Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL ("Info-IBMPC Digest") (07/12/90)
Info-IBMPC Digest Wed, 11 Jul 90 Volume 90 : Issue 105 Today's Editor: Gregory Hicks - Rota Spain <GHICKS@WSMR-Simtel20.Army.Mil> Today's Topics: AT&T PC 6300 REAL TIME CLOCK PROBLEM Digest readers Digital audio player Hercules Graphics Info-IBMPC Digest Automating a Medical Office info Wanted PC Keypad query PS2 Network Card Re Point and Shoot Security RPG compiler for AT Two Winchester Controllers Zenith Z-248 com3 & Procom+ Send Replies or notes for publication to: <INFO-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL> Send requests of an administrative nature (addition to, deletion from the distribution list, et al) to: <INFO-IBMPC-REQUEST@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL> The Lending Library is available from: WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (see file PD1:<MSDOS.FILEDOCS>AAAREAD.ME details on file directories and descriptions.) Archives of past issues of the Info-IBMPC Digest are available by FTP only from WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL in directory PD2:<ARCHIVES.IBMPC>. WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL can be accessed using LISTSERV commands from BITNET via LISTSERV@NDSUVM1, LISTSERV@RPIECS and in Europe from EARN TRICKLE servers. Send commands to TRICKLE@<host-name> (example: TRICKLE@TREARN). The following TRICKLE servers are presently available: AWIWUW11 (Austria), BANUFS11 (Belgium), DKTC11 (Denmark), DB0FUB11 or DTUZDV1 (Germany), IMIPOLI (Italy), EB0UB011 (Spain), TAUNIVM (Israel), and TREARN (Turkey). SIMTEL20 is not accessable on the first Wednesday of each month from 6-8pm Eastern Standard Time. If you are unable to access SIMTEL20 via Internet FTP or through one of the BITNET/EARN file servers, most MSDOS SIMTEL20 files, including the PC-Blue collection, are available for downloading on the Detroit Download Central network at 313-885-3956. DDC is a networked system with multiple lines that support 300, 1200, 2400, and 9600 bps (HST). This system is a subscription system with an average hourly cost of 17 cents per hour. It is also accessable on Telenet via PC Pursuit and on Tymnet via StarLink outdial. New files uploaded to WSMR-SIMTEL20 are usually available on DDC within 24 hours. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 20 Jun 90 21:40:48 EDT From: Michael Huynh <HUYNHT@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU> Subject: AT&T PC 6300 REAL TIME CLOCK PROBLEM >The laboratory that I work in has an AT&T PC 6300 which states in the >power up diagnostics that a real time clock is present. However, I >have not been able to have the PC remember the last time and date (DOS >Commands) entered when the next reboot occures. ie it always defaults >to time 00:00 and date Jan 1, 1980. Battery is OK. I believe you need to find the diagnostics diskette that came with the PC-- run it-- change the date and time and reboot the system and voila` your problem should be solved. *Hope this help... (NCC-1701) --<__>-- |Michael Huynh _||____//_ |Virginia PolyTechnic Institute & State University (__________ |P.O. Box 11123 __________ |Blacksburg, VA 24062 "Live Long & Prosper" |703 / 552 - 8277 -|- Please leave msgs on machine _- _-_______-_-___ |Relay Nickname: Bruce_Lee /\_______________\_\ |Bitnet Address: 1. HUYNHT@VTVM1.BITNET \/_______________/ / | 2. VWHUYNM@VCCSCENT.BITNET \____ /\___\/ | \____/_/ |E-Mail Address: 1. HUYNHT@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Jun 90 15:12:52 -0400 From: David Kirschbaum <> Subject: Digest readers > Are there any MSDOS programs that will read files in digest format > and extract the relevant headers for the digest AND each message 1. When you talk about "relevant headers", I don't know what you mean. 2. Are you trying to read in a full digest file (like Info-IBMPC) and output each separate message/entry? 3. Well, I have something that'll do that. I did a hack on undigest.c (or some such) I found lying about my host. This utility reads in a digest file (like "info-ibm.101") and breaks it down into separate files, named by the newsletter issue and message/entry number or some such. a. My hack ripped out the separate file output for each message, and instead produces a specially formatted MaxEMail mail file. b. The only "special" thing about this file is that each "block" is headed and terminated by four (4) ^A characters and a CR/LF. (Sound familiar? Yep, my local host's bbc mail digest utility has files formatted like that.) c. The first block is the digest's header. All succeeding blocks are the digest's separate messages. 4. If you only want the headers .. well, who'd want that? David Kirschbaum Toad Hall [David: If he were trying to build an Index file of topics covered in each Digest, he might want only the headers...] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jun 90 09:14:02 +0200 From: Subject: Digital audio player In you write: >I recently got a program from SIMTEL called REPLAY.EXE. It came with 3 >digital audio files as samples. One was Robin Williams saying "good >morning Vietnam" and another was HAL 9000 saying "I'm sorry Dave, I'm >afraid I can't do that". Does anyone know where I can get more files to >play with this program. I've FTP'd some but can't find any. Would you please be so kind to send me the program+files. Maybe I can then find also compatible soundfiles. You could also try soundfiles for the Macintosh or the NeXT. Henk van der Griendt - Speech Processing EXpertise centre SPEX - Email : [INTERNET] Henk van der Griendt E-mail: (internet)| Speech Processing EXpertise centre spex@hlsdnl5.BITNET | p/a PTT Research Neher Laboratorium | kamer LE 107 tel: 31-(0)40-3322693 | Postbus 421 | 2260 AK Leidschendam the Netherlands | ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Jun 90 23:54 EST From: Mark James Burge <MJBURGE@owucomcn.bitnet> Subject: Hercules Graphics My hercules card no longer identifies itself to my system (AT), the system thinks it only has MDA graphics. I know the card works, because I can run programs like FRACTINT and others which do not test for the card, but just attempt to use it. Is there some way that I can fool the system into thinking that my hercules card is really there?! I have seen the cga simulators, and this should be much easier since all I have to do is turn the card on, and not actually manipulate the data. So does anyone know how to tell an AT that it has a Hercules card in it? And, thank you for any help you can give me, and for you time. mjburge@owucomcn.bitnet [513] 382-2785 (collect) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Jun 90 10:42:03 EDT From: Colin Smith <> Subject: Automating a Medical Office I'm looking for information on software packages (it doesn't matter if they are commercial or PD) to automate a doctor's office or a dentist's office. I'm also interested in retail store automation programs (i.e. cash drawer programs). Please let me know which products to avoid and which products are worthwhile. Any help would be appreciated. Could you please reply directly to me and I will summarize for the list. Thanks in advance, Colin Smith Colin@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Jun 90 10:51 EST From: Subject: PC Keypad query I am looking for a PC keypad (keyboard replacement or RS232) for operator data entry for an industrial workstation. Ideally, this keypad will have the following: 1) 0-9, ENTER, BKSP, arrows, and a few function keys (~20 keys) 2) Hand-held (beltclip nice extra) 3) Operation up to 30 feet from PC 4) Off the shelf I am aware of an encoder board from Vetra Systems Corp, (Melville,NY) that responds to bootup self-test and uses discrete switch inputs. However, I would prefer not to have to do any assembling (for cosmetic reasons). If anyone out there in this great expanse of PC expertise can help out a newcomer, please do. I'll watch for postings, or you can respond directly to: or RMOREY@UTRC.UTC.COM Thanks in advance! Randy Morey United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, CT 06108 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jun 90 09:03:59 -0400 From: David Kirschbaum <> Subject: Re Point and Shoot Security In issue 103, Jom Groenevelt, in discussing system security, discussed the problem of preventing students from shelling to DOS from an application program. He entertained the idea of fiddling the COMSPEC environment variable to inhibit this, and discussed some drawbacks. That got me to thinking: the COMSPEC variable is FAR FAR removed from the beginning of the entire shell process. I like to inhibit incorrect behaviors before they get too well formed (a true Skinnerian). I figured, why not crush their little fingers (forgive the Special Forces trade lingo) right at the start? How about a wee little TSR daemon that just sits on the Int 21H vector (good old DOS general services) and monitors for any EXEC calls! Your menu program could give the daemon some "special" signal to let the daemon know it's ok to EXEC a menu program, but the user applications (that menu program, etc.) wouldn't be that smart! I haven't thought it through .. but I did once hack an Int 21H daemon (part of a user activity log utility) and it worked just fine! NOTHING got by that sucker! (And if I hear one more complaint about frost .. when forecast is in the mid to high 90's today .. I'm gonna SCREAM!) David Kirschbaum Toad Hall ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jun 90 11:06:03 SET From: Roger Thijs <RTHIJS%BANUFS11.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> Subject: RPG compiler for AT I'm teaching RPG in an environment with only AT's and I'm looking for a RPG compiler for at. In my doc's I have some publicity from: 1.Lattice: - RPG II Compiler - SEU Source Entry Utility 2. Software West Inc, Orange, CA - RPG II for PC/XT/AT - Disk Sort/Merge Utility Program But none of these can still be obtained in Belgium. IBM has its IBM PS/2 RPG II Application platform: but: - it's for the PS2/50 and higher - it's very expensive - virtually nobody at the big IBM Brussels tower can explain whatsoever or give any more help than handing over a 4pg leaflet. Can anybody please give me a good suggestion for something available and affordable? Since the course is elementary and mainly ltd to I/C/O spec's the level may even be RPG 1. If somebody has something from the public domain, he might eventually send it to me at adress: RTHIJS AT BANUFS11.BITNET Thanks for all help, Roger Thijs, Antwerp UFSIA University ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jun 90 00:04:38 MDT From: Gregory Hicks <GHICKS%WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL@VM1.NoDak.EDU> Subject: Two Winchester Controllers Is it possible to put TWO hard disk controllers in the same machine? ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jun 90 16:33:00 GMT-9:00 From: "603APSSS" <> Subject: Zenith Z-248 com3 & Procom+ Has anyone ever gotten the non-standard com3 port on the Zenith Z-248 to work with Procom Plus? Would it be possible to write a patch (TSR, device driver, etc..) that would utilize it? Thank you James Linscheid <603APSSS@Kadena-EMH.AF.MIL> ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 20 Jun 90 22:57:25 TUR From: CETEK63%TECHNION.BITNET@VM1.NoDak.EDU Shalom Everyone - (Gerhard Vogt in special) How to read input from a paralel port ? Paralel Ports are NOT write only. It is possible to reverse the direction of data transfer by hardware or software means. How ever, this action is not supported by DOS or the BIOS interrupts, which means the programer has to access the port directly, and "manualy" change the values of the various bits. Some information is available in the title : Sargent,M. and Shomaker,R.L., "The IBM Personal Computer From the Inside out", Addison-Wesley 1986. (There might be newer edditions). One may also find some usefull information in the "Technical-Reference" book provided by IBM with each real BLUE PC. There is a communication program called "LAP-LINK" which provides a Pralel to Paralel connection between two PCs. Used mostly to LINK two LAPtops for fast data transfer. Now, To the big question, or rather, the main tip... Why use an un-documented PARALEL method of communication when there is a convinient, documented and well supported SERIAL link ? Is it speed ? The PARALEL realy is faster then any SERIAL port (Naturally it is AT LEAST 9 times faster), BUT !!! With high transfer rates such as 19600 baud, (even twice this figure when two 80286 machines communicate) I don't think that speed should be the problem. Any other reason ? Hope I've been of some help... Good luck with your program ******************************************************************* * Shahar Steiff * E=MC2 : Everyone is grnadMother's * * Kibbutz Ramat Yochanan * 2nd. Cousine * * 30035 ISRAEL ************************************* * (+)-972-4-459=536 * MIPS : Meaningless Information * * CETEK63 at TECHNION.BITNET * on Processor Speed * ******************************************************************* ------------------------------ End of Info-IBMPC Digest V90 #105 ********************************* -------