[comp.os.research] Definitions of distributed, transparent, etc.

torbjorn@chalmers.UUCP (Torbj|rn Andreasson) (06/29/87)

A while ago there was a discution of the problem of defining the term
Distributed System. Unfortunately, almost every definition differed in one way
or another.

I think the key to the problem is to discuss principles, features and
mechanisms on different abstraction levels.

Why not use the existing "ISO seven layer reference model" and
split the application layer in more sublayers. Why not add at least
two more layers on top of the traditional ISO model, the organisation layer
and the user layer. These two layers is usful when discussing principles,
features and mechanisms in companies, society, etc.

The following table is an approach towards some definitions, formalized in
some kind of production set:

| Information System Architecture   <--  Organisation Operational Principle,   |
| 					 User  Operational Principle,          |
| 					 Application Operational Principle,    |
| 					 Presentation Operational Principle,   |
| 					 Session Operational Principle,        |
| 					 Transport Operational Principle,      |
| 					 Network Operational Principle,        |
| 					 Link Operational Principle,           |
| 					 Physical Operational Principle.       |
|                                                                              |
| Organisation Operational Principle<--  Object.                               |
| User Operational Principle        <--  Object.                               |
| Application Operational Principle <--  Object.                               |
| Presentation Operational Principle<--  Object.                               |
| Session Operational Principle     <--  Object.                               |
| Transport Operational Principle   <--  Object.                               |
| Network Operational Principle     <--  Object.                               |
| Link Operational Principle        <--  Object.                               |
| Physical Operational Principle    <--  Object.                               |
|                                                                              |
| Object                            <--  <Name Scheme>,                        |
|                                        <Data Manipulation Primitives>,       |
|                                        <Attribute Manipulation Primitives>,  |
|                                        <Information Structure>,              |
|                                        <Cooperation Rules>.                  |

Definition: A distributed system consists of two or more objects which have
            the ability to cooperate with each other.

This means that from the user layer point of view, Locus is not a
distributed operating system niether is NFS a distributed file system. But
from the session layer level point of view, Locus and NFS are distributed

By using the same technique several other principles, features and mechanisms
could be defined:

Definition: A name transparent system is a system where all objects are accessed
            in the same way.

Definition: A location transparent system is a system where the location of an
            object is not reflected in the name scheme.

Definition: A .......

Definition: A .......



Is it someone out there who's got idea's of how to split the application
layer in more usefull sublayers?

Torbjorn Andreasson		| Tel: +46 31 810100
Dept. of Computer Sciences	| Telex: 2369 2369 CHALBIB S
Chalmers			|
S-412 96 Goteborg		|
Sweden				| UUCP: ..!mcvax!enea!chalmers!torbjorn