Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL ("Info-IBMPC Digest") (04/28/91)
Info-IBMPC Digest Sun, 28 Apr 91 Volume 91 : Issue 102 Today's Editor: Gregory Hicks - Rota Spain <GHICKS@WSMR-Simtel20.Army.Mil> Today's Topics: Encapsulated postscript files/Not Encapsulated Files Accessing the WSMR-SIMTEL20 Archives DESQview Problems (V91 #93) Today's Queries: desqview Dialup services? DOS Immovable Files Directory of Simtel20 Tandy 2000 Info Harris Line Printer Info NS16550AFN UART Wanted Printing in LaserWriter NT program output to two monitors Unzip and uudecode for vax vms How to make a Usenet connection with a PC? Video output from a VGA card managment software for Engine Factory Wanted Send Replies or notes for publication to: <INFO-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL> Send requests of an administrative nature (addition to, deletion from the distribution list, et al) to: <INFO-IBMPC-REQUEST@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL> Archives of past issues of the Info-IBMPC Digest are available by FTP only from WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL in directory PD2:<ARCHIVES.IBMPC>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 17 APR 91 19:57:55 GMT From: Subject: EPS Files >>Date: Fri, 05 Apr 1991 12:15:26 EST >>From: >>Subject: Encapsulated postscript files/Not Encapsulated Files >> >>What's the difference between a garden-variety postscript printer file >>and an encapsulated postscript (EPS) file? To a PostScript purist or hacker very little. An EPS file can contain according to the standard anything that a normal PostScript file can with the exception of operators such as 'setscreen' that may leave the target device in a state unusable by the Host PostScript program in which the Encapsulated PostScript has been imbedded. EPS files should contain the PostScript comment line '%%BoundingBox x1,y1 x2,y2'. This specifies the co-ordinates (in default units) of the bottom left and top right extremities of the image in the EPS file and is used by applications wishing to make use of the EPS file to determine the image size and co-ordinate origins. Unfortunately because PostScript is a very flexible page description language and EPS is a very poorly defined (or open if you prefer) standard, application developers are left with a major headache if they are going to support EPS. Most programs don't have spare room for a full blown PostScript interpreter inside the application or even on the same PC as the application is targeted for (I use a Hyphen PC RIP at work and the minimum spec PC for this application is a 486 PC with a 320 megabyte winchester and 8 megabytes of memory). Therefore an unwritten standard exists for EPSF use in the real world that works along the following lines. The application generating the EPSF file will also generate a screen preview image (In TIFF format on PC's and compatibles and PICT on Mac's). This preview image is used by applications using the EPSF file to display an image on the screen to be used in positioning the EPSF file. When the application wants to print a page containing an EPSF image it creates a virtual page with x and y dimensions equal the size of the box enclosing the TIFF preview and adjusts the co-ordinate system of the output device so that the EPSF program sees this adjusted page area as a full page (Thereby allowing for anomorphic and amorphic image distortion). The application then places the contents of the EPSF file into the output stream. This is followed by PostScript code to adjust the device co- ordinates back to normal (whatever that is) and print the other page elements. The order of events may vary from package to package and I have outlined the process in very simplistic terms (to keep this message to a reasonable size) but this is basically the process employed to handle EPSF files by all of the DTP programs I have encountered (PageMaker - Ventura - Word - Quark - etc.) And this is why these programs will not let you output an EPSF file to a non PostScript printer. (The best that I have managed is persuading them to print the screen preview image. As this is commonly 72 DPI the results are not very satisfactory from a laser printer and even less satisfactory from a non PostScript imagesetter. The problem with this approach is that the application never knows what the EPSF file has done to the output device and can only hope that the EPSF code had the good manners to leave the printer (whatever) as it found it. With a badly behaved EPSF file (I can supply examples of bad EPSF code if anybody wants to know a few programs to avoid) this is not the case and these files are a perennial cause of mysterious print failures. (The bane of my life). A second - rarer (predominantly Adobe) form of EPSF file exists that is far more structured and rigid in its use of the PostScript language. These files because they make use of only a limited subset of the PostScript language in a pre defined manner are far more usable than run of the mill EPSF. Adobe Illustrator makes use of this structured EPSF format as its Primary file format (I have only seen the Mac version so this may not be true for the PC version). Files in this form are even transportable between applications (Corel Draw for one can read these files and translate them to its own internal format). Normal EPSF files are not generally transportable between drawing applications and are frequently not even readable by the application that created them. Adobe have promised to take EPSF in hand with PostScript version 2. The World waits with DTP programs at the ready. One final point on the subject of EPSF files. There are some people in the world with twisted minds who have taken advantage of the applications blindness to the contents of the EPSF file to produce an EPSF virus. These clip art files contain a pretty TIFF image and some code to display same on the printer. They unfortunately also contain PostScript code to change the default password (and possibly other printer defaults but not in my personal experience) of the PostScript printer from 0 (the standard) to something else. This causes problems with any application that change printer defaults semi permanently by using the PostScript exitserver mechanism (which requires use of the printer password). Applications that may be affected by these virus contaminated clip art files are PageMaker - Ventura - Word - Windows PostScript printer driver - Quark and others. These infected files are very rare (in my personal experience I have only encountered one in 3 years). So as with normal PC virii if your PostScript printer packs up try the usual remedies before worrying about a PostScript virus. I hope that this reply is of some use to the both the original sender of the EPSF enquiry - and to others on the list who are doing wonderful things with DTP packages ETC on IBM compatibles. Sorry its so long - EPSF is a complicated subject and I am not a very good author. Regards Simon Callow JANET (UK): SG_CALLOW@UK.AC.OPEN.ACS.VAX BitNet/UUCP/Internet: SG_CALLOW@VAX.ACS.OPEN.AC.UK Phone: 44-908-653733 Fax: 44-908-653744 Surface Mail: Simon G Callow Text Processing Systems Officer The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes Bucks, United Kingdom, Mk7 6AA ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Apr 91 03:04:00 +0200 From: Gregory Hicks <ghicks@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL> Subject: Accessing the WSMR-SIMTEL20 Archives The Simtel20 Archives discussed are available from: WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL (see file PD1:<MSDOS.FILEDOCS>AAAREAD.ME details on file directories and descriptions.) Problems with files obtained from the Archives should be addressed to: <ACTION@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL> Archives of past issues of the Info-IBMPC Digest are available by FTP only from WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL in directory PD2:<ARCHIVES.IBMPC>. WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL can be accessed using LISTSERV commands from BITNET via LISTSERV@NDSUVM1, LISTSERV@RPIECS and in Europe from EARN TRICKLE servers. Send commands to TRICKLE@<host-name> (example: TRICKLE@TREARN). The following TRICKLE servers are presently available: AWIWUW11 (Austria), BANUFS11 (Belgium), DKTC11 (Denmark), DB0FUB11 and DS0RUS1I (Germany), EB0UB011 (Spain), FRMOP11 (France), HEARN (Netherlands), IMIPOLI (Italy), TAUNIVM (Israel), and TREARN (Turkey). SIMTEL20 is not accessible on the first Wednesday of each month from 6-10pm Eastern Standard Time. If you are unable to access SIMTEL20 via Internet FTP or through one of the BITNET/EARN file servers, most SIMTEL20 MSDOS files, including the PC-Blue collection, are available for downloading on the Detroit Download Central network at 313-885-3956. DDC has multiple lines which support 300/1200/2400/9600/14400 bps (HST/V.32/V.42/V.42bis/MNP5). This is a subscription system with an average hourly cost of 17 cents. It is also accessable on Telenet via PC Pursuit and on Tymnet via StarLink outdial. New files uploaded to SIMTEL20 are usually available on DDC within 24 hours. <> operates a mail server that sends, by return mail, a series of files that answer quite a few of the most frequently asked questions on the net. This server will also look up programs in the SIMTEL20 index, the grape index, and the chyde index. If you send email to <> with no subject and containing the single line "help", you will receive instructions; sending the message "directory" gives you an index of all the files available on the server. A set of files you might be interested in is obtaining are faq.csip old.questions and faq.more. These files contain answers to more frequently asked questions. To obtain these files, just send the two-line message: path your-return-path-goes-here send desired-file (ie: "send faq.csip", "send old.questions", or "send faq.more") to Of course, replace "your-return-address" with your actual return address. UK users please remember to reverse the JANET path. DO NOT INCLUDE A SUBJECT LINE FOR THESE MESSAGES. > How do you want the questions mailed to you for posting? Shall I > mail separate message for each question or shall I include all sorts > of questions in one message? If you send them all in one message, I break them up, put in what I think is an appropriate subject (it might not be what YOU want) and insert your message in the Digest as time permits. Please be as descriptive as possible when selecting a subject for the message. These subjects are indexed periodically by keyword into one file. This allows a person to go to the Info-IBMPC Archives and select a particular set of Digests to read. In your message to the Digest, please put in as much detail as you can when describing the problem, information requested, review, et al... If you send them in individual messages, they go right in, reformatted as nescessary, and go right out. There is a delay of 8-10 Digests before your query / answer comes out though. That covers the ones already in the pipeline waiting delivery. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1991 10:18:08 PDT From: Subject: DESQview Problems (V91 #93) >Date: Wed, 10 Apr 91 11:49 +0300 >From: Gil Freund <GILF@HUJIVMS.HUJI.AC.IL> > tell me where I should look? If you don't have a noise - free AC line, random spikes etc can cause random lock-ups. Try a transient suppressor or a constant voltage xfmr. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 11:16:44 MST From: David Bear <IDDWB%ASUACAD.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> Subject: desqview I have an interesting problem with Desqview and WordStar. I find that when I print under Wordstar, and extra form feed is inserted before the print job. The problem disappears when I leave Desqview and start Wordstar with plain vanilla DOS .. Anyone have any ideas? D Bear ASU COPP ext 8257 ... the only Bear on campus ... IDDWB@ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 00:14:46 -0400 From: jguo@cs.NYU.EDU (Jun Guo) Subject: Dialup services ? Hi, Apart from PSI, is there other parts that provide dialup services so that I can dial a local telephone number in most US cities and university campuses to connect to my account on my schools system? (when I travel) Thanks for any points. Jun ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Apr 91 20:30:56 PDT From: "David C. Barber" <> Subject: DOS Immovable Files Does anybody know how some programs (for example: Norton's Format Recover and Windows 3.0 swap space) create immovable DOS files? Also, how can these files be removed without reformatting the entire hard disc volume? Please reply with e-mail to me directly, as well as to PC-Digest. Thanks. *David Barber* @}-->---- UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd ucsd nosc}!crash!pnet01!dbarber ARPA: crash!pnet01! INET: [Immovable files? A term used to describe those files that must remain in one place. In the case of Norton, the files have either the SYS, R-O, or the HIDden attribute set. How to remove them? Change the attributes to 'normal' (ie: not set) and delete! Not sure how Windows 3.0 does it, but the method is probably similar. Anyoen care to comment? Microsoft? Hope this helps. gph] ------------------------------ Date: 18 Apr 91 20:18:17 EDT From: Subject: Directory of Simtel20, Tandy 2000 Info, Harris Line Printer Info 1. How do I get a listing of the public domain software from INFO-IBMPC?? I have tried many times. [Depends on how you try to access the WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL Archives. Read the message "Accessing the SIMTEL20 Archives" for more info and sources. If you try FTP, use ANONYMOUS login, password <your-name@your-host> and grab the file PD1:<MSDOS.FILEDOCS>SIMIBM.ARC (BINARY file) or SIMIBM.IDX (ASCII file). If you try a BITNET E-Mailserver (TRICKLE@TREARN in Europe, LISTSERV@RPIECS in the US) do a HELP I'll also send you the help file. HOWEVER, I'm afraid I can't help with the remaining questions... gph] 2. Does anyone know anything about the Tandy 2000 besides the fact that it is not IBMPC compatible? 3. <last question for now> Would anyone know where i can get info on older HARRIS line printers and removable hard drives?? Thanks for all help ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 23:07:49 IST From: Nir Nathansohn <NIRN@TAUNIVM.TAU.AC.IL> Subject: NS16550AFN UART Hello, I am looking for a mail-order elctronic company where I can order 1 (yes, just one...) National Semiconductors NS16550AFN UART for my modem. Ironically, although NS has one of its biggest factorieshere in Israel, they wouldn't supply the chip in small quantities, and I couldn't find anyone around who knows where can I get it. I really need it to optimize communications under DesqView (this UART has FIFO buffer, and is pin-compatible with the 8250). Thanks, Nir Nathansohn (NIRN at TAUNIVM) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Apr 91 12:55:34 ARG From: Luis MAGNI <banyc!!luis@uunet.UU.NET> Subject: Printing in LaserWriter NT. Does anyone know a Hewlett Packard Laser Printer emulator that print over Apple Laser Writer NT postscript printer?. I want to convert standart HPCL codes to Postscript, ... is this possible???. Thanks in Advance. | Luis Magni | Phone :(+54-51) 690442 | | Centro de Microscopia Electronica | FAX : (+54-51) 691610 | | Universidad Nacional de Cordoba | CC 362 - 5000 CORDOBA | | RAN: | ARGENTINA _ | | UUCP: ...uunet!atina!fmcba!luis | __________---------> |_| <----| ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 10:01 MET From: Anneke Sicherer-Roetman <ANNEKE%HUTRUU54.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> Subject: program output to two monitors Is there anyone who can point me to a pd/shareware/commercial piece of software that enables me to have output to two monitors instead of one. This is not dual-monitor with text on one and graphics on the other, but a complete duplicate of all screen output. I have to do a presentation and cannot see the monitor that is directed towards the audience, so I need a second monitor to look at myself. Thanks for any hints, Anneke ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 10:05 EDT From: "Ed Harris, Academic Affairs, So Ct State U" Subject: Unzip and uudecode for vax vms I download files to a vax and, from there, to my desktop zenith pc. I have successfully used pkunzip and uudecode (in several flavors) on my pc. Now I have downloaded a file which is too big for this (about 1,000 Megs). I get error messages about sharing and int24 when I try to uudecode this. I get an error message about sharing and an int 24 error when I abort. Are there pkzip and uudecodes that run on a vax? Where might I find them? Or, are there such programs that run on a mac and will handle such a large file size? (This file's ultimate destination is a mac in an adjoining Ed <HARRIS@CTSTATEU.BITNET> Southern Connecticut State U, New Haven, CT 06515 USA Tel: 1 (203) 397-4322 / Fax: 1 (203) 397-4207 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 08:30:32 -0400 From: jguo@cs.NYU.EDU (Jun Guo) Subject: Usenet connection ? How can I connect my PC to Usenet? I'd like to have mail access, and to post to various news groups. Thanks for any info. Jun ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1991 21:10:25 EDT From: FAC_TFLORY@VAX1.ACS.JMU.EDU Subject: Video output from a VGA card We are trying to connect a video projection system that has what looks like a standard RCA type video input to the output of a VGA card. Can anyone share information about a (reasonably priced) solution to this problem? The projector also has an input marked "S-Video" which I assume means Super VHS. Thanks. Ted Flory Director of the Computing Center Bridgewater College Bridgewater, VA 22812 (703) 828-2501 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Feb 91 13:02:00 EDT From: Oliver Otto <d09m@dhbrrz41.bitnet> Subject: managment software I am looking for a software product that is able to organisate a time-table of a factory. It should make a plan what kind of engines are in use and should tell if there is a better way. ! Realname: Oliver Otto Maus: ! ! BBS. : 0421/4677233 EARN: d09m@dhbrrz41.bitnet ! ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 20 Apr 91 04:35:00 JST From: moeller@ndsenta (Reinhardt Moeller) Hallo, I tried my other mailbox address in Japan from uucp in Germany, but failed, even with replacements for the slash (/), like ; and #s# . Do you have any idea how to transscribe the address at the bottom to make it pass through uucp to, so that can understand it ? The slash is omitted on the way to Please answer directly to one of the two mailboxes mentioned below. Best regards, R. Moeller Japanese-German Center Berlin / Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin Tiergartenstr. 24-27, D-1000 Berlin 30, Tel. +49-30-25006-237, Fax -222 UUCP: ndsenta! (Reinhardt Moeller) Modem -164 Internet: /PN=REINHARDT.MOLLER/O=TESTORG.ATI/ADMD=ATI/C=JP/ ------------------------------ End of Info-IBMPC Digest V91 #102 ********************************* -------