[comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest] Info-IBMPC Digest V91 #131

Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL ("Info-IBMPC Digest") (05/27/91)

Info-IBMPC Digest           Mon, 27 May 91       Volume 91 : Issue 131 

Today's Editor:
         Gregory Hicks - Rota Spain <GHICKS@WSMR-Simtel20.Army.Mil>

Today's Topics:
                          Assembly on an IBMPC
                             Chk4Comp 3.10
                   Estimating dBase III+ index sizes
                       Internet & FTP Connections
               Kermit under Windows or DesqView (V91 #68)
                     Laptop info wanted (V91 #118)
        Request for Info on a Program to Read Apple Disks on IBM
                     Software to double disk space
           Sun PC-NFS / 3Com Boards crashes on High End PC's
                            WordPerfect & PS
                           Data-PCS petition
                              Re: DrivParm
                        Spanish/mathematical WP

Today's Queries:
               Postscript to ASCII Conversion Available?
                      Capslock toggle via software
                Recommendations for Purchase of Computer
            New SuperVGA BGI drivers available from SIMTEL20
                           RAM+ Memory Cards
                           UUDECODE Problems
                            WordPerfect & PS

Send Replies or notes for publication to:

Send requests of an administrative nature (addition to, deletion from
the distribution list, et al) to:

Archives of past issues of the Info-IBMPC Digest are available by FTP
only from WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL in directory PD2:<ARCHIVES.IBMPC>.


Date: Sun, 19 May 91 22:17:29 EDT
Subject: Assembly on an IBMPC

In Vol. 90 #118,  Charlie Turner <CHARLIE%UMVMA.bitnet@UMRVMB.UMR.EDU>

> These days with schools awash in PCs, I wonder if anyone bothers to
> learn assembly language any more? It has to be more difficult on a
> 80xxx micro than on the venerable old 1620!

The answer is YES.  As part of any Computer Science Major / Minor here
at Central Michigan University, you have to take an Assembly Language
Programming Class.  When I took it in Winter of 1989, it was taught on
an IBM PC and I know that it had been taught that way since at least
Fall 1986, although they found a better Assembler.  Starting with the
summer semester 1989, the class has been taught using the Computer
Science Department's VAX 8530.

Although I have not programmed in any other assembly languages other
than 8088, I did not find it that bad to work with.  I've wanted to
play arround with it to try to do something, but I haven't had the
time. I really appreciate taking the class on the PC, since I learned
lots about DOS and the limitations of the various IBM class computers.

I also appreciate learning about a microcomputer when I see Computer
Science majors whose  PC skills are limited to booting the thing and
running Kermit to connect to the VAX or our IBM....

   Scott A. Begin             E-Mail:      34RXESC@CMUVM.BITNET  (Network     )
"The Graveyard Madman"                     CSV310                (CMU VAX 8530)
  Student Consultant          AT&T:        (517) 773-9424
  Ronan Computer Lab          USnail:      1401 E. Bellows #E-1
Central Michigan University                Mt. Pleasant, MI  48858


Date: Tue, 21 May 91 06:53:50 -0400
From: jguo@cs.NYU.EDU (Jun Guo)
Subject: Chk4Comp 3.10


   I just downloaded Chk4Comp 3.10, which is a very good program in
identifying EXE/COM files compressed by various (10+) schemes, misnamed
EXE/COM files, overlayed EXE files and MS-Windows EXE files.

   But when I check Chk4Comp.Exe 3.10 with version 3.05, it reported it
was compressed by Diet, which is not a surprise, since version 3.05 was
also compressed by Diet. So I went ahead and ran Diet to decompress the
file. But when I check the decompressed file again with 3.05, this time
it reported it was compressed by ExePack. This is highly impossible,
since I think Diet will compress an uncompressed EXE file more
efficiently than one compressed by ExePack, so the author was very
unlikely to compress the original file first with ExePack, and than
compress it again with Diet. And UPackExe also reported the file was
not compressed by ExePack.

   So is it mere a bug in 3.05 or what? I dare not to run 3.10 now,
since none of my virus scanners works with ExePacked file.

   Another anormality: Chk4Comp 3.05 reports Diet 1.10a is compressed by
LEXEM, but I decompressed Diet 1.10a using Diet 1.02b successfully.



Date: Mon, 20 May 91 11:25:54 AST
Subject: Estimating dBase III+ index sizes

> Date: Thu, 02 May 91 09:25:28 CDT
> From: Bruce Harrison <##17%UTMARTN@uga.cc.uga.edu>

> Does anyone know what the layout of a dBase III+ index (.ndx) file is?
> I need to be able to accurately estimate the sizes of index files.

 NDX files has a header (512 bytes long) and data blocks.  Use those
formulas to calculate the size of the data part.  (You will need the
length of the key and the total records in DBF.)

 EntryLength = 4 + 4 + Length (key)           *** IF ODD ADD 1
 EntrysPerBlock = INT ( (512 - 4) / EntryLength)
 TotalDataBlocks = ROUND TO NEXT INTEGER (total records / EntrysPerBlock)
 DataSize = TotalDataBlocks * 512 (in bytes)
 MinimumFileSize = 512 + DataSize (in bytes)

 Remember that dBASE reserves something between 10% to 20% to append
the new records in this continuos area.

 If you have a DBF with 3000 records and need index a 40 chars field
you find:

 EntryLength = 8 + 40 = 48
 EntrysPerBlock = INT ( 508 / 48) = 10
 TotalDatablocks = ROUND NEXT INT (3000/10) = 300
 DataSize = 300 * 512 = 153600
 MinimumFileSize = 512 + 153600 = 154110
 Index file size between 165K and 180K, or 172K +- 8K.

 Hope this helps to resolve your problem.

 - Luiz Eduardo Coelho - Systems Analyst
   Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - RDC
   Gavea - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 22453 - BRAZIL
   E-MAIL: userlesc%lncc@lncc2.bitnet FAX: +55-21-2744546


Date: Mon, 20 May 1991 21:17 EDT
Subject: The new uploads vote

I would like to express my vote about not having the Recent Upload
message sent to the list.

I vote to keep it the way it is, unless the editor is getting sick of
doing it.  For those who do not wish to read it, the subject line is
always the same, so it would be quite easy to avoid those messages if
you need to.

Rock the Vote!
Chris Sullivan


Date: Mon, 20 May 91 11:10:06 EDT
From: PECKHAM <peckham@orlando-emh4.army.mil>
Subject: Internet & FTP Connections

In #91-119, Godfrey Daniels asks about commercial e-mail services
interfacing with Internet.

Compuserve has a interface at saqqara.cis.ohio-state.edu - for mail,
anyway.  Don't know if it'll handle FTP, but Compuserve does
(reportedly) access a SIMTEL20 pd1:<msdos.xxxx) mirror somewhere.
(THAT info from a Compuserve user.)

[FTP to/from Compuserve.com is not implemented.  The only way to access
files available on Compuserve is to be a subscriber.  gph]

(I know the mail works quite efficiently; messages HAVE BEEN exchanged
in 35 minutes -- or so (in MY experience), although 3-4 hours is the

BTW -- tried to reply directly to sender, but neither my host nor
nic.ddn.mil recognizes the alpha-address -- so have no way to find the

ALSO BTW -- since I expect to retire later this year, I'm interested in
possible net-mail and SIMTEL access (real, or by mirror - in latter
case).  If anyone compiles responses to Godfrey's question, I'd
certainly like to see the result - either in Digest or separately.



Date: Mon, 20 May 91 11:39:44 -0700
From: tkennedy@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Todd Michael Kennedy)
Subject: Kermit under Windows or DesqView (V91 #68)

>Date: Mon, 29 Apr 91 13:18:26 GMT
>From: bgeer@javelin.sim.es.com (Bob Geer)

>I've successfully D/L'd while running several programs.  However, while
>running command.com in a window, the D/L stopped.  Probably would stop
>while using command.com in full screen, too.

In your PIF for Kermit, did you state it could run in the background? I
routinely download in the background with a DOS prompt, and usually
with QEdit loaded in the foreground.

                                        The Night Owl


Date: 20 May 91 13:28:12 GMT
From: robinson@knuth.MTSU.EDU (David Robinson)
Subject: Laptop info wanted (V91 #118)

>    I am looking for an affordable, <$3K, laptop computer with the
>following features:

>          IBM DOS compatible
>          20 to 40 Mbyte harddisk
>          At least one 3.5" floppy
>          1 to 4 Mbytes RAM
>          VGA graphics

I recently bought a ZEOS Notebook '386.  It is a 16MHz 386SX, with 3Mb
RAM, 20Mb hard drive, a 1.44Mb 3.5" floppy, monochrome VGA display,
2400bps internal modem, 2 batteries, an AC adapter/recharger, separate
battery recharging stand, carry case, manuals, etc. for right at
$3,000.  The computer, with battery installed weighs right at 6.5 lbs.
The whole mess, with carry case, AC adapter, spare battery, phone
cable, and serial cable (for in-the field data comm trouble-shooting,
one of the main reasons I needed a portable computer) weighs closer to
13 lbs.  The shoulder strap helps a lot.

The monchrome LCD VGA is certainly not up to the quality of CVGA.  The
problem of 'ghosting' (or whatever you call it) when rapidly scrolling
through a file makes on-the-fly reading of a document difficult.  This
seems to be a problem with all LCD VGA's though, I've never seen one
that was any good for playing games on for instance :-)  The biggest
problem with the ZEOS is that for some unknown reason they put the
brightness and contrast controls on the right side of the main case,
right where I tend to grab the machine when adjusting it on my lap.
This invariably will screw up the display.  It's really simple to
readjust the display though.  The display is 7.75"x 5.75"  The blinking
underscore cursor sometimes gets lost too.  There are utilities that
can correct that problem too.  WordPerfect includes Cursor.com which is
what I've been using.  It's ok.

The keyboard has a good solid tactile response.  The layout of some of
the keys are kind of strange.  For instance, the right-most keys
starting from the top are: Pause, Insert, Delete, ScrLock, NumLock,
Right-arrow.  Home, End, PgUp, & PgDn, each require 2-key combinations
with a 'function' key on the extreme lower-left side of the keyboard
with the arrow keypad in the familiar upside-down T configuration.
Since I use WordPerfect, and use this machine a _lot_ for taking notes
in meetings, this took some getting used to. No big deal, though.

The 20Mb hard disk is fairly fast.  The average seek time is 21.8ms and
the DOS file transfer rate is 96.9K/sec. (according to my copy of
QAPLUS)  Compare to an IBM PS/2 55SX wi 30Mb drive: Seek 39.4ms & DOS
xfer of 31.3K/sec.  I'm pretty pleased. I would have preferred 40Mb but
it wasn't an option at the time.

Miscellaneous:  The ZEOS comes with 1 serial, 1 parallel, 1 external
VGA port.  Battery life is approximately 2.5 hrs.  With the external
recharging stand, I can recharge one battery while using another, or I
can trickle charge the battery while running on AC.  A normal recharge
takes approx. 1 hour.  I have to shut down the machine to swap
batteries.  Internal utilities allow me to selectively shut down the
modem, display, and hard drive when inactive for a selected period of
time.  The machine arrived at my shop with DOS 4.01 already installed,
The manuals are good.  The computer feels solid and well constructed.
ZEOS even threw in a couple of blank diskettes and a genuine ZEOS tee
shirt!  How could you ask for more?

Sorry 'bout the length of this posting, but I'm real happy with my ZEOS
(right now.) No connection with the company, just a satisfied customer.

David Robinson
Automation Librarian
Middle Tennessee State University


Date: Sun, 19 May 91 08:10:44 GMT
From: hartnegg@sun1.ruf.uni-freiburg.de (Klaus Hartnegg)
Subject: Request for Info on a Program to Read Apple Disks on IBM

Rob Leggett <@ksuvxa.kent.edu:LEGGETT@ksuvxm> writes:

>Date sent:  1-MAY-1991 08:32:38 

>In a letter from: c8921212@nucssun1.newcastle.edu.au (Luke Plaizier)
>>  Actually, there is a program around that lets an ibm read apple
>>disks, but I'm afraid I saw that last year sometime and wouldn't have a
>>clue as to what it was called or where to find it.

>Does anyone know the program that Luke is talking of?  I am getting
>desperate!  These files are somewhat important and I would like to get
>them transfered ASAP.  I would appriciate any help what so ever.

This has already been discussed several times. The result was that
there are programs to read CM/M disks on an IBM PC but it is not
possible to read Apple disks without additional hardware.  You will
have to transfer the data via serial cable.

Klaus Hartnegg, Kleist-Str. 7, D-7835 Teningen, Germany
Bitnet : hartnegg@dfrruf1 or hartnegg@cernvm
Internet : hartnegg@ibm.ruf.uni-freiburg.de


Date: Mon, 20 May 91 12:01:51 -0700
From: tkennedy@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Todd Michael Kennedy)
Subject: Software to double disk space

>From: Stuart Milligan   <MILLIGAN%BROCK1P.bitnet@RICEVM1.RICE.EDU>
>Subject: Software to double disk space

>There is a piece of software called Double Disk that is advertised to
>almost double your disk storage space.  It apparently creates
>additional virtual disk drives and automatically compresses and expands
>files stored there.  It is published by Vertisoft Systems, Inc.  Has
>anyone used this product and does it really work?  It lists for $99.95.

I'm not sure about Double Disk, but, I have used Stacker (and still am)
and I love it.  I don't have the perfect 2:1 compression ratio, but, I
have a whole bunch of GIFs on my harddisk. (Stacker even compresses
those a little) The installation is painless. You tell it how much
space to use for the compressed disk, and it does everything else. By
the way, Stacker also creates a virtual disk. (On my system D:) Stacker
even comes with a utility to swap disk letters so, my C: is really D:,
and my D: is really C:. So, no re-installation of my software is
neccessary... I'm completely satisfied.

As for speed, I run Windows regularly, and I notice VERY LITTLE
slowdown on my 20MHz 386... But, if you're working on a slower system,
they offer a coprocessor card that supposedly makes everything work

The Night Owl


Date: Mon, 20 May 91 18:01:22 WET DST
From: whb@castle.edinburgh.ac.uk
Subject: Sun PC-NFS / 3Com Boards crashes on High End PC's

Another problem is that some "high-end" PCs run their bus's at variable
clock rates. The clock speed is usually BIOS-selectable but if
incorrectly set can fail.

EG If bus runs at CLK/2
for a 16 MHz machine -> 8 MHz bus OK 
      25 MHz machine -> 12.5MHz - a bit dodgy !

However all motherboards can run the bus at 8MHz which is OK (AT



Date: Mon, 20 May 91 23:48:59 CDT
From: Ed Garay <U12570%UICVM@uga.cc.uga.edu>
Subject: WordPerfect & PS

On Mon, 20 May 91 22:10:56 -0400 Jun Guo said:
>  I want to print out a document in WordPerfect format on a Apple 
>LaserWriter print on a Unix system. So I print the doc to a file in 
>WP using Apple LW printer driver. I think the file is in PostScript 
>format. Then I upload the PS file to the Unix system and print there. 
>But it didn't work.

Unfortunately, WordPerfect's PostScript driver leaves too much to be
desired.  It produces a total non-conformant PostScript, that does not
follow the standard conventions or guidelines, and what is worse, it
outputs only LineFeeds between PostScript records, instead of the usual
Carriage Return-LineFeed. As a result, the PostScript file saved to
disk is just one huuuge looong line which is hard to deal with and
error prone.

WordPerfect's current standpoint on this matter is that there is no
problem because hardly anyone is complaining about it, and after all,
they say, that the PC WordPerfect software was never meant to support
printing across platforms.

I didn't liked their answer so I filed a program enhancement request to
correct the matter (at least, they should give us the option of
selecting whether we want the usual CR-LF line endings instead of the
"byte-saving" LF-only record terminator).

If you are interested in filling a similar request, call the Laser
Printer Hotline at 1-800-541-5170. It only takes five minutes. You may
also want to contact WordPerfect via email and let them know your
feelings about this annoying problem. They can be reached on Bitnet at
WPCORP@BYUVAX, on Compuserve (via Internet) at 72460.461@Compuserve.Com
or 73447.754@Compuserve.Com. Their Customer Support FAX number is

Of course, the more users they hear from regarding a problem, the more
susceptible they will be to admitting and correcting the problem.

In the mean time, by the way, write yourself a little program on the PC
to replace each linefeed in the PS file to a carriage return/linefeed.
Also, I recently read that someone has posted to Simtel a program to
fix WordPerfect-generated PostScript files; it is called PSFIX and it

Good luck, hope this helps, and please tell WP to fix their PS driver.

--- Ed Garay


Date: Mon, 20 MAY 91 12:48:37 BST
From: CHAA006@vax.rhbnc.ac.uk
Subject: Data-PCS petition

>>> Please review the following information, and consider what benefits YOU
>>> might gain from the creation of this new communications capability.
>>> Instructions are included for writing directly to the FCC.
>>> Alternately, you may simply "reply" to this posting, which will return
>>> your electronic comments to Apple Computer.  We will forward all such
>>> replies to the FCC.  The preferable approach, of course, is to mail a
>>> personal letter to the Chairman of the FCC, as described below.

Your petition will undoubtedly attract considerable support (including
mine); however, petitioning the FCC will do little good in the U.K.,
any more than petitioning the French PTT would.  May I respectfully
suggest that Apple simultaneously petition ALL PTTs; I will then gladly
add my support.

					Philip Taylor
				    Royal Holloway and Bedford New College,
				    ``The University of London at Windsor''


Date: Mon, 20 MAY 91 12:48:37 BST
From: CHAA006@vax.rhbnc.ac.uk
Subject: Re: DrivParm 

>>> there is so much talking about the undocumented DRIVPARM function in
>>> DOS. Maybe someone could 'document ' it for us mortals and describe
>>> properly the usage?  THANKS

DRIVPARM - modify the parameters of an existing physical disc drive

This command allows the modification of parameters associated with
existing block devices, overriding the default MSDOS values.  To add a
new device, use DRIVER.SYS

COMMAND TYPE: System configuration      VERSION: 4.0 and up

USE: DRIVPARM=/d:number [/c][/f:factor][/h:heads][/i][/n][/s:sectors]

/d:number declares the physical drive to be used (acceptable range 0-255)
     where 0=A:, 1=B: etc.
/c   indicates that drive referenced has door-open detection available
/f:factor specifies the form factor (drive type) from the list below
     0 = 160/180/320/360 kbytes      1 = 1.2 Mb
     2 = 720 kb (3.5")               5 = fixed hard disc
     6 = tape drive                  7 = 1.44 Mb (3.5")
     The default values for the following options depend on the value
     given to /f
/h:heads -heads is number of heads (1-99)
/i   specifies an electrically compatible 3.5" drive.  Such a drive is 
     connected to the existing floppy disc controller as drive A: or 
     B:.  Use this switch if the ROM bios does not support 3.5" drives 
/n   specifies a none-removable block device
/s:sectors - sectors is the number of sectors per track (1-9)
/t:tracks  - tracks is the number of tracks per side (1-999)

NOTE:  This command can only be used in CONFIG.SYS


					Philip Taylor
				    Royal Holloway and Bedford New College,
				    ``The University of London at Windsor''


Date: Mon, 20 MAY 91 12:48:37 BST
From: CHAA006@vax.rhbnc.ac.uk
Subject: Spanish/mathematical WP

>>> i would like  knows the best word processing that exist
>>> that have 1) spanish dictionary
>>>           2) that can read dbase iii plus files
>>>           3) that permit mathematics formula
>>>           4) compatibl with another word processing
>>>           5) graphics process
>>>           6) that permit conver the file in a ascii file
>>>              including the mathematics formula
>>>           7) and that have comunication (permit by modem transmit to
>>>              another computer
>>> some one said me about the word processing= chiwriter others about
>>> wordperfect other by word of microsoft but i do not which is the best
>>>  also i would like to know about a comunication software that can
>>> transmit a file that have mathematics formula and complete set of ascii
>>> characters  and any other controls characters
I think you might beneficially investigate TeX.  It is (a) free; (b) in
the Public domain; (c) written by a world leading in Computer Science
(Don Knuth); (d) intended specifically to allow the expression of
arbitrarily complex mathematical formulae in terms of printable (ASCII)
characters.  There will almost certainly exists a Spanish hyphenation
dictionary for it.  It will not, of itself, read DBASE III files, nor
does it directly support graphics; none the less, I think it may be
very close to a solution to your problems.

					Philip Taylor
				    Royal Holloway and Bedford New College,
				    ``The University of London at Windsor''

(gph --- Do you keep emTeX in your Simtel-20 archive ?  ** Phil)

[Sure do.  Here's a list of files available.

PT20MAN.ZIP        Manual for Point Editor v2.0 (TeX/PostScript)"
PT20PC.ZIP         Point Editor v2.0 (PD). C src and executables"

FORTEX.ZIP         Fortran, TeX, & BibTeX modes for FreEMACS 1.6a"

DVIPS54.ZIP        Convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript, w/C src"

DPUBTEX.ARC        Support for editing TeX documents in Sprint"

-READ.ME           Information about files in this directory"
BIBTEX99.ARC       BibTeX - a LaTeX bibliography processor"
CDVI12.ARC         DVI viewers for Herc, CGA, EGA, VGA, etc."
DOSTEX1.ARC        TeX, v2.7, for MSDOS - part 1 of 6"
DOSTEX2.ARC        TeX, v2.7, for MSDOS - part 2 of 6"
DOSTEX3.ARC        TeX, v2.7, for MSDOS - part 3 of 6"
DOSTEX4.ARC        TeX, v2.7, for MSDOS - part 4 of 6"
DOSTEX5.ARC        TeX, v2.7, for MSDOS - part 5 of 6"
DOSTEX6.ARC        TeX, v2.7, for MSDOS - part 6 of 6"
DVI24PIN.ARC       TeX DVI to 24pin dot matrix printer translator"
DVI2LJ.ZIP         TeX DVI driver for the HP LaserJet printer"
DVIEPS.ARC         TeX DVI to Epson dot matrix printer translator"
DVIEW31.ARC        TeX DVI previewer for CGA/EGA/T3100/AT6300/VGA"
DVIMSW24.ZIP       TeX previewer for Microsoft Windows v2.11/3.0"
DVIVGA.INF         TeX DVI previewer for VGA/EGA/MCGA, info"
DVIVGA1.ARC        TeX DVI previewer for VGA/EGA/MCGA, EXE & docs"
DVIVGA2.ARC        TeX DVI previewer fonts"
DVIVGA3.ARC        TeX DVI previewer fonts"
DVIVGA4.ARC        TeX DVI previewer fonts"
DVIVGA5.ARC        TeX DVI previewer fonts"
DVIVGA6.ARC        TeX DVI previewer fonts"
DVIVGA7.ARC        TeX DVI previewer fonts"
DVIVGA8.ARC        TeX DVI previewer fonts"
DVIVGA9.ARC        TeX DVI previewer source code (MSC)"
HP2TEX.ARC         Convert HPLJ Fonts for use with TeX"
JEMTX101.ZIP       JemTeX v1.01: Japanese TeX fonts and macros"
MUTEX.ARC          MuTeX - Music macros for TeX"
PCWRITEX.ARC       PC-Write driver converts PC-Write to TeX"
PCWTEX.ZIP         Translates PC Write files to TeX files"
RUMDJET.ZIP        TeX DVI driver for the HP DeskJet printer"
SAUTER.ZIP         CM & LaTeX font resizing package for METAFONT"
SB34TEX.ZIP        TeX v3.4, plus files for Plain TeX"
SBMF12.ZIP         MS-DOS adaptation of Knuth's METAFONT for TeX"
TGRIND.ZIP         Formats C or other pgms for printing with TeX"
UNRETEX.ARC        Prepare TeX files for spelling chk processing"
WD2LATEX.ZIP       Convert MSWord to LaTeX (crude but useful)"
WEB.ARC            Knuth's WEAVE & TANGLE: WEB->Pascal or TEX"
WEBTP55.ARC        WEB system of structured doc for TP5.5, w/src"
WP2LATEX.ZIP       Converts text from WordPerfect 5.0 to LaTeX"

Hope this helps!  gph]


Date: Sun, 19 May 91 13:49:05 BST
From: Apostolos Ballas <tolis%lbs.lon.ac.uk@pucc.PRINCETON.EDU>
Subject: Postscript to ASCII Conversion Available?

This should have been a trivial query but ....

I have been given a couple of postscript files and I would like to
print them but I do not have a poststsript printer (or access to one).
I notice that at SIMTEL there a number of utilities that convert ASCII
files to POSTSCRIPT.  Is anyone aware of a program that does the
opposite even if it onely produces output with only the text ?

Thanks any advance for any suggestions.

tolis@uk.ac.lon.lbs (for JANET users) OR 
tolis@lbs.lon.ac.uk (for EARN/BITNET/Internet)


Date: Tue, 21 May 91 09:48 GMT
From: Jim Schenk <JIMS%SERVAX.bitnet@RICEVM1.RICE.EDU>
Subject: Capslock toggle via software


Does anyone out there know where I can get a program which will change
the CAPSLOCK state via software; i.e. from within a batch file?

Jim Schenk
University Computer Services
Florida International University

Bitnet:         jims@servax
Internet:       jims@servax.fiu.edu


Date: 20 May 91 12:58:00 EDT
From: "MCREE, JAMES F" <209507097@ucis.vill.edu>
Subject: Recommendations for Purchase of Computer

	I am shopping for a new computer, probably an SX.  While lookin
through the May issues of Computer Monthly and Computer Shopper, I have
come across several companies which appear to have good packages at
good prices.  The problem is that I haven't heard of any of them.  Does
anyone out there know anything about these companies?  The companies
that I am considering are:

EPS, Contronics, PCW Sales, FCS, System Masters, WIT,	Tritek, Suntech,
Centrix, Fastdata, Computrend, USA Flex, JCC, Treasure Chest, Comtrade,
Myoda, Flash Technologies, Royal Computer, Truedata, Atlantic Computer,
Asean Computer Technologies, Professional Computer

Thanks for any info that you can provide.  I am particularly interested
in hearing from anyone who has purchased a system from one of these
companies.  What are your opinions of the system and the company?



Date: Mon, 20 May 91 22:27:55 PDT
From: 6500boo%ucsbuxa@hub.ucsb.edu (William Bushing)
Subject: New SuperVGA BGI drivers available from SIMTEL20


Saw your posting re: new SVGA drivers. Will either of them allow
use of a Microsoft mouse at 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768??


William W. (Boo) Bushing
6500boo@ucsbuxa.bitnet  or 6500boo@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu
Marine Biotechnology Lab   
Univ. of Calif. Santa Barbara


Date: Mon, 20 May 91 09:07:10 PLT
From: Mike Albrecht <SCBC0001@WSUVM1.CSC.WSU.EDU>
Subject: RAM+ Memory Cards

Hello All,

I have an old RAM+ card (4 banks RAM & COM port) made by Seattle
Computer.  Nobody knows where the documentation is. If anyone has any
info on this (DIP switch setting, etc.) I would appreciate it. If not
I'll add it to the museum I guess.

Thanks for any help.

Mike Albrecht, Systems Analyst
Washington State University
College of Business & Economics


Date: Mon, 20 May 91  22:41:12 EDT
Subject: UUDECODE Problems

  I'm having trouble uudecoding files that I receive.  It seems that
the left square bracket (ASCII 91) and the right square bracket (ASCII
93) are BOTH translated into the 'pipe' character (ASCII 124).  This
occurs when uuencoded files are received as PROFS mail - I'm on the IBM
370.  If they come in as NON-PROFS mail, they can be uudecoded.

  In the documentation for the BITFTP server, it mentions that some
gateways change ASCII 93 to ASCII 124, which has happened here.  But
ASCII 91 is also changed into ASCII 124.  Is there anyone out there who
has overcome this that can help?  I use both BITFTP at PUCC and
LISTSERV at RPI???? for file requests.  Files >200k are sent to me as
uuencoded.   Is there a command that I've missed that will result in
UUENCODED files that I can process?

  Thanks for your time,               Michael Purcell
                                      University of Louisville
                                      Louisville, KY


Date: Mon, 20 May 91 22:10:56 -0400
From: jguo@FELIX.CS.NYU.EDU (Jun Guo)
Subject: WordPerfect & PS

   I want to print out a document in WordPerfect format on a Apple
LaserWriter printer on a Unix system. So I print the doc to a file in WP
using Apple LW printer driver. I think the file is in PostScript
format. Then I upload the PS file to the Unix system and print there.
But it didn't work.

   How can I do that correctly?
   Thanks a lot.



End of Info-IBMPC Digest V91 #131
