[comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest] Info-IBMPC Digest V7 #40

Info-IBMPC@SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (09/02/88)

Info-IBMPC Digest           Fri,  2 Sep 88       Volume 7 : Issue  40

This Week's Editor: Gregory Hicks -- Chinhae Korea <hicks@walker-emh.arpa>

Today's Topics:
                           ^c and ^break checks
                      Current loop interface question
                    Dos 4.0 XCOPY and DESQVIEW (3 msgs)
                              MACE Utilities
                          Multi-User BBS (2 msgs)
                             Music note editor
                         SIMTEL20 now back online
                      What DBMS for a HUGE database?

Today's queries:
                            OS/2 Workspace Size
                              Ports on the PC
                       Power on/off from outlet box
                      AutoCAD and AutoSHADE (2 msgs)
                           9 pin serial problem
                             Archived Digests?
          Adaptec Hard-Disk Controller with Seagate 30Meg drive.
                         Disk Conversion Package?
                              DMA on a PC-AT
                             Fax through Modem
                 BUSS Mouse and Ventura Desktop Publisher
                              BBS on UNIX/AIX
                        IBM AT cannot format DSDD?
                         Invoice programme wanted
                        Screen saver for IBM PS/2's
                            Terminal Emulation
                              TSR Management
                         Using PC-Plus in Windows
                               XTERM on a PC

Info-IBMPC Lending Library is available from:

Bitnet via server at CCUC; and from SIMTEL20.ARPA (see file
    PD1:<msdos>files.idx for listing of source files)

SIMTEL20.ARPA can now be accessed using LISTSERV commands from BITNET
    via LISTSERV@RPICICGE.BITNET and in Europe from
    TRICKLE@TREARN (Turkey) and TRICKLE@DKTC11 (Denmark)

Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-IBMPC@Walker-EMH.arpa>

Send requests of an administrative nature (addition to, deletion from
    the distribution list, et al) to: <Info-IBMPC-Request@Walker-EMH.arpa>


Date: 18 Aug 88 18:21 EST
From: DIXON WALTER V               <DIXON@ge-crd.arpa>
Subject: ^c and ^break checks

In Info-IBMPC Digest V7 #37 Ralf Brown writes:
>>Anyways, I used CodeView to set breakpoints on the first instruction of
>>the INT 1BH and 23H interrupts and found that ONLY the INT 23H was called
>>when CTRL+C was pressed.  Any PC gurus out there that can tell me the
>>difference between the INT 1B and INT 23?
>INT 1Bh is called when the keyboard decoding routine in the ROM BIOS (INT
>9h) detects that ^Break was pressed.  DOS grabs INT 1Bh at bootup and
>points it to a short routine that sets a flag.  When doing an I/O call
>that checks ^C (or if BREAK=ON), DOS peeks at the keyboard buffer, and if
>the first character is ^C, or the break flag has been set, calls INT 23h.
>So ^C is special only to DOS, while ^Break is special to the BIOS.  If you
>press ^Break, INTERCEP will show both INT 1Bh and 23h having been called,
>while ^C will only call INT 23h because the BIOS passes the control-C on
>as it does any other ASCII character.

This is almost correct.  The default (ROM) int 1B isr is a dummy routine
consisting of an IRET.  DOS (more specifically) IBMDOS does not initialize
this vector.  The console device driver grabs this vector.  Perhaps the
confusion stems from the fact that the default console driver is located
in IBMBIO.COM.  The init routine for ansi.sys also is interested in this

The effect of ^C and ^Break is the same.  The difference between the keys
is due to the times at which BIOS (IBMDOS) checks for them.  The bootstrap
code loads IBMBIO which in turn loads IBMDOS.  IBMBIO contains drivers for
CON,  $CLOCK,  and some other required devices.  IBMBIO passes the initial
driver chain to IBMDOS.  IBMDOS scans this chain looking for the console
and clock devices and sends initialization requests to all drivers within
IBMBIO.  IBMDOS records address of the con- sole and clock devices is a
data structure whose address is returned by int 21h ah=52h.  The console
device has both the IsStdIn and IsStdOut bits set in the device attributes

IBMDOS completes its initialization and returns control to IBMBIO which
among other things loads the drivers referenced in CONFIG.SYS.  If new
console or clock drivers are loaded,  their address is recorded in the
internal DOS data structure previously mentioned.  DOS uses the clock
driver frequrently;  recording its address is a performance optimization.
DOS always reports divide by zero errors to the console and in some cases
wants to check the console for control break.

The console driver is special.  It is more or less expected to have a int
1b isr.  When ansi.sys initializes itself it sets up its own int 1b isr.
This routine sets a flag and returns.  The ansi.sys read and
non-destructive read routines check this flag.  If it is set,  they return
a ^c.  As Ralf Brown points out the keyboard isr executes an int 1bh when
a ^break is detected.

BIOS checks for ^c and ^break at different times.  If break checks are
enabled,  BIOS checks the console device when processing "disk stack" (ah
= 0d and above except 33h, 50h, 51h, and 62h) request.  BIOS wants to be
able to detect ^break even if stdin has been redirected.  The DOS internal
read routine (called to process all read requests > 0ch) checks the
console device for ^break on any reads from a device which is not the
current stdin.  Similarly the DOS internal write routine (all write
requests > 0ch) checks the consol device for ^break for all text i/o
writes to a device.  Note that these last two checks are made regardless
of whether breaks are enabled.

The DOS routine which checks for ^break looks at the critical error flag.
If DOS is not processing a critical error,  this routine sends a
non-destructive read to the console device.  (The ^break, which the
console driver reports as ^c will be removed with a normal read request).

The DOS character i/o routines make explicit checks for both ^c and ^break
by calling a keyboard poll routine (the DOS documentation is specific on
which routines make this check).  The keyboard poll routine first checks
for ^break and then checks stdin for ^c.

Walt Dixon           {ARPA:          dixon@ge-crd.arpa    }
               {US Mail:  GE Corp. R&D         }
               {          PO Box 8        }
               {          Schenectady,  NY 12345    }
               {Phone:         518-387-5798         }

Standard disclaimers apply.


Date: Fri, 19 Aug 88 09:02:19 CDT
From: steve@ncsc.ARPA (Mahan)
Subject: Current loop interface question

Derek Morgan wrote asking about a card implementing a current loop serial
interface for the IBM AT.  I do not know of such a card.  However, a few
years ago I encountered a similar problem when a new numerically
controlled milling machine had to be interfaced to some old paper tape
equipment.  The new equipment was RS-232, the old stuff was current loop.

     To make a long story short, we used a protocol converter from Black
Box, INC.  The converter inplements a bidirectional current loop-RS232
interface.  This device has been trouble free in the machine shop ever

Stephen Mahan
Code 5430 (so far this week)
Naval Coastal Systems Center
Panama City, FL 32407


Date: Fri, 19 Aug 88 17:43:14 cdt
From: wucs1!wubios!david@uunet.UU.NET (David Camp)
Subject: Dos 4.0 XCOPY.EXE and DESQVIEW

     This may be a problem with my installation, but my installed copy of
PC-Dos 4.0 XCOPY.EXE corrupts files as it copies them.  It caused a copied
version of NCSA_Telnet to operate almost properly (i.e. it ran), but it
failed at some point.  I have replaced my 4.0 copy of XCOPY with my old
3.3 copy.  I may go throught the extensive installation procedure again to
see if this problem goes away.  Meanwhile, I would be very careful when
using XCOPY.EXE with PC-Dos 4.0.


| (314) 362-3635                     Mr. David J. Camp                    |
| Room 1108D               ^         Box 8067, Biostatistics              |
| 706 South Euclid       < * >       Washington University Medical School |
|                          v         660 South Euclid                     |
| Bitnet: david%wubios@wucfua.wustl  Saint Louis, MO 63110                |
| Internet: david%wubios@wucfua.wustl.edu                                 |


Date: Fri, 19 Aug 88 18:08:10 cdt
From: wucs1!wubios!david@uunet.UU.NET (David Camp)
Subject: Dos 4.0 XCOPY and DESQVIEW

     It turns out that the problem with Dos 4.0 XCOPY only occurs when run
under DESQVIEW.  I suppose I must stop using DESQVIEW (sigh) until the
problem is resolved.  Maybe it needs to be reinstalled under Dos 4.0, or I
need an upgrade.



Date: Sat, 20 Aug 88 17:43:18 cdt
From: wucs1!wubios!david@uunet.UU.NET (David Camp)
Subject: DOS 4.0 XCOPY and DESQVIEW

     I reinstalled DESQVIEW with Dos 4.0, and XCOPY is still broken.  The
only option now is to get an upgrade.



Date: 26 August 1988 14:01:44 CDT
From: Charlie Smyth   <CSMYTH%UIUCVMD.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu>
Subject: MACE Utilities

In a previous digest, I mentioned that I had tried out some of the MACE
utilities and found them useful.  I have since had occassion to really put
them to the test: I had some systems drivers conflict and wipe out most of
my boot sector, FAT, other stuff at the start of hard disk.  The
particular machine on which this happened did not have MACE's RXBAK
utility installed and hence, the full power of the utilities was not

I attempted a number of things using the supplied FORMAT and UNFORMAT
routines but was unable to recover any files.  Though some things looked
like they were getting recovered, all files had garbage in them.  The
failure most likely was due to the fact that the disk had originally been
formated with DOS 3.1 and subsequently upgraded to 3.2 and 3.3 -- There
were lots of funny symbols in some directories and the system would hang
up trying to get around on the disk after attempted recoveries.  If I was
better with something like the Norton Utilities FAT editor, I might have
been able to reconstruct the disk after the very first recovery attempt
when things look most promising. Subsequent formatting and recovery
attempts proved futile.

The moral of the story is the usual, have a backup handy.  However, I am
shopping around for tape backup now as feeding all those floppies to a
30mb disk is still a pain.

The disk crash was caused by a conflict between the current ALLMEM4.sys
driver for the ALL chargecard memory manager card that I just installed on
an IBM AT and a cacheing routine that used the extended memory on the
machine.  I have checked with ALL Computer (Toronto) and they have con-
firmed that any caching routine using interrupt 20 for getting to extended
memory may be at risk including IBMCACHE and MCACHE (Mace) -- they are at
work on a new version of the driver to make sure that conflicts with
interrupt 20 are taken care of.  Caching routines using expanded memory
are ok with the card according to them.  I haven't gotten up the nerve to
try yet!

Mace had to ship me a replacement for the "RECOVERY" disk as I found
several problems with version 4.0 -- They are now shipping 4.1 and most
files have dates of June or July 1988.  I have since found  additional
problems:  an unformatted floppy will not be "checkable" by MACE and will
hang the machine and a bad floppy will also hang if one tries to use their
formatting routine FORMAT-F.  It took a warm-boot to get out of both
situa- tions.

This weekend, I will be trying additional things with MACE, the ALL
Chargecard, and DOS 4.0 which I am off to buy at the local computer store
(I have a new 80mb FH Seagate 4096 drive to play with).  Anyone with
experience in any of the aboved mentioned routines, problems or hardware
would be most welcome to contact me.

Charlie Smyth                         CSMYTH@UIUCVMD.bitnet
Dept. of Statistics, UIUC             csmyth@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu
101 Illini Hall
725 S. Wright Street,                 (217) 352-3954 (work)
Champaign, IL   61820


Date: Fri 26 Aug 88 11:23:28-PDT
From: Richard Gillmann <DICK@venera.isi.edu>
Subject: Multi-User BBS

Well I can't pass this one up!  I wrote and sell a Multi-User BBS called
"DLX".  It works with regular modems, unlike Galacticomm, it's fast and it
can support up to 16 lines at once.  A typical DLX to call is "The Talk
Channel" at 818-506-0620.  Use Guest Account 19 to try it out.

I feel compelled to also mention my competition:  TBBS.  This also
supports 16 lines and uses ordinary modems.

Both of these programs are available from "The Online Store" at

- Richard Gillmann, Inner Loop Software

[For a while, this software drove the Info-IBMPC BBS in Los Angeles...
(Until lack of funding forced its closure.)  See next message for a dis-
cription of TBBS.  --gph]


Date: Mon, 29 Aug 88 14:36 EST
Subject: Multi-User BBS

     Another option for multi-user BBS is the TBBS v2.0M package.  Using
the software and DIGIboard multi-port RS232 cards enables one to have
several standard Hayes type modems to be hooked up and used with the
software multi-channel chat, audit trails, etc.  Also PC Board BBS
software will support multiple nodes via a network type setup.

     I have a question - does anyone have a program similar to the public
domain program AUTOPARK.COM?  What auto-park does is park the hard drives
heads every few seconds of inactivity (specified by the user), is there a
program out there that will do the same thing on the Perstor 180 ARLL HD


P.S. TBBS was written mainly in Assembler, PC Board in Quick-Basic/Basic
     with assembler subs.


Date: Mon, 29 Aug 88 13:43 EST
Subject: Music note editor

     Music Packages for the IBM PC -

     Electronic Arts - Music Construction Set
               - Music Maker

     The last three are seq./MIDI programs.  ECA MCS sells for less then
$19.00 [AND is quite DIFFICULT to use unless you have a mouse.  (I have
it, also without a mouse).  gph]



Date: Tue, 30 Aug 1988  01:32 MDT
From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: Power on/off from outlet box

SIMTEL20 is now back online.  We were down for almost two weeks because of
air conditioning problems.

New files have been added to the archives and all CRC and file directory
listings have been updated in the PD2:<CPM>, PD1:<MSDOS> and PD1:<MISC>

SIMTEL20 has just changed its host name to SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL.  The old
name remains as a nickname in the NIC host table.  The network address has
not changed.

--Keith Petersen
Maintainer of the CP/M and MSDOS archives at SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL []
Uucp: {decwrl,harvard,lll-crg,ucbvax,uunet,uw-
GEnie: W8SDZ
RCP/M Royal Oak: 313-759-6569 - 300, 1200, 2400 (V.22bis) or 9600 (USR HST)


Date: Mon, 29 Aug 88 13:52 EST
Subject: AutoCAD and AutoSHADE

     If it is possible consider splitting up your database you will save
quite a bit over other methods by going to a WORM drive - The Databank800
- Maxtor 800M WORM -Seagate LAN subsystem/MAXTOR-CORE subsystems could
also do the job.  Since your data is not updated just appended, a WORM
type device would be a economical solution.  In addition, by not going the
route of winchester drives, you save the cost of a tape/streamer backup

     If you are interested in WORM drives and have access to a Hayes com-
patible modem call (716) 875-7919 1200/2400 8/N/1 anytime - BBS running
one HD and two WORMS.



Date: Tue, 23 Aug 88 18:09:11 cdt
From: wucs1!wubios!david@uunet.UU.NET (David Camp)
Subject: OS/2 Workspace Size

Question:  When using OS/2 'real mode' (I mean the mode where you get
           an MS-Dos compatible window), how big is your workspace?

| (314) 362-3635                     Mr. David J. Camp                    |
| Room 1108D               ^         Box 8067, Biostatistics              |
| 706 South Euclid       < * >       Washington University Medical School |
|                          v         660 South Euclid                     |
| Bitnet: david%wubios@wucfua.wustl  Saint Louis, MO 63110                |
| Internet: david%wubios@wucfua.wustl.edu                                 |

[Its around 464K bytes when overhead for the OS is taken out.  gph]


Date: Mon, 29 Aug 88 13:46 EST
Subject: Ports on the PC

     What BIOS are you using? Make and model #/year.  Do any of your add
in's have a configurable bios which override the AT base BIOS?



Date: 24 Aug 1988 22:21-CDT
Subject: Power on/off from outlet box

     A co-worker of mine was recently told that, if he used his surge
protector multi-outlet power strip to power his microcomputer and all
peripherals on and off, electric power surges would gradually wear out
power supplies in the individual components, eventually destroying them.

*    I have powered my home and work systems from the power box for a
number of years, with no problems. The only thing I do is to park the
winchester before powering off. I'd like to hear from anyone who has
actually had component power supplies ruined by this practice.

Thanx in advance,
Frank Starr

[* I agree with this practice.  I have done the same for the past 12 years
with no ill effects.  I do not make it a practice of turning the computer
on and off during the day because if the machine is not on for long, the
surges can damage some of the more delicate components.  I also make it a
practice to park the heads on the hard-disk before powering down and my
Tandon hard drive is now going on to it's fourth year...  (I also back it
up frequently because I'm sure I'm living on borrowed time...)
However,...  --gph]


Date: 24 Aug 88 00:57:37 GMT
From: munnari!charlie.oz.au!metter@uunet.UU.NET (Metter Chin)
Subject: AutoCAD and AutoSHADE

I am currently using AutoCAD R9.03 in conjunction with AutoSHADE. I have
been looking high and low for a graphic card that will give me 256 colors
at 640x480 resolution. Many a time I come across cards which claim to do
wonderful things but they don't performed as they claimed to be able to
do. The only card which I know that does the job of 640x480 res with 256
colors for both AutoCad and AutoShade is the PGA or the Orchid Turbo PGA.
Does anyone out there know any VGA compatible cards which can do AutoCAD
and AutoShade at 256 colors with 640x480 res or even at higher res ?

Even if the card can only do 16 colors for AutoCAD and 256 colors for
AutoShade will do the job.

I also wonder if there is any News group which are interested in AutoCad
on the network. Can anyone tell me?

Thanks in advance.


Date: Wed, 24 Aug 88 04:01:02 GMT
From: Gregory Hicks COMFLEACTS <hicks@walker-emh.arpa>
Subject: AutoCAD and AutoSHADE

There is an interest group for CAD (GENERIC) at the following address:


If you're on the Xerox Ethernet, you can add yourself by using MAINTAIN.
Other users should send a request to Craig Anderson.

The address of the interest group is:


Submission items to <CAD...>, requests to <anderson...>

Gregory Hicks
Editor, Info-IMBPC Digest


Date: Mon, 22 Aug 88 08:10 EDT
From: MAJ David McGuffey <McGuffey@DOCKMASTER.ARPA>
Subject: 9 pin serial problem

Fellow Netlanders,

   I have had an interesting time getting a Zenith laptop (Z-181) to talk
to my Zenith 386.  I used to do this all the time with the Zenith 100,
even drove the 100 remotely via a three wire (pins 2, 3, and 7) RS-232
extension cable (good old telephone wire).  However, with the new 386, I
had to con- vert the 9 pin AT style serial connector into a standard 25
pin serial connector to drive the A-B-C-D switch (like I did with the

  The modem on port A of the switch works just like before, however, the
three wire extension cable on port B no longer works.  When I replace the
3 wire cable with a 25 wire ribbon cable, it works.  My question:  Does
the AT style port require more than ground, transmit and receive wires?
Does the port also need DTR/DSR active?  I've got hardware handshaking off
and have Xon/Xof active.  Any ideas as to why it takes all 25 wires where
the old system could handle 3 wires?  I haven't changed anything on the
Z-181, or the switch, the only thing I did was replace the Z-100 with the
Z-386 and add the 9 pin to 25 pin cable.

Any pointers?


Date: Fri, 26 Aug 88 15:42:44 cdt
From: convex!txsil!robin@Sun.COM (Robin Cover)
Subject: Archived Digests?

Are the digests for Info-IBMPC archived on some public file server?  I was
told that they were at Carnegie-Mellon, but I have been unable to locate
the files there.  How can I get selected back issues?

Robin C. Cover

[The Info-IBMPC Lending Library is archived at CCUC@UMCVMB.  I believe the
Digest archives are also archived there as well.  I am in the process of
converting the older <c.isi.edu> digest archives to individual archives at
SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (Old SIMTEL20.arpa).  When this is completed, I'll post
a note.  gph]


Date: 29 Aug 88 14:23:56 GMT
From: mit-amt!mob%mit-amt.MEDIA.MIT.EDU@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Mario O Bourgoin)
Subject: Adaptec Hard-Disk Controller with Seagate 30Meg drive.

I need to factory-reformat a Seagate ST 238 30Meg drive controlled by an
Adaptec card with BIOS ROMS number 405702-00-A.  Can someone tell me how
to do this or have a lead to Adaptec for me?

Thank you.



Date: Mon, 22 Aug 88 10:18:05 CST
Subject: Disk Conversion Package?

This plea is for any ideas, suggestions, or vendors for disk conversion
software or hardware.  Our goal is to be able to convert IBM Displaywriter
diskettes (8 inchers) to 5 1/4 inch MS-DOS format diskettes.  We do not
have the necessary communications hardware on the Displaywriter's to
connect to any external device (such as a PC).  Consequently we are
looking for an external 8 inch drive and controller and software that can
be used on an IBM PC.  Any information is appreciated.

Jim Hisle, University of Missouri - Kansas City  C2390N@UMVMA.BITNET


Date: Mon, 29 Aug 88 10:16 CST
Subject: DMA on a PC-AT

     Does anyone 'out there' have, or know where to obtain, information on
how to program the Intel 8237A-5 DMA controller chip used in the AT?

I have a streaming mag tape drive that uses DMA, and need to program it at
the block I/O level in order to read tapes written by a different machine
on the same type of media.

The IBM Technical Reference Manual barely acknowleges the existance of
DMA, and the tape manual cryptically tell me to "set up the DMA registers
and access location BASE+2" in order to initiate the DMA transfer.

Steve Silber
Texas A&M University
Department of Chemistry


Date: Thu, 25 Aug 88 19:05:12 -0900
Subject: Fax through Modem

I am looking for a program to send and receive Fax messages-via-modem I
would prefer it be Public Domain. We have an IBM AT running on Dos, with a
hayes modem.

Kevin Griffin


Date: 19 August 1988, 14:14:38 EDT
From: Wendy Fraker <atswaf%uoft01.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu>
Subject:  Microsoft BUSS Mouse and Ventura Desktop Publisher

I am having problems using a Microsoft BUSS Mouse with Ventura Desktop
Publisher...it works if you move the mouse while the pkg is loading..but
once it is completely loaded the mouse has no effect, so I always have to
use the cursor arrows...has anyone else had this problem and know how to
fix it?

                  Wendy Fraker


Date:    Wed, 24 Aug 88 12:33:04 MET
From:    Ole Frejlev <OLF%DKTC11.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu>
Subject: BBS on UNIX/AIX

Does anybody know of a BBS system for a IBM RT 6150  running Aix?


Ole Frejlev


Date: Thu, 18 Aug 88 15:00:56 PDT
Subject: IBM AT cannot format DSDD?

I have a true blue 6Mhz IBM AT in my office with a 1.2Meg 5+1/4" drive on
A: and a 360K drive on B:.  Someone asked me to put a file on a floppy for
them to mail to an associate.

Naturally, I wanted to put the file on a 360K format diskette so that it
could be read on either a high or low density disk drive.  All I had at
hand were IBM brand 96tpi diskettes.  When I placed the high density
capable floppy in drive B: and tried to FORMAT B:, I got a "Media Failure,
Track 0 Bad" message.  I tried several times with several diskettes from
my box of IBM diskettes, and even a second box of IBM diskettes, but
always got "Media Failure".

I then got desperate and tried rebooting, verifying the CMOS setup, etc.,
with no success.  I finally found a DSDD Verbatim diskette that formatted
OK.  I am using MS-DOS v3.3.   This perplexed me because although someone
wouldn't normally want to use a DSHD diskette as DSDS, I reasoned that the
only difference is that the DSHD diskette is guarenteed to have passed
manufacturing tests at DSHD.  Since I have done this in the past without
any trouble before at home on my similarly configured AT clones (1.2M/360K
A/B combination) (one clone uses a Phoenix BIOS, the other is AWARD), I
was throughly perplexed.

I have seen similar failure modes on some CLONE AT's but my system at work
is 100% Vanialla IBM and even the diskettes.  Can anyone on the NET
suggest an explanation for this behavior?

If you respond directly to me, I will summarize and post.

Thanks in advance,

Raymond Curci
Florida State University Supercomputer Computations Research Institute

INTERNET:    curci@nu.cs.fsu.edu
ARPAnet:     curci%fsu.mfenet@nmfecc.arpa
MFEnet:      curci@fsu.mfenet
BITnet:      curci@fsu.bitnet
UUCP:        {backbones}!gatech!nu.cs.fsu.edu!curci


Date: Tue, 30 Aug 88 12:24:48 SET
Subject: Invoice programme wanted

We have been publishing a series of books and brochures which may be
ordered from our research institute; now we are looking for a programme to
maintain stock lists and to generate invoices easily.

The number of items in question is rather smallish, so the programme does
not have to handle large amounts of data; however, it should be capable of
driving a couple of different printers and operate in a networking
environment. A friendly user-interface would be nice for our secretaries;
is it too much to ask for it to be customizable (e.g., to provide German
prompts etc.)??

Lest I forget: it should be able to handle German umlauts.

A public domain or shareware solution would be nice indeed. Is there
something like that at simtel? (Browsing the directories didn't give me
any clues.) (And, no, being a Bitnet user, I cannot ftp from arbitrary
places, but simtel is, of course, ok.)

Thanks for any hints you may come up with,



Date: Fri, 19 Aug 88 16:00 PDT
From: MICK WESTRICK <WESTRICK@oregon.uoregon.edu>
Subject: Screen saver for IBM PS/2's

Is there a (ideally) public domain or commercial screen saver for the PS/2
machines?  We had a gentleman in today who owns a Model 50 and was
interested in such a program.

Thanks in advance,

Mick Westrick                                Mail to:
Microcomputer Support Lab                    Westrick@oregon.uoregon.edu
University of Oregon


Date: Tue, 23 Aug 88 08:06:46 EST
Subject: Terminal Emulation

I am looking for the escape sequences for Textronics graphic terminals and
the Dec vt100. I have some of the vt100, but apparently not enough.  The
vi editor on our UNIX system keeps nailing me.  Does anyone know of a good
source for escape sequences for these two and possibly some other popular

Thanks, in advance.

Jack E. McCoy
Academic Computing
East Carolina University

[Try the TERMCAP file on your local, friendly Unix host.  It is about 48K
of escape sequences for almost every video terminal ever made as well as
some hard-copy machines...  Make sure you get permission to use the file
from the copyright owners (AT&T) before you do...  Any other sources?
Comments?  gph]


Date: Mon, 29 Aug 88 18:53 EST
Subject: TSR Management

Does anyone know of a way to put a huge TSR into EMS RAM?  I have a FAX
board on my AT clone and it takes up 196K of my main memory.  I have 384K
of EMS RAM and would like to store it up there because it gets in the way
of memory intensive applications.  Any Suggestions?

                                        Fred McKay


Date: 19 Aug 88 14:50:42 GMT
From: jtt58@leah.Albany.EDU (James T. Tedeschi)
Subject: Using PC-Plus in Windows

Can someone instruct me about how to use PCPLUS in Windows environment so
I can do other things while uploading or downloading files?  If not PCPLUS
is there some other software that would allow me to use nice protocols in
the background.  Any help would be appreciated.


Date: Fri 19 Aug 88 08:29:44-GMT
From: Rich Cower <mcvax!olsen!COWER@uunet.UU.NET>
Subject: XTERM on a PC

Has anyone done this? Is it available (hopefully free)?

Thanks..Rich Cower, Olsen & Associates, Zurich, Switzerland

Reply to cower@csli.stanford.edu - I think it will get forwarded.

[The above 'From:' also may work...]


End of Info-IBMPC Digest