Info-IBMPC@C.ISI.EDU (Info-IBMPC Digest) (07/10/87)
Info-IBMPC Digest Thursday, 9 July 1987 Volume 6 : Issue 51 This Week's Editor: Billy Brackenridge Today's Topics: Com3 Kermit Public Domain Bios Gemini Printer Problem Help with MicroSoft: Qualification TC and CodeView LPR.C Net mail with graphics IBM TCP/IP For the PC Procomm and PC/MS-DOS 3.x Hercules graphics under Turbo Pascal Turbo 'C' bug File Formats for Popular PC Software Today's Queries: HP 3.5" Disk Format Ultra Utilities PCNET A little help with a "new" modem ARCnet cards in 3270 PC/XT/AT looking for PD 8085 cross assembler MKS Toolkit, DOS environment, Freemacs IBM PC AT motherboard errors / Code 109 / spontaneous reset Old ROM on IBMPC OCR System Wanted Print Spooling using DOS function Calls INFO-IBMPC BBS Phone Numbers: (213)827-2635 (213)827-2515 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat 4 Jul 1987 14:17:29 CDT From: Mark S. Zinzow <> Subject: Com3 Kermit I had not received the Kermit Info-Digest V6N13 when I sent my note to the IBM PC Info-Digest regarding my hacked copy of MS-Kermit 2.29 that supported Com3. Even though it took over a week for the files MSR29C.UPD and MST*.BOO (MSTIBM.BOO in particular) to show up on KERMSRV at UOFT02 after they did on KERMSRV at CU20B, I have them now and recommend them over my version. Joe did not wait for me to update my modifications (I don't blame him; I was taking too long) for version 2.3 so com3 & com4 support are in MS-DOS Kermit 2.29C. Since my version is obsolete I will not be sending it to those who have requested it from me. If you really need the old version of kermit with COM3 support, send me another request and I'll send a BOO file of the binary. I do not plan to distribute the source because it is both large (about 1 MB), obsolete, and contrary to C.U.'s policy of distributing source to minor releases. ------Electronic Mail----------------------------U.S. Mail-------------------- ARPA: Mark S. Zinzow, Research Programmer BITNET: MARKZ@UIUCVMD.BITNET Computing Services Office To BITNET from ARPA or UUCP: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 150 Digital Computer Laboratory CSNET: zinzow%uiucuxe@uiuc.csnet 1304 West Springfield Ave., Urbana, IL 61801 USENET/UUCP: {ihnp4,convex,pur-ee,cmcl2,seismo}!uiucdcs!uiucuxc!uiucuxe!zinzow Phone: (217) 244-1289 Office: CSOB 109 ihnp4!pyrchi/ ------------------------------ Date: 5 Jul 87 9:48 -0800 From: Ya`akov Miles <multi%dac.triumf.cdn%ubc.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET> Subject: Public Domain Bios [This message included the source listing for a generic PC BIOS. It looks like a great starting point for a roll your own PC. -wab] [BIOS.ASM has been added to the info-ibmpc lending library. -wab] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jul 87 18:33 MST From: DMGee@HIS-PHOENIX-MULTICS.ARPA Subject: Gemini Printer Problem Regarding using a Gemini printer in graphics mode as an Epson-compatible printer: The problem the Gemini printer has is that the linefeed jump is not the same as it is for an Epson; there is an 8/144 inch discrepancy which shows up as a gap between graphics line-scans. The solution is to patch the code (or data file) that establishes the linefeed spacing for the printer using debug. What you look for is an: ESC 32 17 and replace it with: ESC 32 0F For example, assuming program foo.exe is the one you want to fix. After safely saving the original copy, you apply debug to a test copy: debug foo.exe S 0 L FFFF 1B 32 17 (debug spits out the addresses that match that three character sequence;) (assume there is only one, at 1234:5678) d 1234:5678 (to see what's there) e 1234:5678 1B 32 0F w q I have used this on various programs, including and Ventura Publisher (that one used a printer driver file) with success. Good luck! - DMGee ------------------------------ Subject: Help with MicroSoft: Qualification Date: Mon, 06 Jul 87 23:26:57 -0700 From: Alastair Milne <milne@ICSE.UCI.EDU> Recently I posted a request for help with what seemed unjustifiably huge EXE files from combined MicroSoft Pascal and MS C. I have had 2 or 3 thoughtful and helpful replies so far, which I much appreciate. One of them mentioned that with memory size being what it is these days, code files of approx. 200K are not really a strain on memory. Which is perfectly true, so I'd better add this qualification: we need to be able to deliver up to 10 of these programs, or more, and we'd much prefer to be able to keep them all on one disc, because, if the user requires, they can chain among each other, and the support routines are not at this moment able to do that between discs. Nor, for that matter, am I very eager to redesign them to do so, since we must assume that the people who will be using these programs know virtually nothing about computers, and the less they have to fiddle with the machine, the better. So the problem is not to fit one of these monsters in memory, but to find around 10 of them on disc. Not to keep striking the same sour note, but with this same arrangement under the p-System, with programs often longer and more complicated than these, we got 10 of them onto one 360K disc, due to the combination of code sharing, partial virtual memory, and extremely compact instruction format. I don't ask for such compactness with native code, but I wouldn't mind being able to get a similar number onto a 1.2M disc. Thanks for all the responses so far, and for any more that anybody cares to send. Alastair Milne, Educational Technology Center, U. of Calif., Irvine ------------------------------ Date: Tue 7 Jul 87 08:21:00-PDT From: Brad A. Silverberg <SILVERBERG@CSL.SRI.COM> Subject: Turbo C and CodeView Some of our users have told us they have successfully used TC with CV. You need to use the -y (line numbers) compile option and ms-link with the appropriate cv switches. Supposedly you get everything but local variables. We have not verified this. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Jul 87 10:12:07 EDT From: rochester!srs!dan@seismo.CSS.GOV (Dan Kegel) Subject: Turbo C and CodeView Yes, it is possible to use CodeView with Turbo C. You simply don't get to play with local variables- Turbo doesn't know how to tell CodeView about them. Global variables and source level debuggin work just fine, and I have used Codeview to great advantage with one nasty little problem in a Turbo C program. - Dan Kegel ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jul 87 10:11 MST From: DMGee@HIS-PHOENIX-MULTICS.ARPA Subject: LPR.C I am including a program I have found useful. LPR is a printing utility for MS-DOS written in C. It prints dated header and trailer sheets with BigLetter banners, allows multiple copies, various widths & heights, etc. Standard parameters may be set either in the environment (i.e. "set LPR=...") or by using command line options. Two command line options I haven't added that might be nice are: 1) number the pages 2) send printer initialization sequences LPR comes in four files: LPR.DOC LPR.C BIGLETTR.C MAKEPATH.C (from the IBM-PC library) - DMGee [The files have been concatenated into LPR.C and can be found in the info-ibmpc lending library. -wab] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 7 Jul 87 15:06:43 PDT From: Todd Wipke <WIPKE@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU> Subject: Net mail with graphics Sending manuscripts through networks has been a problem since graphics, italics, and special characters are hard to handle. I developed a utility which allows ChemText documents containing graphics, equations, etc., to be sent through VAX mail, BITNET, INTERNET, etc. The recipient also runs the utility to automatically strip off headers and trailers, perform vertical and horizontal error checks, and convert back to a ChemText document. This is a convenient system for dialog involving drawings, equations, plots, etc. The encoded documents survive ASCII - EBCDIC conversion. Transparencies or slide masters can be distributed this way also. I find that when it is as easy to draw as it is to type, that I use more graphics and the documents become more interesting to read. I had expected the technology simply to make it easy to communicate, and did not expect that it would actually change the way I write and think. ChemText is the trademark of Molecular Design Limited, 2132 Farallon Drive, San Leandro, CA 94577. This Encode/Decode utility is not currently automatically provided with ChemText, you must request it. There is no charge for the utility. Both Encode/Decode and ChemText run on IBM PC compatible equipment. ------------------------------ Subject: IBM TCP/IP For the PC Date: Tue, 07 Jul 87 20:36:19 EST From: (David Conrad) <> We have heard that some people have been having problems ordering IBM TCP/IP for the PC. Apparently, some of the marketing types got informed that you had to buy the VM license to get the PC code. We have spoken with our IBM people about this. They say IBM is *considering* bundling the PC code with the VM code. Therefore, it is still possible to order the PC code without the VM product. If you have been told by your favorite IBM marketing rep. that you must purchase the VM license to get the PC code, have your favorite IBM marketing rep. contact the Dallas Marketing Center for updated information. -drc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ David R. Conrad The University of Maryland arpa: (301) 454-2946 PC/IP Group bitnet: conradd@umdd.bitnet ------------------------------ Subject: Procomm and PC/MS-DOS 3.x From: oxy! (Michael Paul Hunter) Date: 07 Jul 87 19:11:08 PST The problem with Procomm(ver 2.4.2) and PC/MS-DOS 3.x is that 3.x deals with the stack differently the earlier versions. There is a fix floating around out there somewhere that would be great to get posted to the net. Procomm checks for the size of the stack using some high and low water markers, but 3.x isn't always using the same stack...I don't entirely understand what is going on, but the application and system stacks are separate from each other (sounds like something creeping in from a multi-tasking form of the OS??). Anyway, Procomm 2.4.2 blows up using DOS 3.x. Mike ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Jul 87 00:41:41 EDT From: "Keith F. Lynch" <KFL@AI.AI.MIT.EDU> Subject: Hercules graphics under Turbo Pascal > From: > I am using a PC with a Hercules (clone) graphics board and > I am very interested in a series of (as low-level as possible) > routines that i can use instead of the graphics that come with > Turbo Pascal. The Turbo graphics don't work with my card. ... I have a set of simple graphics routines that work on a Hercules compatible Video-7 board on a PC'S LIMITED AT. Here they are. If you find anything better, please tell me! ...Keith { Low level graphics routines for Video-7 monochrome graphics (Hercules compatible) on a PC's LIMITED AT (IBM compatible). Syntax is compatible with TURBO graphics calls. Just $Include this file near the top of your TURBO PASCAL program. See inline comments. If this doesn't work at first, try changing the -20480 to -18432. If your screen isn't 720 by 348 pixels, change the 719 and the 347. Written by Keith F. Lynch, KFL@AI.AI.MIT.EDU, in 1986. No warranty, impress or explied. No copyright. } Procedure Plot(X,Y,Pen: Integer); { Call this to Plot a point at X,Y. } Var { Pen should be 0 to erase the point, } Offset,Mask: Integer; { 5 to exclusive-or the point, 2 to } Begin { do nothing, anything } If (X >= 0) And (X <= 719) Then begin { else to draw the point. } If (Y >= 0) And (Y <= 347) Then begin If Pen <> 2 Then begin Offset := Y And 3 Shl 13 Or Y Shr 2 * 90 + X Shr 3; Mask := 1 Shl (7 - X And 7); If Pen = 0 Then Mem[-20480:Offset] := Mem[-20480:Offset] And Not Mask Else begin If Pen = 5 Then Mem[-20480:Offset] := Mem[-20480:Offset] Xor Mask Else begin Mem[-20480:Offset] := Mem[-20480:Offset] Or Mask End End End End End End; Procedure Draw(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,Pen: Integer); { Call this to draw a line } Var { from point X1,Y1 to point } X,Y: Integer; { X2,Y2 } Slope: Real; Begin If (X1 = X2) And (Y1 = Y2) Then Plot(X1,Y2,Pen) Else begin If Abs(X2-X1) > Abs(Y2-Y1) Then begin If X1 > X2 Then begin X := X2; X2 := X1; X1 := X; Y := Y2; Y2 := Y1; Y1 := Y End; Slope := (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1); For X := X1 to X2 Do begin Y := Y1 + Trunc(Slope*(X-X1)); Plot(X,Y,Pen) End End Else begin If Y1 > Y2 Then begin X := X2; X2 := X1; X1 := X; Y := Y2; Y2 := Y1; Y1 := Y End; Slope := (X2-X1)/(Y2-Y1); For Y := Y1 to Y2 Do begin X := X1 + Trunc(Slope*(Y-Y1)); Plot(X,Y,Pen) End End End End; Procedure HiRes; { Call this before doing graphics } Const P: Array [0..13] of Integer = (55,45,47,58,90,0,87,87,2,3,14,12,0,0); Var J: Integer; Begin For J := 0 to 32767 Do Mem[-20480:J] := 0; Port[952] := 10; For J := 0 to 13 Do begin Port[948] := J; Port[949] := P[J] End End; Procedure TextMode; { Call this when you are done with graphics } Const P: Array [0..13] of Integer = (97,80,82,95,25,0,25,25,2,13,11,12,0,0); Var J: Integer; Begin Port[952] := 8; For J := 0 to 13 Do begin Port[948] := J; Port[949] := P[J] End; ClrScr End; ------------------------------ From: (Mike Halderman) Date: 8 July 1987 1315-PDT (Wednesday) Subject: Turbo 'C' bug A friend of mine and I found a bug in Turbo C. The program below generates a fatal compiler error that the manual (Reference guide pg 267) says shouldn't happen. Has anybody else noticed this error? Mike Halderman =========== /* Turbo C dies on this with a fatal compiler error: "Irreducible expression tree". Mike Halderman */ struct { int e:15; } t; main() { t.e += 1; /* this is ok */ t.e++; /* this is won't compile */ } =========== ------------------------------ Date: Thu 9 Jul 87 09:59:51-PDT From: Bruce Buzbee <BUZ@KL.SRI.Com> Subject: File Formats for Popular PC Software Clif, The book you are interested in is titled: FILE FORMATS FOR POPULAR PC SOFTWARE and it is published by: WILEY PRESS John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Business/Law/General Books Division 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-0012 The list price is $24.95 and it is usually obtained by sending in one of those bingo cards, but you can probably contact the publisher directly. It provides the file formats for 1-2-3 (1&2), Ability, dBase II and III, DIF, MultiMate, MultiPlan (SYLK), IBM Plans+, SuperCalc3 and SuperDIF, VisiCalc, WordStar, and WordStar 2000. - Bruce [Thanks also for replies from (Brian) Hess@MIT-Multics.ARPA and Dave Bell - ACADEMIC CONSULTANT (U. of Winnipeg) <UOWDJB@UOFMCC> -wab] ------------------------------ Subject: HP 3.5" Disk Format Date: Thu, 09 Jul 87 13:40:50 PDT From: Any one know the difference between HP's and IBM's 3.5" disk format? One of our users has an HP 110. We sent him a 3.5" diskette with kermit on it and he was unable to read it. He was able to read the directory with the HP after numerous tries but forget reading kermit. Dan T ------------------------------ Date: 5 Jul 1987 09:12-CDT Subject: Ultra Utilities From: SAC.55SRW-LGS@E.ISI.EDU There is a rumor going around that the author of the Ultra Utilities has passed away, and that the company that marketed the product can no longer support it. This rumor declares the Ultra Utilities as freeware. Can anyone authoritatively confirm or deny this rumor? Ed Starr SAC.55SRW-LGS@USC-ISIE ------------------------------ Date: 7 Jul 1987 10:41:03 CDT From: CCSO-ALL@GUNTER-ADAM.ARPA Subject: PCNET Help. I need an assembler driver (MS DOS 2.0 or higher to run on a Z-248) for serial and parallel printers (i.e - Genicom, Inteq, ALPS, Proprinter). I not only need to print, but I also need to know when the printer is off-line, unplugged, being thrown across the room, etc. I know some one, some where has written something like this before, but I just can't find this code (Okay, I really don't know where to look for it either). Due to hardware limitations, I can not use interrupts to let the printer call the CPU for more data, so, I'm thinking that ETX/ACK protocols would be the next best thing to do. I'll appreciate any hints, comments, and/or answers. Thanks in advance. [I don't know how you can do this easily without using interrupts. If that weren't a factor I would suggest using one of the print spoolers such as Jspool from Tall Tree or Superspool from AST, but not being able to use interrupts sure makes the problem difficult. What is PCNET? -wab] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Jul 87 01:09 CDT From: Spuds McKenzie has the mange <> Subject: A little help with a "new" modem I've got a problem: In the normal course of events, I run a Multi-Tech MT212AH modem on my Sperry clone, and I use CrossTalk. At a recent electronic garage sale in the area, I picked up a Concord Data Systems model 224, which promises up to 9.6KB. The problem, as is usual in these cases, is whether or not I can run the silly thing with my CrossTalk. Simply plugging the box in and loading my script file got me nowhere. There doesn't appear to be any dip switches in the box, but I couldn't get a good look at the lower board. If CrossTalk is known to NOT be an option, is there any shareware / cheap comm software that I COULD run with? David Stever Unisys Corp. Eagan, Minnesota ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1987 11:46 EDT From: <> Subject: ARCnet cards in 3270 PC/XT/AT Does anyone out there have any experience with this. I haven't tried to install a board in a 3270 machine yet for fear of damaging it. Is there a certain interrupt that must be used? How about the Memory Base Address? Or do the default settings work (Interrupt 2, Base Address D000:0)? Any input would be greatly appreciated since we have quite a few people here with these machines that would like to utilize the network. Thanx, Tom Kubit Medical College of Ohio BITNET: KUBIT@MCOIARC ------------------------------ Date: Wed 8 Jul 87 12:09:03-PDT From: Ted Shapin <BEC.SHAPIN@ECLA.USC.EDU> Subject: looking for PD 8085 cross assembler Phone: (714)961-3393; Mail:Beckman Instruments, Inc. Mail-addr: 2500 Harbor Blvd., X-11, Fullerton CA 92634 I am looking for a public domain 8085 cross assembler. [Try: PS85A12.ARC.1 BINARY 60160 3765H PseudoSam 85 is a cross-assembler for the Intel 8085 and related processors. It is a user-supported assembler useful for those wishing to develop 8085 based products. Programs are converted directly into Intel Hex object files. from Simtel20 -wab] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Jul 87 15:31:33 edt From: Dave Sill <dsill@NSWC-OAS.ARPA> Subject: MKS Toolkit, DOS environment, Freemacs Is there any way to create/use DOS environment variables while running under the MKS Korn shell? For example, Kermit looks in the DOS PATH environment at startup for MSKERMIT.INI. Under the Korn shell, Kermit only finds my .INI if it's in the current directory. My current kludge-around is alias kermit='cd c:/kermit; kermit; cd -' which works fine except when I transfer files to /foo/bar and forget they really landed in /kermit. Similarly, is there any way to run Freemacs from a directory other than its home directory without defining a DOS EMACS environment variable? I'd very much like to try Freemacs, but I'm not willing to give up the Korn shell or use a kludge alias like kermit. A command line option telling it where to look for its .ed files would do the trick. -Dave Sill [There are many programs in the info-ibmpc lending library which manipulate the environment space. Choose your favorite language. They may work as is but can surely be adapted to work with the Korn shell. -wab] ------------------------------ Date: 8 Jul 87 15:48:43 PDT (Wednesday) Subject: IBM PC AT motherboard errors / Code 109 / spontaneous reset From: Burton.osbunorth@Xerox.COM I need help with a difficult and frustrating hardware problem on my IBM PC AT (6 MHz, model 068). The system has an IBM EGA, an IBM disk controller, and an AST ATvantage card for RAM and for serial and parallel ports. The system reboots spontaneously, but only very intermittently. The problem first showed up during a recent heat wave. If you are a hardware expert or a PC BIOS expert, please read. Because this problem is so intermittent, the repair shops really can do nothing.They suggest swapping boards or running diagnostics. I've run the IBM Advanced Diagnostics for memory, motherboard,etc., for 24 to 48 hours at a time. Of course, this turned up nothing. I've also opened up the system and pushed down on all the memory chips and other socketed chips. Several people have suggested that I use a heat gun and freeze spray approach, but engineers at work have warned me against doing that unless I REALLLLLYYY know what I am doing. Which I don't. For $750, plus labor, an IBM dealer will swap out my motherboard and I get another 6 MHz (whoopie!!) board. A refurb 8 MHz board is $2100, but I can't do a swap. Some deal!! And, my problem may not even be on the motherboard. Naturally, I'd like to fix my problem inexpensively by getting a chip replaced. This system is used at home, mainly by my wife for her business. Typically, it is used several days a week, for several hours at a time, then switched off. If I use it in the evening, I turn it back on. The system unit is in a well-ventilated area, mounted vertically, "tower" style. There seem to be three related problems, which first showed up during the recent heat wave, when t was over 90 F ambient: 1. The system would simply not boot up at all. The screen remained blank, as if the monitor was turned on but not the system unit. After 10 or 20 minutes, sometimes with a few power-on cycles, the machine would boot up normally, and work properly. This problem appeared only a few times, and then disappeared. 2. The system reboots spontaneously, often when there is no keyboard or disk activity. Several people I talked with said that this problem was common with clones, but not with genuine IBM AT's. This problem usually occurs when the machine has been on less than one hour. Rebooting restores normal operation. 3. The system appears to freeze up, and then shows the message: System Error 109 on the top line of the display. A power cycle is necessary to clear up the system to normal operation. At times, the system reboots spontaneously before displaying this message. The AT Service manual lists several different error codes for the motherboard, but doesn't identify the cause. All it says is to replace the motherboard, which I certainly don't want to do. The AT Technical Reference manual seems to indicate that Error 109 is related to "Low Memory Chip Select" and this is an error condition that occurs only during Power On Self Test. I've tried to read the BIOS and POST listings but I can't understand what I'm reading. I can't read schematics at all!! The most direct reference to Error 109 is on page 5-82 (Test 7) of the Reference Manual. There is a section of code with the comment: Low Meg Chip Select Test Test that a write to Address 1B0 0000 does not write to B000:0, or 1B0 8000 does not write to B8000:0. The addresses B000:0 and B8000:0 are video memory, and 1B0 0000 is part of the AT's protected memory, which I have installed. If you are willing to help, I can save you some scanning through the BIOS code because I've marked all the pages of the BIOS code that I thought might apply to this problem. Ideally, a combination of hardware and software help will narrow the problem down to a specific chip on my motherboard, which I can get swapped out inexpensively. If you can help me in any way, please message me at: burton.osbunorth@xerox.COM or <backbone sites>![seismo|ucbvax]!burton.osbunorth@xerox.COM If the above don't work, try: <seismo|ucbvax or other backbone sites>!hplabs!parcvax!burton.osbunorth or <seismo|ucbvax or other backbone sites>!hplabs!parcvax!burton or hplabs!parcvax!burton@ucbvax.berkeley.EDU or call me at 408 737-4635 Thanks in advance. I'll try to return the favor somehow. Phil Burton Xerox Corporation This is a personal matter, with no official connection to Xerox Corporation. ------------------------------ Date: Wed 8 Jul 87 21:13:29-PDT From: TOM RUSSELL <T.THORWATH@HAMLET.STANFORD.EDU> Subject: Old ROM on IBMPC In October of last year, the Spanish Department at Stanford bought three PC's with ROM's dated 10/27/82, which makes them the earliest of PC 2's. Strangely, the diagnostics came on diskette, which makes me suspect that the seller (IBM) dumped some very old equipment of the Department. Also, the machines came with Emulex video cards, which also seems peculiar. Anyone have any ideas about this? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Jul 87 15:13:12+0900 From: <> Subject: OCR System Wanted Dear Info-IBM PC We are looking for OCR software and hardware which works on IBM PC/AT or a compatible machine. We want to store English, French and German books in files to analyze them linguistically by micro computers. Our budget is 400,000 yen ( about $2700 ) including software and hardware. Please give us information. Atsuo Suzuki b42040@u-tokyo.junet [Welcome Japan to Info-IBMPC! -wab] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Jul 87 13:05:59 edt From: (Joe Smith) Subject: Print Spooling using DOS function Calls The DOS (>3.00) reference mentions the use of INT 2f to control a background printer spooler. As usual, the description is vague, and incomplete and doesn't seem to work exactly as given. Does anyone know of a reference, example, etc, that would show how to use this? Presumably this is the mechanism used by PRINT.COM (.EXE). Thanks, Joe Smith ------------------------------ End of Info-IBMPC Digest ************************ -------