[comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest] Info-IBMPC Digest V91 #138

Info-IBMPC@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL ("Info-IBMPC Digest") (06/08/91)

Info-IBMPC Digest           Mon,  3 Jun 91       Volume 91 : Issue 138 

Today's Editor:
         Gregory Hicks - Rota Spain <GHICKS@WSMR-Simtel20.Army.Mil>

Today's Topics:
     COM2COM.ZIP - Operate PC remotely by modem, like PC Anywhere
      CVD30.ZIP - Interactive Color Vision demos - VGA required
    HelpPC V2.10 - Extensive PC Programmer's information database
         Info-ZIP's free UNZIP v4.1 for VAX/VMS now available
       JOGGR103.ZIP - Runner's log and analysis database, v1.03
    MRCRY203.ZIP - Math solver, from Borland's Eureka!, Shareware
     P22V11.ZIP - flexible & fast patching of any file, w/C src.
              PFP.ZIP - Text file printer for Windows 3
                   Recent msdos uploads to SIMTEL20
   RK-PLOT.ZIP - Renders z=f(x,y) quickly with hidden line removal
                       SIMTEL MSDOS submission
                    SSQL23.ZIP uploaded to SIMTEL
    STAGES12.ZIP - Research tool predicts spermatogenesis cells/t
     TJOOP11.ZIP - Stack, Queue & double list OBJECTS for TPascal
  UNDOCDOS.ZIP - Errata for the book UNDOCUMENTED DOS - 9 March 1991
        VIRX14.ZIP - VIRX v1.4: Easy to use free virus checker
         WSSI512 - Disk indexer, ARC/ARJ/GIF/LBR/LZH/ZIP/ZOO
               ZCOMM v17.78 now available from SIMTEL20

Send Replies or notes for publication to:

Send requests of an administrative nature (addition to, deletion from
the distribution list, et al) to:

Archives of past issues of the Info-IBMPC Digest are available by FTP
only from WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL in directory PD2:<ARCHIVES.IBMPC>.


Date: Wed, 22 May 91 00:40:50 CDT
From: kaplan@silver.ucs.indiana.edu
Subject: COM2COM.ZIP - Operate PC remotely by modem, like PC Anywhere

I have uploaded the new Shareware version of Com2Com to SIMTEL20:

COM2COM.ZIP     Operate PC remotely by modem, like PC Anywhere

This is a remote communications program, similar to PC Anywhere.  The
shareware version is not designed to be used with a remote mouse or
graphics.  Please read the DOC file for compatibility.  Uploaded with
the permission of the author.



Date: 10 May 91 10:47 +0200
From: Hans Irtel <irtel%vax1.rz.uni-regensburg.dbp.de@IXGATE.GMD.DE>
Subject: CVD30.ZIP - Interactive Color Vision demos - VGA required

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20 a program which should be of interest to
color vision scientists, artists, and people who want so see how a VGA
can be used for color displays.

CVD30.ZIP       Interactive Color Vision demos - VGA required

The program CVD shows color vision demonstrations on a VGA monitor.
These include plain color fields with surrounds, cross context
matching, spatial contrast transfer, and adaptation.  Also available
are displays used in flicker photometry, additive color mixing, color
order systems and the diagnosis of color vision defects.  Simulations
of experimental setups allow demonstrations of actual experimental
methods and effects.  Any color field may be modified interactively and
adjustments are simultanously displayed in a CIE xy-chromaticity
diagram.  Each demonstration includes a context dependent help text
with references to introductory texts.

Hans Irtel <irtel@vax1.rz.uni-regensburg.dbp.de>


Date: Thu, 9 May 91 18:14:28 EDT
From: mrmarx!dwe@UUNET.UU.NET (Dennis W. Essa)
Subject: HelpPC V2.10 - Extensive PC Programmer's information database

On behalf of the author, Dave Jurgens, I have uploaded the latest
version of his extensive PC Programmers' information database, HELPPC
Version 2.10 to SIMTEL20.

Two files are included, the first, HELPPC21.ZIP, is the database
proper.  A smaller text file, HELPPC21.INF, contains a detailed
description of it.

HELPPC21.ZIP    Extensive PC Programmer's information database
HELPPC21.INF	Description of HELPPPC21.ZIP 

HelpPC 2.10 is a help utility for PC programmers and support
professionals.  The database includes DOS/BIOS/EMS/Mouse interrupts,
hardware register specs, Internal data structures, C functions and the
Intel instruction set.  Containing over 1300 topics, it has almost any
technical information needed when dealing with PC internals. This
version adds a hypertext linking.  See HELPPC.INF for more information.

 NOTE:  dos.txt (dos commands up to MS-DOS 5.0) included with 
 shareware registration.

The author is Dave Jurgens and can be reached via mail on
compuserve from Internet by: 70004.30@compuserve.com

Dennis Essa		{abvax,uunet}!mrmarx!dwe   OR   dwe@mrmarx.msc.com
MainStream Software Co.	Compu$erve: 70431,354 (infrequent)
411 Waverly Oaks Rd.	(617) 894-1050 ext 135     FAX: (617) 894-2353
Waltham, MA  02154	"Be Careful with whom you mix."


Date: Sun, 19 May 91 19:18:04 -0700
From: Cave Newt <roelofs@amelia.nas.nasa.gov>
Subject: Info-ZIP's free UNZIP v4.1 for VAX/VMS now available

I have uploaded version 4.1 of the Info-ZIP project's unzip utility for

UNZIP41.ARC     Generic unzip v4.1 for free public distribution
UNZIP41.DOC     unzip v4.1 quick-reference ("man page")
UNZIP41.EXE     Info-ZIP's free UNZIP v4.1 for VAX/VMS
UNZIP41.NOTES   VMS-specific setup/notes/warnings for unzip v4.1

UNZIP41.EXE (VMS flavor) is a plain old executable for VMS, compiled
with VAX C 3.0 under VMS 5.2.  Read unzip41.notes for instructions on
how to set up a symbol for proper usage, etc.

Of most interest to y'all will be the unzip sources (unzip41.arc) and
unzip ready-to-run executable (unzip41.exe, incredibly enough).  If you
just snarf the latter, please also grab the two text files unzip41.doc
(a Unix-style man page) and unzip41.notes (VMS-specific notes written
by yours truly; much useless information therein, plus some very
important stuff thrown in for bonus irritation value).

The current version is much more compatible with various VMS file
types, but it still can't do variable-length records without help
(that's one of the important parts in unzip41.notes).  Fixed-length 512
(ftp, Kermit "set file type fixed") and stream-LF (Zmodem, BSD
uudecode) are fine, however.  If there are some Real (tm) VMS C pro-
grammers out there who'd like to work on this, feel free to join the
Info-ZIP project (e-mail to info-zip-request@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil)
--to the best of my knowledge, there's only one other VMSer involved,
and he's swamped.  I surpassed "swamped" a long time ago.

Bug fixes and/or improvements and/or problem reports can be sent in to
info-zip@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil (but ask me before fooling with the
time- stamp code, because that's going to be my last big VMS
contribution-- the current stuff is disappearing entirely).



Date: Wed, 22 May 91 14:57:39 WET DST
From: National PD Software Archive <pdsoft@pd-software.lancaster.ac.uk>
Subject: JOGGR103.ZIP - Runner's log and analysis database, v1.03

I have uploaded JOGGER v1.03 to SIMTEL20:

JOGGR103.ZIP    Runner's log and analysis database, v1.03

JOGGER allows the creation and modification of course and run
databases.  The course database holds information about the courses you
attempt and the run database holds log records for attempts of each
course.  JOGGER allows you to view database records and perform
analyses on the data.  You can generate a form graph that gives you a
visual indication of how you've been performing.  You can also generate
detailed reports for each course or month which contain such things as
best, worst and average times for each course and much more...

- -
(Alan Phillips,Mark Hobart,Jayne Crook)
JANET : pdsoft@uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft
BITNET: pdsoft%uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft@ukacrl

Terminal/FTP access : username "pdsoft" password "pdsoft" (lower case)
Server requests to  : archive-server@uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft


Date: Thu, 16 May 91 13:54:44 EDT
From: Russ Nelson <nelson@sun.soe.clarkson.edu>
Subject: MRCRY203.ZIP - Math solver, from Borland's Eureka!, Shareware

I have uploaded Mercury 2.03, a Shareware version of Borland's Eureka,
to SIMTEL20.  Apparently the author of Eureka bought the rights to it
when Borland dropped it, and is producing it as shareware.

MRCRY203.ZIP    Math solver, from Borland's Eureka!, Shareware

Mercury 2.03 is an update of Borland's Eureka 1.0 for the IBM PC.
Please report all bugs and comments to the author:

      Roger Schlafly
      Real Software           phone or fax: 408-476-3550
      PO Box 1680             BBS:          408-476-1055
      Soquel, CA 95073 USA

CompuServe: 76646,323
Genie:      R.Schlafly
Internet:   76646.323@compuserve.com

Russ Nelson


Date: Mon, 13 May 1991 15:01 MET
From: Arjen Merckens <AMBASE%RUG.NL@pucc.PRINCETON.EDU>
Subject: P22V11.ZIP - flexible & fast patching of any file, w/C src.

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

P22V11.ZIP      flexible & fast patching of any file, w/C src.

PATCH22 is a program for patching any type of file (text or binary).
Its main advantage is that it gives a format to distribute patches.  No
need for detailed description of DEBUG commands, instead you just
supply PATCH22 with the patch in a *.P22 file.

PATCH22 also accepts patches on the command line.  Patches have a
C-like character constant format, making it easy to enter hexadecimal
values. PATCH22 will show the context of the patch, but can work
silently as well.  PATCH22 is written in C (source code provided), and
faster than many other public domain patch programs.

Arjen Merckens


Date: Tue, 21 May 91 17:43:20 WET DST
From: National PD Software Archive <pdsoft@pd-software.lancaster.ac.uk>
Subject: PFP.ZIP - Text file printer for Windows 3

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

PFP.ZIP         Text file printer for Windows 3

Programmer's File Printer 2.00.003 is a Windows 3 application that
prints text files such as program sources.  Tab size, page headers,
line numbering can be taken from the file type, or set explicitly.  All
or part of a file can be printed.  The program also allows binary files
to be dumped in hex and ASCII.


(Alan Phillips,Mark Hobart,Jayne Crook)
JANET : pdsoft@uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft
BITNET: pdsoft%uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft@ukacrl

Terminal/FTP access : username "pdsoft" password "pdsoft" (lower case)
Server requests to  : archive-server@uk.ac.lancs.pdsoft


Date: Sun, 26 May 1991  04:45 MDT
From: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: Recent msdos uploads to SIMTEL20

The following files have been recently uploaded to SIMTEL20 (between
19-May-91 and 26-May-91):

NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII

 Filename   Type Length   Date    Description
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ARC-LBR>
FV137.ZIP     B    8485  910521  View dirs of ARC/DWC/LBR/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO/SFXs
LHC15.ZIP     B    1301  910521  BAT file converts other archive formats to LZH

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ASMUTL>
NOR-ASMB.ZIP  B   94619  910521  Norton ASM langauge rtns for disk file patcher
PRIMER2.ZIP   B   16061  910521  Whitman's ASM language primer for beginners

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.BATUTL>
BATHINTS.ZIP  B   41973  910521  Collection of hints on using BATch files
TOADBOOT.ZIP  B    3461  910521  Warm boot after n minutes delay, w/ASM source

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.C>
PCSOUND.ZIP   B  247256  910522  Linkable OBJ for C pgms to play sound files

CEQPT33C.ZIP  B  161799  910521  Database for equipment service/usage histories
CINVT52I.ZIP  B  164968  910521  Inventory pgm for tracking store stock/orders
EZCARD13.ZIP  B  128455  910521  A simple database based on a 3x5 cardfile
JOGGR103.ZIP  B   56662  910522  Runner's log and analysis database, v1.03
MM-615.ZIP    B  107680  910521  MealMaster database program for recipes, v6.15

513233.ZIP    B    1331  910525  Update info for QEMM v5.13 & DESQview v2.33
BUZY102.ZIP   B    1211  910521  DESQview window exerciser: Tune tick settings
DV-GUARD.ZIP  B    7843  910521  Watchdog-like utility for running RBBS with DV
DVPLIST1.ZIP  B   12783  910521  Lists contents of DESQview DVP files
NINSTL.ZIP    B    3078  910525  Tech note on network installations of DESQview
STDERR.ZIP    B    2299  910521  Redirect standard error message with DESQview

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DSKUTL>
ANAD205.ZIP   B  131895  910521  ANADISK v2.05, analyze/edit/copy disks, SYDEX
MAXI161.ZIP   B   58030  910525  Formats diskettes to allow greater capacity
PCOPY90D.ZIP  B  101586  910523  Patriquin COPY, file copier with many options

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.EDITOR>
VDE-ED2.ZIP   B   11144  910521  Shell adds enhancement features to VDE editor

AVPLAN30.ZIP  B  228431  910521  Aviation preflight planning utility
MCASTLE.ZIP   B  123211  910522  Math Castle: Math-based adventure game
STAGES12.ZIP  B  184946  910522  Research tool predicts spermatogenesis cells/t
WNG.ZIP       B   87267  910523  World Name Game: educational - guess capitals
WRDLK11B.ZIP  B   63084  910525  WordLock: Menu-driven crossword puzzle builder

DOWNLOAD.INF  A     874  910519  How to get SIMTEL20 files via telephone modem
SIMIBM.ARC    B  262282  910526  Comma-delim list of all MSDOS files w/descrip.
SIMIBM.IDX    A  588892  910526  Comma-delim list of all MSDOS files w/descrip.
SIMLIST.ARC   B  247259  910526  Text format list of all MSDOS files w/descrip.

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.FILUTL>
SAS23.ZIP     B  118261  910523  Swiss Army Shell v2.3: File management utility
ZAP104.ZIP    B   52202  910521  ZAP v1.04: Full screen file editor for binary

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.GIF>
CRPGIF11.ZIP  B   33415  910521  GIF sizer, cuts small gifs from large ones
GDS109.ZIP    B  138029  910521  Displays GIFs with unlimited zooming, SVGA/VGA
TGIF11.ZIP    B    8568  910521  GIF cut/grayscale cvt/sharpen image. (VGA req)

GRAFWK52.ZIP  B  318169  910521  View/cvt/print MAC/IMG/GIF/TIFF/EPS graphics
OKF220.ZIP    B  251309  910521  Optiks 2.20, graphic viewer, converter, editor

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.INFO>
FUNC24.ZIP    B    2412  910521  QEMM 5.10/5.11/5.12 zero length mem region fix
QEMM511F.ZIP  B    8179  910521  Fixes QEMM v5.1 for Windows3 on a LAN
QTDK9103.ZIP  B   32377  910521  Technical notes & patches for QEMM 386, 910307
TM910503.ZIP  B   21504  910521  Telecomputing Online Magazine, 910503 edition
UNDOCDOS.ZIP  B   18482  910524  Errata for the book UNDOCUMENTED DOS - 910309
VENDORS5.ZIP  B  134345  910521  5500+ computer vendor phone/fax/800 numbers

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.KA9Q-TCPIP>
NET-0524.ARC  B  182416  910525  KA9Q TCP/IP, NOS 910524 version, executable
SRC-0524.ZIP  B  572258  910525  KA9Q TCP/IP, NOS 910524 version, source code
VIEW0524.ZIP  B  355167  910526  Electronic mail program for use w/KA9Q TCP/IP

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.KERMIT>
MSICYR.ZIP    B    5079  910521  Kermit term init: send/rec Cyrillic characters
MSIVT3.ZIP    B    5354  910521  MS-Kermit DEC keybd setups for IBM-compatibles
MSR31008.PCH  A    1793  910521  MS-Kermit v3.10 update & bug fix patches 1-8
MSULK2.ZIP    B   11684  910521  Driver allows use of DEC LK250 kbd w/MS-Kermit

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.LAN>
CMAIL25A.ZIP  B  190085  910521  Electronic mail agent pgm for use on any LAN
LAN302UP.ZIP  B    4340  910521  Lantastic - Update information - 3.0

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.LASER>
HPMAZE02.ZIP  B   62759  910521  Generate 3D mazes on HP LaserJet, w/TP source
LJBOOK35.ZIP  B   11229  910521  LaserJet booklet printing util., 4 pages/sheet

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MATH>
FIT2-117.ZIP  B   83690  910525  Linear/non-linear modeling, analysis/transform

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MODEM>
COM2COM.ZIP   B   63744  910522  Operate PC remotely by modem, like PC Anywhere
GETFIL13.ZIP  B   13432  910521  Gets file descriptions when you download
MUFUS14L.ZIP  B   37994  910521  Microfusion terminal emulator with TP3 source
PMOPGUID.ZIP  B   10592  910521  Description of modem initialization codes
PTIMER13.ZIP  B   16086  910521  Timer for external protocols, works with Telix

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MOUSE>
KME-BETA.ZIP  B    3573  910521  Emulate a MicroSoft mouse with your keyboard

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.PLOT>
RK-PLOT.ZIP   B   60854  910522  Renders z=f(x,y) plot with hidden line removal
SFPLOT1B.ZIP  B    3783  910523  BASICA pgm plots f(latitude,longitude) in 3D

PC2PS11.ZIP   B   37769  910522  Cvts IBM char set txt files to Postscript prtr

BARCODE5.ZIP  B   16444  910521  Prints multi-format bar-codes for dot matrix

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.QBASIC>
ASMWIZ13.ZIP  B   79617  910521  Assembly Wizzard: ASM routines for QuickBASIC
QSAM300.ZIP   B   22750  910521  QSAM: A B-Tree access method for QuickBASIC

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.QEDIT>
QEDWSJHS.ZIP  B    6054  910521  Jim Switz's WordStar configuration for QEdit

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.SCREEN>
BUFFIT30.ZIP  B   10646  910521  Memory resident screen scrollback utility v3.0
KUTSGL10.ZIP  B   18817  910521  Cuts and glues text to word processor
MICKYCLK.ZIP  B   43156  910522  Micky Mouse clock display (EGA/VGA required)
VIDSPD20.ZIP  B   15848  910521  Video speed performance tester, ver. 2.0

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.SYSUTL>
RSTLKIT1.ZIP  B   51991  910523  28 Unix-like tools for MS-DOS, 1 of 2
RSTLKIT2.ZIP  B  209792  910523  28 Unix-like tools for MS-DOS, 2 of 2
SHOEMM10.ZIP  B    8622  910521  Displays status/allocation of expanded memory
SHOWDT10.ZIP  B    5835  910521  Shows date and time without prompt to change
STAT-COM.ZIP  B   10710  910521  Display and change COM port status registers
TIMEBOM2.ZIP  B   13058  910521  TSR executes command/program at specified time
UARTBUG.ZIP   B   10405  910521  UART and COM port debuging tool, TSR
XSPAWN34.ZIP  B   41379  910521  X Spawn v1.34 EMS memory swapping program

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TELIX>
EASYM12.ZIP   B    5109  910521  EASYMail:Telix3.1x PCBoard offline mail script
HST42BIS.ZIP  B    1155  910521  Optimize settings for USR14.4 modem with Telix
TLXUM-D.ZIP   B   10250  910521  Communications upload manager script for Telix
TXMDM104.ZIP  B    7251  910521  Corrects error in Telix3.15 config for USR HST

PCVI305B.ZIP  B  368547  910521  Comprehensive database of computer virus info
SCANV78.WRN   B    5054  910522  Warning about trojan version of Viruscan
VC250LTE.ZIP  B   92162  910521  Virus Central Lite:Shell for VirusScan/Cleanup
VIRX14.ZIP    B   57976  910521  VIRX v1.4: Easy to use free virus checker

TJOOP11.ZIP   B   11680  910521  Stack, Queue & double list OBJECTS for TPascal
VMATH10.ZIP   B    5200  910522  Vector math unit for TP6.0 and 387 coprocessor

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TXTUTL>
LIST75H.ZIP   B   77007  910521  V. Buerg's classic ascii/binary file viewer
MARGTEXT.ZIP  B   10435  910521  Reformat based on longest line in text file
MFRM240.ZIP   B   45971  910521  Convert mainframe numeric data to PC-readable
SLEEK11.ZIP   B    5196  910525  Sleek v1.1: Text file reformatter w/word-wrap
TSFILT17.ZIP  B   99626  910522  Filters for message/log text files, T.Salmi

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.WINDOWS3>
PFP.ZIP       B   85182  910522  Text file printer for Windows 3

WPMD2.ZIP     B   22035  910521  Fixes damaged WordPerfect 5.x files

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.X-10>
BSRV3-0.ZIP   B   10207  910521  Command line control for BSR X10 Powerhouse

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ZIP>
CHKAV22.ZIP   B   76855  910521  ChkAv 2.2, check ZIP files for -AV stamps
PKINS402.ZIP  B   57997  910521  Virus scan, test, add comments to ZIP files
ZFV12.ZIP     B   68386  910521  ZFV v.1.2, stand alone archive viewer
ZIPVEW13.ZIP  B   14517  910521  BBS door: Browse through contents of ZIP files
ZRAY125.ZIP   B   19792  910521  Zip X-Ray 1.25: View files in ZIPs using LIST

Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ZMODEM>
ASTR201.ZIP   B   70231  910521  ANSI text view & strip utility for YAM/ZCOMM
SZMNOTES.ZIP  B    2358  910521  Notes and a warning about SZMOD141, DSZ clone

If you are unable to access SIMTEL20 or mirror site wuarchive.wustl.edu
via FTP or through one of the BITNET/EARN file servers, most SIMTEL20
MSDOS files, including the PC-Blue collection, are available for
downloading on the Detroit Download Central network at 313-885-3956.
DDC has multiple lines which support 300/1200/2400/9600/14400 bps
(103/212/V22bis/HST/V32bis/V42bis/MNP).  This is a subscription system
with an average hourly cost of 17 cents.  It is also accessable on
Telenet via PC Pursuit and on Tymnet via StarLink outdial.  New files
uploaded to SIMTEL20 are usually available on DDC within 24 hours.

Keith Petersen
Maintainer of the MSDOS, MISC and CP/M archives at SIMTEL20 []
Internet: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil    or     w8sdz@vela.acs.oakland.edu
Uucp: uunet!wsmr-simtel20.army.mil!w8sdz              BITNET: w8sdz@OAKLAND


Date: Wed, 22 May 91 13:46:49 MEZ
From: Rainer Kleinrensing <UNM10B%DBNRHRZ1.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>
Subject: RK-PLOT.ZIP - Renders z=f(x,y) quickly with hidden line removal

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

RK-PLOT.ZIP     Renders z=f(x,y) plot with hidden line removal

PLOT provides 4 complete modules rendering a function z = f(x,y) ,
[xmin <= x <= xmax, ymin <= y <= ymax] with different methods of
hiddenline removal (painter's algorithm, floating-horizon-algoritm).
The z-values must belong to a grid with equidistant in each direction
nodes and must be given in a matrix.

The type of the projection and all viewing parameters may be altered by
the user. The source code of an example demonstrates the usage of the
modules und gives starting values of the parameters.

The sources are written in Turbo-Pascal ( you need a version later then
4.0 ), routines critical in time use assembler code.

    Dieter Sosna
    Hans-Juergen Herrler
    University of Leipzig, Germany


Date: Mon, 13 May 91 21:28:13 EDT
Subject: ADA-MET1.ZIP - Ada Metric Analyzer & Software Cost Estimator

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

ADA-MET1.ZIP    Ada Metric Analyzer & Software Cost Estimator

ADA-MET1.ZIP contain two programs, one a Halstead metric analyzer for
Ada source code files, and the other a software cost estimator for
programming projects. The programs were built from a reusable library
of Ada source code that STO markets. The executables, however, are

Greg Aharonian, Source Translation & Optimization,      aha@mathsoft.com


Date: Mon, 13 May 91 22:45:18 EDT
From: G. Wayne Nichols <gwni@uhura.cc.rochester.edu>
Subject: SSQL23.ZIP uploaded to SIMTEL

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

SSQL23.ZIP      SQL cmd processor - create/update/query tables

SSQL is a command processor to create / update / query SQL tables.
This version uses Dbase-format files to implement the SQL database.

Wayne Nichols


Date: Wed, 22 May 1991 14:28:46 CDT
Subject: STAGES12.ZIP - Research tool predicts spermatogenesis cells/t

I have uploaded my research tool "STAGES" to SIMTEL20:

STAGES12.ZIP    Research tool predicts spermatogenesis cells/t
(184946 bytes)

Stages is an analytical tool developed to aid the pathologist or
toxicologist in tracking germ cells through time in the cycle of the
seminiferous epithelium.  The program has been designed for use in
experiments with the testis of rats, hamsters, mice and dogs, and
incorporates the basic kinetics of spermatogenesis.  Given a cell in
the cycle, STAGES can predict its position after a specified period of
time, either forward or backward.  The duration of the cycle of the
seminiferous epithelium can be changed, if the user suspects that the
cycle length has been altered.

Dr. Rex A. Hess


Date: 22 May 91 16:06:03 EDT
From: "Thomas E. Jenkins, Jr." <tomj@csdserver3.csd.scarolina.edu>
Subject: TJOOP11.ZIP - Stack, Queue & double list OBJECTS for TPascal

I have uploaded my new OOP library for Turbo Pascal to SIMTEL20:

TJOOP11.ZIP     Stack, Queue & double list OBJECTS for TPascal

The files in this archive include:

README.DOC     This file
BASETYPE.PAS   The base object types used by the OOP data structures.
ELEMENTS.PAS   Elements useable in the data structures.  This currently
               includes an integer object, a real object, and a string
STACKOBJ.PAS   Unit defining the stack object and it's basic functionality.
               It is possible ( and expected ) to be extended.
QUEUEOBJ.PAS   Unit defining the queue object and it's basic functionality.
               Again, through OOP and inheritance, this object can be
DLISTOBJ.PAS   Unit defining the doubly-linked list object and it's basic
               functionality.  This could be extended furthur as well.
DLSTTEST.PAS   Program to show use of a DListOBJ.
QUEUTEST.PAS   Program to show use of a QueueOBJ.
STCKTEST.PAS   Program to show use of a StackOBJ.                          

There is some documentation in each Unit, but the choice of variable
and method names should be self documenting.  Each unit includes an
inheritance tree as well.  Please feel free to contact the author with
questions or bugs.  Please use this code if you want, but do give me
some credit ;-).  If these files are passed on or placed at FTP/BBS
sites, please include this readme file and all original files as a
package.  I hope these units can help some people grasp OOP and
polymorphism, because they were ( are ) very difficult subjects to
master.  Also note that the method I chose to implement these objects
could have been different, there's several ways to skin the cat as they

- -
Thomas E. Jenkins, Jr.   Programmer, University of South Carolina CSD
BITNET:  C0361@UNIVSCVM.BITNET                CSDNET:  tomj/csdserver3
INTERNET: TOMJ@csdserver3.csd.scarolina.EDU          {PREFERRED}


Date: Fri, 24 May 91 20:22:26 -0400
From: jvb7u@ASTSUN.ASTRO.VIRGINIA.EDU (Jon Brinkmann)
Subject: UNDOCDOS.ZIP - Errata for the book UNDOCUMENTED DOS - 9 March 1991

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

UNDOCDOS.ZIP     Errata for the book UNDOCUMENTED DOS - 9 March 1991

With the permission of Ralf Brown.

Jon Brinkmann


Date: Thu, 23 May 91 18:24:51 EDT
From: microsoft!c-rossgr@uunet.UU.NET (Ross Greenberg)
Subject: VIRX14.ZIP - VIRX v1.4: Easy to use free virus checker

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

VIRX14.ZIP      VIRX v1.4: Easy to use free virus checker

In addition to SIMTEL20, VIRX v1.4 is also available for download from
my BBS (212-889-6438), as well as CIS and BIX -- those are places I
personally uploaded some copies, so they are 100% safe.

Ross M. Greenberg
 Author, Virex-PC.


Date: Sat, 18 May 91 00:17 EDT
From: Bob Babcock <PEPRBV@cfaamp.harvard.edu>
Subject: WSSI512 - Disk indexer, ARC/ARJ/GIF/LBR/LZH/ZIP/ZOO

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

WSSI512A.ZIP    Disk indexer, ARC/ARJ/GIF/LBR/LZH/ZIP/ZOO,1of2
WSSI512B.ZIP    Disk indexer, ARC/ARJ/GIF/LBR/LZH/ZIP/ZOO,2of2

This is a bug correction release of my shareware disk cataloger,

Bob Babcock


Date: Mon, 27 May 1991  16:01 MDT
From: Keith Petersen <w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL>
Subject: ZCOMM v17.78 now available from SIMTEL20

I have uploaded to SIMTEL20:

ZCOMMDOC.ZIP    Documentation for ZCOMM communications pgm
ZCOMMEXE.ZIP    Comm prog w/AUTO Kermit, X,Y,Zmodem, SEAlink
ZCOMMHLP.ZIP    Flash-up help for ZCOMM communications program

This is version 17.78 of Chuck Forsberg's ZCOMM program package.  These
files were obtained directly from Chuck's BBS.

Keith Petersen
Maintainer of the MSDOS, MISC and CP/M archives at SIMTEL20 []
Internet: w8sdz@WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil    or     w8sdz@vela.acs.oakland.edu
Uucp: uunet!wsmr-simtel20.army.mil!w8sdz              BITNET: w8sdz@OAKLAND


End of Info-IBMPC Digest V91 #138