[comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest] Info-IBMPC Digest V6 #55

Info-IBMPC@C.ISI.EDU (Info-IBMPC Digest) (08/06/87)

Info-IBMPC Digest       Wednesday, 5 August 1987      Volume 6 : Issue 55

This Week's Editor: Billy Brackenridge

Today's Queries:

		  Hard Disk Problems with Sperry PC
		      Morse Code Program Wanted
	  What personal computers are in Europe? in Israel?
		   PC Recommendations for Botswana?
	     Flight Training Scheduler Program Requested
	      Getting the current video mode (with EGA)
		  Signal Processing Routines Wanted
			  PC-Fax Cards Query
		Use of Current Loop on IBM serial card
		    Native AT/PCDOS Compatibility
		    SUBST Command Using MS-DOS 3.2
		GEM Driver Sought for QUADEGA PROSYNC
		WYSE 700 Graphics Card Under GEM Query
		  BASIC Interpreter IBM to MS Query
		  Northgate Computer Systems Inquiry
		   Help needed with DECnet-DOS V1.1
		      System 1800 Boot Problems
		     GOSSIP Protocol or Program?
	      Alternate Video Card in AT&T 6300 Question
		     SURPRISE| Turbo Board for PC

      INFO-IBMPC BBS Phone Numbers: (213)827-2635 (213)827-2515


Date: Fri 24 Jul 87 11:19:02-CDT
From: Clifford A. Wilkes <CC.Wilkes@R20.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject: Hard Disk Problems with Sperry PC

What I need is help!  I want to install a hard disc in my Sperry PC
but am having a devil of a time.  Hopefully someone in netland can
keep me from pulling out my hair.  Here's the story.

Back in April I got enough dough together to buy a hard card from
CompuAdd.  I had one slot left in my Sperry.  I bought one of
CompuAdd's Flashcards (tm) with a Western Digital controller.  After
installing it I found that the system wouldn't boot from it and though
it was there physically my PC didn't want to have anything to do with
it software speaking wise.

After many calls to Sperry's (excuse me
Western Digital's 800 number I was finally told that my ROM BIOS was
of the old variety and wouldn't recognize a hard disc.  So I ordered
an upgrade from a local vendor and after three (!) months and many
more phone calls to //// locally and nationally I got it.

I installed the new A02 and J15 BIOS chips and the pc wouldn't boot
from the hard disc or a floppy.  I had to remove the hard card to use
my pc.  Again I called //// and was told that it should work but I
could remove the J17 BIOS chip since its functions were in the other
two chips.  I did and still the problem remained.  Another call to
//// and I was told that under certain conditions certain Sperry pc's
are incompatible with the hard card made by Western Digital and that
my new disc might be incompatible.  They couldn't tell me for sure.

I talked to CompuAdd and they offered to try to get it to work if I
brought in my pc.  They tried another similar hard card, switched the
controller and various other things to no avail.  Even though the disc
was three months old they graciously refunded my money (less 15% for

//// says that they can only guarantee that the disc they sell (at
$799) will work with my pc.  Can someone out there tell me for a fact
that they have installed a hard disc on a similar model Sperry?  The
original equipment is as follows:

  It's a model 1 pc, motherboard code WESY-1.
  Model number 3070-00, serial number 2599. (I'm told pre 10,000 are special.)
  It has the high-res. color graphics monitor and controller sold by ////.
  Dual floppy disc drives.

I've added a couple of cards which I don't think is the problem, but they are:
  An AST MegaPlus card with 256K ram, clock, and printer port.
  An AST RAMPage! with 2meg of EMS memory.
  A Qubie 1200 baud modem.

Please respond directly to cc.Wilkes@Utexas as I doubt the net is that
interested.  My apologies for the length of this message to those
disinterested.  Any help will be greatfully received.


Date: Mon Aug 03 20:35:48 1987
From: fuma@.cis.upenn.edu
Subject:  Morse Code Program Wanted

Is there a public domain, C source, Morse code practice program
available for the IBM PC under MS-DOS ?

Thank You
fil fuma			fuma@cis.upenn.edu

[We have MORSE.BAS in the info-ibmpc library, but no C version. Craig
Rogers wrote a device driver that outputs files through the sound
chip as morse code. One can COPY foo.txt MOR: and hear the contents of
foo.txt as morse code. We didn't think there was enough market for
this as a utility to place it in the library. -wab]


Date: 24 Jul 87 09:36:11 PDT (Friday)
Subject: What personal computers are in Europe? in Israel?
From: Chapman.ESM8@Xerox.COM

[If you know of other dls which this message could be sent to, please
send me the addresses.  I'd ask you to forward, but I don't want several
copies to go to the same dl because several people helpfully pass it on.
Thank you.]

A friend of mine will be going to England and Israel for a month and a
half around Christmas time.  He does software development on an IBM PC
using dBase III+.  He would like to explore the possibilities of
marketing his services in Europe (England particularly) and Israel.

So I'd appreciate any answers to the following questions, for Europe, in
general, England, in particular, and for Israel:

  1.  What computers are most common?  Are they IBM PC compatible?
  2.  What operating systems are most common?  Are they MS-DOS/PC-DOS
compatible?  CP/M compatible?  Can dBase III+ run under the operating
system?  dBase II (he also has lots of experience with that)?
  3.  How common are personal computers?  Who has them?  Are they used
for business use only?  Personal use?  Both?
  4.  Is there likely to be a market for small business software for
handling customer and vendor bases, inventory, ordering, invoicing, etc?
What will the market bear, price-wise?  Must the price be under $100?
$200-500?  Will a package that costs over $1500 sell?
I appreciate any comments you may have.

Thank you,


Date:     Thu, 30 Jul 87 13:50 N
From:     <O940WOUT%HTIKUB5.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu>
Subject:  PC Recommendations for Botswana?

I would like information about what brand/type of PC is recommended
for use in Botswana?  First, it has to be dust proof, and second, there
has to be some possibility of technical support in case of hardware

Please send your remarks to: O940WOUTERS@HTIKHT5 

Greetings From: Frans Wouters, Katholieke Universiteit Brabant, The


Date:     Fri, 24 Jul 87 13:11 MDT
From:     <RFORSTER%UNCAEDU.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu>
Subject:  Flight Training Scheduler Program Requested

[I'm posting this for a fellow analyst who does not have write access
 to the net.  Please send all replies to my BITnet address.  Note
 if you don't get a signature at the end of this message, you didn't get
 all of it.


Does anyone out there know of a program, (PC, DEC-20 TOPS-20, or VAX/VMS),
that would be capable of creating a flight schedule from the following?
        . 150+ students, 1st and 2nd year combined
           - Considering class timetable availability, sickness, etc.
        . 125+ different missions
           - Dual, solo, day, night, aircraft required, classes taken,
             sequencing and prerequisites, weather suitability,
             instructor required, etc.
        . 15+ aircraft
           - Single and twin engine, simulators
           - Equipment suitability, mechanical availability, etc.
        . 15+ instructors
           - With student/instructor pairing preferences, instructing
             timetables, sick leave, mission qualification,
             teaching loads, etc.
        . 2 hour time periods. 24hrs, 7 days, 10 months a year
        . Weather factors, which change very quickly around here!

The person responsible for doing all this now claims that it's a good
job for a computer, I agree, but we don't have time to spend writing
the program. <:( Even automating 60% - 70% of this stuff would be
great.  Thanks in advance --
        "We must acknowledge, once and for all, that the
        purpose of diplomacy is to prolong a crisis."
                                                 - Spock

Russell M Forster (Russ)
Mount Royal College                      BITnet: RForster@UNCAEDU.BITnet
4825 Richard Rd. S.W.                    ARPA:   OC.Russ@CU20B.Columbia.Edu
Calgary, Alberta                         USEnet: seismo!calgary!vaxa!forster
Canada, T3E 6K6                          Voice:  (403) 240-6052


Date:     Fri, 24 Jul 87 18:00:05 EDT
From:     Brady@UDEL.EDU
To:       ailist@UDEL.EDU, ai-ed@UDEL.EDU, info-ibmpc@UDEL.EDU
Subject:  VPExpert

The VPExpert manual says that data can be passed to a batch
file, and that this is the only way to directly pass parameters
to an external program. But when I try to do this, the system
tells me the syntax of my call is wrong. I am sure my error is
not in the call to the batch file itself, since I am able to call
and execute a batch file that does not require parameters.

Anyone out there using this shell who has figured
out how to pass parameters to a batch file, please send me
mail. I will post answers back to the net. Thank you. 
joe brady


Date:     Sun, 26 Jul 87 23:41 CDT
From:     <CM01030%UMNACVX.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu>
Subject:  Getting the current video mode (with EGA)


     Could someone please tell me the correct sequence of getting
the current video mode (with EGA) in 80[2]86 assembly?

I've tried

            mov ah, 0fh
            int 10h

but it just hang my system (an IBM AT, w/ IBM's EGA Card &
IBM's Enhanced Color Display).

Thanks in advance.....

Please cc me at <cm01030@vx.acss.umn.edu> or <cm01030@umnacvx.bitnet>
if you post to the net, since I'm not subscribed. Thank you.


Date: Mon, 27 Jul 87 16:26:44 EDT
From: Anthony_Whipple@um.cc.umich.edu
Subject: Signal Processing Routines Wanted

        I am looking for library routines that can be called from
C language to do some simple signal processing.  Specifically, I
would like a low-pass and a differentiating filter.  Ideally, I would
like to do some frequency analysis as well.  I have checked into
some of the major software houses with no success.  There are
several stand-alone packages that do these functions, but I need
to do additional custom processing to the results.  Does anyone
have any information on such packages?  If there are enough responses,
I will summarize them for the net.

[Micro Way sells an FFT optomised for the 8087 (a necessity if you have
much data at all). I don't know if they have signal processing stuff as
well. -wab]


Date:  Tue, 28 Jul 87 09:05:32 SST
From:  Lim Cheng Lok <CCELIMCL%NUSVM.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu>
Subject:  PC-Fax Cards Query

Any recommendation for a good pc-fax product. I understand there are
cards like gammafax, pcfax, mfax & smartfax in the market. How do they
compare and what are their shortcomings? I'm looking for a group 3-4
resolution card. Which scanner is most suitable for your recommended


Date:     Mon, 27 Jul 87 15:40:20 EDT
From: Peter Allsop <ALLSOP%WATACS.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu>
Subject:  Use of Current Loop on IBM serial card

   I have just acquired an electronic balance which I wish to control
using my IBM-PC-1.  The balance has a serial port which is configured
for 20 ma current loop operation.  My IBM supplied Async adapter has
jumpers for configuration as a CL device, but the manual with the
balance emphasizes that the computer must be capable of acting as a
source (active transmitter, not passive).  I can't find any reference
to this in the IBM documentation.  Does anyone know if the IBM card
is/can be an active transmitter?  What about receiver?

             Thanks in advance,

                  Peter Allsop  ( ALLSOP@WATACS.netnorth.bitnet )
                  Biochemical Engineering Group
                  Department of Chemical Engineering
                  University of Waterloo


Date: 28 Jul 87 11:18:00 EST
From: "NRL::HERMAN" <herman%nrl.decnet@nrl.arpa>
Subject: Native AT/PCDOS Compatibility

If a program runs on an AT in native mode, in order to avoid a system
crash is it necessary to take the processor out of native mode before
returning control to PC-DOS (MS-DOS)?

[Yes DOS runs in "real" mode vs "protected" or "native" mode. I wish
there were some sense to these names. OS/2 switches between real and
protected modes. This is non trivial! -wab]


Date:         Tue, 28 Jul 1987 22:00 CDT
From:         MITCHELL L GRAVES <VC008329%NDSUVM1.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu>
Subject:      SUBST Command Using MS-DOS 3.2

   I am using MS-DOS 3.2 on my system, and one of its external
commands is the SUBST (Substitute) command. This command lets you
substitute a drive letter (Z:)for a subdirectory path. I can't get
this command to work though. I even used the same path as the book
and had no luck. I keep getting a error message saying "Incorrect
number of parameters" or "Invalid parameter". Can anyone tell me what
it is that I'm doing wrong?


                       THANKS IN ADVANCE!


[Have you set the LASTDRIV parameter in CONFIG.SYS ??? -wab]


From:    Dieter Piesch <wuerfl%vax1.rz.uni-regensburg@relay.cs.net>
Subject: GEM Driver Sought for QUADEGA PROSYNC

Recently I bought a graphics card 'QUADEGA PROSYNC' by QUADRAM. Later
they told me, that there are no GEM-drivers available (in Germany) for
the high resolution graphics modes. Has anyone got a GEM-driver for
the 752x410 and/or the 640x480 high resolution graphics for GEM 1.2
and/or GEM 2.1?  Which fonts do you use at that resolution(s)?  Thanks
for any help!

Please reply to:
UUCP:   wuerfl%vax1.rz.uni-regensburg@gmdzi.uucp
ARPA:   wuerfl%vax1.rz.uni-regensburg@relay.cs.net


From:    Dieter Piesch  <wuerfl%vax1.rz.uni-regensburg@relay.cs.net>
Subject: WYSE 700 Graphics Card Under GEM Query

I have some problems with raster graphics on my WYSE 700 under GEM
(1.2 and 2.1). Raster graphics functions do not operate correctly on
the whole screen but only on screen areas up to 64 kb. There seems to
be an overflow of some pointers above that magic 64 kb! Has anyone
fixed this bug?  Thanks for any help!

Please reply to:
UUCP:   wuerfl%vax1.rz.uni-regensburg@gmdzi.uucp
ARPA:   wuerfl%vax1.rz.uni-regensburg@relay.cs.net


Date:  Wed, 29 Jul 1987 21:09 CET
From: Joachim Lohoff-Werner     +49 531 391-4589     C0030006 at DBSTU1
Subject: BASIC Interpreter IBM to MS Query

We have an Olivetti M24 (IBM compatible) PC running MS-DOS 2.11 (Rev.
1.0).  A BASIC program (written for GWBASIC.EXE) uses some features
which are not supported by IBM's BASICA.

Now we want to run our BASIC program on an IBM-PC under PC-DOS but
don't want to change the program. Can we use the GWBASIC.EXE for that
or are there any incompatibilities which will cause severe trouble.

With regards, Joachim


Date:     Thu, 30 Jul 87 9:48:44 CDT
From:     Rich Zellich <zellich@ALMSA-1.ARPA>
Subject:  Northgate Computer Systems Inquiry

Has anyone had dealings with Northgate Computer Systems in Plymouth,

They're offering what seems to be an awfully low price for a hard-disk
AT- compatible system ($1799 for 10MHz 0 wait state, 640K, 32M hard
disk, 1 each 1.2M and 360K floppy, serial & 2 parallel ports, amber
monitor, DOS 3.2 & GWBasic, plus guarantee of 1 year overnight
replacement of any failed part express-shipped at their expense).
While $1.8K is cheap for the system they're offering, it's still one
heck of a lot of money out of my pocket, and I'd like to have some
assurance about the company I'd be buying from (I haven't yet called
the Plymouth, MN Better Business Bureau, but probably will do so


Date: Fri, 31 Jul 87 18:58 EST
From: MURRAY@wharton-10.arpa
Subject: Help needed with DECnet-DOS V1.1

(Sorry if you get this twice; it's being sent to two mailing lists.)

	We've just gotten DECnet-DOS V1.1 here and have had varying levels
of success and failure trying to install it on PC's with differing 
configurations.  Has anybody out there experienced similar problems?  Any 
suggestions (whether from actual experience or educated guesses) will be 
appreciated.  Here's our current situation:

- IBM AT, 640K, DOS 3.1, 3Com Ethernet card, color monitor with EGA card,
connected to the Ethernet through a DELNI.  DECnet-DOS works on this guy. 

- IBM AT, 640K, DOS 3.1, Micom Ethernet card, color monitor with EGA card,
connected to Ethernet through a DELNI.  Installation of DECnet-DOS seems to
go ok, but the system hangs when we run the DLL (Data Link Layer) process 
(although it does print some very pretty colored boxes all over the screen 

- HP Vectra (IBM AT clone), 640K, IBM DOS 3.1 (DECnet complained about HP 
DOS 3.1), 3Com Ethernet card, color monitor with EGA card, connected to 
HP's version of a DEMPR, which is connected to a DELNI, which is connected 
to the Ethernet.  This one hangs at various random spots during the reboot 
after the DECnet-DOS installation (DECnet-DOS adds commands to autoexec.bat 
during installation and it is during the execution of these commands that 
the system hangs); we get no pretty colored boxes on this one.

Any ideas?  Thanks a bunch!

(INFO-IBMPC people - please respond to me directly as I am not on your list.

John Murray
Systems Programmer
University of Pennsylvania
Wharton Computing and Instructional Technology
MURRAY@WHARTON-10.ARPA or MURRAY@WHARTON.UPENN.EDU or whatever works for you.

P.S.  Anybody know of any other mailing list that I might get helpful 
answers from?


Date: Sat, 1 Aug 87 17:44:48 edt
From: stev@OBERON.LCS.MIT.EDU (Stev Knowles)
Location: The Reality Production Company.
Subject: System 1800 Boot Problems

Hey campers, got a small problem with some of the ATs at work.
we bought some System 1800 AT clones (made by Everex, sold by LOADS
of clone mail order places as their own). Two of the 10 we have now
occasionally refuse to boot. When they are turned on in the morning,
often they just sit there with the cursor in the upper left hand corner.
The rom bios copyright notice never appears, which implies that we are either
losing when he copies the rom to low ram, or when he starts into executing the
bios startup code.  I am told that sometimes the user can Ctl-Alt-Del
and get the stupid thing to boot (which means we are into the bios?),
but that seems to have stopped working on the AT that this happens to more.

Any ideas where I am losing? what can I do? where can I go?
Other than this, they have proved to be reliable, well built machines.
(aside from one motherboard DOA. the first of the "new style" they have
started shipping . . . . )

thanx alot. Glad to see the list will be staying around.

stev knowles
FTP Software

[This problem is common in True Blue ATs and has been reported here many
times with no solution. -wab]


Date: 1 Aug 87 11:02:00 EST
From: "ASD.ADI" <capehart@wpafb-info2.arpa>
Subject: GOSSIP Protocol or Program?

     I have been asked to find out about a program or protocol called 
GOSSIP (spelling ??) and so far have been unsuccessful in my search.
Anyone out there heard any "GOSSIP"?
                                     Thank You
                                      Jack Capehart


Date: Sun, 2 Aug 87 23:49:49 edt
From: neoucom!wtm@seismo.CSS.GOV (Bill Mayhew)
Subject: Alternate Video Card in AT&T 6300 Question

Dear Net,

I've been confronted with the need to install a Wyse high resolution
display in an AT&T 6300.  The machine in question has a 1050 mother
board with ROMBIOS v 1.43 installed.  The video controller is rev. P8.

I have followed the recommended switch settings for optional video
cards that are given in the 1.43 BIOS installation manual.  No Dice.
With the recommended switch settings, I don't get video from either
the inteneral or the Wyse card.  I've called the AT&T hotline, and
they've been "researching" my problem for the last week.  I'd be
interested in hearing about people that have been successful making
the switch.

I also have access to older 6300s with the P4 and P6 versions of the
video controller.  I also have BIOS chip sets 1.1, 1.21, 1.36 and
1.43.  I made sure that the PAL chip that gets the bytes for the 16
bit output instructions in the correct order was installed in this

Thanks much,
Bill Mayhew
Division of Basic Medical Sciences
Northeastern Ohio Universities' College of Medicine
Rootstown, OH  44272-9989  USA    phone:  216-325-2511
(UUCP:  wtm@neoucom.UUCP   ...!cbatt!neoucom!wtm)


Date: Mon, 03 Aug 87 10:17:11 EST
From: SVAGHI%ESTEC.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu
Subject: SURPRISE| Turbo Board for PC

I am considering the purchase of the turbo board SURPRISE| by Maynard
Electronics, distributed by Exec-PC, Inc.

According to the distributor, SURPRISE| "is a small card that plugs
into the 8088 socket of any PC. The circuit board contains a 10
megahertz NEC V20 chip, support circuitry, plus a few simple jumpers
for setting the startup speed and for 8087 use".  SURPRISE| comes with
a DOS accelerator software and claims to boast the speed of a PC to
9.54 megahertz.  It is also said to work, at normal speed, with the
8087 (one can switch between low and high speed by a single keystroke
"toggle" command).

For a price of $129.00, SURPRISE| seems to be  good value for money, but it
got a mixed review in a recent issue of PC Tech Journal.

Does anyone have hand-on experience on SURPRISE| and/or suggestions on
other inexpensive turbo boards for the PC ?

    Thanks in advance,
                        Sergio Vaghi            SVAGHI@ESTEC.BITNET


End of Info-IBMPC Digest