[comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest] Info-IBMPC Digest V90 #150

Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL ("Info-IBMPC Digest") (09/19/90)

Info-IBMPC Digest           Wed, 19 Sep 90       Volume 90 : Issue 150 

Today's Editor:
         Gregory Hicks - Rota Spain <GHICKS@WSMR-Simtel20.Army.Mil>

Today's Topics:
                  DEC PCSA 3.0 and 386 memory managers
                    error in Turbo C random() macro
         File transfer from Mainframe to PC via Modem (2 msgs)

Today's Queries:
      Possible to read Macintosh diskettes with an MS-DOS system?
                         Kermit and LAN Manager
               no-games software for Sound Blaster Card.
                           reset on hp vectra
                  How to kill a never ending program?
                         Menu software request
                     PostScript Emulation Packages
              Q&A Utilities/Databases/Hacks/Patches Wanted
               Dialup Software that Uses PCTrans Protocol

Send Replies or notes for publication to:

Send requests of an administrative nature (addition to, deletion from
the distribution list, et al) to:

Archives of past issues of the Info-IBMPC Digest are available by FTP
only from WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL in directory PD2:<ARCHIVES.IBMPC>.


Date: Thu, 13 Sep 90 19:35:15 GMT
From: freelsj%oak.span@Sds.Sdsc.Edu
Subject: DEC PCSA 3.0 and 386 memory managers

I think I have discovered the reason for an apparent incompatibility
problem with PCSA-3.0 and Desqview-386.  The hardware/software

HP-Vectra RS/20-386
DEC DEPCA ethernet board
DOS 3.3
Desqview-386 v 2.26
QEMM-386 v5.00 (with EMS v4.00, XMS v2.00 release 5.0)
PCSA 3.0 (DEC PC-VAX networking software)
Kermit 3.01a

and other software that is not relevant to the problem.

When the PCSA software was loaded as recommended in the manual for a
80386 computer, approximately 550K conventional memory was available.
Additional memory could be saved by using QEMM loadhi program and have
567K conventional memory available.  Then when Desqview-386 was loaded,
the system would crash when either "sethost" or Kermit terminal
emulators were active over the network.

The problem was fixed by not loading the PCSA "LAT" program in expanded
memory.  Apparently since both sethost and kermit use lat, the expanded
memory usage in Desqview-386 posed a conflict.

I have found the following memory configuration to be the best for my
system and have modified the PCSA startnet.bat file accordingly:

REDIR , load into reserved memory using QEMM loadhi and execute in
        extended memory using the REDIR himem:yes switch

SCH  conventional memory
DLL  conventional memory
LAST expanded memory using PCSA emsload
LAD  expanded memory using PCSA emsload
DNP  expanded memory using PCSA dnnethld
LAT  conventional memory
RCV  expanded memory using PCSA emsload

Note that SCH,DLL and LAT are in conventional memory.  Using PCSA
STOPNET can free this up when the network is not needed without
rebooting the system.  It would be nice to keep PCSA loaded all the
time but even on a 386, I need more memory.  It doesn't take to long to
load/unload the network (a lot less time then rebooting).

However, if one could load LAT into expanded memory (without the
conflict with sethost or Kermit), and additionally load SCH and DLL
into reserved memory via QEMM loadhi (which does work but cannot be
unloaded from reserved memory with stopnet), then there would be 567K
conventional memory available and a larger DOS window could be
available in Desqview-386.  Note that STOPNET will not work in this
configuration since SCH and DLL will be in reserved memory.  However,
it would not be needed since the network would be loaded all the time.

I realize you can't have your cake and eat it too but if it weren't for
LAT, you could get close to it!

Jim Freels

P.S. - Very recently a salesman from a company called "All Computer" is
pushing a new 386 memory manager called "All-Charge 386".  He claims
that they have specifically tailered several customers with PCSA such
that the amount of conventional DOS memory was 610K with PCSA loaded!
Any confirmation from users of "All-Charge 386"? PCSA?  Any comment
from QuarterDeck on your competition?


Date: Thu, 13 Sep 90 10:54:27 EDT
From: jrv@sdimax2.mitre.org
Subject: error in Turbo C random() macro 

According to the Turbo-C documentation, the library function
random(num) "returns a random number between 0 and (num-1)".  However,
the implementation is INCORRECT and will occasionally return a number
outside this range.

That definition, which appears in stdlib.h, is:

	#define random(num)     (int)(((long)rand()*(num))/RAND_MAX)

rand() returns numbers in the range from 0 to RAND_MAX (which is
2**15-1, or 32767).  When it returns exactly RAND_MAX, which it will
approximately once every 2**15 calls, random(N) returns N.

An implementation which avoids this is:

	#define xrandom(num)     (int)(((long)rand()*(num))/(RAND_MAX+1L))

Incidently, I have heard the simpler alternative

	#define xrandom(n)     (rand()%(n))

should be avoided because the low order bits of the numbers generated
by a multiplicative congruential random number generator are not very
random.  However, informal tests suggest that Turbo C's generator
doesn't suffer from this.

                                   - Jim Van Zandt (jrv@mbunix.mitre.org)


Date: Fri, 14 Sep 90 09:44:06 SET
Subject: File transfer from Mainframe to PC via Modem

I'm looking for good suggestions for making it possible for me to
transfer files from our IBM 43xx mainframe over telephone to my 386x
home pc.

I actually download files at work with: IBMPC 3270 Emul. pr. Entry
level v.1.1 on a PS2/30 with a 3270 card that makes a BSC coupling to
the mainframe.

Communication from home is limited to terminal emulation.  I would like
to add file transfer.  I think I have enough software on my home pc
(Pibterm, Procomm, Bitcom etc...) and I'm looking for good suggestions
for VM/SP programs on the mainframe. Test here in house (UFSIA
university) have been done with a kermit program but without succes.
(Kermit does not recognize the protocol convertor as an ascii device
(no 7171))

The choosen protocol should of course be consistent with the path:
- from my 386sx clone at home
- over one or more telephone switching centers
  (ours only accepts pulse dialing)
- entering the Univ telefone center through an audio channel
- handshaking the univ entry modem
- passing through a digital channel of the univ tel center
- setting and passing through an Avatar protocol convertor
  (converting VT100 into BSC)
- connecting finally to the IBM 43xx

When transferring files, the protocol should not trigger one of the
apparatus in path (e.g. 3 times alt-B breaks the digital connection of
the univ telephone center)

Thanks for all suggestions,
Roger Thijs
rthijs at banufs11.bitnet


Date: Fri, 14 Sep 90 16:00:03 +0200
From: Andr'e PIRARD <PIRARD%vm1.ulg.ac.be@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>
Subject: File transfer from Mainframe to PC via Modem

On Fri, 14 Sep 90 09:44:06 SET you said:
>I'm looking for good suggestions for making it possible for me
>to transfer files from our IBM 43xx mainframe over telephone
>to my 386x home pc.
>and I'm looking for good suggestions for VM/SP programs
>on the mainframe. Test here in house (UFSIA university)
>have been done with a kermit program
>but without succes.
>(Kermit does not recognize the protocol convertor
>as an ascii device (no 7171))

I am sure I am speaking John's own words that anyone having problems
to run "IBM mainframe Kermit" with any piece of hardware, and willing
to arrange tests with him, will be welcomed by the developer of that
great program: "John F. Chandler"   <PEPMNT@CFAAMP>

This Kermit, coupled to MSDOS Kermit 3 (other systems on the bench), is
a definite plus to Europeans and others in that it pioneers extended
characters support (you will be able to translate all your "national"
characters between the code of the remote machine and the code of your
own one in file transfer and, if the remote host is prepared to do it,
in terminal mode too).

Andr'e PIRARD             SEGI, Univ. de Li`ege
B26 - Sart Tilman         B-4000 Li`ege 1 (Belgium)
pirard@vm1.ulg.ac.be  or  PIRARD@BLIULG11 on EARN/BITNET


Date: 13 Sep 90 16:56:00 EDT
From: "VSDEC::SHERMAN" <sherman%vsdec.decnet@nusc.navy.mil>
Subject: Possible to read Macintosh diskettes with an MS-DOS system?

I'm not currently on the Info-IBMPC list, so a direct reply would
be prefered.  [To the MODERATOR - if this is unacceptable, please
add me to your list under the address at the bottom of my query.]

[Why should it be unacceptable?  We only ask that when you get a
sufficient number of responses, that you summarize to the list.
thanks!  HOWEVER, if you want, I'll be glad to add you to the 
list... gph]

I've got a Zenith 158 computer running MS-DOS.  Often, people are
handing me Macintosh disks with Microsoft WORD documents on them.  I've
got WORD, so if I couldn't only read Mac disks I'd be all set.

The first problem is that I don't CURRENTLY have a 3.5" disk drive.
I've HEARD that Macintosh stores bits at different densities on the
inner and outer tracks, so I don't even know if a typical off-the-
shelf 3.5" drive can handle this, if a special controller is required,
and then what software might be needed.

Can anybody help me out and give me a place to start looking for this?

Bill Sherman,
AT&T: (203) 440-6210


Date: Thu, 13 Sep 90 13:38:53 MDT
From: rtravsky@CORRAL.UWyo.Edu (Richard W Travsky)
Subject: Kermit and LAN Manager

Couple of unrelated queries:
1) Is Novell going to support Lan Manager?
2) When Kermit 3.0 came out,  there was a call for Int 14h interceptors
and session managers etc so that one could use network cards.  I've not
seen one come out,  but could have missed it.  Anyone have anymore
If you reply to the list,  please cc: me.  Thanks!

Richard Travsky                        Bitnet:   RTRAVSKY @ UWYO
Division of Information Technology     Internet: RTRAVSKY @ CORRAL.UWYO.EDU
University of Wyoming


Date:     Thu Sep 13 12:13:13 1990
From:     Luis Chavez C. <LECHAVEZ@UCHCECVM>
Subject:  no-games software for Sound Blaster Card.

  I'm thinking in buy a Sound Blaster Card and I'm looking for
composing, MIDI, etc.  software for it.  anyone can helps me?

   I'm looking for a program that lets me modify and hear a sampling
sound while I'm sampling it. I'm thinking in connect an acoustic
guitar, and use the card to make changes (effects) to the sound...while
I'm playing it.   8-)

     hope you understand my *poor* english.


  Luis Chavez C.



Date:         Fri, 14 Sep 90 14:55:54 MEZ
From:         Till Koerner <HT050KO@DACTH11>
Subject:      reset on hp vectra

we have some Vectras from Hewlett-Packard (Vectra ES/12, QS/20).
Pressing ctrl-alt-del seems to do a "partial" reboot only, as some
software (e.g. NetWare shell) can't be reinstalled afterwards; it
thinks it's already installed. Switching the machine off and then on
again clears the problem but seems awkward. The Vectras don't have
reset buttons.

My questions:
- How and where can I connect additional reset buttons to the
  motheboards / cpu cards?

- One of the ES/12 got its hard disk and controller replaced last week;
since then it displays an error code of 9109 during the
power-on-self-test. Does anybody know what this error code means for a
Hewlett-Packard PC (they seem to be different from IBM's codes)?

Till Koerner


Date: Thu, 13 Sep 90 09:14:16 GMT
From: elmar@uni-paderborn.de (Elmar Schalueck)
Subject: How to kill a never ending program?
Keywords: TSR

Hi out there,
I have bought a game, that has no way to end it. It always waits to be
played again by attending for a keypress. I think there must be a way
to kill the program in the memory by using a TSR, that could be evoked
by a certain keystroke (Alt-Esc). Then the TSR kill the program, I
called later and I can return to DOS. Any suggestions, ready PD or
shareware solutions are welcome.

Thanks in advance                      Elmar


Date: Thu, 13 Sep 90 11:34:07 EDT
From: sjb@cs.toronto.edu (Stephen Bellantoni)
Subject: Menu software request
Keywords: menu screen PD request

Can anyone suggest a source for basic menu utilities such as pull-down
and pop-up menus, and text entry? I bet something has appeared in
comp.sources or whatever, but who can find it :-) ?  Thanks for any

stephen (sjb@theory.utoronto.ca, sjb@neat.cs.toronto.edu)


Date: Thu, 13 Sep 90 23:25 MST
Subject: PostScript Emulation Packages

I've looked at a number of back issues of Info IBM-PC,  but found no
references for any of the PostScript emulation packages.  Would anyone
care to share their personal experiences with one (or more) of these:

        Brightwork Development
            Freedom of Press
            GoScript Ver. 3
            GoScript Plus Ver. 3
            UltraScript PC 2.1
            UltraScript PC Plus 2.0

I don't have easy access to a 'real-live' PostScript printer (or a
laser printer with a postscript cartridge).  I'd like to print copies
of various RFCs and other documents from the Internet on my Epson

I've seen references to the GhostScript software, but I'm uncertain
about it's capabilities. I think it's limited to viewing PS files on an
EGA/VGA monitor. More info on this or other PD packages would be

Please respond to Info-IBMPC.  There must be a few others who are
curious about these products.

Jim Arnone  Internet: Arnone@SYSTEM-M.PHX.BULL.COM  Voice: 602 843-8075


Date: Sat, 15 Sep 90 16:26:25 EST
From: s8825698@mqcomp.mqcs.mq.oz.au (Daniel Bielik)
Subject: Q&A Utilities/Databases/Hacks/Patches Wanted

Does anyone here know of any utilities/databases/hacks/patches etc. for
Symantec's Q&A V3.0 integrated database and WP?

Any help appreciated.

Danny Bielik
Macquarie University


Date: Thu, 13 Sep 90 11:18:44 SST
Subject: Dialup Software that Uses PCTrans Protocol

Does anyone know any terminal emulation software that uses PCTRANS
protocol, other than Yterm from Yale.

If you know any please send me some information.  Thanks in advance!



End of Info-IBMPC Digest V90 #150