Info-IBMPC Digest Sun, 17 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 119
Today's Editor:
Gregory Hicks - Chinhae Korea <>
Today's Topics:
Changing Commands
Cyrillic code page for DOS
Joystick emulator for Microsoft-type mouse
Kermit key definitions ?
Looking for a good portfoilo program.
RTF format
super operating system?
TeX archives on Internet
The PC Magazine Directory (2 msgs)
TSFORT12.ARC - Call MS Fortran from Turbo Pascal 5.5
UUNET Documentation
Warning! CC.EXE from xxcp.arc can crash your system
The Lending Library is available from: WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (see
file PD1:<MSDOS.FILEDOCS>AAAREAD.ME details on file directories
and descriptions.)
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Date: Thu, 7 Dec 89 12:56:16 GMT
From: sjuphil! (Glenn M. Brunette)
Subject: Changing Commands
I would like to know if there is a program such as Dos Boss (by
Beagle Bros. for the Apple) for the IBM. I want a program that will allow
me to change such commands as "copy, delete, etc..." as Dos Boss can do
for the Apple. Though IBM and Apple are different in many respects, I was
wondering if such a program exists. Please reply through Email. Thanks
in advance.
Glenn Brunette
Date: Thursday, 22 June 1989 09:35-MDT
Subject: Cyrillic code page for DOS
Some time ago I uploaded CYRILLIC.ARC, my hack for adding Russian letters
to MS-DOS, to SIMTEL20. I received several letters asking me to add
printer fonts to it. I have uploaded an updated version.
The changes are:
1) I've included downloadable fonts for epson fx
2) I've included Russian hyphenation patterns
3) I've updated the document accordingly
The new file is in PD1:<MSDOS.SCREEN>CYRILIC2.ARC
Dimitri Vulis
Department of Mathematics
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 89 15:23:22 IST
From: Moshe Israeli <>
Subject: Bypassing Kermit's error checking
If one is using an MNP 4 or MNP 5 modem, that does error correction, how
does one avoid Kermit's error checking in order to save time?
Moshe Israeli
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 89 23:17:55 EST
From: "Doug Sewell" <>
Subject: Joystick emulator for Microsoft-type mouse
Can anyone point me to a joystick emulator for a microsoft-type mouse?
I've seen the opposite: a mouse emulator for a joystick, but I haven't
seen a program like this yet.
Doug Sewell (DOUG@YSUB.BITNET), Tech Support, Computer Center,
Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH 44555
>> 1. working software 2. on time 3. within budget (choose up to 2).
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 89 10:35:30 EST
Subject: Looking for a good portfoilo program.
Hi, I'm looking for a program that will help me keep track of a small
number of portfolios. What this should be able to do is: With one
command print up a report on a person. List their stocks and bonds,
information about these, and figure how much they are currantly worth.
This does not have to be hooked directly up to the Stock Market, the stock
prices would only need to be updated a couple of times a month. I have
looked a product called The Professional Portfolio by Advent, It does what
I need and about a hundred other things I don't. It is also about $2000
more than I want to speand.
Any ideas?
Thanx in advance.
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 89 16:07:26 PST
Subject: RTF format
Can any one direct me to a definition of Rich Text Format (RTF), the
interchange format for microsoft word processing documents. I have tried a
number of their support lines/departments with no success. I have noticed
some reference in the second volume of the 'file Formats' series of books
but it doesnt appear comprehensive or up to date (with word version 5.0).
Jeff Sicherman
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 89 10:12:36 CDT
From: david@wubios.WUstl.EDU (David J. Camp)
Subject: super operating system?
I seem to remember hearing somewhere about a company (I thought called
'MCS') that was producing a 'super' operating system for the 386
architecture that would run MS-Dos, OS/2, and Unix simultaneously. Since
this makes ultimate sense, I have been trying to track them down, but have
had no luck. Does anyone know anything about such an operating system in
existence or development? -David-
Bitnet: david@wubios.wustl ^ Mr. David J. Camp
Internet: < * > Box 8067, Biostatistics
uucp: uunet!wucs1!wubios!david v 660 South Euclid
Washington University (314) 36-23635 Saint Louis, MO 63110
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 89 08:53:06 SET
From: "Simon H.G. Rowell" <ESC1515%ESOC.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>
Subject: The PC Magazine Directory
Being a subscriber to PC Magazine but without a modem, I was delighted to
discover that the Info-IBMPC program library included an archive of past
and present PC Magazine executables and listings.
Having delved into the library somewhat, I have come up with a couple of
pressing problems:
a) In Volume 8 Number 21 a utility for automatically compressing files
that have not been used for a few days was described. This utility also
expands files that have been compressed automatically when they are
accessed by means of a memory resident program. Since, like most people,
my hard disk seems to fill up all the time, I thought this is exactly what
I needed.
I downloaded VOL8N21 from <msdos.pcmag> and went through the correct
installation process (making DCOMPRES memory resident first, setting the
date on my PC to the dim-distant past, running PCMANAGE with the "/i"
switch, resetting the date and then rerunning PCMANAGE with no no switch.
It didn't work - the symptoms I noticed were...
1) No INDEX.CMP files were created.
2) If the DCOMPRES.EXL was used no files were accessed.
3) The hooked vectors utilised by DCOMPRES depended upon when I loaded
the utility.
where am I going wrong?
b) The second aspect of my enquiry is that there exists an index to all
reviews in the PC Magazine. This is called PCM.EXE (a self-extracting
file). The index is complemented by a database search program called
PCSRCH.EXE (another self-extracting archive).
Those are my problems. I realise that you may not be able to help me find
a solution to the first problem but are any of the following possible?
i) Is it possible to gain access to PC MagNet over the Bitnet/Arpanet
network? If so do you know the address?
ii) Could the PC Magazine index be extracted from PC MagNet and placed in
the PCMAG directory of the discussion list?
I apologise for taking up your time, but hope that you will be able to
help me.
Thankyou in advance
Bitnet Addr: ESC1515@ESOC.BITNET
Simon Rowell Phone: +39 6151 886817
Address: c/o ESOC
Robert-Bosch Str, 5
6100 Darmstadt
West Germany
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1989 09:11 MST
From: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: The PC Magazine Directory
Simon, Greg Hicks forwarded your message to me. The author of the
compression program is Ross Greenberg <utoday!>. I
have forwarded your message to him.
I have never seen the complete index and the program to access it. It was
my understanding that each issue's archive contained the index for that
We do have indexes for some PC Magazine issues.
Directory: PD1:<MSDOS.PCMAG>
V7A_DB.ARC 53K 09-30-88 PC-Mag 1988 articles index in dBASE-III
V7P_DB.ARC 97K 09-30-88 PC-Mag 1988 product reviews in dBASE-III
Keith Petersen
Maintainer of SIMTEL20's CP/M, MSDOS, & MISC archives [IP address]
Internet: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil, BITNET: w8sdz@NDSUVM1
Uucp: {ames,decwrl,harvard,rutgers,ucbvax,uunet}!!w8sdz
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1989 14:07 MST
From: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: TSFORT12.ARC - Call MS Fortran from Turbo Pascal 5.5
[--forwarded message--]
From: Duncan Murdoch <>
I have uploaded the following file to SIMTEL20:
TPFORT12.ARC Call MS Fortran from Turbo Pascal 5.5
TPFORT includes a unit to use in TP 5.5 programs to allow linking of
external Fortran subroutines and functions. Use it to link Fortran
libaries of functions into TP programs without translation. Calls can go
from TP to Fortran and from Fortran to TP. Freeware uploaded by the
author; source code not included. Version 1.2.
Duncan Murdoch
[--end forwarded message--]
Thanks, Duncan!
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 89 13:15:50 EST
From: Elliott Parker <>
Subject: UUNET Documentation
Bruce Nevin ( asks about documentation for UUNET.
The best intro. I have found is UNIX Communications by Bart Anderson,
Bryan Costales and Harry Henderson (Howard W. Sams, 1988; ISBN
0-672-22511-5). It has a few pp. of UNIX background and then is split
into three sections: UNIX Mail, USENET, and UUCP.
As one who had to learn UNIX communications from the book with
no local handholding, I heartily recommend it.
Journalism Dept. Internet:
Central Michigan University Compuserve: 70701,520
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859 BIX: eparker
USA UUCP: {psuvax1}!cmuvm.bitnet!3zlufur
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 89 3:30:58 CDT
From: david@wubios.WUstl.EDU (David J. Camp)
Subject: Warning! CC.EXE from xxcp.arc can crash your system
Please be advised not to try to run the CC.EXE nor the MAKE.EXE program
that came with XXCP.ARC in a recent distribution. The are actually text
files originally named 'CC EXEC' and 'MAKE EXEC' targeted for use with the
Waterloo C compiler on VM/CMS systems. I have renamed them to be
CCEXEC.CMS and MAKEEXEC.CMS for future release. My experience is that if
you attempt to run CC.EXE your system may crash. Please do not try it. I
will upload an improved and much smaller xxcp.arc soon. -David-
Bitnet: david@wubios.wustl ^ Mr. David J. Camp
Internet: < * > Box 8067, Biostatistics
uucp: uunet!wucs1!wubios!david v 660 South Euclid
Washington University (314) 36-23635 Saint Louis, MO 63110
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 89 10:26 MET
Hello Networkers,
Is there anybody out there who can recommend a book about plotters or any
other information source. I am working on a drawing program which among
other things will send output to a plotter. I want to make it as universal
as possible, covering a wide range of plotters. I have not much
information about any other plotter than my own. Incidentally, I am
writing this program in Turbo-C but I post this question on many bulletin
boards. Thanks, Anneke Sicherer-Roetman, Holland
Date: 4 December 89, 09:53:09 EDT
Subject: Disabling CTRL-ALT-DEL
Marcelo H. Ang Jr in his letter dated Nov 11th 1989 asks for a program
to disable CTRl+ALT+DEL, well.., here it is, i've used it on my TANDY
1000A with no problems and in PS/2's 25 and 50 and had no problems at all
To use it just type, from the dos prompt:
MASM NOCAD; (of course you need MASM)
LINK NOCAD; (and of course you need a linker)
If you type NOCAD once it has been loaded, it will tell you so. I've
used it with DOS 3.30, but it works just as well under DOS 2.00 and above.
If you have any comment of any kind please let me know. And have a
nice new decade everybody.
[Program has been forwarded to WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL and will be found in
Date: 6 Dec 1989
Subject: Disk cache and LIMSIM on clones.
I have a no-name 386 clone with interleaved memory running at 20Mhz. I am
a LIMSIM user, and need EMS for other software I run. Recently, I have
been getting PARITY ERROR ?? SYSTEM HALTED when the machine is cold and
there is intensive disk activity. It does not occur when I remove
Lightning (my current cache, with DOS 3.3). I tried another cache
package, PC-CACHE, and it does not appear to work with LIMSIM at all. So
my questions are (1) anyone else had the PARITY ERROR problem during disk
IO like I do? (2) anyone have any favorable experience with LIMSIM and a
disk cache? Which cache product?
End of Info-IBMPC Digest