[comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest] Info-IBMPC Digest V91 #83

Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL ("Info-IBMPC Digest") (04/10/91)

Info-IBMPC Digest           Thu,  4 Apr 91       Volume 91 : Issue  83 

Today's Editor:
         Gregory Hicks - Rota Spain <GHICKS@WSMR-Simtel20.Army.Mil>

Today's Topics:

Send Replies or notes for publication to:

Send requests of an administrative nature (addition to, deletion from
the distribution list, et al) to:

Archives of past issues of the Info-IBMPC Digest are available by FTP
only from WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL in directory PD2:<ARCHIVES.IBMPC>.


Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1991 03:11:42 GMT
From: s873561@minyos.xx.rmit.OZ.AU (Michael Barnett)
Subject: 4dos?

Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.mil writes:

>I've been using it for quite a while now.  I have absolutely no reason
>to consider using COMMAND.COM again.  Not one.

I have one reason to use COMMAND.COM (rarely though).  DEL *.* under
4dos does some convoluted file deletion (try deleting 100+ files this
way), whereas command.com does it in one hit.  Consequently, I aliased
the erase command to:

	alias era*se command /c del

This then allows you to have the 4dos DEL command, and have an ERAse
command that works like the one in command.com (well it actually is!).
Now ERA *.* will do things nice and fast.
Michael Barnett - s873561@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au - How much can a koala bear?
  RMIT/VUT - Melbourne - Australia - What would you rather bee or a wasp?
       "The opinions expressed here belong to whoever wants them" :-)


Date: Sat, 30 Mar 91 12:38:24 IST
Subject: Fortran compilers

Prof. Jacques Goldberg  compared a lot of Fortran compilers and found a
remarkable range of answers on the SAVAGE program while the only
correct answer is of course 2500.

This seems to me a nice little benchmark program to test the
performance of compilers and coprocessors, so I ran this program in

program savage;
{$N+}     {with math processor}

   function tan(x:extended):extended; {not a standard procedure create it}

     for i:=1 to 2499 do
     writeln('The answer is: ',a:4:12);

with the following result:

The answer is 2500.000000000000  {TWELVE ZEROS AFTER THE DECIMAL !}

after 5 seconds on my NEC V20 computer with 8087/II math processor.

Running this without math processor ({$N-} and real declarations
instead of extended) gives the following result:

The answer is 2500.00002200000
after 55 seconds.

So my question is:  why use FORTRAN ?

David de Leeuw


Date: Fri, 29 Mar 91 11:46:48 EDT
From: Paul Hyland <EZ113C@gwuvm.gwu.edu>
Subject: Formatting 3.5 diskettes (V91 #68)

>Date: Mon, 18 Mar 91 20:19:13 -0500 (EST)
>From: "Johnny J. Chin" <jc58+@andrew.cmu.edu>

>What I'd like to know is, does anyone know how to by-pass this HD
>sensor on a Teac drive?  That way I can format 720k disk to 1.44mb.

In an office where I used to work, they only bought 720kB disks.  They
had a device to punch a hole in them, to fool the drives into thinking
they were 1.44mB.  These folks were pretty cheap.

I could try to find out more if you wish.  I haven't really decided
myself on the debate, but I use genuine 1.44mB disks when I format to
that capacity.

Hope this helps,

Paul Hyland

Phone:    (301)270-2382
BITNET:   ez113c@gwuvm
Internet: ez113c@gwuvm.gwu.edu


Date: 29 Mar 91 15:06:00 EST
From: "mendlow, lawrence" <mendlowl@imo-uvax5.dca.mil>
Subject: Editor for Large Files - Norton Editor

I have NE ver 1.3.  The way that version handles large files is to read
in to file up to 75% of available memory.  You edit a portion of that
file then hit F3 W which writes the portion of the file from the
beginning to the cursor to disk.  Then F3 L loads more of the file.
Simple, neat and easy.
Best Wishes,


Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1991 00:14:51 GMT
From: spcoltri@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu (Steve Coltrin)
Subject: PS/2 1.44Mb drives

Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.mil writes:

>What, exactly, makes PS/2s' drives capable of formatting double-density
>disks (ie. 720K) as high-density ones (ie. 1.44M) whilst other machines
>can't format or read such disks. Is simply that it does not look for a
>second hole and the others do, or is it more profound than that?

	There are indeed third-party 3.5 drives that can handle 1.44Mb
format.  However, every one I have used _cannot_ read/write 1.44 disks
formatted on a PS/2 drive, and PS/2 drives cannot work with 1.44 disks
formatted by any of the clones, while the clone drives can deal with
each others' disks, and 720K disks work no matter who formatted and who
is reading/whatnot.  Does anyone know how widespread this problem is?
Are there clones which can access PS/2-formatted high-density disks?
Any clones that cannot handle certain other clones'?

	As for the second hole, it is true that PS/2 drives ignore it, and
that at least some clones require its presence, but I am not sure how
contributory this can be, as Brand-X-formatted disks with the hole are
looked upon with revulsion by PS/2s.

	(All of the above in my relatively limited experience, of course.
Please tell me if I'm screwing up.)

spcoltri@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu (


Date: Fri, 29 Mar 91 12:05 EDT
From: Danny Taub <DATAUB@vaxsar.vassar.edu>
Subject: Tiff Files (Summary of recent query)

	Recently, I asked the network about where to get information about
TIFF file formats.  These answers came to me directly...

IN%"fiv2@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu" , "Fidel I Villa" wrote:

>The best place to get info about this is the company who made it - MICROSOFT

I am not connected with them in any way.




        - Tagged Image File Format specs, v5.0
        - An Aldus/Microsoft Technical Memorandum


IN%"KK4D%MARISTB.MARIST.EDU@YALEVM.YCC.Yale.Edu" , "The Kingdom of Zort" wrote:

I have the TIFF file format somewhere...Soon as I find it, I will send
it off to you.


[Dan, if you do find it, could you please either send it off to me or
the network?  I'll repost if it comes to me.  Danny T.]


Dear Danny:
        In Simtel-20 server, I once saw a doc file described about the
TIFF v5.0 info. It seemed to be in PD:<msdos.info>tiff*.* ( I am not
sure ). Try PDDIR to search the similar target.

IN%"kirsch@usasoc.soc.mil" , "David Kirschbaum" wrote:

In Info-IBM #050, Danny Taub asks:

>        A friend here at Vassar has asked me if I can find out the file
>formats of TIFF files.  If anyone has any information, please send
>information either to the net or to me directly.  Thanks in advance.

VUIMG295.ZIP      GIF/GIF89a/TIFF view/print w/Zoom/Pan/Scale

GRAFWK48.ZIP      View/cvt/print MAC/IMG/GIF/TIFF/EPS graphics

DTIFF.ZIP         Displays TIFF files on screen, uses TACS
DVTIF1.ZIP        TIFF reader:PACKBITS compr/uncomp C src, ALDUS
TACS40.ZIP        TIFF Access/Create System - C source, TIFF 4.0
TFTOOL.ZIP        TIFF toolkit developer package C source, ALDUS
TIFF-50.ARC       Tagged Image File Format specs, v5.0
TIFFAX.ZIP        TIFF FAX format definition/example, ALDUS

Those last two look like just what the doctor ordered, and the first
ones might give you utilities to play with.

David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall

	Thanks to all who replied.  It is much appreciated.

	Danny Taub


Date: Sat, 30 Mar 91 01:28 EDT
From: Chris <CHOWE%HAMPVMS.BITNET@mitvma.mit.edu>
Subject: IBMPC XT Memory - Missing 1 KB

        Regarding the exchange about the 639 kb of memory on an XT: I
have a PS/2 model 30 (the old kind -- 8086) that has the same problem.
Or is it a problem? I suspect the BIOS.  CHKDSK from DOS 3.3 reports
640k RAM, but every other memory program says 639k. I also ran the
latest version of scanv on it, and no virii were found.

-       Chris howe.


Date: 29 Mar 91 12:59:00 EDT
From: "SI00::SIGNORINOC" <signorinoc%si00.decnet@v3.hanscom.af.mil>
Subject: Deskjet 500 Hanging Up Mouse

When I print to my Deskjet 500, my mouse freezes.  I've experienced
this problem in Word for Windows and in Quattro Pro, so it appears to
be Windows independent.

What I have to do in Windows is keep a command.com loaded.  After I've
printed something and the mouse is frozen, I alt-tab into the
command.com and immediately back out.  Then the mouse operates
normally.  Similarly, in Quattro Pro, I have to enter the graphics
annotator (using keystrokes).  The mouse then operates normally and I'm
able to exit back into the spreadsheet.

Also, the problem does not occur when printing documents of less than
one page.

This gets pretty old after a while!  Any help would be appreciated. I'm
using a DTK 386-33 with MS-DOS 4.01.


Curt Signorino


Date: 29 Mar 91 16:32:00 EDT
From: "SI00::SIGNORINOC" <signorinoc%si00.decnet@v3.hanscom.af.mil>
Subject: DTK 386-33 and Windows 3.0

Thanks to those who replied to my Windows woes a few months back.  I
was able to fix the major problems using EMMExclude=XXXX-XXXX.

I'm still having a couple of problems, though.  First, at random times,
I'll get an "Application Error" or "System Error," which will force me
to abort whatever I'm doing (Word for Windows, etc).  This does not
seem to happen when I'm running a non-Windows application either from
DOS or from Windows.

The second problem is that when running Word for Windows, it will give
me a "Low Memory; Close all windows" message after a while, even though
Help/About shows mucho memory (whether in standard or 386-Enh modes).

System: DTK 386-33, 4 Mb ram, 84M Seagate, Paradise VGA/512, DTK BIOS,
MS-DOS 4.01

I've checked about everything there is too check on my system and can't
figure these out.  The only thing I can think of is that in the Windows
setup, I should have installed it with the "hardware" selection as
something different than "PC-DOS or MS-DOS System".  However, I don't
have a specific Windows hardware compatibility disk from DTK and I
don't know what other choice it might be more compatible with.  Are
there any DTK owners out there who could shed some light on this?


Curt Signorino


Date: Fri, 29 Mar 91 16:50:28 CDT
From: Tom Cervenka    <CTCT100%UICVMC.BITNET@UICVM.uic.edu>
Subject: Laserjet IIIsi w/ Postscript

 Has anybody bought/seen this printer in action. It's supposed to do
17ppm and I've been told that it approaches 15ppm for postcript. The
latter claim I find hard to believe.

 Tom Cervenka - Univ of Il at Chicago, Info Cntr, Phone 6-7739
 Internet: ctct100@uicvmc.aiss.uiuc.edu         Prodigy: CMGB18A


Date: SAT, 30 MAR 91 13:31:55 MEZ
Subject: Three HDs on an AT???

Dear Readers,

  once upon a time I bauhgt an  AT with 40MB ST-HD (MFM) and thought it
might be enough for all time....  Then `lucky' the HD  crashed and I
had to buy a 40MB NEC-HD (MFM).  But  a  friend  of  mine  was able to
repair my old  SEAGATE.  So I installed both with  SPEEDSTORE / DOS3.3
/ one small boot an one large 80MB partition. Works all fine.....  BUT
now it will be not enough for the next times. And so I have to ask some

  - Is it possible to install a third HD in my AT??  (There is place
for another 3.5" HD.)

  - What kind of controller and HD has the thirds to be.  (Maybe one
controller for all Disks (2 Floppies are also there.)

  - Exists there  software to get all  HDs partitioned as  ONE huge?

  - Are there other  solutions for  HD-space  without  throwing away my
two older HDs???

Thanks, at least for reading,
          Werner Goldbaum                        I04GOB@DHHDESY3.BITNET
 I.Institut f"ur Experimentalphysik              ----------------------
   -- Theoretische Kernphysik --
        Universit"at Hamburg
        Luruper Chaussee 149
          2000 Hamburg 50


Date: Wed, 27 Mar 1991 23:42:00 -0500
Subject: Turbo Mode in Phoenix Board

I would like to know how Phoenix switches between normal and turbo
mode.  Aparat from using the "+" sign on the keypad as opposed to
everyone else using the "-" character on the keypad, the interface
between the keypad and the clock is completely different.  Other turbo
boards simply do an OUT to port 61, which is XORed with 00001100b to
provide the toggle action.  I am unable to find similar code in the
Phoenix rom - in fact port 61 does not appear to be used at all.  Can
someone be so kind as to tell me the port number that Phoenix uses to
switch between regular and high speed.

                                - \y.\n. \miles,


Date: 29 Mar 91 12:57:00 EDT
From: "SI00::SIGNORINOC" <signorinoc%si00.decnet@v3.hanscom.af.mil>
Subject: VT100 Postscript Previewer

I'm currently using Mathematica via a telnet connection.  The problem
I'm having is that I would like to view graphs, but Mathematica only
outputs graphs in Postscript (the program then displays the Postscript
graphs on your display device).  My PC has a VGA monitor, but my comm
program only emulates a VT100.  Is there a Postscript previewer out
there for a VT100?  Or, am I looking at this problem in the wrong way?
The host runs IRIX System V.3 (a version of UNIX).


Curt Signorino


Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1991  02:19 MST
From: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: Recent msdos uploads to SIMTEL20

The following files have been recently uploaded to SIMTEL20:

NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII

 Filename   Type Length   Date    Description
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ARC-LBR>
ARJ110.EXE    B  171469  910326  ARJ archiver has better comp. than ZIP & LHarc
SHEZ60C.ZIP   B  142377  910327  Shell for archive manipulation, w/virus check
ZZAP62B.ZIP   B   95500  910326  Convert between ARC/DWC/LBR/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.BBS>
COMPR212.ZIP  B   34890  910329  Compare BBS file lists with your directory
EXPIRE10.ZIP  B   16235  910325  Expire program for Waffle BBS Usenet files

USBBS82.ZIP   B   52735  910326  Darwin's nationwide IBM BBS listing: 03/01/91

BLX11.ZIP     B   13696  910326  Code from Borland Language Express Vol1 No1

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.C>
MATCH110.ZIP  B   19272  910325  Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C src

NALKATI.ZIP   B   35230  910328  Hindu Calendar. Date, positions of Moon & Sun

DVAWARE.ZIP   B    2369  910329  DESQview program interface ASM code
FILES004.ZIP  B    9235  910329  DesqView utility to display open files

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DIRUTL>
DIRNO120.ZIP  B   15463  910329  Create commented dir listings, from PC Mag.
GO_3_0.ZIP    B   40248  910327  Enhanced cd w/name completion & dir utilities

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DSKUTL>
PCOPY90.ZIP   B  100357  910326  Patriquin COPY, file copier with many options

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.EDITOR>
BINGO201.ZIP  B  152477  910328  Bingo: multi-window programmer's text editor
CYRIL104.ZIP  B   52319  910329  Russian word processor shows Cyrillic onscreen
QM2.ZIP       B    8263  910329  New mouse driver for Qedit v2.1 text editor
UNITY301.ZIP  B  243393  910329  Text editor w/unified programming environment
VDE-WP.ZIP    B   10156  910329  WP compatibility hints for VDE text editor

PEDRAW11.ZIP  B  188616  910326  Scientific pedigree-drawing program

SIMCVT2.EXC   A    3862  910325  VM/CMS REXX program to print SIMIBM.IDX
SIMIBM.ARC    B  248090  910329  SIMTEL20 MSDOS files listing with descriptions
SIMIBM.IDX    A  552415  910329  SIMTEL20 MSDOS files listing with descriptions

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.FILUTL>
CDPSW51D.ZIP  B  158720  910329  Xtree-like file manager with many features
PS44C.ZIP     B   81579  910326  Menu-driven search for text or find files

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.GIF>
GDS107.ZIP    B  127626  910328  Displays GIFs with unlimited zooming, SVGA/VGA

TGA2TIF.ZIP   B   21636  910329  Convert TARGA images to TIFF format

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.INFO>
COMP0391.ZIP  B   19357  910329  List of companies in computer industry
IP-HOOK.ZIP   B   34570  910327  Information on hooking up a PC to the Internet

ITPAPR90.ZIP  B    7297  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - April 1990
ITPAUG90.ZIP  B    8585  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - August 1990
ITPFEB90.ZIP  B    7396  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - Febuary 1990
ITPJAN90.ZIP  B    7913  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - January 1990
ITPJUL90.ZIP  B    5605  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - July 1990
ITPJUN90.ZIP  B    9111  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - June 1990
ITPMAR90.ZIP  B    6191  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - March 1990
ITPMAY90.ZIP  B    8855  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - May 1990
ITPOCT90.ZIP  B    7358  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - October 1990
ITPSEP90.ZIP  B   10481  910329  Inside Turbo Pascal - September 1990

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.KA9Q-TCPIP>
DRIVERS.ZIP   B  277300  910328  Clarkson packet drivers wo/src for KA9Q TCP/IP
DRIVERSS.ZIP  B  609441  910328  Clarkson packet drivers w/src for KA9Q TCP/IP

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.LASER>
4PRINT40.ZIP  B  201581  910326  Print 4 pages/sheet, wide sprdsheet, on HP LJ
TSRDL3.ZIP    B   56349  910328  TSR: HP laser printer soft font download mgr

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MENU>
WMS304B.ZIP   B   98914  910329  Waiter Menu System, configurable colors

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MODEM>
BBQWK30.ZIP   B  111276  910329  QuickScan 3.0, scan MarkMail & Qmail packets
COMMOPNS.ZIP  B   10814  910329  Tag files from DIR list, write names to file
CSCRIPT.ZIP   B   13266  910329  COMMO script for running unattended sessions
MPT110.ZIP    B   63540  910329  Matt Thomas' MPT protocol v1.10. Upgraded Puma
ROBO30-A.ZIP  B  190939  910329  RoboCom, automated communications pgm, 1 of 2
ROBO30-B.ZIP  B  182677  910329  RoboCom, automated communications pgm, 2 of 2
SUNCOM.ZIP    B   89459  910329  Turbo Pascal v5.5 communications program

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MUSIC>
WINPLAY.ZIP   B   22197  910327  Polyphonic music player for MS Windows 3.x

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.PASCAL>
PNL006.ZIP    B   62650  910326  The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #6

PCP-EXCH.ZIP  B   41180  910326  List of SprintNet (PC Pursuit) outdial cities

PPRINT51.ZIP  B   82183  910326  Patriquin's advanced printer utility, v5.1

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.QBASIC>
QSCAT229.ZIP  B  109089  910329  QuickShare catalog v2.29 - QBasic Shareware

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.SCREEN>
H43EMU10.ZIP  B   30542  910325  EGA 43 line mode emulator for Hercules cards
STATL411.ZIP  B   18552  910327  Kbd & disk status on 26th line (CGA/Mono only)
UCGA10.ZIP    B    7133  910327  CGA simulator for the Hercules Graphics card

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.SYSUTL>
16550S13.ZIP  B   10166  910329  Toggle the NS16550A FIFO buffer, w/TPas source
DSCOPE11.ZIP  B  106323  910329  Use PC as communications protocol analyzer
NOSHARE.ZIP   B    1297  910329  Small replacement for 'SHARE' for DOS4.0 users
PMK32.ZIP     B  205576  910326  Professional Master Key utilities - v3.2
RALLOC.ZIP    B    2942  910329  EMS/XMS fixes for QEMM-386 5.00/5.10/5.11/5.12
ULTRA4.ZIP    B  171465  910329  Ultra utilities; Like Norton but more powerful
WISDOM.ZIP    B  108355  910327  A fortune cookie program with Turbo C source
XDOS202.ZIP   B  247808  910329  ExtraDOS: Adds the commands that DOS left out

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TAXES>
QTAX1A.ZIP    B  180519  910329  qTAX: 1990 federal tax calculate/prepare, 1of3
QTAX2.ZIP     B  138647  910329  qTAX: 1990 federal tax calculate/prepare, 2of3
QTAX3.ZIP     B  155802  910329  qTAX: 1990 federal tax calculate/prepare, 3of3

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TELIX>
AP100.ZIP     B   55545  910328  Adds minor enhancements to Telix
CPD110.ZIP    B    5757  910329  Autoload of CPD protocol for Telix
CSP100.ZIP    B   23713  910329  Uses Microsoft C as Telix SALT preprocessor
TLXTIME4.ZIP  B   46487  910329  Set time and date from Naval Observatory

INNOC.ZIP     B    2632  910327  Boot sector virus immunizer for diskettes
SECUR223.ZIP  B   34278  910326  Virus/trojan security, prevents unauth. writes
VIRZIP13.ZIP  B   15606  910329  Scans ZIP files for virus infections

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TURBO-C>
TCU_32A.ZIP   B  438640  910329  Turbo-C flexible menus, windows & forms entry

PPP.ZIP       B    9749  910329  Pascal pretty printer (c't Mag), req. TP5.0
TPJOYSTK.ZIP  B    4896  910326  Turbo Pascal v4.x/5.x joystick TPU source

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TXTUTL>
CC500.ZIP     B   66752  910328  Copy CON replacement, create/edit BAT files

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.WINDOWS3>
FWZM.ZIP      B   31451  910329  FWZip v1.00: PKZIP front-end for Windows 3
SNAGIT16.ZIP  B   52465  910329  Capture contents of screen in Windows 3
WINRES.ZIP    B   28728  910329  Change screen resolution under Windows 3.0

UNCRYPT.ZIP   B    8463  910329  How to remove password protection from WP file

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ZIP>
ZC101.ZIP     B   21622  910326  Break up ZIP file into files of specified size

If you are unable to access SIMTEL20 via Internet FTP or through one of
the BITNET/EARN file servers, most SIMTEL20 MSDOS files, including the
PC-Blue collection, are available for downloading on the Detroit
Download Central network at 313-885-3956.  DDC has multiple lines which
support 300/1200/2400/9600/14400 bps (HST/V.32/V.42/V.42bis/MNP5).
This is a subscription system with an average hourly cost of 17 cents.
It is also accessable on Telenet via PC Pursuit and on Tymnet via
StarLink outdial.  New files uploaded to SIMTEL20 are usually available
on DDC within 24 hours.

Keith Petersen
Maintainer of SIMTEL20's MSDOS, MISC & CP/M archives [IP address]
Internet: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil    or     w8sdz@vela.acs.oakland.edu
Uucp: uunet!wsmr-simtel20.army.mil!w8sdz              BITNET: w8sdz@OAKLAND


End of Info-IBMPC Digest V91 #83