[comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest] Info-IBMPC Digest V90 #20

Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL ("Info-IBMPC Digest") (02/16/90)

Info-IBMPC Digest           Fri, 16 Feb 90       Volume 90 : Issue  20

Today's Editor:
         Gregory Hicks - Chinhae Korea <GHICKS@WSMR-Simtel20.Army.Mil>

Today's Topics:
                        80287 Emulator Wanted
                 Access control &password protection
           Anyone have a screen-saver that does neat things
                       Building a RESET switch
       Defining a spreadsheetinterface with the ACTOR-language
                       Expanded/Extended Memory
                    TEX-DVI-driver for HP-Deskjet
                        Re: Software Carousel
                        Kermit 3.0 Lan Support
                    Perstor Hard Drive controllers
                   query: serial i/o direct access
                         SIMTEL/Dynamic Video
                        Simtel20 FTP Downloads
                  Sperry IT 3.5" drive installation
                             VGA & Fonts
                 Lists of Bugs from Microsoft, et al
                           Fujitsu 386/33

Send Replies or notes for publication to: <INFO-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>

Send requests of an administrative nature (addition to, deletion from the
distribution list, et al) to: <INFO-IBMPC-REQUEST@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>

The Lending Library is available from: WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (see file
PD1:<MSDOS.FILEDOCS>AAAREAD.ME details on file directories and

Archives of past issues of the Info-IBMPC Digest are available by FTP only

WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL can be accessed using LISTSERV commands from BITNET
EARN TRICKLE servers.  Send commands to TRICKLE@<host-name> (example:
TRICKLE@TREARN).  The following TRICKLE servers are presently available:
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If you are unable to access SIMTEL20 via Internet FTP or through one of
the BITNET/EARN file servers, most MSDOS SIMTEL20 files, including the
PC-Blue collection, are available for downloading on the Detroit Download
Central network at 313-885-3956.  DDC is a networked system with multiple
lines that support 300, 1200, 2400, and 9600 bps (HST) at a cost of 17
cents per hour.  It is also accessable on Telenet via PC Pursuit and on
Tymnet via StarLink outdial.


Date: Wed, 07 Feb 90 13:05:49 PST
From: CSPW.RURES@f4.n494.z5.fidonet.org (CSPW RURES)
Subject: 80287 Emulator Wanted

I have implemented a functional language compiler and wish to distribute
it in the Public Domain.  However, the compiler produces object files
directly, and these need to link to a C run-time library.  Does anyone
know where I can buy / get library sources so that I can roll my own
libraries, with 8087 emulation as well.  I'd like to be able to distribute
my compiler and the library that it needs, and a linker.
Borland don't supply the 8087 emulators with their other library sources.
Topspeed do supply an 8087 emulator source, but the formats and calling
conventions are not exactly to my taste.  Also, the licencing agreements
are not absolutely clear in either case:  Can I use a manufacturer's
library sources to re-create my own versions of the libraries (just like
the originals, probably), and then pass these libraries onto third parties
in the Public Domain?  Sounds fishy.
So I need    1. Libraries that can be distributed in the PD,
             2. A linker that will do MS-Link type things, also in PD.
   Pete Wentworth
uucp: uunet!m2xenix!puddle!5!494!4!CSPW.RURES
Internet: CSPW.RURES@f4.n494.z5.fidonet.org


Date: Thu, 08 Feb 90 11:08:50 IST
Subject: Access control &password protection

Reply to J.McKinney of UTexas about Password Protection to PC.

We stared 5 years ago at the Aerospace Eng. Dept. at Technion a 22 PC lab.
There is no LAN and each computer is a stand alone with a 20 MB hard disk
and two diskette drives. Two years ago, with the proliferation of viruses,
the lab was unusable for almost a full semester. We tried software
protection of the hard disks using a hidden file. However the students
were using Norton's program to find the hidden file and neutralize it.
Thus viruses were all over, and no way to operate the PC's for more than 3
days in a row without hard disk formatting.

We therefore ordered from ELIASHIM Microcomputers P.O. Box 8691 Haifa,
Israel FAX: 972-4-528613 a hardware lock to the hard disk that is called
LOGSAFE. It is a chip introduced to the motherboard (a card should be
preferred as this is more standard). It can work with password access (we
preferred no password). It includes virus screening. It allows locking the
full hard disk or parts of it. We preferred not to take the chance, so we
closed all 22 hard disks to student access for writing, making them read
only devices. Since then we had no more problems.  I have no connection
with the above company other than being a customer.

Alex Burcat Aerospace Eng. Technion.


Date: 9 Feb 90 11:43 -0800
From: Thomas Wong <twong@civil.ubc.ca>
Subject: Anyone have a screen-saver that does neat things

>Does anyone know if there is a screen saver like the mac fireworks for the

Yes Steve. There is a shareware program called Explosive that does just
that. Even have color and can be disabled and enabled,....etc.  You can
find it in MTSG.UBC.CA ( under the directory PC1, and it's
called EXPLOSIV.ZIP (Obviously, use Pkunzip to de- archive it). Hope that



Date: Fri, 9 Feb 90 10:22:28 -0500
From: grant@itd.nrl.navy.mil (Liam Grant)
Subject: Building a RESET switch

	I'm looking for a design to create a reset switch for a standard,
TRUE-BLUE IBM AT.  This switch should be mountable somewhere on the front
of the PC.

	I've recently become involved in building some boards for a PC
expansion slot.  I have a decent design (workable anyway) for extending
the PC bus out of the original box.  All so good so far, however, working
with exposed signals has a tendency to send the PC into LA-LA land
whenever I make a mistake, or a probe slips.

	I've gotten tired of streching all the way around the machine to cycle
the power each and every time this happens.  I'm sure this has been done.
Can anyone point me towards the right article in Byte, PC TECH, or
whatever ?  I have access  to a decent library where they do have all the
back issues, but I don't want to spend all month going through them


William (Leprechaun Liam) Grant			Grant@itd.nrl.navy.mil
Code 5541					(202) 767-2392
Naval Research Laboratory
Washington, D.C. 20375-5000


Date: Thu, 08 Feb 90 15:00:58 CET
Subject: Defining a spreadsheetinterface with the ACTOR-language


A few weeks ago I started to use the programming language ACTOR, an object
oriented language for WINDOWS-applications.

I would like to make a window with a spreadsheet-interface, but I have
problems figuring out how to define a "spreadsheet-class".  Does someone
out there know how to attack the problem?

                               Georg Moe
    ____                       DP Department
   / __  __  _________         Norwegian School of Management
  (___/ (___(__) / (__)        PO. Box 580, N-1301 SANDVIKA, NORWAY
 ____________________/         Tlf (47 2) 47 07 03


Date: Sun, 11 Feb 90 19:54:25 -0500 (EST)
From: John Duchowski <jd3a+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Expanded/Extended Memory

Hello there,

   I run into the following problem when trying to set up my Above Board
PS/AT. Thus far I had it set up as follows:

                  1024 memory on board

             (512 + 128) + 512 ext. + 384 exp.
                 640     + 512 ext. + 384 exp.
                        1152         + 384 exp.
                     on startup

So, I've used the 128 K to make up my base memory to 640 K, I've allocated
512 K as extended memory and the latter 384 K of expanded memory I used as
a printer buffer (using QUIKBUF2).

   Today I've added another 512 K, hoping to turn it into extended memory.
I've run the AT Diagnostics and told it that I now have 1024 K of exten-
ded memory (they call it expansion there). So, now the above figure should
look as follows:

                  1536 memory on board

             (512 + 128) + 1024 ext. + 384 exp.
                 640     + 1024 ext. + 384 exp.
                        1664         + 384 exp.
                     on startup

However, when I do that, I get a memory error when the computer reaches
the 1152 K on startup. I also notice that the DOS/Extended/Expanded memory
partition tabel that shows up says that there is 896 K of expanded memory
of which 384 K goes to the printer buffer. So, it seems to me that somehow
the softwareand/or the board decides to turn the newly installed 512 K
into expanded memory not into extended memory as I would want it !

   I have tried using SETBOARD and SOFTSET repeatedly to set things up as
I would like to see them, but every time I do that I get that memory

   I would appreciate any hints and/or suggestions as to how I may solve
this problem. Thank you for your time and consideration,

John Duchowski

               |     PHONE:  (412) 268-3133            |
               |             (412) 268-3242            |
               |   E-MAIL: jd3a+@andrew.cmu.edu        |
               |           71600.3356@compuserve.com   |



Date: Sun, 11 Feb 90 17:45:57 MEZ
Subject: TEX-DVI-driver for HP-Deskjet

The driver is available from: LISTSERV@DHDURZ1
The files are named         : RUMHELP UUE
and                         : RUMDJET UUE


Date: Tue, 6 Feb 90 23:07:28 EST
From: Jeff_MacKie-Mason@um.cc.umich.edu
Subject: Re: Software Carousel

In V90, #13, Pat Bauco asked about experience with Software Carousel.

I have been using SC for almost 4 years now, and the short answer: it
delivers everything advertised, no ifs, ands or buts!  It is a task
switching program, nothing more or less, but it seems to work without any
hitches, is fast, easy to install and modify.  It can use extended memory,
expanded memory and hard disk space as swap areas, in any combination.
Usual disclaimers.


Date: Fri, 9 Feb 90 10:38:16 GMT
From: Fibre Optics <of%ecs.southampton.ac.uk@NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK>
Subject: Kermit 3.0 Lan Support

In comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest you write:

>there to our VAXCluster) I need Novell's TES.COM utility.  Or something called a
>NASI/NACS server.  Hmmm.  No one here (sigh) seems to know much about this.  Can

Well, I can't tell you a heck of a lot but I'll tell you what I know !
NACS stands for Novell Asynchronous Communications Server. Take 1 PC put
up to 4 WNIMs ( Wide Area Network Interface Modules, sheeesh !  Thank you
Novell !) in it and you can support up to 16 simultaneous mainframe
connections using the ethernet connection.

NASI stands for NetWare Asynchronous Services Interface, its the interface
between the user's terminal emulator and the async port provided by the
NACS server.

Multiple connections can either be used by different people or one user.

A fat bunch of buzzwords but I'm considering installing one on a network
extension here. Best of luck

     Peter Harris          G4BDQ      \   Voice:    +44 703 593314
     Electronics and Computer Science \   P.Harris@ecs.soton.ac.uk
     Southampton University           \   Telex:  94081093 OFGSU G
     Southampton SO9 5NH England      \   Fax:      +44 703 671391


Date: Sun, 11 Feb 90 16:12:52 -0600
From: David Lacey <dlacey@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu>
Subject: Perstor Hard Drive controllers

  Has anyone had any experience with Perstor's ADRT hard disk controllers?
They claim a 90% increase in space and a transfer rate of 9 Mbit/sec.  I'd
like to buy one of these, but would like to first hear how they work.
Please respond direct and I'll summarize.

      David Lacey


Date: Sat, 10 Feb 90 11:43 EST
Subject: query: serial i/o direct access

The BIOS interrupts allow a lot of access to serial port parameters, but
I'd like to  experiment with some non-standard baud rates used by Baudot
and Selectric printers.  Can anyone tell me how to address with I/O
instructions the chip that sets the baud rate?  I'd also like to know how
the UART itself is addressed.

! Albert S. Woodhull, School of Natural Science, Hampshire College
! Amherst, MA 01002, USA --  tel: (413)549-4600 ext 581
! awoodhull@hampvms.bitnet


Date: Sat, 10 Feb 90 19:59:00 EST
From: Tim Cartwright <ESTIMCAR@Orion.YorkU.CA>
Subject: SIMTEL/Dynamic Video

I need some brain-storming.

I have a student who wants to show that human attitudes towards animals
are directly influenced by the extent to which their facial features
resemble those of humans.  In order to test this hypothesis, she wants to
be able to show her subjects a succession of progressively more
human-looking pictures of the same animal -- i.e. gradually changing
things like skin colour, size of the forehead, distance between the eyes,

Has anyone got any idea as to how we might manage this on a PC -- starting
with, say, a scanned-in picture?  Hi-res and multi colours are not as
important as the ability to dynamically stretch and squeeze the image.
Does anyone know of any software that would be suitable for this kind of
thing?  Of course, public-domain would be ideal but any leads would be

Thanks.  Tim
   /________________________/\                      Tim Cartwright
   \________________________\/        York University -- Environmental Studies
      _________\  \ \_________        4700 Keele St., Toronto, Canada  M3J 1P3
     /  ________\__\/________/\
    /  /\____________________\/       Tel 416-736-5252           Tlx 065-24736
   /  /_/___________________          Fax 416-736-5679               YORKU TOR
  \________________________\/         BitNet/NetNorth  ESTIMCAR@ORION.YORKU.CA


Date: Thu, 8 Feb 90 09:00:00 EST
From: Tim Cartwright <ESTIMCAR@Orion.YorkU.CA>
Subject: Simtel20 FTP Downloads

After waiting patiently for nearly a year, we have finally got FTP
capability on the node where my account resides.  Great, I think:  now I
can get SIMTEL files without having to wait for LISTSERV to deliver them!

Well, the files have arrived okay -- but I cannot unARC them properly.
When LISTSERV delivers them, no problem.  I do an FDL edit on them on VAX,
download with SET FILE TYPE BINARY, and decompress them -- A-OK.

But when the FTP version arrives, I cannot unARC it, whether I do the FDL
edit or not.  Yes, I am sure I SET FILE TYPE BINARY before downloading to
my own system.

Before MGETting the file, I transmit BINARY to WSMR-SIMTEL20.  Is that
perhaps incorrect?  I also tried TENEX, but that command is not
recognized.  Can anyone suggest what is wrong???

[Try TYPE L 8]

Thanks.  Tim
   /________________________/\                      Tim Cartwright
   \________________________\/        York University -- Environmental Studies
      _________\  \ \_________        4700 Keele St., Toronto, Canada  M3J 1P3
     /  ________\__\/________/\
    /  /\____________________\/       Tel 416-736-5252           Tlx 065-24736
   /  /_/___________________          Fax 416-736-5679               YORKU TOR
  \________________________\/         BitNet/NetNorth  ESTIMCAR@ORION.YORKU.CA


Date: Thu, 08 Feb 90 10:13:23 LCL
Subject: Sperry IT 3.5" drive installation

Have been unable to install 3.5" (720k) drive.  Installed MS-DOS 3.3 and
have occassional diskette incompatabilities, ie. will not correctly read
diskettes that were formatted under DOS 3.1.  It was suggested that I need
to upgrade my ROM chips - $64.00 (ouch).  Technical support from Unisys
has suggested some of us out here are having no trouble and others like
myself are miserable.  He was one of the miserable ones so I am still in
the dark.  Anyone out that who can help??  The IT was purchased in 1985
and has been performing well the entire time.


Date: Tue, 6 Feb 90 10:38:29 PST
From: C43CJK%ENG1.gm@hac2arpa.hac.com
Subject: VGA & Fonts

I'm looking for a font handler package for EGA/VGA.  Is there one in the
archives?  I'll need support for fonts as small as 5x5 and as large as

Thanks in advance

Craig Keithley
or if that does not work, try: c43cjk@eng1.gm.hac.com


Date: Sat, 10 Feb 90 17:39:29 GMT
From: J Sturgeon <csc352%central1.lancaster.ac.uk@NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK>
Subject:  Lists of Bugs from Microsoft, et al

Can anyone tell me how to access/subscribe to the lists of bugs posted by
Microsoft et al.  It's infuriating not knowing whether or not it's your
fault your program doesn't work.

Please note that I am in the UK, so the procedure will probably be more
complicated than from the US.

Many thanks,

Jon Sturgeon


Date: 9 February 90, 20:41:52 SST
From: ENGP9036 at NUSVM
Subject: Fujitsu 386/33

I came across an advert selling the Fujitsu 386/33 with1.2 MegDrive, 1.44
MegDrive, 2 Meg on Board, 40 28ms Conner HD, 256K VGA card, VGA monitor
for only S$3990 (abt US$2100). This seems rather cheap for a 33 MHz 386
and i am rather skeptical about it. Has anyone had any experience with the
Fujitsu 386/33 ?


End of Info-IBMPC Digest