[comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest] Info-IBMPC Digest V89 #106


Info-IBMPC Digest           Mon, 27 Nov 89       Volume 89 : Issue 106

Today's Editor:
         Gregory Hicks - Chinhae Korea <COMFLEACT@Taegu-EMH1.army.mil>

Today's Topics:
                     A/D conversion cards? (2 msgs)
                        Absolute Disk R/W from C
               Accessing CompuServ from the Internet
                    Milli-Second timer on XT/AT
                               NJE for PC
                   WordPerfect to MS Word Translator
                              Call Waiting

Today's Queries:
                  Need help on laptop pointing devices
                       Soft Fonts w/ Word Perfect
                         Disabling CTRL-ALT-DEL
                   email address maintenance software
                           Pads for Hyperpad
                      pcFAX, Windows and Wyse 700
                      Search for Basic Subroutines
                     SFP fonts for Word adaptation
                          VP 2.0 and HIMEM.SYS
                       WordPerfect and IBM Text4
              Device Drivers for LaserView Display Monitor

The Lending Library is available from: WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (see
file PD1:<MSDOS.FILEDOCS>AAAREAD.ME details on file directories
and descriptions.)

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Date: Mon, 13 Nov 89 11:02:46 gmt
From: Koshy Abraham <koshy@abekrd.co.uk>
Subject: Re: A/D conversion cards?

In comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest you write:

>Could anybody tell me something about A/D-converters available for the PC,

Yes, there is a company in Southgate, England who produce a variety of
cards for the PC range.

>prices, possible good/bad experiences etc.?  Speech analysis is what I am

Although I used to work for them, I can confidently say (i.e unbiased)
their products are of quite a good stanard.

>interested in, so the A/D card should provide for sampling rates above 10
>kHz and a resolution of at least 12 bit.

Most of their equipment are 12 bits, and some give sampling rates upto
100KHz.  They also do 8 and 16 bit A/D cards.

>All sort of information will be appreciated.

Information born out of first-hand experience.  (Mention my name and I
might finally get my Christmas bonus).

Their address is:

3D Digital Design & Development Ltd.,
Interface House,
Chelmsford Road,

Get in contact with Dr. Kibasi.


Koshy Abraham               NET: koshy@abekrd.co.uk
Abekas Video Systems Ltd.  UUCP: ...!mcvax!ukc!{reading,pyrltd}!abekrd!koshy
12 Portman Rd,   Reading, PHONE: +44 734 585421      //    | I have a 
Berkshire.       RG3 1EA.   FAX: +44 734 597267  K\A//b    | beautiful Amiga.
United Kingdom.           TELEX: 847579            \/      | i.e A1000


Date: Tue, 14 Nov 89 16:58:25 EST
From: Bill Clay (CSD) <wpclay@BRL.MIL>
Subject: Re: A/D Converters

     In response to Stefan Werner's request for info on A/D converters,
CyberResearch sells a number of boards which conform to Stefan's
requirements and range in price from about $650 to $2500.  Their address

                        P.O. Box 9565
                        New Haven, CT 06536

                                                 -- Bill Clay

The above is not an endorsment of this company by myself or my employer.


Date: Tue, 14 Nov 89 11:10 PST
From: Mike Van Norman 213-825-1206         <EGC4MV2@OAC.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: Re: Absolute Disk R/W from C

> Date: Mon, 21 Aug 89 15:07:22 edt
>   A person here at work is trying to do Absolute Disk R/W calls from C but
> is having problems.  It seems that DOS puts something extra on the stack
> that needs to be poped off or else you get totally lost.  Any ideas?

I assume this person is using interrupts 0x25 and 0x26.  When these
interrupts return, the CPU flags pushed onto the stack by the INT
intruction are still on the stack.  You can clear the stack by using POPF
or ADD SP,2 assembler intructions.


Date: Tue, 14 Nov 89 17:39:32 mez
From: cgch!bpistr@relay.EU.net
Subject: Accessing CompuServ from the Internet

The way you get to Compuserve is via X-25 (your PTT's packet switching
network).  here it's called TELEPAC, probably something similar there.
You CAN send Internet messages to individual users, using:


(note the '.' seperating the two parts of the userid(ppn), on Compuserve,
they use a ',' comma there).

There is access other than mail (SMTP).  The best way to get to their
service is to subscribe.  It's a bit dicey transferring files over X.25
(and expensive).  You might do better finding a CIS subscriber who can
extract the files and mail them to you uuencoded or something.

Oh, yes.  The access code, once you get onto the X.25 network, is

        'c 03132'

When it says 'Host name:' enter 'CIS'.


Date: Sun, 12 Nov 1989  00:36 MST
From: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: Re: Milli-Second timer on XT/AT

SIMTEL20 has a precision timer, with MASM source.

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.AT>

ATIM.ARC           6K  11-26-88  Precision program timing for AT



Date: Tue, 14 Nov 89 8:14:16 CDT
From: phil@wubios.WUstl.EDU (J. Philip Miller)
Subject: Re: NJE for PC

> Info-IBMPC Digest of Tue,  7 Nov 89, Volume 89 : Issue  99


> Does anyone out there know of a product that implements IBM's NJE protocol
> on a PC or PComatible (to steal Jerry's term)?  For those who are not
> familiar, NJE is the protocol used by BITNET.  Thanks in advance.

There are a large number of hardware/software products which emulate 2780
type devices which implement the NJE protocol.  One of the most popular
(on BITNET at least) is BARR/HASP by Barr Systems  (now located in Orlando


     J. Philip Miller, Professor, Division of Biostatistics, Box 8067
         Washington University Medical School, St. Louis MO 63110
phil@wubios.WUstl.edu - Internet  (314) 362-3617   phil@wubios.wustl - bitnet
uunet!wucs1!wubios!phil - UUCP              C90562JM@WUVMD - alternate bitnet


Date: Mon, 13 Nov 89 08:16:17 EST
From: Joel Saunders <RJFS%SNYCENVM.BITNET@CORNELLC.cit.cornell.edu>
Subject: Soft Fonts w/ Word Perfect

We have Word Perfect 5.0 running on an IBM Token Ring LAN.  We use soft
fonts extensively.  To allow for the use of the fonts, you must edit the
printer selection for the HP.  I think that the process is as follows:

1:  Shift-F7 to bring up the PRINT menu.

2:  S  to "Select Printer"

3:  Use the cursor keys to highlight the Selection for the HP. (Don't
press ENTER!!)

4:  Type 3 or "E" to select "EDIT"

5:  Menu option 7 is used to specify the path for the soft (Downloadable)

    Type 7 and Enter the path where you're FONTS reside (i.e C:\FONTS).

    Type 5 (Cartridges and Fonts) , select Soft Fonts (down arrow and
ENTER), all of the Soft fonts known to man will be displayed.  You can
either specify that the font can be loaded at print time (Type +) for each
font needed, or type * if the fonts would be already loaded before (via
some utility). - We select at print time!!!  Press F7 to EXIT when done.

    IF you want one of the soft fonts as your default printer font, type 6
and select the font that you want from the list.  Press Enter to accept
the screen.

6:  When creating a document,  you have the option to select fonts as you
go!!! (CTRL-F8)

    That's enough for now...... Hope this helps!!!

     Joel Saunders


Date: Sat, 11 Nov 89 22:04:36 EST
From: "Doug Sewell" <DOUG%YSUB.BITNET@CORNELLC.cit.cornell.edu>
Subject: Re: Need help on laptop pointing devices

Has anyone found a pointing device (aka mouse, although trackball, etc
will do) that's compatible with a laptop (specifically, a Compaq SLT286) ?

It's reported the voltage levels on the serial port are too low to power
mice that draw their power from the port (Logitech, Microsoft, and newer
Mouse Systems mice), but I tried use an older Mouse Systems mouse that
used a wall plug, and it didn't work either.  I know the mouse works, the
cursor shows up on the screen in both Windows and PC Tools, but it doesn't
move when you move the mouse.

If there are manufacturers reading, I hope you're listening... as
higher-end laptops like the Compaq are put out - machines that one might
use as a primary machine - people will want to run Windows or other
mouse-intensive programs on them - Even Works, First Choice, PC Tools, and
several shells support mice.

Doug Sewell (DOUG@YSUB.BITNET), Tech Support, Computer Center,
Youngstown State University, Youngstown,  OH 44555
>> A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats little men - Carlyle.

[They DO listen.  (I hope!)  gph]


Date: Sat, 11 Nov 89 20:01:22 EST
From: Rob Dar Woon <USERDCF1%SFU.bitnet@ugw.utcs.utoronto.ca>
Subject: Re: WordPerfect to MS Word Translator

Chris Sterritt (chris@adms-rad.unisys.com) asked about a translator
program to convert Word Perfect documents to MS Word format.  (Vol. 89
Issue 95)

There is a program put out by Microsoft Corp. called "Word Exchange".  It
will convert documents to MS Word format from various word processing
packages like Word Perfect, WordStar, Volkswriter, Multimate, etc.

Sorry, but I'm not sure how much it costs.

 | Rob Dar Woon                 userDCF1@SFU (Bitnet)               |
 | Simon Fraser University      Rob_Dar_Woon@cc.sfu.ca  (elsewhere) |
 | Computing Services                                               |
 | Burnaby, B.C.   Canada                                           |
 | V5A 1S6                      (604) 291-3132                      |


Date: Tue, 14 Nov 1989 13:13 EST
From: Manjit Trehan <ITMS400%INDYCMS.BITNET@UICVM.uic.edu>
Subject: Re: Call Waiting

In response to the question about call-waiting:

    The answer should be in your phone-book.  Call waiting service comes
with a temporary disable function, that gets re-enabled when you hang-up.



Date: Sat, 11 Nov 89 09:33:27 SST
Subject: Disabling CTRL-ALT-DEL

Is there a way to disable the CTRL-ALT-DEL key combination to prevent
reset ??? Any PD programs to do this would be greatly appreciated..

-Marcelo H. Ang Jr.
National University of Singapore


Date: Sun, 22 Oct 89 22:31:02 -0400
From: Richard Furuta <furuta@cs.umd.edu>
Subject: email address maintenance software

I am in desparate need of software to permit "automatic" addition and
deletion of folks from my mailing list.  Ideally what would happen is that
requests for addition and deletion mailed to the -request address would be
expected to be in some standard format and would be handled without human
intervention.  I know such software exists---where can I find it?

Many thanks.



Date: Sun, 12 Nov 89 08:40:45 EST
From: pgauvin@ncs.dnd.ca (Pierre Gauvin)
Subject:  Pads for Hyperpad

Does anybody know where I can find "pads" for HyperPad?  Obviously, I
would prefer PDpads, but I will look at commercial ones too.

Please, email, I will summarize.

Pierre Gauvin


Date: Sun, 12 Nov 89 01:18:43 IST
Subject: pcFAX, Windows and Wyse 700

     A couple of years ago, I bought a pc-FAX board by EIT.  It comes with
a run-time version of Windows.

     Although I have a high-resolution Wyse 700 (Amdek 1280) monitor, I
have had to run the fax program with a CGA driver -- because it does not
have a Wyse driver.  In this low-resolution mode, I cannot read fax
messages onscreen; I have to print them out.

     I now have Windows/286, which has a Wyse 700 driver. But I have no
idea how to get the fax program to run with the Wyse driver.

     The fax program includes an 11K file called WINDOWS.EXE, and a 3K
file called CGA.COM (all of its screen and printer drivers are .COM
programs). The first thing the program does is load the drivers and other
configuration stuff into memory with a file called RESLDR.EXE.  Then it
loads the main program, PSMENU.EXE.

     I tried running RESLDR from inside Windows/286; RESLDR gave an
"unable to load" message and hung the system.  I tried taking WINDOWS.EXE
and CGA.COM out of the configuration file for RESLDR, but the same thing

     I tried calling EIT, but the phone company says they went out of

     Any thoughts on how I can either:

     1. get the Wyse 700 driver from Windows/286 to work with pc-FAX's
runtime version of Windows, or

     2. get the fax program to work inside the full Windows/286 version?

Lew Golan
Tel Aviv University


Date: Mon, 13 Nov 89 15:51:23 CST
From: Dave Boddie <DB06103@SYSB.UARK.EDU>
Subject: Search for Basic Subroutines

A few years ago, I ran across a Basic program that was called Monitor.  It
came in a package with a Basic cross-referencer (CROSSREF) and expanded
lister. The program was a set of basic subroutines that helped with
input/output. I don't want to say that I am desperate, but I would like to
have either some info on where I can find it or who has a copy.

Thanks in advance.
Dave Boddie
Univ. of Arkansas


Date: Sun, 12 Nov 89 19:07:18 MEZ
Subject: SFP fonts for Word adaptation

Now since many fonts (in SFP form) are available from
mims-iris.waterloo.edu I would like to be able to use these fonts for

Does anybody know how to prepare the required PRD files?  Is there a PD
program to construct the PRDs from the SFPs.  I would need it for either
HP LJ II or brother HL8.

Erich Neuwirth


Date: Sun, 12 Nov 89 01:17:32 IST
Subject: VP 2.0 and HIMEM.SYS

     I'm running VP 2.0 Professional Extension on a Tandy 3000 with a
2-meg RAMpage 286 board.

     If I try to use HIMEM.SYS (version 2.04 from Windows 2.11), I get the
proper response during bootup (64K High Memory Area is available) -- but
when I try to load Ventura, the system hangs.  It goes into GEM and gets
as far as the white bar across the very top of the screen with
C:\VENTURA\VPPROF.APP, and a gray rectangle over the rest of the screen.
The mouse cursor will move, but doesn't activate anything.

     This is my CONFIG.SYS file:

         device=c:\sys\remm43.sys /X=A000-BFFF /X=E000-EFFF
         device=c:\sys\smartdrv.sys 512 /a
         device=c:\sys\rex.sys 64

     I have tried running it without my AUTOEXEC.BAT, without the SMARTDRV
cache, without ANSI.SYS, with more files and buffers.  No matter what,
Ventura won't load if HIMEM.SYS is active.

     I load Ventura with the following line:


     I've tried it with and without the Edco hyphenation dictionary.  Has
anyone had this problem?


Date: Mon, 13 Nov 1989   09:34:35   CET
Subject: WordPerfect and IBM Text4

Dear nethackers,

we are in process of expanding our PC systems and are planning to
standardize the software of our word processing system.  The products
currently under discussion in our group are WordPerfect 5.0 and IBM Text

Who has gained experience in the use of one or preferably both of the
w3above mentioned products ?

-  Who would be in the position to supply information on their advantages
and disadvantages ?

We would very grateful for your kind assistance in this matter and look
forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Markus DiehlxD
AIM17 at dk0rrzk0.BITNET

[A recent issue of PC Magazine discussed pros and cons of '...the top five
word processors.  A word processor by IBM and WordPerfect were among the
ones compared.  Sorry I don't have the issue number, but it was within
the last two months.  gph]


Date: 13 Nov 89 07:56 GMT+0100
From: wolfgang wuerz <wuerz-w%vax.hmi.dbp.de@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: Device Drivers for LaserView Display Monitor

We are using a "LaserView Display Monitor LVM-00-1900" by SIGMA DESIGN on
a 386-system. It's a very nice display with just one (major) problem: We
have only a few device drivers working with it, namely Ventura Publisher
1.1, Windows 1.04/2.03 (there are more delivered with the monitor, e.g.
GEM, but we don't use these products). In any other case, the monitor
emulates a Hercules-card, which works fine so far, but doesn't use the

Our questions:

- Has anyone written device-driver useable with other software?

- Does anyone know other SW-products which can use the hires-mode of this

- Has anyone written a graphic-library (namely, routines like
CLEAR_SCREEN, PLOT_XY etc.), usable with Microsoft-FORTRAN or as a
Turbo-Pascal-4.0/5.0-unit etc.?

Thank you very much in advance! 
Wolfgang Wuerz, Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin


End of Info-IBMPC Digest