[comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest] Info-IBMPC Digest V91 #4

Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL ("Info-IBMPC Digest") (01/05/91)

Info-IBMPC Digest           Fri,  4 Jan 91       Volume 91 : Issue   4 

Today's Editor:
         Gregory Hicks - Rota Spain <GHICKS@WSMR-Simtel20.Army.Mil>

Today's Topics:
                      Attaching Terminal to an AT
                         characters off pc bus
                      CPM emulator on 8086 machine
                Epson, Baby Motherboard, Size, and COST
                       Re: Coin-op Laser Printers
                            making calendars
                       Paradise VGA (vol.91, n.2)
               Problem with 3.30 DRIVPARM command SOLVED
                          Reported QEMM virus
                             TCP/IP for DOS

Today's Queries:
                       Looking for Audit Software

New Uploads:
                    Recent msdos uploads to SIMTEL20

Send Replies or notes for publication to:

Send requests of an administrative nature (addition to, deletion from
the distribution list, et al) to:

Archives of past issues of the Info-IBMPC Digest are available by FTP
only from WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL in directory PD2:<ARCHIVES.IBMPC>.


Date: Wed, 2 Jan 1991 10:09:07 PST
From: Rex_E._Robards.DlosLV@xerox.com
Subject: Attaching Terminal to an AT

>> Attaching dummy terminal to an AT.
> What uses would one have for attaching a terminal to a PC without
>a multiuser operating system?

A dumb terminal may be used as an alternative console on MS-DOS
systems.  For example, including the command


in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file will allow use of a terminal, attached to
COM1, as the system console.  This can be done whether or not there is
any video adapter in the machine (Some systems, i.e. DELL,  will boot
without even an attached keyboard).


Date: Wed, 2 Jan 91 12:50:57 -0500
From: wilker@descartes.math.purdue.edu (Clarence Wilkerson)
Subject: characters off pc bus

I think your reasoning is correct but incomplete. 

That's right for a character based video controller. However, the CGA
adaptor does have the capacity to reset the characters. So a different
video mode is used... the bit patterns are set directly in the video
RAM. The character bit patterns could be anywhere for this , because
the pattern only needs to be accessed when the chatacter is written,
not when it's refreshed.

Clarence Wilkerson


Date: Wed Jan 2 09:34:15 1991
From: johnboyd@logdis1.oc.aflc.af.mil (John Boyd;CRENP)
Subject: CPM emulator on 8086 machine

>>From: David Lemson <lemson@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
>In reply to the note from David J. Camp <david@wubios.wustl.edu> 
>> In Reply to this Note From: <John W. Herman>
>>  One of my colleagues has an old CPM machine and doesn't want to waste
>>his software investment.  I told him that there is software that will
>>allow him to run CPM and CPM software on an MSDOS machine and even read
>>and write CPM disks.  He checked with Egghead Discount Software and
>Most of the CP/M 2.2 emulators (the shareware/PD ones, at least) that
>I've used require an NEC CPU such as the V20, V30, or V40.  The reason
>is that NEC has enhanced the 8088 by including an 8086 compatibility
>mode in these CPUs.  If your friend has an 8088 machine, he might want
>Theoretically, if you have an 8086 CPU (like a PS/2 Model 30), the
>emulators should work as well.  This is untested, and largely
>undocumented, as when these shareware CP/M emulators came out, there
>were very few popular PCs with 8086 CPUs.

One of those unpopular 8086 machines was the ATT 6300PC.  I know; I OWN
one.  However, I have never run any CPM emulator so I can't testify as
to whether or not it works.  Another name/model under which this was
sold was an Olivetti M24



Date: Wed, 2 Jan 91 00:08:41 MST
Subject: Epson, baby, size, and COST???

Actually...  I'm not too sure of the cost.  Mostly what I've been
looking for recently are VGA cards, Monitors and a laser printer...

Haven't been looking at the cost of motherboards since I bought my DTK
'386 one...  (Still don't have it working yet since I haven't purchased
the case...)

Anyway I'll measure my XT tonight and tell you what the dimensions are.
A problem that I can see coming up is:  If you put an AT motherboard
(baby or not) in an XT case, most, if not all, of the AT add-ins won't
fit.  (The AT case is about .75" - 1.25 " (don't remember exactly)
TALLER than the XT case....  )  At least, I seem to remember reading
something like that..

Happy new year to you as well.

Gregory Hicks


Date: Mon, 31 Dec 90 23:30:01 EST
From: Alex Nemeth <AN5%CORNELLC.BITNET@uga.cc.uga.edu>
Subject: Re: Coin-op Laser Printers

From:         Ernie DeVries <DEVRIES@NAUVAX>


Well, I think I have just what your looking for.  In the Public Fac.
here at Cornell they use a device called VENDA CARD. It takes your
money and disp- ences a ATM (credit card) type of card. Attrached to
several laserjet & apple lasers are little readers that display the
amount of $$ left on the card and allow access to the printer from
certain mac's. It is a slick device, and works pretty good.

With Cornell being out on holiday this week, I need to double check on
who here is in charge of the public fac. and i'll e-mail you direct.
If there is enough interest i'll post the information to the net.

The device is made by a local company called;
  XCP Inc.
 8 W. Main St
 Dryden, NY  13053

Cheers for the holidays


Date: Wed, 2 Jan 91 10:04:26 CST
From: david@wubios.wustl.edu (David J. Camp)
Subject: making calendars

In Reply to this Note From: <Gregory Hicks>

>When I was an undergrad at the University of Utah, one of the
>requirements for the beginning programming class in Cobol was to figure
>out the date of Easter for any given year.  Knowing this date and DAY, 
>it was a simple matter to figure out the date for Jan 1, XX.  This 
>algorithm used something called a "Golden Number".

>There are references to this in the Collected Algorithms of the ACM and
>is dated sometime in the early '60s.  However, I have been unable to
>find the reference cited.

There is a good algorithm for Easter in a book called "Celestial
Basic".  -David-

# david@wubios.wustl.edu             ^     Mr. David J. Camp
# david%wubios@wugate.wustl.edu    < * >   +1 314 382 0584
# ...!uunet!wugate!wubios!david      v     "God loves material things."
# abs (investment#1 - investment#2) << abs (anyinvestment - anydebt)


Date: Wed, 2 Jan 91 09:57 EST
Subject: Paradise VGA (vol.91, n.2)

The file PARADISE.ZIP, available on under pub/mswindows/win3,
is a collection of Windows 3.0 drivers.


Date: Wed, 2 Jan 91 10:26:18 -0700
From: con_jdc@selway.umt.edu (John-David Childs)
Subject: Problem with 3.30 DRIVPARM command SOLVED...

  Thanks to Mark Beck (mbeck@ai.mit.edu) for pointing out the solution
to this "old" bug...putting three Control-A's after the equals sign
like so:


Of course, it was only AFTER I received Mark's reply that I thought of
checking Simtel20 for solutions...I found the following files in

	DOS3BUGS.ARC (apparently for DOS 3.0, but I havent looked at it yet).

				John-David Childs
				con_jdc@selway.umt.edu (Internet)
					(apparently a BITNET gateway)


Date: Tue, 1 Jan 91 10:58:09 -0500
From: David Kirschbaum <kirsch@usasoc.soc.mil>
Subject: Reported QEMM virus

Received from the Fido Dr. Debug Echo, 1 Jan 91.
David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall

FROM:    Richard Crain                 Area # 23 (    Dr. Debug     )
TO:      ALL

I have found what appears to be a virus on the factory supplied disk
from Quarterdeck on the QEMM386 V5.1 diskette in the Optimize.com amd
install.exe programs. These 2 programs contain a HEX signature of
EAF0FF00F0 which indicates the possible presence of the 648 virus. This
virus is supposed to infect overlay programs, which I have had MAJOR
problems with lately. In the last 18 hours, every program that I have
used that uses overlays has had its CRC change, or worse yet, totaly
crash on invocation locking the system.

Further, it has been only the EXE files that have changed. Also, in
doing a byte by byte compare of a corrupted file with a good version on
backup (tape) I find an absolute pattern of corruption in the files.
These changes are the substitution of a HEX 00 00 at loctaions 68B8,
68BC, 78B8, 78BC, 88B8, 88BC, Etc.....

  This problem started yesterday (again) after running the Optimize
program that comes with Qemm386 V5.1 . This problem occured before
causing me to panic and wipe out my hard disk, secure erase, reformat,
and reload without doing serious research as to the cause, I ASSUMED
that a new program that I had just added was the cause.

 This time, I have found what I believe to be the true cause with some
advise from Chris Anderson.

 Further, Quarterdeck has been notified and the original disk is being
returned to them for replacement and analysis. Also, the disk was never
written onto by me at any time, the diskette was copied and the copy
underwent the registeration process.

The HEX string to look for is EAF0FF00F0

--- msged 1.99S ZTC
 * Origin: DinoPoint 2  (1:104/114.2)


Date: Wed, 2 Jan 91 09:06:22 EST
From: reid@ctc.contel.com (Tom Reid  x4505)

> From: "Gene Collins" <GR.AGC@ISUMVS.IASTATE.EDU>

> Hello Everyone,

> I'm looking for the FORTRAN source code for a database manager called
> RIM or PC-RIM.  Does anyone know of an anonymous FTP site where I could
> obtain this?  Please send responses to GR.AGC@ISUMPS.BITNET.  Thanks in
> advance for your help.

I just got your message.  I suspect you will not find it.  RIM was a
DoD sponsored (can't remember the organization but it was aeorspace)
project in the late 1970s and early 80's.  I was a McDonald-Douglas rep
to the committee and the MDC DBA for testing it.  The source was
released for public domain ($250 tape charge if I remember) for about a
1 year period in around 1982.  Boeing was paid by DoD to build it.  It
then was taken Univ. of WAshington by one of the developers who
migrated it to the RBASE PC-based DBMS.  There was some flack about
whether this was kosher and I think Boeing bought/got back part of the

A university professor who was the government monitor on the project
also took the PD source, extended it, and ported it to several
platforms.  (It originally was released for IBM, DEC, and CDC.)  I
can't remember his name now.

As you can see, my memory is clouded by time.  However, unless you can
find someone with one of those PD distribution tapes and a willingness
to let you copy it, I doubt you will find it in the PD.  Please contact
me further if I can scrape up more memories.


Thomas F. Reid, Ph. D.                   (703)818-4505 (work)
Contel Technology Center                 (703)742-8720 (home)
15000 Conference Center Drive            Net: reid@ctc.contel.com
P.O. Box 10814  
Chantilly, Va.  22021-3808


Date: Wed, 2 Jan 91 11:58:18 EST
From: Sarah_Gray@ub.cc.umich.edu
Subject: TCP/IP for DOS

    This is the answer that helped me the most, in terms of finally
being able to get LPR to work, and about finding out about some help
with FTPBIN and scrollback.

Forwarded from: rpj@ise.canberra.edu.au, Wed, 2 Jan 91 12:04:38 EST

Date: Tue, 25 Dec 90 11:29:36 +1100
From: <rpj@ise.canberra.edu.au>
In comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest you write:
>    --has anyone gotten the LPR that comes with NCSA Telnet 2.3 to
>work?  I've gotten others to work, including the one that comes with
>CUTCP, but not this one.
I found I needed an undocumented "USER" environment variable in DOS
(found it by looking at the code). Otherwise lpr.exe sets "USER" to the
first word of the config.tel "myname" string (which I've just realised
could perhaps be of the form "user@machine.domain.etc", I know just
"user" works also but then the banner page won't have a machine name
ie. set USER=<unix_username>
(I prefer this because the banner page then contains both the username
and the machine name).
This together with the rest of the lpr_man.doc installation
instructions got it running.
Is your job making it into the printer queue? Mine was and then just
wouldn't print.
>    --Does anyone know of an equivalent to FTPBIN (which allows one to
>do anonymous FTPs) that has more terminal support--ie scrollback, a way
>to exit if the connection is hung, etc?
No, but I'm sure ftpbin allows scrollback via the SCROLL LOCK key
(number of lines set in config.tel etc.), and the latest beta version
(2.3b13 at least) has a "more" toggle command to page output. The way
to exit a hung connection could still be a problem. CTRL+ALT+DEL is
definitely not acceptible :-).
| Ross Johnson         |   | E-Mail: rpj@ise.canberra.edu.au
| Info Sciences and Eng|___|
| University of Canberra   | UUCP  : uunet!munnari!ise.canberra.edu.au!rpj
| PO Box 1                 | JANET : rpj%au.edu.canberra.ise@EAN-RELAY
| Belconnen  ACT    2616   | BITNET: rpj%ise.canberra.edu.au@relay.cs.net
| AUSTRALIA                |


Date: Tue, 1 Jan 91 02:22:33 PST
From: jrichman@fab8.intel.com (JACOB RICHMAN, JERUSALEM)
Subject: Looking for Audit Software


     I am looking for software that runs on a pc for tracking audit
items. The system should include reports on open items, actions
required with breakdowns at different levels (eg. owner, department).

Thanks in advance,

INTEL ELECTRONICS * Disclaimer: All thoughts and statements here are my own
FAB8              *             and NOT those of my employer, and are also not
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL *             based on, or contain, restricted information.


Date: Mon, 31 Dec 1990  23:00 MST
From: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: Recent msdos uploads to SIMTEL20

The following files have been recently uploaded to SIMTEL20:

NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII

 Filename   Type Length   Date    Description
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ARC-LBR>
DRX093.ZIP    B   24705  901229  Shell program for various program compressors

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ASMUTL>
LW286.ZIP     B   16467  901231  TSR: 80286 assembler language quick reference

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.BASIC>
IMB9003.ZIP   B    4827  901229  Inside Microsoft Basic - 03/90
IMB9004.ZIP   B    6391  901229  Inside Microsoft Basic - 04/90
IMB9005.ZIP   B    7542  901229  Inside Microsoft Basic - 05/90
IMB9006.ZIP   B    7337  901229  Inside Microsoft Basic - 06/90
IMB9007.ZIP   B    4625  901229  Inside Microsoft Basic - 07/90
IMB9011.ZIP   B    3949  901229  Inside Microsoft Basic - 11/90
UNPBAS11.ZIP  B    1628  901231  Unprotects GWBASIC/BASICA protected programs

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.BATUTL>
BATMAKR2.ZIP  B   20231  901229  Multi-option .BAT maker, with TPas 3.0 source
BTCHROOM.ZIP  B    4253  901228  Corrects COMMAND.COM problem w/MARK & RELEASE
EBL403.ZIP    B   78067  901229  Extended Batch Language version 4.03
HMRHM11B.ZIP  B   11159  901229  Returns to start DIR in batch files
TSBAT23.ZIP   B   52880  901230  Collection of useful batch files by Timo Salmi

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.BBS>
BBSCOMP2.ZIP  B   37369  901229  Compares BBS file lists, displays differences

DRWY212.ZIP   B  180802  901229  DoorWay 2.12, BBS Doors utility

CKITOT11.ZIP  B  303721  901224  Personal double-entry accounting system v.1.1a
TCBAP.ZIP     B  266524  901226  Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0a Acc'ts Payable, 4of6
TCBAR.ZIP     B  248332  901226  Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0a Acc'ts Recvable, 5of6
TCBGL.ZIP     B  234834  901226  Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0a General Ledger, 3of6
TCBINST.ZIP   B  123831  901226  Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0a Install/Examples,1of6
TCBMAIN.ZIP   B  266695  901226  Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0a Main Program, 2of6
TCBPAYRL.ZIP  B  287412  901226  Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0a Payroll, 6of6

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DDJMAG>
DDJ9004.ZIP   B   45555  901231  Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1990

AN203.ZIP     B  135376  901224  Ample Notice appointment/calendar/alarm v2.03
TODO399A.ZIP  B   47901  901231  ToDo v3.99a: To-do list manager, tickler

BACKDRP2.ZIP  B    5217  901229  DESQview background. Displays date, status

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DIRUTL>
DFL150.ZIP    B   56733  901229  Finds duplicate files on hard disk

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DSKUTL>
FHARD101.ZIP  B   34693  901229  Creates 5 Meg removable disk using floppies
FM336.ZIP     B   79855  901229  FormatMaster, menu driven floppy disk format
TDISK334.ZIP  B   34869  901230  TESTDISK 3.34, disk performance measurement

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.EDITOR>
QCUSTOM.ZIP   B    6177  901229  Customized keybindings and help for QEdit 2.1

PEN2MINO.ZIP  B   25762  901226  Game:Put 12 shapes of 5 squares into rectangle

22NCE131.ZIP  B   49813  901229  Z80 CP/M emulator for MS-DOS systems. SYDEX

SIMIBM.ARC    B  231826  901231  SIMTEL20 MSDOS files listing with descriptions
SIMIBM.IDX    A  515613  901231  SIMTEL20 MSDOS files listing with descriptions

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.FILUTL>
CHK4CO21.ZIP  B   10721  901229  Identifies files made by LZEXE/TINYPROG/PKLITE
DIET10.ZIP    B   15043  901231  Compressor for executable files. From Japan.
DRX094.ZIP    B   26262  901231  Shell for executable pgm (COM/EXE) compressors
FT11.ZIP      B   13171  901229  Identify many different file types by headers
LOGOPAT.ZIP   B   12078  901230  Patch IBM LOGO for EGA/VGA/MCGA/386, w/TP3 src
PKLTE103.EXE  B   50375  901229  PKLITE v1.03, compress EXE/COM files and run

WALST535.ZIP  B  188983  901226  Wall Street stock-tracker & portfolio analyzer

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.INFO>
BENCH56.ZIP   B  329843  901229  PC Magazine's (PC Labs') benchmarks, v5.6
RBHELP30.ZIP  B   78297  901229  Online help for MSDOS commands, including 4.01

LOCKS.ZIP     B    3748  901231  Pgms to set/change Caps, Num or Scroll locks

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MODEM>
BIMOD124.ZIP  B  181238  901231  Bidirectional file transfer protocol, w/chat
EXPROT35.ZIP  B   41585  901229  Easy external comm protocol manager shell
GT1600-1.ZIP  B  140334  901229  GT PowerComm v16.00 (1of6), Documentation
GT1600-2.ZIP  B  170961  901229  GT PowerComm v16.00 (2of6), Terminal&Host mode
GT1600-3.ZIP  B   69531  901229  GT PowerComm v16.00 (3of6), External protocols
GT1600-4.ZIP  B  109405  901229  GT PowerComm v16.00 (4of6), Terminal only vers
GT1600-5.ZIP  B   73643  901229  GT PowerComm v16.00 (5of6), Host Mode docs
GT16MISC.ZIP  B  130057  901229  GT PowerComm v16.00 (6of6), Ext. Protocol Docs
MODMART1.ZIP  B    7781  901229  Informative beginner's article about modems
SIMT20C.ZIP   B   43639  901231  Small simple terminal program with X/Y/Zmodem

MSJV5-6.ZIP   B  157284  901229  Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 6, examples

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.PACKET>
RZSW1111.ZIP  B   88424  901226  Hams: ROSE X.25 TNC2 packet radio switch; EXEs
TF21C.ZIP     B   45337  901226  Hams: NORD><LINK improved WA8DED TNC1 firmware

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.PCMAG>

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.PGMUTL>
SWITCH22.ZIP  B   38806  901230  Swap to disk or EMS from within ASM, C, Pascal

IMP400A.ZIP   B  200199  901229  Letter Quality from a dot matrix printer, 1/2
IMP400B.ZIP   B  201962  901229  Letter Quality from a dot matrix printer, 2/2

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.QMODEM>
AM100.ZIP     B  257572  901229  AutoMate, cuts online time, works with QModem
QM42E-1.ZIP   B  151595  901229  QModem comm pgm v4.2e, readme & overlay, 1of4
QM42E-2.ZIP   B  201544  901229  QModem comm pgm v4.2e, executable & help, 2of4
QM42E-3.ZIP   B  120537  901229  QModem comm pgm v4.2e, utilities, 3of4
QM42E-4.ZIP   B  245924  901229  QModem comm pgm v4.2e, documentation, 4of4
QMVT100P.ZIP  B    1425  901231  QModem definition of PF13-PF20 key for VT100

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.SCREEN>
EVAFONT.ZIP   B   75722  901229  EGA/VGA font designer; handles 8x8, 8x14, 8x16

TS1ST18.ZIP   B   45948  901226  Statistics: Univariate statistical measures
TS2ST19.ZIP   B   73220  901226  Statistics: Multiple regression analysis
TS3ST16.ZIP   B   48966  901226  Statistics: Transformations of observations
TS4ST16.ZIP   B   36741  901226  Statistics: Correlation analysis
TS5ST12.ZIP   B   74051  901226  Statistics: Least abs. deviation regression

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.SYSUTL>
4D2411.ZIP    B    7006  901229  TSR critical error handler (INT 24) for 4DOS
CZCM11B.ZIP   B   11078  901229  Driver allows various mixes of COM ports 1-4
HITAKEY.ZIP   B    2614  901231  Pauses in CONFIG.SYS to catch error messages
PF253.ZIP     B   26178  901229  Port finder displays info about all COM ports
RBSETENV.ZIP  B   72009  901229  Set/add/insert/delete/change environment vars.
SANSINT2.ZIP  B   33672  901230  Port utility - poll ports rather than use IRQs
TLB-T117.ZIP  B    8845  901231  Determine if computer supports 'The Last Byte'
TLB-V117.ZIP  B  183544  901228  DOS extender for 286/386/386sx w/Chips & Tech

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TELIX>
MBBS212B.ZIP  B   15648  901229  Jonathan Rapoport's mini BBS for use w/Telix

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TEX>
DVI2LJ.ZIP    B   87199  901229  TeX DVI driver for the HP LaserJet printer
RUMDJET.ZIP   B   75003  901230  TeX DVI driver for the HP DeskJet printer

VKILL13.ZIP   B   15391  901225  Find and remove Jerusalem virus, with C source

TBSUPLOW.ZIP  B   32307  901231  Turbo Basic source upper/lower case conversion

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TXTUTL>
KANJI20.ZIP   B  189365  901229  Display Japanese Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana
QP20.ZIP      B   30676  901231  ASCII text file file viewer and print utility
STRPIT11.ZIP  B   35507  901230  Strip characters from left/right side of text

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.WINDOWS3>
APORIA14.ZIP  B  214155  901231  WIN3:Graphic-oriented visual command interface
PS112.ZIP     B   27688  901229  WIN3: Paint Shop, manipulate/cvt BMP, GIF, RLE
WINLOAD.ZIP   B   27728  901231  Give choice to load/not load Windows at bootup

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ZIP>
PKZDATE.ZIP   B   21817  901229  Sets date of ZIP file to latest contained file
ZTERMV33.ZIP  B   44155  901230  Shell, PKZIP, etc with Sysop stamp/strip

If you are unable to access SIMTEL20 via Internet FTP or through one
of the BITNET/EARN file servers, most SIMTEL20 MSDOS files, including
the PC-Blue collection, are available for downloading on the Detroit
Download Central network at 313-885-3956.  DDC has multiple lines
which support 300/1200/2400/9600/14400 bps (HST/V.32/V.42/V.42bis/MNP5).
This is a subscription system with an average hourly cost of 17 cents.
It is also accessable on Telenet via PC Pursuit and on Tymnet via
StarLink outdial.  New files uploaded to SIMTEL20 are usually
available on DDC within 24 hours.

Keith Petersen
Maintainer of SIMTEL20's MSDOS, MISC & CP/M archives [IP address]
Internet: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil    or     w8sdz@vela.acs.oakland.edu
Uucp: uunet!wsmr-simtel20.army.mil!w8sdz              BITNET: w8sdz@OAKLAND


End of Info-IBMPC Digest V91 #4