[comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest] Info-IBMPC Digest V91 #125

Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL ("Info-IBMPC Digest") (05/19/91)

Info-IBMPC Digest           Sat, 18 May 91       Volume 91 : Issue 125 

Today's Editor:
         Gregory Hicks - Rota Spain <GHICKS@WSMR-Simtel20.Army.Mil>

Today's Topics:
      AMDEMO.ZIP - AutoMaster:AutoCAD drawing mgr.&front end DEMO
      CALMT40C.ZIP - Calender Mate version 4.0c: A calender maker
        COVERUP1.ZIP - Erases unused sectors and tails of files
       DVIXX050.ZIP - DVI converter for HP LaserJets and IBM 3812
      EDIT245.ZIP - Small WordStar command-compatible text editor
           KGEN02.ZIP - Rule compiler for the PC-KIMMO parser
        KTEXT093.ZIP - Text processing using the PC-KIMMO parser
      PDCLK102.ZIP - Sets PC clock using UDP/IP timeserver via LAN
       POPINPUT.ZIP - Resident input enhancer for TeX on EGA/VGA
                    Recent msdos uploads to SIMTEL20
          SBBS_110.ZIP - QBBS-compatible multi-node BBS,v1.10
      SSPICE10.ZIP - Symbolic SPICE: Ckt analyzer and approximator
       WLOCK.ZIP - Combination Lock pgm for Windows3, w/src code
                    XLISP v2.1 uploaded to SIMTEL20
     ZIPSPL11.ZIP - Split a ZIP file to any size or onto diskettes

Send Replies or notes for publication to:

Send requests of an administrative nature (addition to, deletion from
the distribution list, et al) to:

Archives of past issues of the Info-IBMPC Digest are available by FTP
only from WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL in directory PD2:<ARCHIVES.IBMPC>.


Date: Sat, 11 May 91 18:31:08 EDT
From: bodoh%garfield.cs.wisc.edu@cs.wisc.edu
Subject: AMDEMO.ZIP - AutoMaster:AutoCAD drawing mgr.&front end DEMO

I uploaded to SIMTEL20:

AMDEMO.ZIP      AutoMaster:AutoCAD drawing mgr.&front end DEMO

AutoMaster is a front-end program for AutoCAD, and automates many
AutoCAD tasks.  AMDEMO.ZIP is a demo of the actual commercial program,
written by a friend of mine.  You do not need AutoCAD to run this demo.

Dan Bodoh


Date: Sun, 12 May 1991 14:57 EDT
From: BLACKMANW@urvax.urich.edu
Subject: CALMT40C.ZIP - Calender Mate version 4.0c: A calender maker

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20 this file which came in the mail yesterday
from one of the ASP authors:

CALMT40C.ZIP    Calender Mate version 4.0c: A calender maker

Calendar Mate version 4.0 is a full featured program designed to create
personalized calendars.  The user defines events to the program and it
will display them on the calendars when printed.  There are three types
of calendars that can be printed - a monthly block calendar, a one page
yearly calendar and a daily appointment calendar/scheduler.  The
monthly calendar can display up to three events per day and any of the
calendars can be printed in English, French, German or Spanish.

                                         --- webb ---

Webb B. Blackman, Jr. BLACKMANW @ URVAX               (Vanilla BITNET)
University of Richmond    blackmanw@urvax.urich.edu   (Bitnet or Internet)
Richmond, Virginia 23173


Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1991 13:11:00 -0400
From: Gary Mussar <MUSSAR@BNR.CA>
Subject: COVERUP1.ZIP - Erases unused sectors and tails of files

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

COVERUP1.ZIP    Erases unused sectors and tails of files

Erases all but disk structure and data in files.  This is 99% useless,
but when you need it, you do need it.  For when you want to be really
sure there is nothing extra on a disk.  Overwrites all free clusters,
the unused space betweeen the end of a file and the end of a cluster,
and all erased filenames in the directories.  Reports the number of
bytes in bad sectors found.  Primarily for floppies.  Will also work on
hard disks, but gives dire warnings first.  Checks the disk extensively
before running and exits at any sign of trouble.  Should handle any
standard hard or floppy disk.

Gary Mussar <MUSSAR@BNR.CA>


Date: Thu, 09 May 91 23:40:39 WUT
From: Gustaf Neumann <NEUMANN%AWIWUW11@pucc.PRINCETON.EDU>
Subject: DVIXX050.ZIP - DVI converter for HP LaserJets and IBM 3812

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

DVIXX050.ZIP    DVI converter for HP LaserJets and IBM 3812

Enhancements of version 0.50 in comparison to 0.49
   *  2 new versions  DVILJ and DVILJP
      These versions are for older HP Laserjet clones that do NOT support
      256 character fonts (type 2 fonts)
   *  new options for double sided printing
      -D  print double sided and try to stop printer for paper change
      -D1 print odd sides only  (NEW)
      -D2 print even sides only (NEW)
      -D-, -D1-, -D2- like above, but suppress empty padding pages (NEW)

-gustaf neumann
- - -
Gustaf Neumann            neumann@dec4.wu-wien.ac.at, neumann@awiwuw11.bitnet
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
Augasse 2-6,  A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 (222) 31-336 4533  ~Fax 347-555


Date: Sun, 12 May 91 01:51:08 EDT
From: "-----Dave" <komatsu@alcor.usc.edu>
Subject: EDIT245.ZIP - Small WordStar command-compatible text editor

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

EDIT245.ZIP     Small WordStar command-compatible text editor

This program is a full-featured, Wordstar-compatible text editing
system with search and replace.  26K bytes in executable.  Powerful
integrated file selection system.  Supports Wordstar 6.0 commands
including file export/import.  Supports backup-file (BAK) suppression
from command line.  Great for batch files.

sound@ccb.ucsf.edu                |  Playmac Technologies              |
komatsu@aludra.usc.edu            |  Co-author / Public Relations      |
 ----Dave                         |  Playmac 2.00, SIMP, TP, QL etc    |


Date: Mon, 6 May 91 16:35:27 CDT
From: evan@txsil.sil.org (Evan Antworth)
Subject: KGEN02.ZIP - Rule compiler for the PC-KIMMO parser

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

KGEN02.ZIP      Rule compiler for the PC-KIMMO parser

KGEN is a rule compiler for PC-KIMMO (a morphological parser that is
also available from SIMTEL20). It was written by Nathan Miles of Ohio
State. It takes phonological rules written in the two-level notation
and translates them into finite state tables which can be directly read
by PC-KIMMO. This is a beta test version, so we are looking for

Evan Antworth
Academic Computing Department
Summer Institute of Linguistics
7500 W. Camp Wisdom Road
Dallas, TX 75236

phone: 214/709-2418
internet: evan@txsil.lonestar.org


Date: Mon, 6 May 91 16:40:12 CDT
From: evan@TXSIL.SIL.ORG (Evan Antworth)
Subject: KTEXT093.ZIP - Text processing using the PC-KIMMO parser

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

KTEXT093.ZIP    Text processing using the PC-KIMMO parser

KTEXT is a text-processing application that uses the PC-KIMMO
morphological parser. It accepts as input a text in orthographic form,
tokenizes it into words, strips off and saves punctuation,
capitalization, white space, and formatting codes, parses each word,
and outputs the results to a quasi- database file with a record for
each word. The output data structures are suitable for further
processing by other programs, such as a text interlinearizer, syntactic
parser, or machine translation system.

Evan Antworth
Academic Computing Department
Summer Institute of Linguistics
7500 W. Camp Wisdom Road
Dallas, TX 75236

phone: 214/709-2418
internet: evan@txsil.lonestar.org


Date: Sun, 12 May 91 00:59:41 EDT
From: it1@Ra.MsState.Edu (Tim Tsai)
Subject: PDCLK102.ZIP - Sets PC clock using UDP/IP timeserver via LAN

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

PDCLK102.ZIP    Sets PC clock using UDP/IP timeserver via LAN

PDCLKSET sets the PC clock from an UDP/IP TIME server and uses a packet
driver interface.  It is meant to be called from AUTOEXEC.BAT and is
very small and fast.  It knows a lot about daylight saving algorithms.
Assembler source included.

Tim Tsai


Date: Sun, 12 May 91 00:47:47 EDT
From: Dov Peter Grobgeld <CFGROB@weizmann.weizmann.ac.il>
Subject: POPINPUT.ZIP - Resident input enhancer for TeX on EGA/VGA

I have uploaded my PopInput program to SIMTEL20:

POPINPUT.ZIP    Resident input enhancer for TeX on EGA/VGA

PopInput is a program for input of characters to your editor by the use
of a pop-up window.  It is especially useful for TeX where it can be
used together with a user designed font.  It provides for the
possibility of representing an arbitrary length TeX macro by one user
defined character on the screen, and a user friendly way of inputing
this character.

Dov Grobgeld
The Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot 76100, ISRAEL
Email: cfgrob@weizmann.weizmann.ac.il


Date: Sat, 11 May 1991  02:19 MDT
From: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: Recent msdos uploads to SIMTEL20

Notice:  Please note SIMTEL20's new IP address is,
effective immediately.  Please use it instead of our old address if you
use IP numbers instead of the host name.

The following files have been recently uploaded to SIMTEL20:

NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII

 Filename   Type Length   Date    Description
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.BBS>
HEAD_117.ZIP  B  182858  910510  Offline Sysop/Point reader for XBBS v1.17
HSRC_117.ZIP  B  135418  910510  HeadEdit v1.17 Sysop/Point reader source code
XDEV_117.ZIP  B  150999  910510  Developer Kit (util source) for XBBS v1.17
XDOC_117.ZIP  B  104952  910510  Documentation and samples for XBBS v1.17
XEXE_117.ZIP  B  441401  910510  Executables for XBBS v1.17
XSRC_117.ZIP  B  226480  910510  Complete C source for XBBS v1.17

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.C>
EMIL.ZIP      B   13286  910508  MSC6/TC++ library - access Ext Mem w/HIMEM.SYS
WILDF113.ZIP  B   25438  910508  Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C src

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.CAD>
LASI35A1.ZIP  B  348271  910508  IC layout CAD pgm (reads/writes Calma), 1 of 2
LASI35A2.ZIP  B  357798  910508  IC layout CAD pgm (reads/writes Calma), 2 of 2

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DSKUTL>
COPYQ226.ZIP  B   54992  910508  Fast multiple disk format/copy/verify. SYDEX
DFIX12.ZIP    B   14081  910509  Finds and marks bad disk sectors, w/C source
HDTST498.ZIP  B  132598  910507  HD diagnostic, does >32meg and Compaq 3.31
MINDOS11.ZIP  B   63280  910508  Read Minix File System (MFS) files from MSDOS

SIMIBM.ARC    B  259393  910511  SIMTEL20 MSDOS files listing with descriptions
SIMIBM.IDX    A  579213  910511  SIMTEL20 MSDOS files listing with descriptions
SIMSERCH.C    A    8500  910509  Search through SIMIBM.IDX. TC-2.0/VMS-C source

CENSUS20.ZIP  B  177872  910507  Genealogy: EZCensus - 1880/90 census database
CRD301.ZIP    B  284874  910507  Cemetery Research Database, Ver 3.01
CRDLT11.ZIP   B  293543  910507  Cemetery Research Database for Laptops Ver 1.1
GBBS9104.ZIP  B   27392  910507  Worldwide Genealogical BBS listing - Apr 1991
MYFMLY20.ZIP  B  233349  910507  My Family Genealogy program, Ver 2.0
NAMED119.ZIP  B   81497  910507  Genealogy: Name Dropper - search message files
NAMEV201.ZIP  B  109068  910507  Genealogy: Name View v2.01 - used with NAMED
SDIPRT94.ZIP  B  105281  910507  Read/print/convert SS Death Index GED Files

MAGIC116.ZIP  B   53150  910508  Magnifies VGA/XGA/SVGA screen txt/graph. DEMO

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.INFO>
HELPPC21.INF  A    6121  910510  Description of HELPPC21.ZIP
HELPPC21.ZIP  B  283758  910510  Extensive PC Programmer's information database

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MENU>
TLCMENU.ZIP   B  156542  910507  Menu system and EZ-DOS shell

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.PCMAG>
PCM8890A.ZIP  B  755194  910508  PC Magazine reviews index, Jan 88 - Jun 90

EPI5DOC.ZIP   B  348916  910508  EpiInfo stats pkg version 5 documentation 3of4
EPI5SYSA.ZIP  B  357608  910508  EpiInfo stats pkg w/integrated data entry 1of4
EPI5SYSB.ZIP  B  370773  910508  EpiInfo stats pkg w/integrated data entry 2of4
EPI5SYSC.ZIP  B  401441  910509  EpiInfo stats pkg w/integrated data entry 3of4

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.SYSUTL>
XDOS263.ZIP   B  404928  910509  ExtraDOS: Adds the commands that DOS left out

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TELIX>
TFE_221.ZIP   B   73894  910508  Telix v3 dialing directory full-screen editor

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TEX>
DVIXX050.ZIP  B  259650  910509  DVI converter for HP LaserJets and IBM 3812
LTXCONST.ZIP  B   26435  910508  US Constitution as a LaTeX file
LTXINDEP.ZIP  B    5598  910508  Declaration of Independence as a LaTeX file

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.VGA>
CVD30.ZIP     B   97993  910510  Interactive Color Vision demos - VGA required

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.WINDOWS3>
QVTNET16.ZIP  B  166791  910507  TCP/IP pgm for Windows3. Uses packet drivers
UC-20CA.ZIP   B  168520  910507  Unicom 2.0c communication program for Windows3

If you are unable to access SIMTEL20 via Internet FTP or through one of
the BITNET/EARN file servers, most SIMTEL20 MSDOS files, including the
PC-Blue collection, are available for downloading on the Detroit
Download Central network at 313-885-3956.  DDC has multiple lines which
support 300/1200/2400/9600/14400 bps (HST/V.32/V.42/V.42bis/MNP5).
This is a subscription system with an average hourly cost of 17 cents.
It is also accessable on Telenet via PC Pursuit and on Tymnet via
StarLink outdial.  New files uploaded to SIMTEL20 are usually available
on DDC within 24 hours.

Keith Petersen
Maintainer of SIMTEL20's MSDOS, MISC and CP/M archives  -  []
Internet: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil    or    w8sdz@vela.acs.oakland.edu
Uucp: uunet!wsmr-simtel20.army.mil!w8sdz             BITNET: w8sdz@OAKLAND


Date: Sat, 11 May 91 18:34:16 EDT
From: Petri Hartoma - Tut <msdos1@nic.funet.fi>
Subject: SBBS_110.ZIP - QBBS-compatible multi-node BBS,v1.10

I've uploaded to SIMTEL20:

SBBS_110.ZIP    SuperBBS: QBBS-compatible multi-node BBS,v1.10

&& Petri
Petri Hartoma


Date: Mon, 15 Apr 91 08:42:58 -0400
From: mackay@frith.egr.msu.edu (James F. MacKay)
Subject: SSPICE10.ZIP - Symbolic SPICE: Ckt analyzer and approximator

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

SSPICE10.ZIP    Symbolic SPICE: Ckt analyzer and approximator

Sspice is a Symbolic SPICE circuit analyzer and approximator. Input
files are in the SPICE format and the program performs a symbolic AC
analysis.  Symbolic determinants are sorted with the additional option
of numeric evaluation and even symbolic approximation.  Besides
accepting many of the standard SPICE definitions, Sspice also offers a
variety of low and high frequency symbolic transistor models as well as
some linear ICs.  Menu options are available for evaluating 2nd order
active RC circuits.  These include identifying and solving filter
formulas and approximating pole shift due to finite op-amp

Jim MacKay


Date: Mon, 22 Apr 91 15:45:37 CST
From: Kevin LaFata <S899229%UMSLVMA.bitnet@UMRVMB.UMR.EDU>
Subject: WLOCK.ZIP - Combination Lock pgm for Windows3, w/src code

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

WLOCK.ZIP       Combination Lock pgm for Windows3, w/src code

Kevin LaFata


Date: Sun, 14 Apr 91 17:07:55 MDT
From: Jason Merrill <jmerrill@jarthur.Claremont.edu>
Subject: XLISP v2.1 uploaded to SIMTEL20

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20 the following files:

XLSP21EX.ZIP    XLISP v2.1, EXE for PC-DOS and generic MS-DOS
XLSP21TC.ZIP    XLISP v2.1, TC++ 2.0 source & some net chatter

The source was originally from comp.sources.misc, volume 10.

I compiled the executable myself with Borland C++ 2.0.

Jason Merrill


Date: Mon, 8 Apr 91 14:03:49 +0200
From: Jon Harald Holm <jonhar@solan.unit.no>
Subject: ZIPSPL11.ZIP - Split a ZIP file to any size or onto diskettes

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

ZIPSPL11.ZIP    Split a ZIP file to any size or onto diskettes

ZipSplit Ver 1.1 is FreeWare.

You may split a ZIP file into files of arbitrary size (or a predifined
diskette size), or you can split directly to diskettes using all
availabe space.  When a disk is full you can either put in a new
diskette or you can choose to continue on another disk.  This provides
optimal fill on disks with different free spaces.  ZipSplit uses no
temporary files (only RAM), thus making the program space and time

- - -
Jon Harald Holm


End of Info-IBMPC Digest V91 #125