[comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest] Info-IBMPC Digest V89 #42


Info-IBMPC Digest           Thu, 20 Apr 89       Volume 89 : Issue  42

Today's Editor:
         Gregory Hicks - Chinhae Korea <COMFLEACT@Taegu-EMH1.army.mil>

Today's Topics:
            Acceessing Simtel20 Archives from Bitnet Nodes
          Anonymous FTP with WSMR-Simtel20.army.mil (2 msgs)
           Reading Apple DOS 3.3/ProDos disks with an IBMPC
             Graphics Print Driver for an ImageWriter II
                         Borland 8087 support
           Computer Algebra in Prolog uploaded to Simtel20
     Computer Algebra in Prolog uploaded to Simtel20 (correction)
         conversion of distances between objects to a picture
                            DMA Controller
                        DRIVPARM in PC/DOS 3.3
                        Checking IBM-PC speed
               Dectecting an EGA/VGA Graphics Adapter
                 Extended memory print spooler, etc.
                             GRAPH update
                           Hard Disk Errors
                        Hercules mouse driver
         MicroEMACS version 3.10 now available from Simtel20
                            Novell Netware
                   Search for Readability Software


Date: Thu, 13 Apr 89 16:13 EDT
Subject: Acceessing Simtel20 Archives from Bitnet Nodes

        I need to know how to access the simtel20 archives from a bitnet
node.  I am not on any other networks, and can not gain access via any
other means.  If someone can send me information on this I would be very


Date: Sat, 15 Apr 89 18:20:22 MDT
Subject: Anonymous FTP with WSMR-simtel20.army.mil


If you have a user FTP process on your mainframe, invoke it for a
connection to WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (host []) and see what

If you get connected, you'll see the greeting message ...

LOG anonymous
[More messages]
PASS <your user ID@your host name>
[more messages]
[more messages] (type local [8] lets your user process and the server figure
	out what is best for your host computer...  Usually, TYPE LOCAL
	or TYPE TENEX works best.)
GET <FILE-NAME> (to local file) <your-local-FN>
[more messages], but usually of the sort "Retrieve of <FN> started"
[more messages], but of the type "file transfer completed"
[more messages], but of the type "TYPE A OK."
GET <ASCII-FILE-NAME> (to local file) <LOCAL-F-N>
ASCII Retrieve started...  [in other words, '[more messages]']

Hope this helps.
Gregory Hicks


Date:     Sun, 16 Apr 89 16:46:40 PDT
From:     madler%Hamlet.Bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu (Mark Adler)
Subject:  Anonymous FTP with WSMR-Simtel20.army.mil

In response to:

>> I have attempted to ftp programs from the PD1:<MSDOS.*> collection at
Simtel20 ( via anonymous FTP.  Our site is a VAX/VMS site.
Nothing I get in binary form from SIMTEL20 is anything but gibberish after
the first line of the file, which has the name of one of the supposedly
.ARCed files, and nothing else that any dearchiviing program I have tried
can make sense of.

What you need to do is, after you've logged on and cd'ed to the directory
you want, use the command BINARY to select binary (image) transfer mode,
and then use the obscure command QUOTE TYPE L 8 to tell Simtel20 that you
are a byte oriented machine and it is not.  If you don't do this, you will
get gibberish.  (Some files on Simtel20 are jsut text, so in that case you
can use the ASCII command to select a text transfer.)

I found this out by using the VERBOSE mode of FTP and noticing that using
the BINARY command causes Simtel20 to tell you to use TYPE L 8 or TENEX
mode.  I found that FTP has a QUOTE command to send whatever you type
after it to the host, and a QUOTE TYPE L 8 is what works.  The FTP on my
Vax does not allow the command TYPE L 8 directly, nor does it have the
command TENEX.

                                Mark Adler
                        bitnet: madler@hamlet
                        arpa:   madler@hamlet.caltech.edu


Date: Thu, 13 Apr 89 16:13 EDT
Subject: Reading Apple DOS 3.3/ProDos disks with an IBMPC

        Also does anyone have any experience with reading Apple Dos 3.3
and or Apple Prodos format disks on an IBM drive.  I would like to
directly transfer text files in this way.


Date: Thu, 13 Apr 89 16:13 EDT
Subject: Graphics Print Driver for an ImageWriter II

        Imagewriter II, has anyone ever seen, or written a graphics print
driver for this printer from the IBM?  Yes, as you can probably guess, I
am converting from an Apple computer to an IBM.

        Please reply to:  mjburge@owucomcn  via bitnet

                                                Mark James Burge


Date: Sun, 16 Apr 89 09:52:15 EDT
From: James R. Van Zandt <jrv@mbunix.mitre.org>
Subject: Borland 8087 support

> ...when run, there was no difference in execution time with Turbo C
>between emulated floating point and 8087 code. With ProFortran there was
>a tenfold difference...

I suspect that the Turbo C program was using the 8087 if it was installed,
whether or not the emulation code was also available.

                                 - Jim Van Zandt


Date: Fri, 14 Apr 89 10:57:17 CET
Subject: Computer Algebra in Prolog uploaded to Simtel20

I have uploaded the program Computer Algebra in Prolog, which I wrote a
couple of years ago, to the PD1:<MSDOS.PROLOG> directory at Simtel20.  The
program runs under PDPROLOG ver.1.9, which is already available in

         With best regards,
         Sergio Vaghi   SVAGHI@ESTEC.BITNET

                       COMPUTER ALGEBRA IN PROLOG
                         Copyright 1987  S.Vaghi

   COMPUTER ALGEBRA IN PROLOG consists of four files:

   (READ.ME)    is the present file.  Part of this file has been deleted.
The complete text is contained in the archive file.

   ALGEBRA.TXT  is a short paper on computer algebra in Prolog.  The paper
is self-contained and includes the listings of the sample programs
discussed, with several examples of applications.  You can print it out on
your Epson-compatible printer (it is formatted by a word processor, so if
you browse through it on the screen you will see some "funny" characters

   DIFFSV.PRO   is a program in Prolog for the symbolic differentiation of
algebraic functions.

   SIMPSV.PRO   is a program in Prolog for the symbolic simplification of
algebraic functions.

   COMPUTER ALGEBRA IN PROLOG is placed in the public distribution, but
the author retains the copyright of the paper and programs.

   You may copy and distribute COMPUTER ALGEBRA IN PROLOG provided that it
is done free of charge, that all four files are copied without
modifications and, in particular, the copyright notices are not removed or

   I hope you will enjoy these programs.  You can send comments and
suggestions to

                                             S. Vaghi,
                                             P.O. Box 299,
                                             2200 AG Noordwijk (ZH),
                                             The Netherlands.


Date: Fri, 14 Apr 89 09:26 UT+2
From: REIJS%surfnet.nl@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
Subject: conversion of distances between objects to a picture


I am looking for a IBM-programma (if possible in BASIC, BASICODE, or
other), which can convert a table of distances between objects (e.g.
cities) into a picture (e.g. a map).

This kind of programm is needed to visualize the results form procedures
which can do clustering (e.g. PATHFINDER).

I hope somebody can help me with such a programme (send the suggestions
not to the list but to me personal (REIJS@HUTSUR51.BITNET)

All the best,


Date: Fri, 14 Apr 89 10:05:53 BST
From: D Murphy <djm%etive.edinburgh.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK>
Subject: DMA Controller

Hello all, me again.  Does anyone have a datasheet online for the DMA
controller used in the PC (it is the Intel 8237, I think), and if so,
could they mail a copy to me please ? We had a real paper copy here but it
was last seen some time in 1987 (as far as I can tell) and can't be found

D.J. Murphy
Chemistry Dept.
Univ. of Edinburgh

JANET: djm@uk.ac.ed.etive          ARPA: djm%ed.etive@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk   
       Murff@uk.ac.ed.emas-a             Murff%ed.emas-a@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk
       trinity@uk.ac.ed.cs.tardis        trinity%ed.cs.tardis@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk


Date: Monday, 20 Mar 1989 14:11:48 EST
From: "David Neal"                     <U233B@WVNVM.WVNET.EDU>
Subject: DRIVPARM in PC/DOS 3.3

Has anyone been able to get the DRIVPARM statement to work in PC/DOS 3.3?

I retrieved the PD1:<MSDOS.SYSUTL>DRIVPARM.ARC file from my local file
server which details the patching procedure.  I did the patch, put the
DRIVPARM statement in my config.sys file (with the double D) and rebooted.
DOS now accepts the statement but it doesn't do anything with it.  If
anyone knows of a patch for the patch or the E-mail address of the author
(K. Macy) please let me know.

David Neal     U233B@WVNVM.WVNET.EDU  (Internet)

               U233B@WVNVM            (BITNET)


Date: Sun, 16 Apr 89 22:12:15 EDT
Subject: Extended memory print spooler, etc.

Does anyone know where I can find a PUBLIC DOMAIN (read: free) print
spooler for extended memory (i.e. AT memory >1 Meg)?  

Thanx in advance.


Date:    Sat, 15 Apr 89 16:33:36 +0200
From:    "Yuval Tal" <NYYUVAL%WEIZMANN.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu>
Subject: Checking IBM-PC speed

I noticed that many programs like PcTools and Norton Utilities can check
the speed of the IBM. I need to write a program that will calculate the
speed of my ibm when a speed of 1 is the IBM XTs speed (4.77 Mhz).  If
there are any suggestions how to write this program in aessmbler or in
turbo pascal, please tell me.

thanks in advance,

                Yuval Tal (NYYUVAL@WEIZMANN)


Date:     Sun, 16 Apr 89 16:44:35 PDT
From:     madler%Hamlet.Bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu (Mark Adler)
Subject:  Dectecting an EGA/VGA Graphics Adapter

In response to:

>> How i can detect if a computer have an EGA/VGA Graphic Adapter...?
>> I need the answer related to assembly language or turbo c 2.0.

Here's the official IBM way to determine your "Video Function
Compatibility" (in english---to see what you got):

Video Presence Test:

1. Do an int 10h with AX=1000h.  If on return, AL is not 1ah, then goto
step 2.  If AL is 1ah, then the "read display combination code" function
is supported (you probably have a VGA).  The results of this call are:

        BL = active display code
        BH = alternate display code

        Display codes:

        0 - no display
        1 - Monochrome with 5151 (mono)
        2 - CGA with 5153/4 (color)
        3 - reserved
        4 - EGA with 5153/4 (color)
        5 - EGA with 5151 (mono)
        6 - Professional Graphics System with 5175 (color)
        7 - VGA with analog monochrome
        8 - VGA with analog color
        9 - reserved
        10 - reserved
        11 - MCGA with analog monochrome
        12 - MCGA with analog color
        13..254 - reserved
        255 - unknown

   Normally, a CGA or EGA will not come back with AH=1ah, so I don't know
when codes 1..5 get used.

2. Now, to see if you have an EGA, do an int 10h with AH=12h and BL=10h.
If on return BL is still 10h, then an there is no EGA---go to step 3.
Otherwise, there is an EGA, and it is active.  (Note that a CGA or
Monochrome adapter can coexist with an EGA, so look at step 3 to check for
one of those.)  This function returns the following information:

        BH = 0 -> color mode (CRTC registers at 3Dx)
             1 -> mono mode (CRTC registers at 3Bx)
        BL = 0 -> 64K video memory
             1 -> 128K video memory
             2 -> 192K video memory
             3 -> 256K video memory
        CH = feature bits (bits from the feature connector which no one
             has ever plugged anything into except maybe an oscillator)
        CL = board switch settings

3. Now you most likely have a CGA, a Monochrome adapter, or both.  Test
for memory at B000:0 and B800:0.  If there is memory at B000, you have a
CGA.  If there is memory at B800, you have a Mono adapter.

Paraphrased from the IBM PS/2 and Personal Computer BIOS Interface
Technical Reference.

                                Mark Adler
                        bitnet: madler@hamlet
                        arpa:   madler@hamlet.caltech.edu


Date: Sun, 16 Apr 89 09:51:42 EDT
From: James R. Van Zandt <jrv@mbunix.mitre.org>
Subject: GRAPH update

I don't know how it happened, but the archive GRAPHSRC.ARC which I
submitted recently was missing the file SCALE.C .  pd1:<msdos.graph> at
wsmr-simtel20.army.mil now has a revised version of graphsrc.arc.  Sorry
'bout that.

                      - Jim Van Zandt


Date: Fri, 14 Apr 89 12:25:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: John Duchowski <jd3a+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Hard Disk Errors

Hello everyone,

    I would like to report the following hard disk problems I have
experienced perhaps as a consequence of interleave adjustements I made
with IAU19A pro- gram (but I am *NOT CERTAIN* of this, and am making *NO
COMPLAINTS* about the said program).

    The equipment is a true blue IBM AT with a fixed drive TYPE 2. The
IAU19A reoprted an interleave factor of 3:1 and the optimal factor of 2:1.
Following the interleave adjustement to 2:1 (having backed up the data
previously) I noticed a *marked* improvement in the performance of the
drive. This unfor- tunately lasted only for about three days. Then I
started getting numerous CRC and `sector not found' errors. Finally, drive
C became completely unread- able and on boot up gave error 1790. When
booted from A:, C: could not be accessed as it was an `invalid drive
specification'. I suspected the CMOS virus and used DOS 3.30 FDISK to
remove and reinstall the DOS partition and then reformatted the drive.
Everything went well. I reinstalled system files from an original DOS
diskette and rebooted the system - it worked. I then proceeded to PCRESTOR
the files (PC Restor 4.11) but again came up with CRC errors. About half
way through the restoration process all of the problems described above
showed up again.

    Now, the question is: is this indeed the CMOS virus which erases the
CMOS memory on the ATs and makes them forget that they can have a fixed
drive, or is the problem due to the adjusted interleave factor which
apparently this drive cannot handle ? Also, would anyone know if it is
possible to rescue it somehow or should I consider it dead and burry it ?
One thing that I have not done was the low level format following the
interleave adjustement (I'm not quite sure what the distiction between
these two processes is). Also, I'm not sure where I can find software that
performs low level format - I was told IBM AT Diagnostics 2.2 and up can
do this but I only have version 2.0 at my disposal.

    Would anyone have any suggestions or comments as to how I can
straighten out this mess ? Thanks in advance for your help,


    John Duchowski

[I've used IAU19A.ARC to 're-format' the hard drives on an XT, an AT, and
an AT clone with no ill effects.  gph]


Date: Sun, 16 Apr 89 14:14:54 EDT
From: James R. Van Zandt <jrv@mbunix.mitre.org>
Subject: Hercules mouse driver

I bought a used Logitech C7 serial mouse some time ago, and I've run into
some trouble getting it run on a Hercules clone card.  It works fine in
text mode, but won't display the cursor in graphics mode.  The driver is
tracking the mouse and reporting button clicks, but won't let me see what
I'm doing.

My graphics software usually uses page 0 of the Hercules card, but moving
to page 1 had no effect.  Is the mouse driver failing to recognize my
graphics card as a clone of the Hercules? (Mavis Beacon's typing program
had that problem.) Is there a way (as with command line parameters or
environment strings) to tell MOUSE what video card I have? (My
documentation lists parameters for setting the serial port and for mouse
emulation mode, but make no reference to video cards.) The driver is
version 3.02 - is an update available? Is another driver available (PD or

These are the drivers that came with the mouse:

		MOUSE    COM    10815   6-17-86   3:01p
		MOUSE    SYS    11153   6-17-86   3:05p

The system requirements in the user manual list the "Hercules Graphics
Card, or compatible".

An EGA version of my mouse program worked fine.


Date: Fri, 14 Apr 89 11:27:14 EST
From: nwd@j.cc.purdue.edu (Daniel Lawrence)
Subject: MicroEMACS version 3.10 now available from Simtel20

	Thanx for the info on your archive, and the trouble you went to
collect up those files.  I finally have a machine on the net, so in the
future you can always get the current version from me by ftp from

						Daniel Lawrence


Date: Thu, 13 Apr 89 16:34:38 LCL
Subject: Novell Netware

At ETSU we have an existing fiber backbone for IBM's token ring.  All of
the existing rings are running IBM's PC LAN Software.  We are planning to
build a new student lab for Computer Science Dept use.  This student lab
will utilize an IBM Model 80 for the server with 20 IBM Model 50z's as
workstations.  In an effort to provide better security, due to the student
use, Novell Netware would like to be used.  We would also like to connect
this lab ring to the backbone using a dedicated IBM Model 50z as a bridge
machine.  However we are unsure about what problems will arise when
connecting a Novell ring to the PC LAN backbone ring.  We are even more
unsure about what solutions to this problem exist.

If anyone can provide any information, suggestions, horror stories, or
just anything for that matter, it will be received with many thanks.

Reed Sturdivant
Academic User Services
East Tennessee State University
(615) 929-5305
Acknowledge-To: <REED@ETSU>


Date: Tue, 11 Apr 89 08:57:18 EST
From: ederenzo (Emil DeRenzo @ MITRE-McLean,VA) <ederenzo@MWUNIX.MITRE.ORG>
Subject: Search for Readability Software

I am looking for a commercially available program which can produce a
"readability" index for a document (ASCII files are OK). I am not very
familiar with such programs but I understand they deal with number of
syllables, length of sentences, etc. I also understand that the output of
a readability index is the level of reading difficulty of the document
under analysis. I have been told one readability index is known as the FOG

Also, ideally, the program would check each word in the document to see if
it is within the vocabulary level of the intended audience.

Any response appreciated. If there is enough interest, I'll post the
results of my query.


Emil DeRenzo

                         Emil DeRenzo
                         MITRE Corporation
ederenzo@mitre.arpa  or  MS W923                or (703) 883-7120
                         7525 Colshire Drive
                         McLean, VA  22012-3481


End of Info-IBMPC Digest