Info-IBMPC Digest Thu, 12 Jan 89 Volume 89 : Issue 1 Today's Editor: Gregory Hicks - Chinhae Korea <COMFLEACT@Taegu-EMH1.Army.Mil> Today's Topics: AWK for MSDOS DOSGATE - Remote operation of a PC EASE'ing IBM token ring device drivers Fast assembly language screen writes for Turbo Pascal Windows Development Package and Turbo Pascal/C int 21(h) problem Multitasking and DOS 3.30 New version of DSZ x/y/zmodem program for MSDOS OS/2 Kermit RGB & PAL MONITORS Sources for LINT and DRYSTONE Benchmark wanted... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 18 Dec 1988 23:54 MST From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL> Subject: AWK for MSDOS This announcement is somewhat belated as this file has been on Simtel20 for some time now. Sorry it was overlooked. --Keith [--forwarded message--] From: Russ Nelson <> To: w8sdz Re: awk200.arc I have uploaded awk200.arc. Filename Type Bytes CRC Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TXTUTL> AWK200.ARC BINARY 84394 69C8H READ.ME follows: pc AWK author's word This version of AWK was inspired by the programming language BAWK which was in turn inspired by AWK. I had just finished modifying the LEX and YACC compilers to conform to the UNIX documentation and saw this as an opportunity to use these utilities. Hence this version of AWK is partly written in LEX and YACC and is compiled with Borland Turbo C. The YACC grammar generates a pseudo code program for each pattern and action which is interpreted by ycode interpreter. The regular expressions are compiled by a recursive descent single pass compiler into a related p-code program that is executed by an rcode interpreter. I am releasing this version to the public for comment and criticism. I have recently received Aho, Weinberger and Kernighans book called "The AWK Programming Language". I have been making make sure that this version of pc AWK will conform to the language described by this book. The current version conforms to the description in that book. Please send your comments to me at 153/123. This version of AWK is not intended to be in the public domain and is the sole property of Rob Duff. Any distribution for commercial gain is prohibited. You may freely copy and distribute AWK and may not charge anyone for the software, only for the medium, shipping, and service. If you do give this program away please use the origional arc file, also distribute any upgrades to the same people or BBS's. Rob Duff Vancouver BC ----- Thanks for the upload, Russ! --Keith ------------------------------ Date: Wednesday, 14 December 1988 07:26-MST From: mirror!necntc!necis! (Rich Bono) Subject: DOSGATE - Remote operation of a PC Now available via standard anonymous FTP from SIMTEL20: Filename Type Bytes CRC Directory PD1:<MSDOS.PACKET> DOSGAT16.ARC BINARY 177629 7510H DOSGATE (ver. 1.6) is a shareware program which allows a standard MS-DOS computer to be controlled via an RS-232 serial port. The port is considered to be a remote user. The console of the machine is still in complete control and can supervise and disable/enable the remote user at will. There is a simple 'Chat' mode that may be entered from the console to allow 'talking' with the remote user to give assistance or instructions. In addition to chat mode, there is a simple terminal emulator to allow control of a modem or other device connected to the serial port. The remote user may be connected directly with an RS-232 terminal, via a modem over telephone lines, or with a TNC for remote operation via packet radio! The local console may still be used for any software that normally runs. The remote user is capable of running any software that calls only MS-DOS (int 21h) system calls. Any software that by-passes MS-DOS and interfaces with the BIOS or directly with the hardware for I/O will not be usable by the remote user. See the .DOC files for information in setting up the system. -- /*************************************************************************\ * Rich Bono (NM1D) If I could only 'C' forever!! * * (508) 635-6303 NEC Information Systems NM1D @ WB1DSW-1 \*************************************************************************/ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Dec 88 13:28:53 EST From: Tal Wyatt (HDL) <twyatt@BRL.MIL> Subject: EASE'ing IBM token ring device drivers I am a dedicated user of MARK/RELEASE, garnered from SIMTEL20. I used to use MARK/RELEASE to vacate the IBM token ring software TOKREUI, NETBEUI, and IBM PC LAN Program from my memory (speaking as a computer, eh?) and was able to reload the token ring software again when I needed it -- much faster than rebooting. Well, now it doesn't work when I try to reload the token ring driver software -- (after having kicked it out once with RELEASE) the TOKREUI and NETBEUI drivers tell me that they are already installed (error #1) and do not reinstall themselves. Which means that my system has changed slightly since my halcyon days of glorious freedom. Apparently TOKREUI and NETBEUI are leaving little notes about their existence somewhere (maybe even in the token ring card) that RELEASE doesn't know about, and looking for them when I try to reload the drivers. Shades of cats and dogs! Does anyone know what can be done to pooper-scooper these token ring drivers?? Tal Wyatt, ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1988 21:59 MST From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL> Subject: Fast assembly language screen writes for Turbo Pascal If you are a Turbo Pascal programmer you will want to look at: Directory pd1:<msdos.turbopas> TAVID12.ARC Fast video routines with demo [TASM,MASM source] Archive includes the original files from TAVIDEO.ARC (written for the TASM compiler), plus new versions for MASM. Excellent fast assembler video routines for mono, CGA, EGA. Well documented, nice demo. Compliments to the author (original credits maintained in docs and source). Everything works just fine with my cheap Hercules-compatible monochrome graphics card; can't speak for CGA, EGA. David Kirschbaum Toad Hall kirsch@braggvax.ARPA --- Thanks, David! This replaces TAVIDEO.ARC. --Keith Petersen Maintainer of the CP/M & MSDOS archives [] DDN: Uucp: {ames,decwrl,harvard,rutgers,ucbvax,uunet}!wsmr-!w8sdz ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Dec 88 16:56:00 CST From: Bill Hayes <IANR012%UNLVM.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> Subject: Windows Development Package and Turbo Pascal/C TurboPascal and Turbo C can not be used with the Windows Development Package. You might (?) be able to write/convert the code into Turbo Assembler, since it can mimick earlier versions of MicroSoft Assembler. MicroSoft C, Pascal and Assembler can all be used with the Windows Development Package. This is second-hand information I've gleaned from magazine articles, etc. Anybody out there actually used the thing? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Dec 88 12:40:58 MEZ From: P180404%DBORUB01.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Subject: int 21(h) problem Hi Netlanders If I try to call (PC-)DOS interrupt 21(h), esp. function 48(h) (reserve RAM space) from an interrupt service routine, why, o why does it work one time and fail another? What am I to consider in calling these routines that I probably have not done yet? "48(h)" frequently returns error code 8, which means "insufficient RAM available". There is a similar problem with function 9 (character output). When calling these functions several times in succes- sion, the system hangs. What's going on here? I'd appreciate any and all kinds of help, here is my BITNET address: (internet) Thanks NORBERT WINGENDER ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Dec 88 18:33 GMT From: <BIOMED%CZHETH5A.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> Subject: Multitasking and DOS 3.30 On SIMTEL20 there is a file MULTASK.ARC which can make the PC execute two tasks at a time. This is really nice and works with many programs. For example, Kermit can RUN in background. Now the bad news : At startup, it checks for the DOS version, if it is within 2.00 ... 3.10. Unfortunately I use DOS 3.30, so it says 'unsupported DOS version'. Stepping through it with a debugger showed me the int21 ah=30 call which gets the version number from MSDOS. Applying a little patch here was of no help, now I get a 'modified or non standard IBM PC-DOS' message. Booting with a DOS 3.10 floppy works fine and lets me use all the features, but no autoexec/config/path etc. then. Do I have to go back to the old DOS or - Has anybody found a patch or a newer version ? The file is PD1:<MSDOS.SYSUTL>MULTASK.ARC , 16384 byte on SIMTEL20 (or RPICICGE or TRICKLE) Thanks for any help, Tom (BIOMED@CZHETH5A) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1988 12:22 MST From: Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL> Subject: New version of DSZ x/y/zmodem program for MSDOS Now available via standard anonymous FTP from Simtel20: Filename Type Bytes CRC Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ZMODEM> DSZ1220.ARC BINARY 82944 D334H DSZ is a stand-alone modem program which saves the comm port status, installs its own comm interrupt handlers, sends or receives files using ZMODEM, True YMODEM(Tm), and XMODEM. It restores the old comm port status before exiting. Features include buffered RX/TX for good background performance, "Talk" command for interactive operation and background transfers in <70k DESQview etc. window, table driven CRC-32, Crash Recovery(Tm), and advanced file management. [Recent update information is included in the ARChive.] -- Keith Petersen Maintainer of the CP/M & MSDOS archives at [] DDN: Uucp: {ames,decwrl,harvard,rutgers,ucbvax,uunet}!wsmr-!w8sdz ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 17 Dec 88 13:58:29 EST From: "Robert E. Zaret" <ZARET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU> Subject: OS/2 Kermit According to the INFOKermit digest, an EXPERIMENTAL version of Kermit for OS/2 is available. "Reportedly, this version has some problems with VT100 terminal emulation when parity is being sent by the host..." It is stored as CKOKER.DOC, CKOKER.BOO, and CKOKER.BWR. BITNET sites can obtain files through the fileserver KERMSRV at CUVMA. The files are also available via anonymous FTP on CUNIXC.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU, but the note didn't say which directory (kermit/a, kermit/b, kermit/c, kermit/d, or kermit/e) contains the files. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Dec 88 14:29 P From: P88031%BARILAN.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Subject: RGB & PAL MONITORS HELLO In our university we are trying to reconfigure a multi purpose audio visual lab. In order to achieve it we need the Pc TTL EGA monitors also to serve as Composite video PAL monitors. There are two ways to do it: a) Using multiscan RGB TTL & Analog monitors and converting the PAL into Analog RGB b) Using multiscan monitors that know how to accept composite signals.(we don't know about such monitors and found only Mitsibushi monitors that accept NTSC signals.) any further information about distributors of such monitors or converters including experience and recomandation will help us a lott. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Dec 88 18:31:19 MEZ From: Ewald JENISCH <A4421DAD%AWIUNI11.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> Subject: Sources for LINT and DRYSTONE Benchmark wanted... Hi Netlanders| Does anybody out there know where I can get the *SOURCES* for LINT (C-preprocessor) and the DRYSTONE Benchmark?? Anything (public domain, shareware, commercial) will do... Please reply directly to: Mag. Ewald JENISCH Institute of Statistics & Computer Science Univ. of Vienna, Austria E-Mail: A4421DAD@AWIUNI11.BITNET ------------------------------ ************************ End of Info-IBMPC Digest -------