Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL ("Info-IBMPC Digest") (05/21/91)
Info-IBMPC Digest Mon, 20 May 91 Volume 91 : Issue 127 Today's Editor: Gregory Hicks - Rota Spain <GHICKS@WSMR-Simtel20.Army.Mil> Today's Topics: Trojan version of VIRUSCAN version 78 (PC) (2 msgs) Drive A problem; COM1 & 2 problem Hanging desqview PKWare ZIP -AV cracked quiet hard drives ... Tar files Today's Queries: AST I/O Card info request Search for a Numerical Methods C routine New Uploads: DDUPE322.ZIP - Diskcopy any size floppy disk in only 1 pass MAGIC116.ZIP - Magnifies VGA/XGA/SVGA screen txt/graph. DEMO SST_52B.ZIP - Fast file & ARC/ZIP/LZH/ZOO/PAK/PKA searcher Virus checking of archives from a batch WILDF113.ZIP - Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C src Send Replies or notes for publication to: <INFO-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL> Send requests of an administrative nature (addition to, deletion from the distribution list, et al) to: <INFO-IBMPC-REQUEST@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL> Archives of past issues of the Info-IBMPC Digest are available by FTP only from WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL in directory PD2:<ARCHIVES.IBMPC>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 13 May 91 14:50:16 -0700 From: Aryeh Goretsky <> Subject: Trojan version of VIRUSCAN version 78 (PC) TROJAN VERSION OF VIRUSCAN VERSION 78 We have received a trojan horse version of VIRUSCAN. The hacked SCAN has apparently been uploaded to BBSes in Michigan, USA under the filename SCANV78.ZIP. Running PKZIP -V on the file reveals: .PKUNZIP (R) FAST! Extract Utility Version 1.1 03-15-90 .Copr. 1989-1990 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKUNZIP/h for help .PKUNZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off. .Searching ZIP: SCANV78.ZIP - Fantasia BBS (313)/788-0882 . Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Attr Name . ------ ------ ----- ----- ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- . 12816 Implode 5255 59% 04-08-91 14:28 08a87ed8 --w AGENTS.TXT . 9406 Stored 9406 0% 02-03-91 17:04 42cf9931 --w REGISTER.DOC . 23008 Implode 12550 46% 05-06-91 18:15 f9735dd5 --w SCAN.EXE . 6495 Implode 1895 71% 10-31-89 16:16 0449b09d --w VALIDATE.COM . 3626 Implode 1802 51% 11-29-90 01:59 ab76470f --w README.1ST . 21257 Implode 5767 73% 05-06-91 19:35 a0728a17 --w VIRLIST.TXT . 2844 Implode 1406 51% 02-14-91 14:25 aa330b57 --w VALIDATE.DOC . 24515 Implode 9188 63% 05-06-91 19:34 172a967f --w SCAN78.DOC . ------ ------ --- ------- . 103967 47269 55% 8 The number listed for the Fantasia BBS is NOT a BBS number and has no connection with the trojan horse. I have called the phone number and asked the party at the other end to contact me. Running PKUNZIP on the file reveals the following: .PKUNZIP (R) FAST! Extract Utility Version 1.1 03-15-90 .Copr. 1989-1990 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKUNZIP/h for help .PKUNZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off. .Searching ZIP: SCANV78.ZIP - Fantasia BBS (313)/788-0882 . Exploding: AGENTS.TXT -AV . Extracting: REGISTER.DOC -AV . Exploding: SCAN.EXE -AV . Exploding: VALIDATE.COM -AV . Exploding: README.1ST -AV . Exploding: VIRLIST.TXT -AV . Exploding: VALIDATE.DOC -AV . Exploding: SCAN78.DOC -AV . Authentic files Verified! # TJB859 Zip Source: McAFEE ASSOCIATES While the Authentic Files Verified Message appears, the Serial Number is NOT correct. McAfee Associate's Serial Number is NWM405. Examination of the AGENTS.TXT, README.1ST, VALIDATE.*, and VIRLIST.TXT files revealed that these are straight from VIRUSCAN Version 77--the version number in the VIRLIST.TXT file was still V77. The SCAN78.DOC file had been modified so that all occurrences of V77 were switched to V78. Additionally, the following text was added for the validation data: . The validation results for Version 77 should be: . FILE NAME: SCAN.EXE . SIZE: 23,008 . DATE: 05-06-1991 . FILE AUTHENTICATION . Check Method 1: 2C21 . Check Method 2: 022E For the What's New section, the following text was added: . WHAT'S NEW . Version 78 of SCAN removes a few small bugs and continues . to optimize the procedures SCAN uses to find viruses, as in Version 77, . as well as adding a few more to the list of known viruses. SCAN is now much . more compressed than was previously thought possible, so please enjoy the . shortened file size, it should still work just fine. . Refer to the enclosed VIRLIST.TXT file for a schematic . description of the new viruses. For a complete description, please . refer to Patricia Hoffman's VSUM document. Examination of the SCAN.EXE file has show that it contains the help message that VIRUSCAN displays as well as the program information message. However, the program does not contain any of the other messages that VIRUSCAN has in it. The REGISTER.DOC file distributed with the trojan version of VIRUSCAN is not a text file, but rather another .ZIP file containing a file named TB1.COM: . PKUNZIP (R) FAST! Extract Utility Version 1.1 03-15-90 . Copr. 1989-1990 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKUNZIP/h for help . PKUNZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off. . Searching ZIP: REGISTER.DOC . Extracting: TB1.COM -AV . Authentic files Verified! # TJB859 Zip Source: McAFEE ASSOCIATES When unZIPped, the REGISTER.DOC file displays the same Authentic Files Verified Message as the SCANV78.ZIP file did. Examination of the of the TB1.COM file revealed that it contains the Whale virus. This is all I currently know about the SCANV78.ZIP trojan. If you see any copies of this file, please ask the system administrator or sysop to remove it and ask them to contact the uploader to warn them that it contains a virus. Aryeh Goretsky McAfee Associates Technical Support ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 May 91 14:06:54 -0500 From: (Michael Baker;LMSC/SXSC) Subject: Fw: Trojan version of VIRUSCAN version 78 > TROJAN VERSION OF VIRUSCAN VERSION 78 Aryeh, There is also another version of McAfee's virus scan program called vscan82. This version surfaced in the Dayton Oh area a few months back and McAfee was notified. He seemed really upset, which I can understand, cause the someone who is doing this is out to ruin McAfee. One of the local BBS sysops here is on a first name basis with McAfee. I think his bbs alone has had about 10 virus infected programs uploaded to him. In our organization here we had 8 cpu's infected with the 4096 virus. We think that it came from a game, but with it infecting just about all files, it is hard to narrow it down. Now there is a scare out on the "STONED" virus. Have not seen it as yet, but the way things go, I am sure it won't be long. If you find any other info on the virus scare, let me know if you would, please. Later Michael Baker ------------------------------ Date: 14 May 91 05:46:43 GMT From: (Traini Mathew) Subject: Drive A problem; COM1 & 2 problem I too have experienced your drive A problem. I was using a 720K 3.5" drive, and was swopping 720K and 360K 3.5" disks whilst copying. (Yes, that's right, a 360K 3.5" floppy. They come with the IBM PC JX, a close realative of the PC jr.) Anyway, after swppong disks, the previous directory reading still existed. One way I found to get around the problem (In DOS V3.3 anyway) was to press ^C or break afterwards, and this solved the problem. Check if you were swopping 1.2MB floppies and 360K floppies; this may be the cause of the trouble (for some unknown reason.) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 May 91 12:20 EDT From: "Ed Harris, Academic Affairs, So Ct State U" Subject: Hanging desqview Richard Reiner writes: > I'll second your hunch that it is not DV's fault. I do many complex > things at once in DV/386 routinely (compiling while downloading while > printing while doing my accounts while formatting floppies while...) > and I *never* get system hangs unless I've been very bad indeed, e.g. > if I've given two programs simultaneous access to the same COM port, or > something similar. I do nothing more complex than editing while downloading, yet I can't use PC Magazine's snipper or calc tsrs or PSFF, a tsr that inserts a form feed after a print screen, without hanging my machine. I've tried loading these in a dos window under desqview rather than in my autoexec bat which loads them before desqview; I've tried loading them high rather than low; nothing helps. Any ideas, anyone? Thanks in advance. Ed <HARRIS@CTSTATEU.BITNET> Southern Connecticut State U, New Haven, CT 06515 USA Tel: 1 (203) 397-4322 / Fax: 1 (203) 397-4207 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 May 1991 20:34 MDT From: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL> Subject: PKWare ZIP -AV cracked I have received word from a reliable source that there is now a PKWare ZIP authentication verification (-AV) cracker going around called MAKEAV. It will generate registration numbers so that people can create their own serialized ZIPs. MAKEAV was apparently used to make the bogus SCANV78.ZIP which was warned about in a recent posting by McAfee Associates. PKWare has been notified. Keith - - - Keith Petersen Maintainer of SIMTEL20's MSDOS, MISC and CP/M archives - [] Internet: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil or Uucp: uunet!!w8sdz BITNET: w8sdz@OAKLAND ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 May 91 13:32 PDT From: (Joseph A. Faracchio) SPGJAF%cmsa.Berkeley.EDU@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU Subject: quiet hard drives ... About quiet hard drives. I can not speak for other hard drive manufactures but at least the Conner hard drives that are engineered for laptops have special commands that will 'quiesce' the drive. (In fact there appears to be 3 stages ending in total shutoff (til a request comes in then its an automatic power up.)) You may want to check to see what OEM is in a HardCard and order the spec's manual from the OEM. Good luck! .. joe.f. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 May 91 02:18:37 MEZ From: "Gisbert W.Selke" <S00100%DBNRHRZ1.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> Subject: Tar files Jim Wiegand <v5058u@templevm.bitnet> recently asked for tar file info due to trouble extracting files under DOS. I have once written a very crude utility that extracts members from a tar file, renaming files on the fly to make them acceptable to DOS and taking care not to overwrite anything (e.g., a tar might contain both README and readme (and possibly ReadMe...)). If interest warrants, I'll mail it to Jim and/or to Simtel20 - be warned, it is *very* crude! Since it comes with TurboPascal source, of course, anyone can hack it to suit their needs. \Gisbert <s00100@dbnrhrz1.bitnet> WIdO, Bonn, Germany ^^ ^^ zeroes, not ohs! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 May 91 16:04 EDT From: "Roy L. Lehmann" <ROY%NKI.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> Subject: AST I/O Card info request Can anyone e-mail me the settings for the 2 DIP switches on a serial/parallel i/o card? The card has the following markings: AST RAM PAGE AT-PAK RAMPAT-I/O Can anyone send the name and address of the manufacturer? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 14 May 91 17:23:07 +0300 From: Dov Peter Grobgeld <> Subject: Search for a Numerical Methods C routine I am looking for a C implementation of the Adams Moulton variable step integrator. If someone has any clues if such code exists, I would be most interested in it. It might be either commercial or public domain. Dov Grobgeld Department of Chemical Physics The Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot 76100, Israel ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 11 May 91 11:13:05 -0500 From: Subject: DDUPE322.ZIP - Diskcopy any size floppy disk in only 1 pass I have uploaded to SIMTEL20: pd1:<msdos.dskutl> DDUPE322.ZIP Diskcopy any size floppy disk in only 1 pass This is a new Shareware version of Diskdupe. This is the fastest disk duplicator I have seen. It copies 3.5 and 5.25 inch disks. Preston ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 May 91 14:43:35 EDT From: (Bill McGarry) Subject: MAGIC116.ZIP - Magnifies VGA/XGA/SVGA screen txt/graph. DEMO I have uploaded to SIMTEL20: pd1:<msdos.handicap> MAGIC116.ZIP Magnifies VGA/XGA/SVGA screen txt/graph. DEMO Bill McGarry (203) 337-1518 UUCP: {oliveb, philabs, decvax, yale}!bunker!wtm INTERNET: BITNET: l-hcap@ndsuvm1.bitnet Fidonet: The Handicap News BBS (141/420) 1-203-337-1607 (300/1200/2400 baud, 24 hours) Compuserve: 73170,1064 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 12 May 1991 16:02 EDT From: Subject: SST_52B.ZIP - Fast file & ARC/ZIP/LZH/ZOO/PAK/PKA searcher I have uploaded to SIMTEL20: pd1:<msdos.dirutl> SST_52B.ZIP Fast file & ARC/ZIP/LZH/ZOO/PAK/PKA searcher SST: the Supersonic Search Tool v5.2b by Keith Ledbetter (aka "WhereIs"). The cutting-edge in file-finder programs. Supports all major archive formats, greps, size ranges, date ranges, verified deletion, duplicate searching, 4DOS description searches, command execution on found files, and too many other features to list. Network aware. Now works with the new LHARC format. Member, ASP. Maintenance upgrade --- webb --- Webb B. Blackman, Jr. BLACKMANW @ URVAX (Vanilla BITNET) University of Richmond (Bitnet or Internet) Richmond, Virginia 23173 ------------------------------ Date: 12 May 91 07:49:41 GMT From: (Timo Salmi) Subject: Virus checking of archives from a batch I have updated my collection of useful batch files and it is now available from SIMTEL20: pd1:<msdos.batutl> TSBAT25.ZIP Collection of useful batch files by Timo Salmi One of the constant worries of downloaders of archived packages is the threat of viruses. (Games from shady BBSes are particularly susceptable, but even commercial products have been known to be infected). Fortunately there are good virus checkers like McAfee's and Fridrik Skulason's available to check for infections. There are, however, two dilemmas in checking archived packages on a routine basis. (Since the format most encountered is .zip let's speak of zipped files). The first problem is that there are so many executable compressors in use currently (such as lzexe, pklite, diet, tinyprog, etc). This means that unless the virus checking programs can observe all these variations, a virus can be hiding in an execompressed form. Therefore it is advisable to expand the executables for the check. A second problem is that .zip files occasionally contain embedded .zip files (eg PC-Magazine's collections often do). These embedded .zip files must be unzipped for a closer examination. The earlier versions of the tsbat collection included a batch called scanzip.bat. I have completely rewritten this batch to take care of the two eventualities discussed above. I have renamed the rewritten batch scanz.bat. Note that before using this new batch, you have to go through scanz.bat and edit all the directory path references to correspond to your own configuration. This is, of course, an inconvenience, but it is the best way of guaranteeing that a batch complicated as this stays reasonably efficient. Prof. Timo Salmi Moderating at anonymous ftp archives School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland Internet: Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 May 91 11:23:09 PDT From: Subject: WILDF113.ZIP - Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C src I have uploaded to SIMTEL20: pd1:<msdos.c> WILDF113.ZIP Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C src WildFile (wild card file expansion of *IX SH style regular expressions) is C source which allows the specification of a regular expression for file specifications in a program. This will allow such file specifications as *t., *s*.doc, *[a-efz]?y*.*o*, etc. This greatly enhances the programs ability to handle user file requests. Dedicated to the public domain and uploaded by the author J.Kercheval. jbk ------------------------------ End of Info-IBMPC Digest V91 #127 ********************************* -------