[comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest] Info-IBMPC Digest V91 #136

Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL ("Info-IBMPC Digest") (06/04/91)

Info-IBMPC Digest           Mon,  3 Jun 91       Volume 91 : Issue 136 

Today's Editor:
         Gregory Hicks - Rota Spain <GHICKS@WSMR-Simtel20.Army.Mil>

Today's Queries:
                                 CD rom
                             Email Splitter
                       Hard disk Partition table?
                  Print Spooler and Novell Netware 386
                        Info about 80486 wanted
                     Soundblaster/AdLib Information
                      Archive utility for big blue

Send Replies or notes for publication to:

Send requests of an administrative nature (addition to, deletion from
the distribution list, et al) to:

Archives of past issues of the Info-IBMPC Digest are available by FTP
only from WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL in directory PD2:<ARCHIVES.IBMPC>.


Date: Fri, 24 May 91 17:05:32 GMT
Subject: CD rom

Do you know if there is any mailing list accessible by BITNET about CD
ROM? I am interested in getting news about this media and availability
of data at the actual moment.  Thanks

Francisco A. F. Fraga
Dept. Physics
Univ. Coimbra
3000 Coimbra PORTUGAL 

tel. 351-39-34668 fax 351-39-29158


Date: Sat, 25 May 91 09:51:40 mst
From: ddodell@stjhmc.fidonet.org (David Dodell)
Subject: Email Splitter

On uucp I regularly notice large message being split into various
sections, each starting with a :

Part x of y, cut here --------

type line.

I am in need of such a program to run on a MS-DOS platform.  Any

Thank you,
David Dodell

          St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona
        uucp: {gatech, ames, rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!ddodell
    Bitnet: ATW1H @ ASUACAD                    FidoNet=> 1:114/15
    Internet: ddodell@stjhmc.fidonet.org       FAX: +1 (602) 451-1165


Date: Mon, 27 May 91 16:14:36 EXP
From: Kim Young Jae <88272031%KRSNUCC1.bitnet@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU>
Subject: Hard disk Partition table?

SCAN found some virus_infected files in my hard disk, and reported it
as 1591,1575 virus.

My HD is 80M and devided into 3 driver(C:,D:,E:) I re-formatted C:
driver with write-protected floppy DOS, and new system files(.SYS &
COMMAND.COM) are ok.  I deleted all infected files on D:,E:.

But when I boot up from my HD,  DOS reports only 638K.  I think boot
sector still contains viruses.

If so, can I replace the boot sector, with no changing in D:,E: disk?
Another...where can I get disk partition data?


Date: Mon, 27 May 91 11:28:00 EDT
Subject: Print Spooler and Novell Netware 386

I need some help looking for a print spooler to run with Novell Netware
386.  We're looking for a print server program that will do the
following: Have limits on the length of print jobs that can be sent
through.  Limit either the time between users sending print jobs or
limit the number of simultanious print jobs one user can have in the
queue at one time.  It would be nice iif it ran in background.  Too
much to ask?  Probably.

The problem is we run several computer labs on campus and have users
sending fifty page documents through the print server 8 or 9 times.
This clogs the pri nt server and prevents others from printing.  We'd
appreciate any suggestions o n how to solve the problem.


Date: Fri, 24 May 91 14:16:58 AST
Subject: Info about 80486 wanted

   I am writing a brief history about the Intel chips for a brazilian
magazine, but I did't find all necessary information.  I need some
information about 80486 chip to complete my chart.

   1) Number and size of internal registers

   2) Maximum size of REAL and VIRTUAL memory.

   3) BUS size.

   4) The year that it was shipped. (I think was in 1990)

   5) Clock speed.

   Thanks in advance.

  - Luiz Eduardo Coelho - Systems Analyst
    Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - RDC
    Gavea - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 22453 - BRAZIL
    E-MAIL: userlesc%lncc@lncc2.bitnet FAX: +55-21-2744546


Date: Sun, 26 May 1991 12:39 +0200
From: "VAObuljen" <EOBULJEN%yubgef51.bitnet@pucc.PRINCETON.EDU>


I have seen your note in INFO-PC about new version of NNANSI.

The comment I would make is that You should make it also in .com
version so people that use Desqview (like me!) could load it as TSR in
windows under DV.

The reason I am not using NNANSI.SYS now ( I liked it vey much!) is
that I have to de-install ANSI when entering DV and re-install it in
every window...

So, keep us in mind!

I wish You best luck. Viktor.

     W                         Viktor A. Obuljen                          W
     W                   Probability and Statistics Group                 W
     WFaculty of Mathematics, Studentski trg 16, 11000 Beograd, YugoslaviaW
     W Telephone & Fax : 38-11-63-01-51 \E-mail: EOBULJEN@YUBGEF51.BITNET W
     W         This message represents my personal opinion only.          W
     W       In no way it can make any obligation for my employer.        W
     W                  AMS,IEEE(IT-SOC & COMP-SOC),LMS,IMS               W


Date: Fri, 24 May 91 17:57 EDT
From: <MATPEARS%WHEATNMA.BITNET@mitvma.mit.edu>
Subject: Soundblaster/AdLib Information

I am looking for information on the SoundBlaster and Adlib sound cards
for the MSDOS computers. I own a SoundBlaster and am looking for,
Bulletin Boards, FTP sites, Mail servers, Mailing lists, or ANY place
to obtain files for the board.

I have recently gotten very interested in computer music and am looking
for some good places to look. If you know of any PLEASE mail me the
information or post it up to the list!

Thanks Alot
Matthew Pearson


Date: Wednesday, 22 May 1991 10:27am CT
From: CLIFF.WILKES@UTXVM.cc.utexas.edu
Subject: Archive utility for big blue

that will run on an IBM mainframe?  I'm mainly interested in unpacking
documentation for software so that it could be printed on a laser
printer without having to unpack it on the pc and then upload it to the
mainframe for printing.  For my own use it would be nice if it ran
under XA though I can run an HPO version too.  The best would be if it
were written in REXX.



End of Info-IBMPC Digest V91 #136