper,
Applicon), but others not (DownLine,FlipperPixel).

Can anybody post here what is the way to get a path to the preferences folder?

-- JM


Date: 20 Jun 91 02:12:09 GMT
From: david@metz.une.oz.au (David Macalpine)
Subject: Printscreen problem with term emulation programs

I am posting this for a friend.

Question is:

Does anyone know of a Macintosh Terminal emulation program that 
doesn't have the following fault:

I wish to use the Macintosh to run a database application on a Vax.  At 
various time during the operation I need to print the contents of the 
terminal screen.  No problems so far.  However, the program draws boxes 
around various parts of the screens.  I'm not sure how it does it because the 
link is only a 7 bit link and there are no box characters in the first 128 ASCII 
characters.  There also are no box drawing escape sequences that I can find.  
The only method that I can think of is that it is changing the character set 
but my manual doesn't list the character sets available in an ANSI terminal 
so I can't confirm it.

Despite the problem of how it is done, all three communication programs 
that I have tried correctly draw the boxes on their terminal screen.  
However, when I try to print the screen, in two cases (Termulator and VT 
Pro) the line draw characters come out as other non line characters.  The 
problem with the third case (Kermit) has been in getting it to print the 
screen.  I have managed to develop a cumbersome system involving 
changing fonts in a word processor. This is only a temporary solution at 


Thanks in advance for any help.

David Macalpine,  Macintosh Support, UNE, Armidale, NSW, Australia


Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 09:26:39 EDT
From: Clinton Collins <BEBRF14%NERVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Questions

Hello Net Users!

Two questions: 1)  Would someone explain to me the meaning of V.42bis
in relation to modems.  2)  I have successfully ftp'ed a file from the
sumex-aim archives to my node but a problem occurs when bringing the
file to my mac.  If I use Kermit via White Knight I have no trouble
translating and using Binhex files, but I only have a 2400 baud
connection and this as you know is very slow.  The problem occurs with
the other much faster connection.  I bring the file down from the
mainframe to an IBM-PC AT via IND$ (3270 emulation) then transfer from
the PC to the mac with MacLink Plus Translators with the binary trans-
lator (which should not be changing the file in any way).  Upon decoding
the Binhex file, I get the message "Data fork could not be varified"
and the file can not be used.  Someone please shed some light for me.

Send replies to bebrf14@nervm (bitnet).  I'll summerize to the net.
Clinton Collins, Bureau of Economic and Business Research
University of Florida


Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 12:56:16 EDT
From: George <ST701640@brownvm.brown.edu>
Subject: Quickeys 2.01?

Hello netters,
     Does Quickeys 2.01 work with system 7.0?  It does with the new CEToolbox,
but I could not do a Shutdown afterwards.  The computer gave me a Bus Error
and hung on me.  Hmmm...

Any help?

George Lai


Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 10:01:21 PDT
From: Mike_Dustan@cc.sfu.ca
Subject: Remember? 2.1.2 and System 7

I think I've finally figured out how to get Remember? to work (properly)
under System 7. First of all, my apologies to those of you I misled
regarding the Remember? Startup INIT; you *do* need it, or Remember? won't
alert you as occasions come along.

My configuration:

System Folder:
   Remember's Settings
   Occasions Folder:
      (all my occasions files)
   Startup Items:
      alias to Remember?                 (this may be optional)
      Remember? Startup
   Apple Menu Items:
      Remember?                          (as a separate file, created by
                                         dragging it out of its suitcase)

I've found that you can't use "Open Occasion File" to open occasion files
that are already in use (i.e. the ones Remember? already has open); it
seems System 7 prevents such files from appearing in dialog boxes. You can,
however, open unused ones and create new ones. If you want to change the
properties of an occasion file (like auto-delete), try browsing it and use
the pop-up menu at the bottom of the browse window.

Hope this helps...

Mike Dustan
Technical Specialist
Computing Services Operations
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B. C. Canada  V5A 1S6


Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1991 03:36 EDT
From: Joshua J Hart <STUHART%EKU.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: ResEdit???

   I am actively looking fo the most recent version of ResEdit that i can get
my hands on. As i understand it, the program is "Shareware" (or equivelant --
written by apple and all :) ) I have version 1.2 , but need the most recent
version available. (I looked in Macserve@pucc .. No luck in finding it there)
    Does anybody know where i might be able to find it? Or could someone send
it to me direct? Mail, or Vmsdump would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!!!!
                                Joshua Hart  <STUHART@EKU.BITNET>


Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 15:07:43 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Gregory S. Fox" <gf0c+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Summary:  Macintosh X-term Emulators

  There seem to be two alternatives if you're looking for
X terminal emulation on the Macintosh:  Mac X  (from Apple) and
eXodus  (from White Pines Software).  I had previously heard that
eXodus was a bit slow and prone to crashing, but apparantly there's
a new version now available.  [Some mentioned that eXodus was
featured in a recent MacWeek article]  Earlier versions of Mac X
had problems, too.  The two products are comparably priced-- from
$200 - $300 depending on where you shop.

  Mac X will run under A/UX or the Mac operating system and apparantly
integrates well with the interface.  [One person complained about the
1 -> 3 button mapping, which involves the arrow keys].  A large
screen monitor makes it easier to work with, but is not mandatory.
Version 1.1.[7] is supposed to Sys 7.0 clean.  Call your local Apple
Dealer for more info.

  Not many people had encountered eXodus, but the few folks who had
reported the new version to be quite comparable to Mac X.

  Much thanks to everyone who replied!



Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 16:19:24 IST
From: "Dr. Michael Silverstein" <MTRMS01%TECHNION@taunivm.tau.ac.il>
Subject: thanks

Thanks for the help on getting System 7 translated from the .image format.
What I was lacking was Diskcopy, also found on ftp.apple.com
Once I had that programme, I was able to put the System on 1.4 diskettes.
I made a back up copy of my favorite system on diskettes, just in case,
and then created an additional system 6 on my hard disk
stripped of all inits etc., just the bare system.  Using the system switcher
I went to the bare system, and then installed system 7
Now I can switch between 7 and my fully inited system 6.
(although system 7 takes forever to rebuild the desktop
each time I switch back to it).

Now the questions:

Where do I put MacTCP so that I can use hyperftp 1.3 to reach the servers?
Hyperftp keeps telling me that MACTCP is not installed,
even though when I double click MacTCP it opens and seems to give
the right information.

I remember someone mentioning that they use the Macromaker, which
version and where do they install it?  I don't seem to be able to
get it working.

Also: Are system 7 versions of On Cue (or Multimaster) and
Initpicker (or InitCdev) out?  These are, of course, indispensible.

One of natures great wonders:
I wonder why they replaced the wonderful multifinder
clicking between applications to a click/select?

Thanks for all the previous help, and for any
answers to the current batch of questions.


Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 14:57:36 SST
From: TNG TaiHou <ISSTTH%NUSVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>

I desparately need help in porting a unix c program which makes
extensive use of macros to Think C 4.0. The unix version is still
in beta, hence the port must not be a rewrite of the macros,
or to manually expand the macros. But I don't know how to port
statements such as:

#define func(name) name/**/Var = Calculate (100*name/**/Var)

and then


Manual translation results in

numberic1Var = Calculate (100*numeric1Var);

But I can't do that for the entire 20000 line program, and the author
who is still writing the original unix version will not change his
coding style. Please help me.

Please reply directly to isstth@nusvm.



Date: Wed, 19 Jun 91 20:04:48 PDT
From: Les_Ferch@mtsg.ubc.ca
Subject: Third Party Hard Drives and System 7.0

Oh no, not another question about this! No, I'll spare you,
but I do have an observation that may be of interest.
I have System 7.0 on a Tulin external Syquest drive that I use
for installing (beats shuffling floppies). On my IIci, I can
set the Tulin as the startup drive and it works fine. On two
SE/30s I've tried, the Mac would not start from the Tulin
unless I unblessed the System Folder on the SE/30's internal
I expect this is more likely a cable, termination, SE/30, or
driver problem than a System 7.0 problem, but it shows that
you can't count on an external SCSI drive working properly on
every model of Mac (which is what I had hoped for).


Date: Tue, 18 Jun 91 11:08:20 bst
From: Mr Gordon S Byron <gsb1@forth.stirling.ac.uk>
Subject: window size

could somebody tell me how to change the size of a window. i want to
change the window of my copy of NCSA TCP from thge standard small
screen Mac size to a full Mac II size window. i imagine the best way
is to use resedit...? thanks 


Date: Thu, 20 Jun 91 09:49:07 GMT
From: Rainer Romatka <RAR%DM0MPI11.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>

I am new Macintosh user (very happy one at that) and still have a good
deal of software written in Modula-2 from my old IBM-PC days. I have
been trying hard to find a Modula-2 compiler for the Macintosh here in
in Munich but had no luck. A friend gave me the advice to write to this
mailbox. Does anybody know about a Modula-2 compiler? Any response
would be very appreciated. Thanks!


End of Info-Mac Digest