Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL ("Info-IBMPC Digest") (10/16/90)
Info-IBMPC Digest Tue, 16 Oct 90 Volume 90 : Issue 161 Today's Editor: Gregory Hicks - Rota Spain <GHICKS@WSMR-Simtel20.Army.Mil> Today's Topics: Answer to Writing TSR's How to kill a never ending program? MsDos multitasking uuencode download problems Today's Queries: (Info on) SCRIPT softfont for HPLJ II requested bat2exec from PCMag utils CLIPPER Applications on UNISYS 386 PC mouse driver source Logitech Mouse Help source code for gnudiff2 SYQUEST DRIVES ON PC'S Wordstar 5.5C problem Send Replies or notes for publication to: <INFO-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL> Send requests of an administrative nature (addition to, deletion from the distribution list, et al) to: <INFO-IBMPC-REQUEST@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL> Archives of past issues of the Info-IBMPC Digest are available by FTP only from WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL in directory PD2:<ARCHIVES.IBMPC>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 26 Sep 90 22:42:07 19 From: (Hugh Daschbach) Subject: Answer to Writing TSR's In you write: >As many are aware, DOS is non reentrant code, so to write to the disk >and do other things that require DOS Int 21 functions is hard and >complicated. >The best example of how to do TSR's is a shareware program by Thomas >Brandenborg that goes under the name TSRDEMO2.ZIP. I have to say, that >As an alternative, you can buy the solution from South Mountain >Software called Resident C (1-800-451-6174, South Orange, NJ). They Do you know if either of these references provide an environment where it is safe to perform an EXEC? I have written a TSR that acts as a network file server. It does I/O just find. And it mostly allows me to spawn programs on the server system. However, the remote spawn function isn't particularly clean. I am interested in any references that deal with allowing TSRs to EXEC other programs. Thanks. -- Hugh Daschbach internet: State IV Software AKA: hdasch, root 358 South Main #97 Phone: (714) 997-3663 Orange, CA 92668 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Sep 90 9:48:53 PDT From: Hugh Daschbach <> Subject: How to kill a never ending program? (Elmar Schalueck) writes: >I think there must be a way to kill the program in the memory by using >a TSR, that could be evoked by a certain keystroke (Alt-Esc). Capture the hot key sequence, insure that the DOS busy flag is not set, then simply issue an int 0x20 (or int 0x21, function 0x4c). Since DOS sees the current running program as the active process, it will simply terminate that program. Of course, if the program you want to terminate has hooked an interrupt vector, you will need a mechanism to restore the original vector. Consider running your program from a front end that saves all current interrupt vectors, hooks interrupt 9 (or 0x16, or whatever to watch for the hot key), EXEC (int 0x21, function 0x4b) the program you want to be able to terminate, restore the interrupt vectors, and terminate. By EXECing the program, instead of running as a TSR, you get control back after your hot key routine has terminated it. You can then do whatever clean up is necessary. Hugh Daschbach internet: State IV Software AKA: hdasch, root 358 South Main #97 Phone: (714) 997-3663 Orange, CA 92668 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 29 Sep 90 00:52:00 GMT From: "Peter Flynn" <> Subject: MsDos multitasking.. Thomas has summed it up neatly. OS/2 (yes, half an OS) looks nice, but it crawls on anything except a 386/486 at 33MHz+ with 8Mb memory, fast bus and 100Mb disk. Believe me, I tried it: it has some lovely facilities but it's aimed at very rich institutions with "buy IBM only" policies. The rest of us have to make do with Windows 3 or DesqView. Windows 3 is excellent, a real improvement on W2, but it also is very slow, partly because (like OS/2/PM) it takes real time to draw all the pretty graphics. It doesn't, however, need anywhere near the hardware upgrade of OS/2, and is well supported. You do have to re-buy most of your software, though, as with OS/2, in versions for W3. DesqView is visually the mixed bag. Its default windows are text only, but it will happily run graphics inside any window (even W2 will run inside DV). Its biggest claim to fame is you don't need to re-buy *any* software, as it will all run under DV as it stands. DV is also quite cheap, and needs no extra hardware or software, although to make sensible use of it, you need to be running a 386, just like for W3 or OS/2. It is very robust and well- supported (and seems to be relatively bug-free: more than can be said for W3 or OS/2). If you're short of cash and hardware, go for DV. If you've got a bit more money and don't mind a few oddities, go for W3. If you're really flush and like IBM software, go for OS/2. [Actually I'm being unfair to IBM, there's nothing really wrong with OS/2, just they don't exactly shine when it comes to writing software! :-) ///Peter ------------------------------ Date: 28 Sep 90 0951 From: (Tom Buskey) Subject: uuencode download problems In info-pc #152 there was a reply to possible uudecoding problems under MS-DOS. The uudecode terminated with a "nothing to decode" message. I've gotten this before because when I get my mail, the system adds 2 spaces to the left on every line. By editing out the leading 2 spaces from every line (and any mail headers) I can then uudecode it. If I remove the mail headers but not the leading spaces, I can't uudecode. Later I got another uudecode program that ignores the spaces and fileheaders. It's on simtel under PD1:<msdos.filutl>qux3_90.arc. Hope this helps. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Sep 90 11:20 MET From: "Jim Groeneveld, NIPG TNO." <GROENEVELD%TNO.NL@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> Subject: (Info on) SCRIPT softfont for HPLJ II requested Dear readers, I am searching for a SCRIPT type face download (soft) font file for the HP Laserjet Series II, commercial, shareware or free. It should be applied from WP as well as PC-Write. Who can help or point me in the right direction? Regards - Jim. NIPG TNO <work>: Y. Groeneveld (call name: Jim) <home>| GROENEVELD@TNO.NL | Postbus 124 | Wassenaarseweg 56 | Schoolweg 14 | GROENEVELD@HDETNO51 | 2300 AC Leiden | 2333 AL Leiden | 8071 BC Nunspeet | TNOSUR::GROENEVELD | Nederland (NL) : (+31|0)71-178810 | (+31|0)3412-60413| RULTNO::JIM | ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Sep 90 12:39:17 MEZ From: Erich Neuwirth <A4422DAB%AWIUNI11@pucc.PRINCETON.EDU> Subject: bat2exec from PCMag utils I have a problem with BAT2EXEC (from the PCMagazine utilities). I do not manage to compile any file. even echo this is a test or copy a:erich.exe c:erich.exe produced an error message. Am I alone with this problem? or does anybody share my experiences. ERICH NEUWIRTH A4422DAB at AWIUNI11 in BITNET Intitute for Statistics and Computer Science UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA, UNIVERSITAETSSTR. 5/9, A-1010 VIENNA, AUSTRIA ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Sep 90 11:43:17 EDT From: Lowe Robert LTC <> Subject: CLIPPER Applications on UNISYS 386 PC We have been moving CLIPPER applications from our existing base of Zenith Z-248 (80286) systems to new UNISYS (80386 -- Desktop III) equipment. We have noticed two things -- #1 -- With no changes in the .EXE files, it appears that we must provide more memory for the programs to execute on the UNISYS 386 machines. #2 -- CLIPPER applications that execute a DOS command (i.e., copy a file) abort. CLIPPER baseline is Summer 1987 version. Does anyone have any suggestions? Robert S. Lowe INTERNET: Director, Computer Systems Division US Military Academy PHONE: (914) 938-4311 AV 688-4311 ATTN: MAIM-C West Point, NY 10996-2001 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Sep 90 16:43:34 MET From: JAN HOFMAN <TGTEJH@HEITUE5> Subject: mouse driver source Hi folks, Can anyone help me find assembly source code for a mouse driver under MS DOS ? It doesn't have to be free, but it should be cheap. I'm sending this using someone else's account, so if you want to reach me directly you can use one of the following addresses: Thanks in advance, Peter van Mierlo PP van Mierlo, Liesbergstraat 9, 5628 ED Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 31 40 41 19 45 (that's a voice phone) TUERC5::TGTEPM(@HEARN) (that's electronic) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 27 Sep 90 20:36 CST From: "Jon Robertson" <JMROBERTSON%UALR.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> Subject: Logitech Mouse Help I am using a Logitech Mouse driver on a XT. I have two questions: 1) Is there a way I can simulate mouse movements via software? 2) Is there a way I can temporarily disable the mouse w/o unloading the driver?? Any help would be appreciated. Jon Robertson Lab Supervisor UALR Computer Services JMROBERT@UALR.BITNET ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Sep 90 01:53:47 EST From: jim wiegand v5068templevm <V5068U%TEMPLEVM@pucc.PRINCETON.EDU> Subject: source code for gnudiff2 Hi, I am trying to use the gnu rcs (DOSRCS et al.) & the gnu diff from has a problem with some dos filenames (like DIFF.C!). I have been working on the rcs source code and the diff source code would be greatly appreciated. I will post my results (eventually :-) thanks jim v5068u at TEMPLEVM ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Sep 90 08:53:47 PDT From: JEFF NADEL <> Subject: SYQUEST DRIVES ON PC'S Does anyone have any information about using Syquest removable hard drives on a PC? I have heard great reviews from Mac owners, nut nothing from the PC world. I know that mail order firms sell these drives for PC's and they come with a SCSI card. All responces are appreciated. Jeff Nadel | BITNET: DI380@CALPOLY Academic Computing Services| Internet: Cal Poly | Phone: (805) 756-2516 San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 | ------------------------------ Date: 28 Sep 90 15:56:00 CDT From: "55SRWLGS" <> Subject: Wordstar 5.5C problem HI, We are having a bit of a problem with WORDSTAR, version 5.5C. The program overall works fairly normally. About as much as one might expect, at any rate. However, whenever I try to backspace, either with the backspace key, or one of the arrow keys, the program hesitates, for up to 5 minutes, before accomplishing the backspace action. Same with the CTRL-S and other backspace key combinations. I don't have the program configured for network option. The machine I'm using is a UNISYS 386, with MS-DOS 4.01. All other programs behave normally. I have another copy of WS 5.5C, and installed that on the PC. Didn't clear the problem. Appreciate any suggestons. Frank Starr ------------------------------ End of Info-IBMPC Digest V90 #161 ********************************* -------