[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V9 #146

info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu (The Moderators) (06/26/91)

Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 25 Jun 91       Volume 9 : Issue 146 

Today's Topics:

      [*] 3D Color Finder Icons
      [*] Gawk for MPW
      About-  ZTerm 1.00
      Activating both 1.2 and 2.1 version of HyperCard
      also SLIP and NCSA Telnet
      Desktop Pattern Woes
      Disk problems
      Dove Marathon software?
      Font & Sound Valet
      Hello World for IAC/System7/HC2.1 needed
      Hi there!
      Japanese Word Processor?
      MacClassic Keyboard Dilemma
      Mac vs. IBM re: viruses
      Menu clock
      MPW Fortran compiler?
      NB handler question?
      Network time servers
      New ZUC C strain
      Pondering PostScript
      Postscript file printing
      Removable harddisks - experiences/suggestions ?
      symantec applelink address
      TAR, LaserJet III and LaserWriter questions

The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Wed, 12 Jun 91 12:40:30 -0400
From: fprefect@caen.engin.umich.edu (Matt Slot)
Subject: [*] 3D Color Finder Icons

  These are 5 sets of new icons for the Finder under System 7.
The first set holds a Read Me file, some default icons for the
System, and a set of basic folders for all machines. The second
set are all sorts of folders: plain, tabbed, drop folders, etc.
Set number three are applications folders, with a couple of fun
icons tossed in. Set number four are more cool and exciting 
folders (Fun Stuff!!!), and the last has icons for shared folders
and server volumes.
  Some of these are mine, some are hacks from other icons I've
found. Except for the set of default icons to install, each
icon has been pasted onto a folder from the Finder, so all
you have to do to get it is Get Info and copy it out! (No ResEdit)
  Also, each mailing is a separate and complete archive, not
segmented, so you just have to choose the ones you want!
Send comments and suggestions to me...
fprefect@caen.engin.umich.edu                  Matt Slot 

[Archived as /info-mac/misc/color-finder-icons-1.hqx; 57K
             /info-mac/misc/color-finder-icons-2.hqx; 45K
             /info-mac/misc/color-finder-icons-3.hqx; 75K
             /info-mac/misc/color-finder-icons-4.hqx; 73K
             /info-mac/misc/color-finder-icons-5.hqx; 72K]


Date: Wed, 12 Jun 91 18:57:05 +0200
From: neeri@iis.ethz.ch (Matthias Ulrich Neeracher)
Subject: [*] Gawk for MPW

This is gawk, the GNU Project's implementation of awk, ported
to the Macintosh Programmer's Workshop. It runs as an MPW tool,
is able to run in the background, comes with a commando dialog
interface, and optionally understands MPW Shell style patterns.
Full sources are included.

Have Fun

Matthias Neeracher

[Archived as /info-mac/lang/mpw-gawk.hqx; 514K]


Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 07:02:41 PDT
From: "CRCVAX::QUICKM::\"Jim_Bethin$CRC_MAIL\""@bypass.span.nasa.gov
Subject: About-  ZTerm 1.00

Date	6/25/91
Subject	About-  ZTerm 1.00
From	Jim Bethin
To	Posts for  Info-Mac
About:  ZTerm 1.00
A file called ZTerm 1.00 is getting distributed rapidly. I don't know what
exactly it really is (perhaps a beta escaped and renumbered?), but this appeared
on the usenet:
> Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.apps From: cjeff@silver.lcs.mit.edu (Carl
> J.M. Alexander) Subject: Re: New version of ZTerm??!?? Organization:  >
> Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 05:52:28 GMT
> In article <18018@chaph.usc.edu> trowbrid@girtab.usc.edu
> (Theron Trowbridge) writes:
>>Just yesterday, I found a copy of ZTerm 1.00 on a local BBS....
>>    [deleted stuff]
>> Only problem is, the person who uploaded it now posts that he
>> believes it to be a hack of 0.85 and has removed it in case it is a >> trojan
horse of some sort.
>>Does anyone know about this?
> A message appeared on the BCS*Mac BBS from someone who spoke to the
> author of ZTerm about this.  The long & the short is that whatever
> the "ZTerm 1.00" you have may be, it is *not* his next release, which > he is
working on and will be called "ZTerm 0.90"
> --Carl Alexander      |     BCS*Mac News Editor, The Active Window    >
|  The Boston Computer Society cjeff@silver.lcs.mit.edu
>            | Macintosh Users Group
   Jim Bethin


Date: Mon, 24 Jun 91 14:36:45 +0800
From: bcarter@claven.idbsu.edu
Subject: Activating both 1.2 and 2.1 version of HyperCard


Several people have asked me how we run both 1.2.5 and 2.1 versions of HyperCard 
while forcing the stacks to launch the correct version.  The procedure I 
developed is detailed below.  Use this only on copies, make sure you have 
sufficient backups, etc.  This works for us.  Your mileage may vary.  This has 
not been approved or decried by Apple, Claris, or the HyperCard team.

The crux of things is basically to make HyperCard 1.2 into a different 
application than HyperCard 2.1 using ResEdit (we use the latest version, 2.1).  
We do this as follows:

1)  Open the HyperCard 1.2 application with ResEdit.
2)  Select Get Info from File menu
3)  Change creator code from WILD to WiLD (actually to anything unused, but I
    chose to use WiLD since it is a minor but noticable change).
4)  Close the info window.
5)  Open the BNDL type resource.
6)  Open BNDL #128 (which should be the only one there).
7)  Change the signature from WILD to WiLD (or whatever you used in step 3).
8)  Close #128 and the BNDL resource windows.
9)  OPTIONAL:  Open the ICN# type resource.
10) OPTIONAL:  Open and modify each of the icons to reflect version 1
    (I just added a little "1" to the edge of the top card).
11) Close the icon editing and ICN# windows
12) Close and save the HyperCard 1.2 application.

Next, you need to make the stacks recognize the "new" application.  We do this 
as follows:

1)  Launch ResEdit if it is not still running.
2)  Select Get Info from File menu (This avoids adding a resource fork to
    stacks that don't need one).
3)  Select the stack you want to change.
4)  Change the creator code from WILD to WiLD (or whatever you used above).
5)  Close the info window.
6)  Save stack.

Repeat this with all of the stacks you want to force to run HyperCard 1.2.  When 
you have them all modified, then:

1)  Rebuild the desktop.

Now the modified application and stacks will show the modified icons (if you 
made those changes) and the stacks will automatically launch the modified 
HyperCard 1.2 application.  You will still be able to open them manually from 
inside HyperCard 2.1 if you want to convert them at a later date.  Any 
unmodified stacks will continue to launch HyperCard 2.1.

Good news:  Compact stack retains the changes made to the creator code.
            New stacks in 2.1 format don't have to be changed, just old ones.
            As things upgrade you'll be making fewer and fewer modifications.
Bad news:   New Stack and Save a Copy do not reflect the new creator code.
            To automate this, you'll need an XCMD/XFCN that can change creator
            codes, and you'll have to script a doMenu intercept for New Stack
            and Save a Copy to switch the creator codes upon their use.  Or,
            disable them with a doMenu intercept.

We have been told there may be sound problems running HyperCard 1.2 under System 
6.0.7 and up.

Good luck, and feel free to email me if you have questions.  Don't flame me if 
you trash your stack, though.  Make backups (multiple) and be careful when 
fooling with ResEdit.  We have had a good level of success in using this method 
during transition.


Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 10:08:28 +0200
From: cas@fenk.wau.nl (Cas Meyer)
Subject: also SLIP and NCSA Telnet

Don Proctor said:
>I've heard that NCSA Telnet v2.3 supports a SLIP connection if you
>specify hardware=slip9600 in your config.tel file.  Has anybody had
>success using this over a dialup line?
>If so, I'd be interested in any hints you might be able to share.
I'm very interested too, so if anyone has any hints could (s)he send me a copy t
   oo or post it to the list?
Thanks, Cas


Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 08:08:35 PDT
From: LOUIE CASAGRANDE <casagrande%crcvax@bypass.span.nasa.gov>
Subject: Desktop Pattern Woes

Fellow Netters,

I have been having a problem (albeit minor) with my system (7.0) and my desktop
pattern.  Also, a colleague with sys 6.0.5 has had a similar problem.  Both Macs
are vanilla II's, running in 8-bit color mode.  I have 8 megs & the pmmu
installed, he has 5 megs.  The chronology goes like this:

  After zapping his pram, my colleague noticed that he no longer got the color
patterns in his general cdev.  This may have been a problem prior to zapping,
we're not sure.  He accidentally clicked on the small desktop, thereby replacing
his custom ppat with the b&w checkerboard gray.  Attempting to create a new ppat
#16 in the system with ResEdit & restarting produced no effect.

  I also noticed that I had no color patterns in my General control panel.
Stupidly (in hindsight), I decided to zap my pram to see if it would bring the
color patterns back.  Of course things got worse.  Not only did I lose my 64x64
custom ppat from the desktop, no colors showed up, and I was left with the b&w
checkerboard gray.  I opened System with ResEdit, and my custom ppat was still
number 16, but when I tried to edit it, it only came up in b&w in the bit
editor, although the ppat menu showed it as color.  Removing the b&w gray (which
had been #15) and restarting did not solve the problem.

  We both would really like our color ppats back.  Any advice on how to do it?
Thanks in advance.

Lou Casagrande     Grumman Corporate Research Center


Date: Mon, 24 Jun 91 21:42:14 PDT
From: jedavis@ucdavis.edu (James Davis)
Subject: Disk problems

Do different model Macs have substantially differnt drive mechanisms?
I have never had a disk fail on the LC I  am using at home.  Its had
6 months of fairly intensive use, so I am surprised (grateful) that
I haven't had problems.  I am using mostly Sony's but there is a 
fair mix of generic mail-order cheepies in there too.  I have found
though that if a previously DOS formatted disk fails to format
with a Mac format, just try it a couple more times.  I usually get it
on the second try.
I ask about the drive mechanisms because it seems there have been
a couple of letters recently from people with problems getting disks
to format.  Could an old drive be the culprit?

James Davis (jedavis@ucdavis.edu) : Computing Services, University of California


Date: Mon, 24 Jun 91 21:15:06 PDT
From: Toby_Weir-Jones@cc.sfu.ca
Subject: Dove Marathon software?

Does anyone know the current status of Dove's efforts to upgrade their
Marathon accelerator software to be System 7-compatible?  Currently it is
impossible to run Sys7 with the Marathon '030 installed in a Plus.  Please 
reply with E-mail and I'll summarize the more salient points to the net.


Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 00:50 PDT
From: Gann Matsuda                         <IYI4DTN@mvs.oac.ucla.edu>
Subject: Font & Sound Valet

Chris Thomas--

The latest version of Font & Sound Valet is 1.2.  Font Harmony is now at
version  1.3.  Suitcase II is now up to version 1.2.10....

Gann Matsuda
UCLA Asian American Studies Center
INTERNET: iyi4dtn@mvs.oac.ucla.edu


Date: 25 Jun 91 14:55 EDT
From: science@oasys.dt.navy.mil (Mark Zimmermann)
Subject: Hello World for IAC/System7/HC2.1 needed

Could somebody help me locate a simple example of a program
(preferably in THINK C, but I'll take anything above assembler!) which
can run under System 7 and respond to an Apple event by sending back
the string "Hello World"?  jkc@APPLE.COM has been kind enough to send
me an example and commentary of something that does IAC with
HyperCard, but it's too complex and depends on things that I don't
have here (and it's in Pascal), so I haven't yet achieved any
enlightenment on how to do IAC under System 7.
The ideal example would be driveable from HyperCard 2.1, so that I
could type
   send "Hi there" to program "HelloProg"
and get back
   "Hello World"
as the response (somehow).  I see from some of my notes that the HC2.1
"send" command generates an event of class 'misc' with ID 'dosc',
whatever that means.
I also second mikef@next1.oit.unc.edu's request for examples and
documentation of the use of Apple Events in HC2.1 ... in particular,
if it were possible to do what I can trivially do in UNIX (fork a
process with the parent controlling stdin and stdout), my life would
be a happier and more productive one....
Tnx for any advice ... ^z (science@oasys.dt.navy.mil)


Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 14:59:53 PDT
From: Ken Payne <payne@afaa-emh.af.mil>
Subject: Hi there!

I'd like to know if access to ftp.apple.com is restricted and if not,
how one can gain access to ftp.apple.com. (Yes, I'd like to get a copy of seven
Please reply to payne@afaa-emh.af.mil
Thank you very much and keep up the good work infomac!


Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 17:41:39 SDT
From: ALexander Falk <FALK2%EDVZ.UNI-Linz.AC.@@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Japanese Word Processor?


  A friend of mine would like to use her Mac for Japanese-German
translation work. I do have the KanjiTalk 6.0.7 System Software,
but I'd also need a nice Japanese word processor (or any Script
Manager aware word processor for that matter) - preferrably of
course with spelling checker and the like included. Where can
I get such a thing in Europe? Any Japanese mail order house that
accepts international orders? Is there any freeware or shareware
Japanese word processor for the Mac?

  Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please reply directly
to me and I'll summarize to the net if there is enough interest.

(A)(L)exander (F)alk                      <FALK2@edvz.uni-linz.ac.at>


Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1991 13:21 EDT
From: "Life. Boy, what a hoot!" <ENGLISH@northeastern.edu>
Subject: MacClassic Keyboard Dilemma


	I am having a dilemma with a client that neither my usual sources nor
        Apple service can seem to answer.  First the system and its breakdown,
        then the problem at hand.
	System: System 6.07, Finder 6.07
	Inits: Gatekeeper, Shield, Filesaver, ATM, ATR, ATA, Virex, 
	          Personality, Pyro, and Zhier.
	Machine: Macintosh Classic - 2mg of RAM, 40 mg HD.
	                   Classic Keyboard.

The Problem:

	  Each time we are in MS Word 4.0, well type the first paragraph, 
        get to the second paragraph of whatever were typing and as the 
        song says, crash, bang, boom...".  Then we get this long, long, 
        long string of characters, here is the kicker:  We have stopped typing
        and removed our fingers from the keyboard!  Its producing characters
        of its own volition!
  	  I thought it was MS Word...I replaced it.  Then I thought hey, 
        its the system file, finder"...ad infinitum...replaced it all.  
        Then I thought OK, then it must be a virus...ran virex 3.0, 
        disinfectant 2.whatevah, and Nothing.  Then I said OK its the key-
        board...WRONG!  Replaced it.  I've since thrown my hands up and said
        to hell with it, hence here i am.  The client is gettin real itchy, 
        join the crowd.  If any of you have two cents to throw in, 
        send all statements of fact to :  English@NUHUB.northeastern.edu.
        Thanks in advance.



Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 09:17:49 CDT
From: JOHNSON%TWSUVM.bitnet@ricevm1.rice.edu
Subject: MacKermit

Hello netters:
I would like to hear from those of you who are using MacKermit version 0.98
for terminal emulation.  I install MacKermit on the Macintoshes around
campus and need to know if there are any Macs it won't work on or any
special problems with a particular model.  I realize it will not work on
the Mac + or earlier models.  If you are using MacKermit, please let me
know on what model and/or if you have had any special problems.  I have
not had the opportunity to install it on the new SI but have installed on
the Classic and LC and have had no grumbles yet so am assuming it works
OK there.  Thanks in advance
Brenda F. Johnson
Academic Support Programmer
Wichita State University


Date: Mon, 24 Jun 91 22:33:52 PDT
From: Stew_Lynch@cc.sfu.ca
Subject: MacTCP

Can anyone tell me what MacTCP (TM) is?
I have downloaded the FTP hypercard stack and I am not sure if I can use it.
It says that I must have MacTCP installed in my System Folder.
Can I use this stack as a communications link to FTP from home?


Date: Mon, 24 Jun 91 20:39:49 EDT
From: Alan David Bulley <458507%UOTTAWA.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Mac vs. IBM re: viruses

Dear Group,

   This might be a really stupid question, so forgive me in advance if it is.
I heard someone say today that Mac systems are more susceptible to viruses
contracted from diskettes than are IBM systems, "... because every formatted
Mac diskette is, in effect 'executed' when it is mounted -- there is
executable code that is run as part of the mounting procedure." [His words]

Is this really the case?

Alan Bulley
Saint Paul University, Ottawa

Bitnet:  458507@UOTTAWA
Internet: 458507@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA


Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 06:43:28 PDT
From: JMUELLER%PPL.ESNET@esnmrg.nersc.gov
Subject: MaxAppleZoom

Has anyone out there in NetLand found MaxAppleZoom 1.3 timed to self-distruct
after about 3 months? I've had a few people ask me this as that is what happenedto them. No new system, no new INITs etc. One day you start up with a smaller
screen. When accessed in the Control Panel, it says "Incompatible System
Version" or some such.
I don't use it myself as it doesn't work with a IIci's on-board video (not
that I havn't tried), but this has happened to three separate people, two
of which had installed it on the same day and it quit on the same day.
I know I know... send in the shareware fee and ask the author. If our
employers would reimburse us for paying shareware fees we'd be more likely

Jim Mueller


Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 11:25:10 EDT
From: weiner@oswego.oswego.edu
Subject: Menu clock

Does anyone know of a menu clock that will work on a Mirror PixelView I 
full-page monitor with System 7 (and if there is such a thing, where can I 
find it on the net)? SuperClock doesn't work; it didn't work on this monitor 
with System 6.0.x - it seems to conflict with the monitor's software. 
MenuClock worked with System 6.0.x but is obscured by System 7's multi-finder 
and balloon help icons. If no one knows of a clock that will work, how can I 
use ResEdit to move MenuClock to the left? Thanks in advance.

(Norm Weiner)   weiner@oswego.oswego.edu


Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 18:38:05 +0100
From: LJOB1%BDILUC01.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: MPW Fortran compiler?

Dear fellow Mackers,

Has anyone ever heard of a Fortran compiler that runs under MPW? I recall it
was manufactured by Language Systems or something. How much will it cost?
What is the experience with it? It needn't have any toolbox interface at all:
what I need is something that will correctly compile an run long numbercrunching
programs written on a VAX... BTW, anyone hear of any other Fortran compilers
for the Mac? If there's enough response, I'll summarize to the net (honestly!).

Many thanks in advance!

Jan M.L.Martin --- LJOB1@BDILUC01.BITNET


Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 13:14:52 +0100
From: wim@neuretp.biol.ruu.nl
Subject: NB handler question?

Hallo there,

For my research I use a Mac IIfx with a 'NB-MIO 16L' ADC board of National 
Instruments. It comes with driver-software (now I use version 4.1), which works 
OK, but has one disadvantage: the driver software is very, VERY sensitive to 
system errors. Once a system error occured, you can be certain that the 
'NB-Handler-INIT' has become corrupt. You have to copy a non-corrupt version 
into the system folder and than reboot again, and the problem is solved. While 
developing software, this can be very cumbersome, because you have to reboot 
twice every time (first to escape from the system error, second time to make the 
INIT work again) in order to have the right configuration again.
Sometimes, it also occurs spontaneously while booting.

Another thing is that it does not work with the new Extension Manager under 
system 7.0 (it hangs while booting) and that it seems to affect a proper 
functioning of some desk accesories like 'Promount 3.0'(form Procom), 'hex dump' 
or even Apples 'alarm clock'.

Does anyone else have the same problems and, even better, does any one know the 
solution for it?
Or is it just a newer version of the driver software that I need?

               Wim van Damme - Utrecht University


Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 09:50:52 EDT
From: jbotz@mhc.mtholyoke.edu (Jurgen Botz)
Subject: Network time servers

I believe I have seen several mentions of programs to allow setting the
Macintosh clock after a server over the network... are there any such
programs available which can interface to Unix network time services?

- Jurgen Botz


Date: Mon, 24 Jun 91 21:36:35 EDT
From: jshul@baks.bell-atl.com (Jeff Shulman)
Subject: New ZUC C strain

There was yet another strain of the ZUC virus called ZUC C. At first glance
this strain is more or less the same as the previous two (ZUC A and ZUC B)
but is capable of infecting more applications than the others. It may be
isolated in Italy for the moment. VirusDetective 4.0.3a does NOT detect it.

The new VirusDetective search string to detect all three variations is:

Filetype=APPL & Resource Start & WData A746*A033*A042*A9F7 ; For finding
ZUC.Virus A, B & C

You should remove the old string and replace it with the one above. I will
be uploading VirusDetective 4.0.4 with this string built in as well as a new
search string file within a day or two. Note: 4.0.4. is just 4.0.3a with
this new search string added. There WILL be a version 5.0 (better looking,
more powerful, 7.0 icons, Balloon Help, etc.) coming soon (by summer's end).

Jeff Shulman
VirusDetective author


Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 12:57:14 CDT
From: knight@swfmc1.sinet.slb.com (Francis Knight, SIEM UK)
Subject: Pondering PostScript

Hello Netters,
     I've just been trying to enhance our Mac's standing by sending 
documents containing PostScript downloadable fonts to our LN03R, something
the DOS people haven't even tried yet. 
     One of the factors which makes this a problem is that said LN03R lies 
in one of the remoter reaches of our Vax system, and I have only a serial 
link to play with. The second factor is that some font files embed an 
enormous chunk of HEX in their dumps, the computing equivalent of a huge 
suet dumpling, I suppose. Pignose, created by Fontographer 3.1, and
otherwise a very attractive font, has a block 47 k long, all without a
pause for carriage return. It's the Vax which chokes on this when I upload
it wih Kermit. If I break it up manually (well, actually, with a Nisus
macro), into 80-character chunks, all proceeds fine. 
     Trouble is, I don't want to make a career of this. I poked around 
inside the POST resources of the font file without finding the source of 
the block to edit. So, a couple of questions, just to satisfy my curiosity:

     1	Why do some fonts, but not others, show this?
     2	Is there a way to hack the font files after creation?
     3	Do generators such as Fontographer possess a switch to break such
     	blocks up? 

Francis K.


Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 10:54 EDT
From: <PJORGENS%COLGATEU.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu> (Peter Jorgensen)
Subject: Postscript file printing


In volume 9 Issue 145 Dr. Paul Fons <paul@bk.tsukuba.ac.jp> writes:

>I was wondering if anyone found a "clean" way to print postscript
>files (of the sort that sendPS was used for) under system 7.0.  I

The LaserWriter Font Utility that came on the System 7.0 CD-ROM and on the
"More Tidbits" disk will do this, as well as other things we used to have to
hack, like turning off the startup page.   Thank you, Apple!



Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 13:35:29 MET DST
From: ej@univie.ac.at (E. Jenisch)
Subject: Removable harddisks - experiences/suggestions ?

Hi Mac-users,

As the freespace on the 40MB internal harddisk of my Mac IIcx gets smaller
and smaller from day to day (lots of stuff and still getting more), I'm
about to upgrade.

My first thought was to connect and external +80MB to the SCSI bus. Then
one of my colleagues had the idea to use a removable harddisk, so I could
easily 'expand' my harddisk in the future.

So I contacted my dealer and he suggested the 'Mass' products.

Before I buy any product I would like to hear from you about any
experiences with removable harddisks, suggestions about what to buy
(or not to buy) etc.

Thanks in advance for your info


Ewald Jenisch, Vienna Univ. CC; jenisch@univie.ac.at | z00ejr01.awiuni11.bitnet



Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 11:32:33
From: rhz@cwns4.ins.cwru.edu (Hobbes)
Subject: symantec applelink address

Does anyone have an e-mail (applelink) address for Symantec.  I've called 
customer support about 4 times, and each time I've been put on hold for >30 min. 
at which time I just gave up.

Or better yet, does anyone know if they have plans of upgrading Think Reference 
to contain System 7 information and if they have educational pricing?

  Robert H. Zakon, rhz@po.cwru.edu


Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 12:46 EST
From: FRIDBERG@alcvax.pfc.mit.edu
Subject: TAR, LaserJet III and LaserWriter questions

Hi, folks! I have a bunch of questions:
  First , how can I untar *.tar files on the Mac? I tried TAR programm, but it
can't handle anything but plain text files (it can not extract the resource
fork), and I couldn't make tar translator for Staffit Classic work. When I
placed it in Translators folder in System folder it does appear in the menu,
but it's doing nothing when I select it. I removed all inits (BTW I'm running
6.0.7) but nothing changes.Does anybody know another untar application or how
to make Staffit untar work?
  Second, our department bought HP LaserJet III printer for using it on PCs
with Inmac network box. I wold love to use it too, but I have no idea how. HP
support was useless (they recommend to use a BridgePort and postscript cartridge
in LaserJet, but nobody with PC wants to use a Postscript. I tried DeskJet
driver, but it doesn't work in any mode except DRAFT (text only) Does anybody
have a suggestions what to do?
  And my third and last question: why when I generate a postscript file under
sys 6.0.7 for relatively simple drawing I get about 160 kb size with Laserprep
and when I do the same under Sys 7 I got about 550 kb? Plus, in system 6
generated file I have to put just 1 CR in laserprep dictionary (otherwise it
can't be transmitted to VAX, kermit says "record too long") and in sys 7 file 
those "too long records" are zillion? I can't possibly edit it by hands! I
don't have Laserwriter, so I have to create a postscript file to send it to
VAX and print it from there and I can not do it with system 7! For now I am just
switched back to sys 6.0.7.
BTW, I am using Mac SE with 4 Mb memory, 20Mb Rodime internal drive, 45 Mb
Rodime external drive, E-Machines monitor and bunch of INITs.
  Please  reply directly to me and I summeraze for the net if it's enough
Thanks in advance,


Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 12:20:20 GMT
From: ace@tidbits.ithaca.ny.us (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: TidBITS#68/24-Jun-91

Index of TidBITS#68/24-Jun-91

MailBITS/24-Jun-91 - A correction and a number of good 
deals you might want to check out.

SevenBITS/24-Jun-91 - DiskDoubler 3.7 ships, and we 
also have a trick that can speed up System 7 on a slow 

Plain Paper Color - Some news about plain paper color 
printers that may legitimize the color printer market.

Apple Product Shifts - Out with the hard drives, in 
with a new CD-ROM player and a new 16" monitor.

IBM Sees Red - The main news of the week: Apple and 
IBM making deals in secret.

[Archived as /info-mac/digest/tidbits-68.hqx; 31K]


End of Info-Mac Digest