[comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest] Info-IBMPC Digest V91 #28

Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL ("Info-IBMPC Digest") (02/16/91)

Info-IBMPC Digest           Sat,  9 Feb 91       Volume 91 : Issue  28 

Today's Editor:
         Gregory Hicks - Rota Spain <GHICKS@WSMR-Simtel20.Army.Mil>

Today's Topics:
                       DOS4.1 and Two fixed disks
                          Hard Disk Partitions
                 LIMS/EMS 4.0 and TSRs to High Memory?
                   Requests for various DOS utilities

Today's Queries:
                             AutoFTP Query
                      HP plotter output to a LJIII
                 LIMS/EMS 4.0 and TSRs to High Memory?
                        Programming Ad Lib card
                    WINDOWS 3.0 & File Manager & HDs

Send Replies or notes for publication to:

Send requests of an administrative nature (addition to, deletion from
the distribution list, et al) to:

Archives of past issues of the Info-IBMPC Digest are available by FTP
only from WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL in directory PD2:<ARCHIVES.IBMPC>.


Date: 2 Feb 91 03:31:59 GMT
From: dgil@pa.reuter.COM (Dave Gillett)
Subject: DOS4.1 and Two fixed disks

In digest Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.mil writes:

>I found out that the drive letters are assigned in the following 
>First hard disk, primary partition (Always C:)
>Other hard disks, primary partitions (D: and following)
>First hard disk, secondary partition.
>Other hard disks, secondary partition.
>This may help to determine what drive letter to use when FORMATting
>your drive.

     Hmmm.  MS-DOS 4.01 refers to the two partitions on my first drive
as C: and D:, and the two partitions on my second drive as E: and F:,
just as 3.30 did.  That doesn't seem to follow the rule listed


[Strange!  I have two hard drives on my XT, a 40 MB as the first hard 
drive, divided into two 20 MB partitions, and a 20 MB on the same 
controller.  MS-DOS 4.01 on this machine refers to the first 20 MB 
partition as drive C: and the second as drive E:.  Perhaps I should 
reformat the 20MB drive into two 10 MB partitions to see what happens.


Date: 01 FEB 91 16:01:28 CDT
From: RBECOU09 <RGRIFF%SFAUSTIN.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu>

  I too thought that DOS versions before 4.01 could not handle
partitions larger than 32M.  However, today a colleague said that his
40Mg disk was formatted 5M in first (C:) partition and 35M in second
(D:) partition.  It must be only the first partition subject to the


[Depends on whether or not you have SHARE loaded.]


Date: 1 Feb 91 17:12:12 GMT
From: valley@uchicago.UCAR.EDU (Doug Dougherty)
Subject: LIMS/EMS 4.0 and TSRs to High Memory?

Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.mil writes:

>     PC Magazine released a LIMS/EMS40 utility to convert extended
>memory into expanded memory. Does anyone know whether they also
>released a utility to force TSR's into this memory? I've tried the VRAM
>and HRAM utilities from SIMTEL20. VRAM is supposed to only creates a
>very small (128K) expanded memory, but I couldn't get it to do that.
>HRAM won't work with PC Magazine's EMS40V11.ZIP file.

No can do.  EMS40V11 just makes 64K of your conventional memory into an
EMS page frame.  The net result is 64K *less* of that precious
conventional memory and you can't really use it to load hi anything,
since it is in conventional, not high mem.

Its a shame, but c'est la vie...


Date: 2 Feb 91 09:26:00 CST
From: "55SRWLGS" <55srwlgs@sacemnet.af.mil>
Subject: Requests for Various DOS Utilities


   I think when people request info or location for DOS utilities here
on INFO-IBM, many of them might just want user experience references,
to expand on what is available in the SIMTEL20 catalogs.

   Regular readers of INFO-IBM know pretty much how to get to SIMTEL20,
if indeed they can. INFO-IBM just recently started a monthly info
section on SIMTEL20, which I believe details where on SIMTEL20 their
catalog is.

   SIMTEL20 doesn't have every program in the world, but a good
percentage I do believe. There are other sources, which are sometimes
referenced here, along with details on how to get there. I don't think
one source would have everything, there being so much.

   Many times, people specify that they want a TSR scren blanking
program, but for a VGA monitor. Such a program might be newly loaded to
SIMTEL20, but not yet posted in the catalog. Since this newslist is
hosted on SIMTEL20, more subscribers are familiar with that than other

   Again, I think that software requests are based on people wanting to
get user reviews, those who don't know of a software source, or those
who just want a break from scanning a catalog on their PC. They might
even subscribe to another service which has half a dozen programs like
they want. They may know that some may fill the bill, but not be aware
which others might.

   Only you will know what satisfies you. But, I think the queries
posted here do get useful answers. Perhaps you might even be willing to
provide a few.

   No flames intended here. I just wanted to give my opinion on why
people post software queries here.  Voluntary help makes this sort of
thing work, and the more who can help, the better it all works.

Frank Starr


Date: Fri, 1 Feb 91 15:14:34 EST
From: Moore <moore@email.ncsc.navy.mil>
Subject: AutoFTP Query

Can anyone point me to an anonymous FTP site that I can get AutoFTP 
from?  Greg (<ghicks@WSMR-SIMTEL20.army.mil>) showed me several for 
UNIX machines but I'm looking for a PC implementation.  The *only* 
place I've seen it is at FSF and they've got it read protected.

Any (useful) ideas are appreciated.
Jim Moore


Date: Sat, 02 Feb 91 17:29:27 -0500
From: (Jeffrey A. Edelheit) <edelheit@smiley.mitre.org>
Subject: HP plotter output to a LJIII

My brother recently got a HP LJIII and would like to use it to print
some plotter output.  He didn't tell me the name of the program, other
than it requires the use of one of the following plotters:  HP 7470A,
HP 7475A, HP 7550A, HP (?)) ColorPro or an Epson Hi80.  Does anyone
know of a device driver, font cart. or other approach that he might
use?  If you respond to me directly, I will post a summary.


Jeff Edelheit		email:  edelheit@smiley.mitre.org
The MITRE Corporation	voice:  (703) 883-7586
7525 Colshire Drive	FAX:	(703) 883-1397
McLean, VA   22102


Date: Sat, 2 Feb 91 07:24:34 -0500
From: jguo@cs.NYU.EDU (Jun Guo)
Subject: LIMS/EMS 4.0 and TSRs to High Memory?

   PC Mag's LIMS/EMS40 can convert 384K extended memory into EMS. But
the the address of the EMS pages are in the conventional memory. That
means, you will lose 64K of conventional memory (lower 640K) if you use
EMS40V11.  Maybe other VRAM or HRAM can convert some of the EMS to High
Memory (? QRAM require an EMS40 card to convert EMS to High Mem), but
the gain will not be sufficiently more that 64K.

   Is Lotus 1-2-3 release 3 able to use extended memory directly?



Date: Fri, 01 Feb 91 22:15 EST
From: .WATPOD48 <.WATPOD48@carleton.ca>
Subject: Programming Ad Lib card

 Does anyone know of any text files (or better yet, code) describing
how to program the Ad Lib sound card? 

     Andrew Jr.


Date: Sat, 2 Feb 91 04:00:04 GMT
From: jumper@hobbes.ncsu.edu (Michael Lanham)
Subject: WINDOWS 3.0 & File Manager & HDs

Help!!  My zenith 386sx with 2MB RAM and a 40 MB HD, DOS 4.01, and
Windows 3.0 are not talking to each other correctly.  DOS chkdsk and
dir both say my hard- disk has 1.7 MB free memory.  But the Windows
File Manager says I have only 540,000KB left free.  I am using
temporary swap files for Windows, not the permanent that can be setup.
Also, my computer at my store--PS2/80 386-16 w/40 MB HD and DOS 3.3 use
Windows 3.0 and DOS and file Mangager both agree on the free space left
on the harddisk.  WHY IS THERE A DIFFERENCE???

Help would be appreciated.

Michael Lanham       mjlanham@eos.ncsu.edu   &  jumper@.catt.ncsu.edu


End of Info-IBMPC Digest V91 #28