[comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest] Info-IBMPC Digest V90 #22

Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL ("Info-IBMPC Digest") (02/18/90)

Info-IBMPC Digest           Sun, 18 Feb 90       Volume 90 : Issue  22

Today's Editor:
         Gregory Hicks - Chinhae Korea <GHICKS@WSMR-Simtel20.Army.Mil>

Today's Topics:
             Anyone have a screen-saver that does neat things
                            Appletalk for PS/2
                   Are there any MCA vendors out there?
                               File Recovery
                 MSC 5.1 Setup (was Leading Edge Problems)
                            Software Carousel

Today's Queries:
                          Conographic video card
                          dma hardware/programing
                                Flushot ++
                        help needed in Windows 386
                     ProComm242 and Kermit transfers
             Looking for Codeview/SYMDEB debugger information
                           Menu programs - query
              Microsoft Basic Compiler Needed (Version 5.35)
               Problem in formating HD80MB with MS-DOS 4.01
                         Problems with MS-Word 5.0
                             PS/2 BIOS address
                VGA -> Pal video, source of Citadel-86 BBS?
                             Word for Windows

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Date: Wed, 14 Feb 90 18:24:44 PST
From: forags%nature.Berkeley.EDU@jade.berkeley.edu
Subject: Appletalk for PS/2

Microchannel Appletalk boards can be purchased from:

DayStar Digital, Inc.
5556 Atlanta Highway
Flowery Branch, GA 30542

Phone (404) 967-2077

Al Stangenberger                    Dept. of Forestry & Resource Mgt.
forags@violet.berkeley.edu          145 Mulford Hall - Univ. of Calif.
uucp:  ucbvax!ucbviolet!forags      Berkeley, CA  94720
BITNET: FORAGS AT UCBVIOLE          (415) 642-4424


Date: Thu, 15 Feb 90 9:06:48 EST
From: Jose Passalacqua SMCAR-CCL-P <passalacqua@cc1.pica.army.mil>
Subject: Are there any MCA vendors out there?

> From:     david@wubios.wustl.edu
> Subject:  Re:  Are there any MCA vendors out there?

> I have been having difficulty locating vendors of MCA equipment.  Does
> anyone have a list of MCA card manufacturers, or a favorite one they would
> like to recommend?  We are at this time looking for a multi-function card,
> like an AST Advantage, but for an MCA.  It should have 3 or more serial
> ports, and extra goodies are welcome.  -David-

I have purchased a BOCARAM/AT PLUS memory card and 4-MEG 70ns memory for
my AT from Unitex IC Division.  They also sell MCA multifunction cards
manufactured by Boca Research and Orchid, and should have something to fit
your needs.  From an advertisement in Byte (Jan 90), they list a RAMQUEST
Extra which provides up to 8M and two serial ports for the PS/2 models 50,
60 and 80 for $319 (0k).

They can be reached at

	Unitex IC Division
	Corporate Headquarters
	2852 F Walnut	
	Tustin, CA  92680
	(800)843-8414 in California
	(800)533-0055 outside California

The usual disclaimers apply... Just a happy customer.

Jose Passalacqua  <passalacqua@PICA.ARMY.MIL>


Date: Thu, 15 Feb 90 7:33:59 CST
From: Crede Edens <edens@STL-06SIMA.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: File Recovery

In reference to question posed by Chuck Darney at Widener University, I
found the following aran article in the Government Computer News about how
to recover a lost file.  I could include the article here but I may be
violating a copyright (or something).

If Chuck would send me his address I will mail him a copy of it.

Crede Edens
210 No. Tucker Blvd. 
St. Louis, Mo.  63101



Date: Wed, 14 Feb 90 16:45:17 PST
From: bmarsh@cod.nosc.mil (William C. Marsh)
Subject: MSC 5.1 Setup (was Leading Edge Problems)

>From: microsoft!davewe@beaver.cs.washington.edu

>I suspect Derek's problem is that the SETUP program for C 5.1 does not run
>on machines which are not VERY strict IBM compatibles because it was built
>as a bound application (runs under either OS/2 or DOS) and the VIO*
>routines in the API emulation library were written such that only VERY
>strict compatibles will work.  We did not know this beforehand and it
>never came up during internal or Beta testing (I can understand the
>former, but the latter is a little surprising....).  This is only a
>problem for DOS users (OS/2 won't run on these machines anyway - which is
>probably why the emulation routines didn't bother to support them), but a
>nasty one.

What about an AST Premium?  I had trouble installing MSC 5.1 on one of
these because it had a monochrome monitor connected to an EGA adapter.
This is a supported setup by IBM, as the OS/2 developers kit I have used
worked great!  When I switched the EGA card into Hercules emulation,
*then* the setup program would work...

Not many people support the EGA/MONO combination in graphics, but a text
only program should work fine!

>	Dave Weil

Bill Marsh, Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego, CA
{arpa,mil}net: bmarsh@cod.nosc.mil
uucp: {ihnp4,akgua,decvax,dcdwest,ucbvax}!sdcsvax!nosc!bmarsh

"If everything seems to be coming your way, you're probably in the wrong lane."


Date: Tue, 13 Feb 90 10:44:00 EST
From: Don Kazem <DKAZEM%NAS.BITNET@CORNELLC.cit.cornell.edu>
Subject: Software Carousel

Pat Bauco asked about Software Carousel as means of getting around the
640K barrier. I have not had any experiences with this package but have
successfully used the Hicard from Rybs Electronics. Depending on the type
of video, one can get up to 896K of DOS memory.

RYBS Electronics
303-444-60732590 Central Ave.
Boulder CO 80301

Standard Disclaimers Apply. I am not affiliated with them...etc.

Don Kazem-Zadeh
National Academy of Sciences


Date: Thu, 15 Feb 90 08:26:22 EST
From: AR041PR <AR041PR%TCUAMUS.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu>
Subject: Conographic video card


I'm looking for any or all information on a Conographic (sp?) video card.
The model number is L2100.  Does anybody know if it is EGA, VGA?  How much
memory?  How many bits?

Thanks in advance.  Please reply to ...

Steve Nimr


Date: Tue, 13 Feb 90 18:43:56 GMT
From: Ian D Hawkins <idh%nabla.electrical-engineering.umist.ac.uk@NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK>
Subject: dma hardware/programing

I intend making a pc-at (16MHz '386) add-on card, incorporating a 12 bit
a>d converter with transfer to memory by DMA.  Could someone out there who
has designed something like this please recommend a book or other
reference that could shed light on the topic?.

    Thanks for any advice,(E-mailed to me or posted on the bbs)
                                       ... Ian Hawkins


Date: Wed, 14 Feb 90 11:53 U
Subject: Flushot ++

Hello, there:

     Does anyone know a company named HJC who sells a program named
FLUSHOT++?  Our lab would like to buy it.  If anyone of you know that,
please drop me a message.  Thanks a lot.



Date: Tue, 13 Feb 90 09:25:00 EST
From: <ANANDI%EMRCAN.bitnet@ugw.utcs.utoronto.ca>
Subject: help needed in Windows 386

Anybody out there running Novell 2.15 with MS Window 386?

We used to be able to support a remote printer(connected to a workstation)
under Novell 2.15 and Windows 286 by installing a TSR program on the
workstation. Our problem is that Windows 386 does not let a TSR program
co-exist. Hence we seem to be out of luck. Anybody has any advice?

Please respond to me directly as I am not a subscriber to this list.
Please also info the Digest in your replys.

Thanks in advance.
                       Atulesh Nandi


Date: Wed, 14 Feb 90 14:51:48 PST
From: manley@csam.lbl.gov (Oscar Manley [ams doe])
Subject: ProComm242 and Kermit transfers

I have procomm242 which I find quite satisfactory for almost all my
limited communication needs.  However I have not been able to use the
built in kermit.  Right now when I need to xfer files I use another kermit
to connect to the host.  Sometimes that is inconvenient.  What I do not
find in the procomm manual is how to return to my pc, after doing "send
file" at the distant host.  The usual escape command ^]c does not seem to
work.  Any ideas?

Oscar M.


Date: Wed, 14 Feb 90 15:33:49 PST
From: C43CJK%ENG1.gm@hac2arpa.hac.com
Subject: Looking for Codeview/SYMDEB debugger information

I'm in search of information about how Microsoft C 5.1 puts Codeview
Debugger and/or SYMDEB Information into .OBJ/.EXE files.

I have a rather specific requirement to generate my objects with MSC 5.1,
put the objects into Polytron's PolyLibrarian files, link with
Phoenix/Polytron's PLINK V2.24 Linker, and lastly convert ("locate") to
Intel's .OMF file.  As we've written our own locater and MUST/WILL stay
with it, we'd like to modify the locater to strip the CODEVIEW/SYMDEB info
out of the .EXE file and place it into the .OMF file.

What I'd really like is some sort of Microsoft document that describes the
structure of their debugger info.

Please respond directly and I'll summarize the responses back to the


Craig Keithley

| Craig Keithley | C43CJK%ENG4.GM@HAC2ARPA.HAC.COM       |               
| GM DSO-SBO     | C43CJK%ENG4%HAC2GM@ENGVAX.SCG.HAC.COM | (805) 961-7328

These ideas SHOULD NOT IN ANY WAY be construed to represent the opinions
or policies or plans of General Motors or Delco Electronics or other
subsidiaries of General Motors.


Date: Wed, 14 Feb 90 15:15 EDT
Subject: Menu programs - query

I am looking for a PC-based menu system for our college to permit users to
access specific software and DOS commands without requiring access to and
knowledge of DOS commands.  Due to limited security requirements and the
low level of user knowledge we are not interested in a full DOS shell such
as 1DIR.  We have used and/or evaluated Direct Access and Automenu, both
of which meet our basic needs.

Our needs, in rough priority order: ease of use, ease of maintenance,
price, security, programming features, usage statistics

Target platforms: All varieties of PCs/PS2s/clones w/Hard drives in
student labs, individual offices, departmental offices

What are the experiences you have had with any such packages? What other
packages should we be considering? What other features?

Dan Wheeler,   Academic Support Specialist in Computer Science
Le Moyne College,   Syracuse, NY    13214-1399
Office (315) 445-4582    Home (315) 655-8193   WHEELER@LEMOYNE.BITNET


Date: WED FEB 14, 1990 16.54.30 EST
From: "Ronald J. Hartranft" <RJH2%LEHIGH.BITNET@IBM1.CC.Lehigh.Edu>
Subject: Microsoft Basic Compiler Needed (Version 5.35)

i am looking for MicroSoft Basic COMPILER v5.35. I need this particular
compiler to be compatible with a data translation image processing
package,i am currently using. microsoft no longer sells this version, and
even suggested that i obtain a it from a user no longer using their copy.
Any help out there??

Ronald J. Hartranft
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
Lehigh University
Packard Lab #19
Bethlehem, Penn. 18015


Date: 14 FEB 90 13:23:41.08-GMT
Subject: Problem in formating HD80MB with MS-DOS 4.01

I recently bought an HD Micropolis ST 506, (supposed to be 9 Heads/ 1023
cyl., for an unformated total size of 85 MB, or 76.5 once formated).

My computer is an AT-clone, 12 MHz (BIOS phoenix jan.88), running with
MS-DOS 4.01.

First, I set the SETUP on the right type of HD: I guess it's type 35.
Then I do a physical format., specifying the three bad sectors.  After
that, I defined the partition with FDisk (an only part. of 76 MB), as an
active PRIMARY MS-DOS part.  And then I run then High-level format:
format c:/S

As a result, during the format. operation, 3 bad sectors were displayed,
and at the end, the format stopped with the message "Bad partition table".
After that, the HD is considered as a non-DOS disk, and in fact, the
partition definition as been deleted by the Format (Fdisk reply me that no
part. is defined).

The chkdsk.com pgm says it's probably a non-dos disk, and find about 3000
allocated sectors.  All is as if the Fdisk pgm were writting on a bad
place, in the middle of the supposed-to-be MS-DOS partition.

what is going on ???

Thanks in advance,

Bernard MULLER


Date: Wed, 14 Feb 90  22:41:19 MEZ
Subject: Problems with MS-Word 5.0

I hope anyone can help me solving a problem with MS Word 5.0 and Novell
Netware 2.15.  I installed MS Word on out LAN server, following the manual
and the INFO.TXT step by step.  Then I created a subdirectory for texts
with the following structure:


both directories are public and assigned to group everyone with all
rights.  Every user is member of "everyone".

Then I followed the instructions to setup the user-directories for MS
Word.  The only difference to the manual is that I did not install these
directories locally (on the c: - drive), but used the Novell user
directories on the F:-network-drive, e.g. F:\PH; this was necessary,
because our workstations are used by several users, and we did want to
give every user the opportunity to save private text in his own, protected
directory.  For the directory F:\PH for example only the user PH and the
supervisor have all rights.

Now the following problem occurs: the user PH logs on.  He has all rights
to the directories \WORD;\WORD\TXT;\PH.  He runs MS Word and has no
problems to read and write in the directories WORD and WORD\TXT.  If he
tries to read or write in the directory PH (using MS Word, not when in dos
or any other application), word refuses to do this with error messages
like "illegal drive or directory", "error reading directory" and so on.
If I give supervisor-status to user PH, that problem disappears - but you
will understand, that I do not intend to give supervisor-status (and
rights) to every-user  - we did choose novell netware just because of the
extensive security levels...

does anybody have any idea where the mistake is hidden? I did install MS
Word 5.0 as a non-network-application, too, but the same happened.  I
tried it with word 4.0 and all worked fine, no problems.  Is it a bug in
5.0, or is it my fault?

Please help if you can; Thank you in advance....

D-4630 BOCHUM, F.R.G.



Date: Thu, 15 Feb 90 16:05:39 MEZ
Subject: PS/2 BIOS address

I do not have technical reference manuals for PS/2 and I need to adapt a
program wherefor I need the following information At which address does
the ROM-BIOS code on PS/2s start?

Erich Neuwirth


Date: THU, 15 FEB 90 15:57:28 MEZ
Subject: VGA -> Pal video, source of Citadel-86 BBS?

1) I am looking for a distributor in Europe(if one is made USA, also ok)
for a VGA to PAL video genlock type of card for use with IBMPC comp.
AT(i.e. ISA bus). I would like to use it with the program ANIMATOR.  We
would like to generate animations of our Particle Accelerators

2) Can anyone tell me where I can locate the source to the BBS Citadel-86
written in Turbo-C.  I thinking of making it trying to work with a
selectable language.


  Raymond D. Koluvek
  (Deutsches Eletronen - Synchrotron, DESY)

 Mail   : DESY - Dept. R2, Notkestrasse 85
          D-2000 Hamburg 52, West Germany
 Voice  : +49-40-8998-2362
 FAX    : +49-40-8998-3282


Date: Wed, 14 Feb 90 12:40:35 -0500 (EST)
From: Steven Timm <st0o+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Word for Windows

Has anyone out there tried Microsoft Word For Windows on the IBM PC as

If so, I have these questions:

The literature suggest 1-2 MB of EMS memory is recommended (but not
required) what happens if you don't have it?

Can the program run stand-alone without Windows  (or is that question
immaterial because the program comes with Windows)

Is extended memory usable as EMS memory?

Are there any significant differences between the academic version and the
full version?


End of Info-IBMPC Digest