[comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest] Info-IBMPC Digest V90 #8

Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL ("Info-IBMPC Digest") (01/22/90)

Info-IBMPC Digest           Sun, 21 Jan 90       Volume 90 : Issue   8

Today's Editor:
         Gregory Hicks - Chinhae Korea <GHICKS@WSMR-Simtel20.Army.Mil>

Today's Topics:
                          3.5 inch floppies
                          ITT Xtra problem
                     Sending Mail to Compuserve
                     Recording system startups
  Correction to the Quick reference list of SIMTEL20's MSDOS directories

Today's Queries:
                           TSR Cookbook
                     "SCANV54.ARC" not found?
                     Bargains without manuals
                      PC Mag - LABS BENCH 5.1
                       Software Copyright...
          Unisys Personal Work Station Series 500

New Programs:
      EMACS15F.ARC - Bug fix for Freemacs 1.5e PC clone executable
            F-PROT.ARC - Detect, prevent and remove viruses
                 Fido BBS version 12r uploaded to SIMTEL20
       IDTAG.ARC - Cvt text file to OBJ for linking to executable
      MERSENNE.ARC - Math: Lists 31 Mersenne Primes & bibliography

The Lending Library is available from: WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (see
file PD1:<MSDOS.FILEDOCS>AAAREAD.ME details on file directories
and descriptions.)

Archives of past issues of the Info-IBMPC Digest are available from

WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL can be accessed using LISTSERV commands from BITNET
EARN TRICKLE servers.  Send commands to TRICKLE@<host-name> (example: 
TRICKLE@TREARN).  The following TRICKLE servers are presently available: 
AWIWUW11 (Austria), BANUFS11 (Belgium), DKTC11 (Denmark), DB0FUB11 
(Germany), IMIPOLI (Italy), EB0UB011 (Spain) TAUNIVM (Israel) and TREARN

If you are unable to access SIMTEL20 via Internet FTP or through one of
the BITNET/EARN file servers, most MSDOS SIMTEL20 files, including the
PC-Blue collection, are available for downloading on the Detroit Download
Central network at 313-885-3956.  DDC is a networked system with multiple
lines that support 300, 1200, 2400, and 9600 bps (HST).  DDC is not a free
system but the hourly cost is only 17 cents.  It's also accessable on
Telenet via PC Pursuit and on Tymnet via StarLink outdial.

Send Replies or notes for publication to: <INFO-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>

Send requests of an administrative nature (addition to, deletion from the
distribution list, et al) to: <INFO-IBMPC-REQUEST@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>


Date: Wed, 17 Jan 90 11:50:04 EST
From: Glenn Karcher MITRE/D79 <gwk@mbunix.mitre.org>
Subject: 3.5 inch floppies

To: turgot@trearn (Sorry that this message is to the entire list, but
                   but the supplied address was insufficient for our mailer)

[Should have been <TURGOT%TREARN.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> ...  gph]

The 3.5" floppy disk installation problems may be more than just a
"device=driver.sys..." problem.  The machine's BIOS also must provide
support for the drive.  DOS 3.3 says use the "/N:9 /T:80" parameters with
the FORMAT command to get 720kB.  However, if the BIOS does not support
the drive, you will probably get an "Invalid Parameter" message (I just
had this happen on my AT clone).  I would suggest contacting the
manufacturer about whether or not your BIOS provides the necessary
capabilities.  From personal experience, I know that the Award BIOS
versions 3.0 and above do support the 3.5" drives.  One of the recent
issues of BYTE magazine listed COMPUTERWERK, INC (1-800-423-3400) as a
vendor for these chips [please, no flames, no specific advertisement is

  Hope this helps you get your system up soon.  Best of luck...

--Glenn Karcher

Disclaimers: The usual ..., these are all my own opinions...


Date: Wed, 17 Jan 90 08:47:01 IST
Subject: ITT Xtra problem

>Date: Tue, 02 Jan 90 11:19:28 EST
>From: "Lawrence G. Zweibohmer" <lzweiboh@note.nsf.gov>
>I would appreciate any help/suggestions for a problem I am having with an
>ITT_XTRA.  When power is turned on for booting, almost immediately the
>following message appears:
>   Invalid NMI Interrupt
>   Press the RETURN Key to Continue
>The RETURN key does nothing at this point and the only action that does
>anything is turning power off and on.  The light for the hard disk blinks
>once as soon as power is turned on, else no other activity but the message
>on the screen.

NMI stands for Non-Maskable Interrupt and is usually associated with
memory parity errors or I/O errors from cards installed in the expansion
backplane.  The ITT is unique that it not only can do a CTL-ALT-DEL to
reboot but there is also a "secret" CTL-ALT-ESC that puts the ITT XTra
into ROM Diagnostic mode.  No need for a special IBM diskette.  The
diagnostics sit in ROM.  Try the CTL-ALT-ESC and see if you get a 'Rom =>'
prompt.  If not then your machine is dead in the water.

If you get the prompt you can then take it from there.  The diagnostics
are menu driven and always accept the word HELP.  The 5 diagnostics are:
system board, memory, floppy, keyboard and video.  You can then test your
system to see whats wrong.

If you don't get the Rom => prompt then it might be that your system is
having a critical error when doing the memory self test at boot time.  I
have disabled this since it saves me about 2 minutes at power up time.  On
the motherboard there is Switch 2, position 7.  If the dip is ON - the
system will do a memory self test.  If the switch is OFF there will be no
memory self test.

In addition there is Switch 4.  Position 3 can be either ON (mother-board
has 512K) or OFF (motherboard has 640K).  Position 4 dip switch can be
either ON (no expansion memory) or OFF (test for extra 512K or 1Mb of
expansion memory).

Best is to turn the switch 2, position 7 to OFF and try restarting your
system, bypassing the memory tests.  Then get into Rom diagnostic mode and
see what is the matter.

Any wonder I know so much about it since this is about as powerful a
machine that the USA allows to be exported to Israel (for the past 18
months).  No IBM 3090 vectors or mini-Cray's allowed here.

Hank Nussbacher
Israeli Network Information Center


Date: 17 Jan 90 13:22:00 EDT
From: "CMSGT LARRY KELLY" <kellyl@gw2.hanscom.af.mil>
Subject: Re: Mail to Compuserve

In Vol 90, #2, Chris Eddington asked how to send mail to Compuserve....

     address to 99999.999@COMPUSERVE.COM

     where 99999.999 is the receipients Compuserve Account #.  NOTE:
Compuserve account numbers have a ",".  YOU MUST REPLACE THE COMMA WITH A

To go the other use EasyPlex and at "Send to (Name or User ID):"
enter    >INTERNET:receipient@address.domain

I've done it both ways and it works.  See The December 89 issue of
"ONLINE" for further details.

- Larry Kelly


Date: 17 Jan 90 12:53:19+0100
From: Norbert Bladt <bladt@hslrswi.uucp>
Subject: Recording system startups

>Return-Receipt-To: <bladt@hslrswi.UUCP>

Hello !

I have seen several answers to the question of Mike Bunnell (Vol. 89, #
121).  However, I could not resist to come up with another solution. How

	echo.|date >>boot.dat
	echo.|time >>boot.dat

This avoids the dependance on a file which could be accidentally deleted
by somebody sometimes. It works on PC-DOS 3.30 and COMPAQ-DOS 3.31.  I
think it should work on almost any DOS.

Norbert Bladt.

[There have been MANY replies on this subject, and, unless someone comes
up with a 'different, more innovative' method, this will be the last one
on this subject.  gph]


Date: Thu, 18 Jan 1990  10:57 MST
From: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: Quick reference list to SIMTEL20's MSDOS directories (correction)

Quick reference list of SIMTEL20's PD1:<MSDOS.x> directories as of January
18, 1990 (where 'x' is one of the names below):

APL           DATABASE      GRAPH         NETWORK       SQ-USQ
ARC-LBR       DBASE         GRAPHICS      OS2           STARLINK
ASMUTL        DESKJET       IRIT          PC-JR         SURFMODL
AT            DESKPUB       KA9Q-TCPIP    PCPURSUIT     SWAP
AWK           DIRUTL        KEYBOARD      PCTECH        TEX
BASIC         DISASM        LAN           PGMUTL        TROJAN-PRO
BATUTL        DSKUTL        LAPTOP        PILOT         TURBO-C
BBS           EDITOR        LASER         PLI           TURBOBAS
BORLAND       EEL           LOTUS123      PREPROCESS    TXTUTL
BYTEMAG       EGA           MAC           PRINTER       UUCP
C             EMULATORS     MAPPING       PRODIGY       VENTURA
CAD           FILEDOCS      MATH          PROGJOURN     VGA
CALCULATOR    FILUTL        MAX           PROLOG        VOICE
CASE          FINANCE       MEMACS        QBASIC        VOICEMAIL
CIS           FORMGEN       MICROCORN     RAMDISK       X-10
CLIPPER       FORTH         MODULA2       SCREEN        XLISP

Quick reference list of SIMTEL20's PD2:<MSDOS2.x> directories as of
January 18, 1990 (where 'x' is one of the names below):

BIBLE         MODEM         PIBTERM       RBBS-PC       XPC
CMU-PCIP      OPUS          PROCOMM       TAXES         ZMODEM
FIDO          PCMAG         QMODEM        TELIX

file directories and descriptions.



Date: Tue, 16 Jan 90 14:54 EST
Subject: TSR Cookbook

A while ago I asked about books which explained TSR design/coding to the
level of a beginning hacker.  Only got one response, which was
discouraging.  Am happy to report success:  "Born to Code in C" by Herb
Schildt explains how to do it.  This is a verified report:  my hacker
friend found the book, followed the instructions, and his code worked.


Date: Wed, 17 Jan 90 14:23 U
Subject: "SCANV54.ARC" not found?

   From the listing of SIMIBM.ARC of 16-Jan-1990, I would like to download
the SCANV54.ARC in the directory "pd1:<msdos.trojan-pro>scanv54.arc. But
the listserv always responsed the message "file not found". Would you
please telling me what is going wrong? How can I get the file?


[What happened is not your fault.  This program is updated far faster than
most other programs in the MS-DOS Collection.  The recommended way to grab
this program is to request file PD1:<MSDOS.TROJAN-PRO>SCANV*.ARC...  This
way, you'll ALWAYS get the latest version since older versions are deleted
as soon as the update is loaded.

There may be a chance that your request comes in after the new version is
uploaded but BEFORE the old one is deleted.  However, the REAL chance of
this happening are quite slim (<0.0001% of the time) since your request
must be processed, one file finishes being sent and the next file in the
sequence opened...  gph]


Date: Wed, 17 Jan 90 23:05:38 EST
From: "Richard J. Reiner" <RREINER%YORKVM1.bitnet@ugw.utcs.utoronto.ca>
Subject: Bargains without manuals

At a gov't surplus sale last week, I picked up a bunch of PC accessories.
They were real cheap, but all are totally without documentation.  Does
anyone have specs/manuals for any of the following?  Perhaps addresses of
the manufacturers so I can get original manuals?

   Tallgrass TG-5025(A) tape and HD combination unit
   Scriptel SPD-1212T graphics tablet
   Polaroid Palette 72-10
   Epson FX-100 with factory upgrade to FX-185
   Santa Clara Systems 32/11R external tape and HD unit
   Syquest SQ 312RD tape drive
   Syquest 338F disk drive

I'll gladly pay for photocopying and mailing if anyone can help.  Thanks
very much,


Richard J. Reiner              rreiner@nexus.yorku.ca
BITNET: rreiner@yorkvm1.bitnet (also rreiner@vm1.yorku.ca)


Date: Wed, 17 Jan 90 13:26:11 EST
From: BROWN%CMR001.bitnet@ugw.utcs.utoronto.ca
Subject: PC Mag - LABS BENCH 5.1

I have run into a bit of a problem after running BENCH 5.1 Running CHKDSK
/F now gives me this...

C:\>chkdsk /f

Volume CMR INFO    created Jul 9, 1987 11:13a
Probable non-DOS disk.
Continue  (Y/N)? y

 31768576 bytes total disk space
    83968 bytes in 6 hidden files
   186368 bytes in 83 directories
 27766784 bytes in 1600 user files
  3731456 bytes available on disk

   655360 bytes total memory
   185408 bytes free

It is the "Probable non-DOS disk" that concerns me. I had done a chkdsk a
few hours before running BENCH 5.1  and had no problems.  I spoke with a
tech-rep from PC Mag and he doesn't see how the problem could have been
introduced by BENCH, nor has he or anyone else seen this problem.

The hard disk works fine, it boots nicely, and seems to be intact, but I
am still a bit concerned. By the way, I really like BENCH 5.1.

Info: I am running a real IBM AT (model 5170), dual floppy, 30 meg hard
(all from IBM). I ran all the benchmarking tests twice, the first with MS
WINDOWS SmartCache and the second time with a simple AST Ramdisk.

My questions are... Has anyone else seen this? Is BENCH the culprit or
should I be looking elsewhere, and finally, what do I do now (besides
backing up the hard disk and reformatting it)?

Thanx for your time,

                  CP6-Mail: Michael Brown @CMR
                  NET-Mail: <brownm@cmr001.bitnet>
Michael Brown   Snail-Mail: Service Informatique CMR, St-Jean, Que. J0J 1R0


Date: Wed, 17 Jan 90 09:19 EDT
From: "Navin Ganeshan" <GANE0155%UDCVAX.BITNET@CORNELLC.cit.cornell.edu>
Subject: Software Copyright...

   Hi,   I'm looking for the address/telephone number of the Software
Copyright office or something of that function.  I'm an amateur programmer
and have a couple of programs that I'd like to release to the Public
Domain (or as shareware)

   I have no idea what the procedure is.  If any professional programmers
out there have any tips regarding distribution or other information, I'd
be extremely grateful.

                                             Navin S. Ganeshan
                                             Academic Computing Services
                                             Univ. of DC,
                                             Washington DC


Date: Wed, 17 Jan 90 10:41:05 JST
From: Ken Miller <asqj-sot-hadmin@buckner-emh1.army.mil>
Subject: Unisys Personal Work Station Series 500

Reference Info-IBMPC Digest V90 #2.  The item from subject address
requested information on a UNISYS Personal Workstation Series 500.  I use
such a machine on a daily basis at work (U.S. Army).  I cannot send
messages to bitnet.  If this individual has an address we can get to from
milnet, please let me know and I will contact him.  Thanks for being the

Ken Miller
Electronic Mail Host Administrator
Fort Buckner, Okinawa, Japan


Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1990  14:46 MST
From: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: EMACS15F.ARC - Bug fix for Freemacs 1.5e PC clone executable

[--forwarded message--]
From: Russ Nelson <nelson@image.soe.clarkson.edu>

I have uploaded this file to SIMTEL20:

EMACS15F.ARC    Bug fix for Freemacs 1.5e PC clone executable

The PC clone executable for Freemacs 1.5e has two nasty bugs (neither of
which shows up on my machine, hence the need for and promise of future
alpha testing).  The first causes the CGA snow control code to crash the
machine.  The second turns off memory refresh on pre-AT class machines
whenever the bell is rung.  To my knowledge (obviously limited), version
1.5f fixes these two bugs.  Rather than do a complete re-release, I have
decided to release 1.5f as an executable-only release.


Thanks, Russ!



Date: Thu, 18 Jan 1990  12:29 MST
From: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: F-PROT.ARC - Detect, prevent and remove viruses

[--forwarded message--]
From: jwright@atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu (Jim Wright)

I have uploaded the new F-PROT from Fridrik Skulason to SIMTEL20.  This
package combines the features of just about every other offering into a
single set of programs.  There's virus scanning, checksum calculation,
memory-resident protection, etc.  Lots more.  Sent to me directly by the
author for uploading to SIMTEL20.

F-PROT.ARC      Detect, prevent and remove viruses



Thanks, Jim and Fridrik!



Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1990  12:59 MST
From: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: Fido BBS version 12r uploaded to SIMTEL20

[--forwarded message--]
From: pozar@ucbarpa.Berkeley.EDU (Tim Pozar)

I have uploaded the latest version (12r) of the Fido BBS package from Tom
Jennings to SIMTEL20.  See below...

All files with the extention of ".LZH" are compressed with LHARC, which is
available from SIMTEL20 as pd1:<msdos.arc-lbr>LH113C.EXE.


FIDO.LST	What files to download to get latest Fido BBS
FIDO12R.LZH	Tom Jennings' Fido/FidoNet BBS v12r, 1of3
FIDO_IBM.LZH    Tom Jennings' Fido/FidoNet BBS v12r, 2of3
NEWFIDO.LZH     Tom Jennings' Fido/FidoNet BBS v12r, 3of3
POLICY.PRN      Policy concerning fees and usage of Fido BBS

--- From FIDO.LST ---
 If you are trying to get the latest version of Fido/FidoNet, save
yourself needless downloading, and follow these instructions LITERALLY.

 ALWAYS TAKE THIS FILE: it contains the files and programs that have
changed recently, which you will need to upgrade from a previous version,
or for a new installation.

 (Only one file so far, right?)

-*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- 
 It is the Fido/FidoNet program itself. 

Fido_IBM.LZH IBM PCs and 100% clones
 (This makes two files total, no matter what.)

-*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- -*-*- 
 FOR NEW INSTALLATIONS ONLY: Or for upgrades from pre-12H versions. It
contains all of the basic files (sample bulletins, help files, etc) that
you will need.

 (Now you have three files if you don't have Fido yet, or still only two
if you do.)

[--end forwarded message--]

Thanks, Tim!

--Keith Petersen
Maintainer of SIMTEL20's CP/M, MSDOS, & MISC archives [IP address]
Internet: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil, w8sdz@brl.arpa  BITNET: w8sdz@NDSUVM1
Uucp: {ames,decwrl,harvard,rutgers,ucbvax,uunet}!wsmr-simtel20.army.mil!w8sdz


Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1990  11:15 MST
From: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: IDTAG.ARC - Cvt text file to OBJ for linking to executable

[--forwarded message--]
From: kenji@ybbs.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Kenji Rikitake)

I have uploaded the following file to SIMTEL20:

IDTAG.ARC       Cvt text file to OBJ for linking to executable

IDTAG is a small utility which converts a text file into an .obj file so
that the text file will be part of .exe file.

Kenji Rikitake, JJ1BDX, Sakurajousui R&D Center, Packet Radio User's Group
<kenji@ybbs.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp> / <kenji@jj1bdx.ampr{.jp|.org}> []

[--end forwarded message--]

Thanks, Kenji!



Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1990  13:28 MST
From: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: MERSENNE.ARC - Math: Lists 31 Mersenne Primes & bibliography

[--forwarded message--]
From: Steve Clancy <sclancy@orion.oac.uci.edu>

I have uploaded the following files to SIMTEL20:

MERSENNE.ARC    Math: Lists 31 Mersenne Primes & bibliography

-- Steve Clancy

[--end forwarded message--]

Thanks, Steve!



End of Info-IBMPC Digest