[comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest] Info-IBMPC Digest V89 #95


Info-IBMPC Digest           Fri,  3 Nov 89       Volume 89 : Issue  95

Today's Editor:
         Gregory Hicks - Chinhae Korea <COMFLEACT@Taegu-EMH1.army.mil>

Today's Topics:
                          .OBJ file formats
                  ^Z's to Prt/Con in TurboPascal v5
                        Btrieve & JPI Modula 2
                    Columbus Day PC Timebomb Virus
                     CP/M decrompression programs
                     Graphics conversion utility
                      Help needed with Desqview
                               IBM 286
                      Info-IBMPC Digest V89 #85
                        JPI Modula-2 & Int 24
                             PD Archives
                PS/2's and the Novell 3270 SNA Gateway
                          Smart Key address
                              VGA cards
                       VGA Palette (Digest #81)
               WordPerfect to Microsoft Word translator
                           Zip text search?

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Date: Fri, 06 Oct 89 16:00:25 SET
Subject: .OBJ file formats

I'm looking for a reasonably comprehensive and obtainable description of
the format of .OBJ files.  What I want to do is be able to link in my own
data with code and to address it directly, without having to resort to a
file.  I can do it with the Borland BGIOBJ converter, but it doesn't give
me the flexibility I want.  I would like to get hold of a good description
of the format.  Anyone any ideas...?  Some text file on some server would
be fine, or have any of you got a machine readable description?

Karl Keyte
Acknowledge-To: <ESC1332@ESOC>


Date: Fri, 6 Oct 89 09:35:26 EDT
From: Robert Bloom  AMCICP-IM 3775 <rbloom@apg-emh1.apg.army.mil>
Subject: ^Z's to Prt/Con in TurboPascal v5

How do you output a CHR(26) in TurboPascal v5.0?  I'm writing a program
that outputs graphical data and thus must be able to send all 256
characters [CHR(0) through CHR(255)] to the printer.  The following pascal
program fragment demostrates the problem.  (the graphics prefix is for
single-density graphics on a Epson printer.)
    For i := 0 to 255 DO BEGIN
        WRITE(lst, i:3,'->');                  {number of char}
        WRITE(lst,CHR(27),'L',CHR(10),CHR(0)); {graphics prefix}
        FOR j := 1 to 20 DO 
            WRITE(lst,CHR(i));                 {write 20 of them}
        WRITE('<- ');                          {close pointer}
CHR(26) is a ^Z or EOF character.  Something in the WRITE procedure
doesn't allow it to pass.  I don't think I had this problem in v3 - the
CHR(26) won't output to the screen either.
Bob Bloom (rbloom@apg-emh1.apg.army.mil)


Date: Thu, 5 Oct 89 04:43:53 EDT
From: Graham Wright <WRIGHT%MCMVM1.bitnet@ugw.utcs.utoronto.ca>
Subject: Btrieve & JPI Modula 2

Hi, I'm looking for some help from anyone using Btrieve and JPI's Modula-2
Process procedures. I have an database with 20,000 records and I'd like to
use ScheduleProcess to start a PROC which will do the following:

1 - Create a DOS file
2 - Read each record and write a summary of that record to the disk file.
3 - Close the disk file when complete.

but at the same time allow other database access's to occur. I have the
PROC running correctly when called normally, but my system crashes when I
attempt to call the PROC with ScheduleProcess( CreateReport, 7000, 1 ).

My Modula-2 is V1.16 and Btrieve is 5.00a ( Dos 3.1 Networks ) Any help
would be appreciated....

Graham Wright
Room 302B, Gilmour Hall
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ont.  L8S 4L8
WRIGHT@MCMVM1  (416)525-9140 x 3156

Graham Wright
Room 302B, Gilmour Hall
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ont.  L8S 4L8
WRIGHT@MCMVM1  (416)525-9140 x 3156


Date: Thu Oct 5 08:09:15 1989
From: Contractor Robert Johnson <robjohn@OCDIS01.AF.MIL>
Subject: Columbus Day PC Timebomb Virus

Here is an extracted version of the Columbus Day Virus information.  It
should be probably be distributed to the widest possible audience.  I have
received this info from the AF OSI, but other agencies have also posted
their own warnings.  I would recommend that this be taken very seriously.

Bob Johnson
LOGDIS System Administrator
Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma City
-------------------------------cut here------------------------------------
A virus has been found which will destroy the hard disk data on infected
systems.  It will activate if the date is greater than 12 October 1989.
It supposedly trashes track 0 of the hard disk, requiring a low-level
format to make the disk useable again.  It is designed to avoid detection
by popular "anti-virus" programs.
Version 1 of the virus attacks .COM files, increasing the file length by
1168 bytes, and can be found by searching for the hex codes
Version 2 of the virus attacks .COM files, increasing the file length by
1280 bytes, and can be found by searching for the hex codes
Version 3 of the virus attacks both .EXE and .COM files, increasing the
.COM file lengths by 1514 bytes (and .EXE's a similar amount).
For all 3 versions, check the file length of any suspected files against
the original software.  Use any kind of search program that allows hex
searches to find version 1 or 2.
It is still not known exactly how the virus reproduces.  Currently, it is
thought that certain public domain programs may carry the virus to new
systems, and that BBS's are the primary means of distribution.


Date: Thu, 05 Oct 89 14:32:05 SET
Subject: CP/M decrompression programs

I know, this is not directly the right place for my question, but maybe
there are some old CP/M users between us.

I've looked in the SIMCPM index and discovered some interesting files for
my old OSBORNE 1 computer. But those files are compressed with a program
i'm not familiar with. It seems it is a kind of squeezing, but instead of
replacing the second character of the extension with Q there is a Z!! So
the file names turn from ZCPR33.FOR    to   ZCPR33.FZR Can someone tell
me, what decompression program i have to use??




Date: Fri,  6 Oct 89 13:16:56 CDT
From: "Edward A. Garay" <U12570@UICVM.uic.edu>
Subject: Graphics conversion utility

> Date: Fri, 8 Sep 89 20:28 CDT
> From: Jerry Katz <KATZJA%SLUVCA.SLU.EDU@ricevm1.rice.edu>
> Subject: IBM Storyboard Plus to WordPerfect/TIFF/PCX Formats
> I like IBM's Storyboard Plus, but have found that the program's PIC
> graphics file format is unique in all computerdom (it DEFINITELY is not
> related to Lotus' PIC format, or any other PIC format for that matter).
> Unfortunately not even WordPerfect can import Storyboard+ files.
> I am looking for a program, preferably public domain, or inexpensive
> shareware or commercial software which converts Storyboard Plus
> graphics into (ideally) TIFF or PCX files, or some format compatible
> with at least WordPerfect 5.0.

A very good graphics conversion utility is HiJaak, from Inset Systems (71
Commerce Drive, Brookfield, CT 06804 (203) 775-5866). HiJaak converts
numerous graphic file formats on input and output, including:

   Paintbrush (PCX and PCC Cut files)
   TIFF (Uncompressed (TIF) and Compressed (CTF) files)
   WordPerfect (WPG files)
   CompuServe Graphic Image Format (GIF files)
   Dr. Halo (CUT files)
   Encapsulated PostScript (EPS files -- output only)
   GEM Paint (IMG files)
   HP LaserJet (HPC and PCL files)
   Lotus 1-2-3 (PIC files)
   Microsoft Windows Paint (MSP files)
   Macintosh (MAC files)
   CCITT Group 3 (FAX files)

I am not sure if HiJaak can support IBM's StoryBoard Plus yet; you could
check with Inset Systems. Also, last year, when we bought HiJaak, we paid
$99. I hope you find this helpful.

--- Ed Garay
    University of Illinois


Date: Thu, 5 Oct 89 13:18 EST
Subject: Help needed with Desqview

I wonder if anyone else has had problems getting Desqview to behave
properly when using a Hercules Graphics Plus board.  Here is my situation:

When running WordPerfect 5.0, I can get Desqview to recognize one of the
special fonts that one can use with an HG+ board.  So far no problem.
However, any other applications (Procomm, Turbo Pascal, etc.) acquired a
"strangled" appearance.

That problem has been solved by FMONITOR.COM, which gives the other
programs a "normal" appearance.  Trouble is, I prefer that they should run
under Ramfont.  By fooling around, I stumbled on this quasi-solution:

1. Start FMONITOR, which loads WP 5.0.
2. Start Procomm.
3. Start Turbo.
4. Start BD (Big Dos).

Somehow, if BD is loaded last, programs 2-4 will run under Ramfont.

This is a ridiculous state of affairs.  Does anyone know of a more elegant

Norman Miller
Trinity College



Date: Thu, 5 Oct 89 15:14 EDT
From: V059NRAS@ubvmsc.cc.buffalo.edu
Subject: IBM 286

I was wondering if anyone knows if desqview will multitask in a 286 EMS
enviorment... if so how is it set up and where does n  the company sell
their manuals ?



Date: Thu, 5 Oct 89 04:15:54 EDT
From: Graham Wright <WRIGHT%MCMVM1.bitnet@ugw.utcs.utoronto.ca>
Subject: JPI Modula-2 & Int 24

Hi, I have the JPI Modula-2 Toolkit which comes with an INT 24 error
handler. I have modified this PROC to pop-up a window indicating that an
error was detected. This works correctly is cases such as the printer
being off-line when attempting to print. However, when I press RETURN to
aknowledge the message the FIO.WrStr code fails with a 'Write MSDOS Error
15' and my program dies.

I have set the CONSTant ContinueProg to TRUE in the INT24 Proc but this is
not working correctly. Has anyone modified the INT24 Proc to surpress the
'Abort, Retry or Fail' message and hopefully, solve my problem?

Graham Wright
Room 302B, Gilmour Hall
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ont.  L8S 4L8
WRIGHT@MCMVM1  (416)525-9140 x 3156


Date: Fri, 06 Oct 89 11:09:40 CDT
From: Dave Reed <PENGUIN%MSSTATE.BITNET@CORNELLC.cit.cornell.edu>
Subject: PD Archives

I know that somewhere on BitNet, the is (are) a large archive(s) of Public
Domain and Shareware IBM-PC programs.  Can anyone give me the address
and/or more information on accessing these archives?  It would be greatly



Date: Thu,  5 Oct 89 19:43:41 EDT
From: dave@ohiont.fidonet.org (Dave Chatfield)
Subject: PS/2's and the Novell 3270 SNA Gateway
I'm trying to locate users who have been successful at implementing the
Novell 3270 SNA Gateway package on their Novell LAN using IBM PS/2
machines and a Token-Ring attached 3174 controller. Our primary problem
rests in the fact that we can not reach the downstream PU from our
operator's main console when a "vary net on" is attempted.
If anyone has any ideas as to our difficulties, I would deeply appreciate
a description or listing of ideas for our search. Thank you very much in
   Dave Chatfield, dave@ohiont.fidonet.org

  "May fortune favor the foolish."  -  Admiral Kirk, STIV-TVH
   From the North Coast      David Chatfield, Sysop of OHIONet Express
   _____   of America...._-! Home of the Cleveland Opus/Usenet Gateway
  !     --___       ___--  !          (since November, 1987)
  !          ------(*)     !
  !          Cleveland     ! Usenet: {.....}!hal!ncoast!ohiont!dave
  !                        ! Internet: dave@ohiont.fidonet.org
  !       O  H  I  O      !  Fidonet: OHIONet Express, 1:157/512.0


Date: Thu, 5 Oct 89 09:31 EST
Subject: Smart Key address

The last address I had for the people who make SMART KEY is:

          Software Research Technologies, Inc.
          3757 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 211
          Los Angeles, CA 90010

I hope that helps.

Norman Miller


Date: Fri, 6 Oct 89 10:44 EDT
From: V2519EK7@ubvmsc.cc.buffalo.edu
Subject: VGA cards

    Compatibility confusion can easily arise in the VGA world.  I strongly
suggest a recent (late spring or summer 1989) issue of BYTE magazine.  The
authors did a fine job of reviewing 16 bit VGA cards. (Sorry I can't give
the exact reference : My stack of BYTEs is a bit disorganized.)


Date: Thu, 5 Oct 89 11:37:04  +0100
Subject: VGA Palette (Digest #81)

Your observations are correct, but your conclusions are not.

You can observe the direct results of the setrgbpalette call, which sets
the VGA DAC registers, only in the 256-color mode of the VGA (which means
graphics with 320x200 pixels on a standard VGA).

In text-mode and in the high-resolution graphic modes things are a bit
more complicated. In these modes the 16 color numbers are first mapped
onto one of the 64 colors of a standard EGA-compatible palette, and these
entries are in turn mapped to the VGA palette.

In TurboC you can define the first mapping with 'setpalette' and the
second mapping with 'setrgbpalette'.  The default values for the first
mapping can be found in the include file 'graphics.h' as follows:

    EGA_BLACK            =  0      /* dark colors */
    EGA_BLUE             =  1
    EGA_GREEN            =  2
    EGA_CYAN             =  3
    EGA_RED              =  4
    EGA_MAGENTA          =  5
    EGA_BROWN            =  20
    EGA_LIGHTGRAY        =  7
    EGA_DARKGRAY         =  56     /* light colors */
    EGA_LIGHTBLUE        =  57
    EGA_LIGHTGREEN       =  58
    EGA_LIGHTCYAN        =  59
    EGA_LIGHTRED         =  60
    EGA_LIGHTMAGENTA     =  61
    EGA_YELLOW           =  62
    EGA_WHITE   =  63

From this table and the above explanations you can easily see why only
colors 0-5 and 7 seem to react to the setrgbpalette call.

To put it all together, there are two solutions for your problem: Either
you use these EGA-color numbers in setrgbpalette calls, or you have to
redefine the EGA-mapping first with setpalette setting every color number
to itself and then use setrgbpalette.

Jochen Roderburg
Regional Computing Center
University of Cologne         Tel. :   +49-221/470-4564
Robert-Koch-Str. 10           BITNET:  A0045 @ DK0RRZK0 (CDC NOS/BE)
D-5000 Koeln 41                    or  A0045 @ DK0RRZK1 (IBM VM/CMS)
West Germany                       or  AZ957 @ DK0RRZK0 (Siemens SINIX)


Date: Thu, 5 Oct 89 10:20:06 EDT
From: chris@ADMS-RAD.Unisys.COM (Chris Sterritt)
Subject: WordPerfect to Microsoft Word translator

        I am looking for a program to translate from WordPerfect format
files to Microsoft Word files.

        thanks very much,
        chris sterritt


Date: Thu, 5 Oct 89 13:36
From: Wujastyk (on GEC 4190 Rim-D at UCL) <UCGADKW%euclid.ucl.ac.uk@NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK>
Subject: Zip text search?
Zip, and all the attendant utilities (SHEZ etc.) are, of course,
There is just one single utility that remains to be made available, to
make the PKZip "world" as complete as the "ARC" one (moral rectitude
apart).  That is an equivalent for Zip files of Vern Buerg's excellent
ARCF program.  This searches rapidly through an ARC file, identifying
files that contain a given string.
Has anyone any knowledge of a utility that does this for Zip files?  I
have written to Buerg, but got no answer.
 Dominik Wujastyk,         | Janet:                  wujastyk@uk.ac.ucl.euclid
 Wellcome Institute for    | Bitnet/Earn/Ean/Uucp:   wujastyk@euclid.ucl.ac.uk
  the History of Medicine, | Internet/Arpa/Csnet:        dow@wjh12.harvard.edu
 183 Euston Road,          |    or:         wujastyk%euclid@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
 London NW1 2BP, England.  | Phone:                   London 387-4477 ext.3013

 [Note that as of May 1989 the Janet-Internet gateway address has changed from 
  "nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk" to "nsfnet-relay.ac.uk"]


End of Info-IBMPC Digest