[comp.os.research] Hypermedia bibliography 2 of 3

darrell@sdcsvax.UCSD.EDU (Darrell Long) (12/31/87)

%A Feiner, S.
%A Nagy, S.
%A van Dam, Andries
%T An Experimental System for Creating and Presenting Interactive Graphical 
%T Documents
%J ACM Transactions on Graphics
%V 1
%N 1
%D January 1982
%P 59-77

%A Feiner, S.
%A Nagy, S.
%A van Dam, Andries
%T An Integrated System for Creating and Presenting Complex Computer-Based 
%T Documents
%J Computer Graphics
%V 15
%N 3
%D August 1981
%P 181-189

%A Feiner, S.
%A Nagy, S.
%A van Dam, Andries
%T Online Documents Combining Pictures and Texts
%J Proceedings of the International Conference on Research Trends in Document 
%T Preparation Systems
%C Lausanne, Switzerland
%D February 27-28, 1981

%A Foster, Edward
%T Outliners: A New Way of Thinking
%J Personal Computing
%D May, 1985
%P 74

%A Foster, G.
%A Stefik, M.
%T Cognoter, Theory and Practice of a Colab-orative Tool
%J Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '86) Proceedings
%C Austin, TX
%D December 3-5, 1986

%A Frisse, Mark E.
%T Searching for Information in a Hypertext Medical Handbook
%J Hypertext '87 Papers
%C Chapel Hill, NC
%D November 13-15, 1987

%A Frisse, Mark E.
%T Searching for Information in a Hypertext Medical Therapeutics Manual
%I Medical Information Group, Stanford University School of Medicine
%O PhD Dissertation
%D 1987

%A Garg, Pankaj K.
%T Abstraction Mechanisms in Hypertext
%J Hypertext '87 Papers
%C Chapel Hill, NC
%D November 13-15, 1987

%A Garg, Pankaj K.
%A Scacchi, Walt
%T A Hypertext System to Manage Software Life Cycle Documents
%J The 21st Hawaii International Conference on Systems
%C Honolulu HI
%D 1987

%A Garg, Pankaj K.
%A Scacchi, Walt
%T On Designing Intelligent Hypertext Systems for Information Management in 
%T Software Engineering
%J Hypertext '87 Papers
%C Chapel Hill, NC
%D November 13-15, 1987

%A Garrett, L. N.
%A Smith, Karen E.
%T Building a Timeline Editor from Prefab Parts:  The Architecture of an 
%T Object-oriented Application
%J Proceedings of the Conference on Object-oriented Programming Systems, 
%J Languages and Applications (OOPSLA '86)
%C Portland, Oregon
%D September 29-October 2, 1986

%A Garrett, L. N.
%A Smith, Karen E.
%A Meyrowitz, Norman
%T Intermedia:  Issues, Strategies, and Tactics in the Design of a Hypermedia 
%T Document System
%J Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '86) Proceedings
%C Austin, TX
%D December 3-5, 1986

%A Goldstein, I. P.
%A Bobrow, D. G.
%T Descriptions for a Programming Environment
%J Proceedings of the First Conference on AAAI
%D August 1980

%A Goldstein, I. P.
%A Bobrow, D. G.
%T An Experimental Description-Based Programming Environment:  Four Reports
%I Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
%C Palo Alto, CA
%R CSL-81-3
%D March 1981

%A Gonnet, Gaston H.
%A Tompa, Frank Wm
%T Mind Your Grammar: A New Approach to Modelling Text
%C Waterloo, Ontario
%R OED-87-01
%D June 1986

%E Goodman, Danny
%B The Complete HyperCard Handbook
%C New York
%I Bantam Books
%D 1987

%A Greenes, R. A.
%T Knowledge Management as an Aid to Medical Decision Making and Education: 
%T The Explorer-1 System
%J Proceedings MEDINFO '86
%C North-Holland
%D 1986

%A Gregory, R.
%T Xanadu-Hypertext from the Future
%J Dr. Dobb's Journal
%N 75
%D January, 1983
%P 28-35

%A Gullichsen, E.
%A D'Souza, D.
%A Lincoln, P.
%A Casey, T.
%T The PlaneTextBook
%I MCC Software Technology Program
%C Austin, TX
%R STP-333-86(P)
%D 1986

%A Halasz, Frank G.
%T Reflections on NoteCards: Seven Issues for the Next Generation of Hypermedia
%T Systems
%J Hypertext '87 Papers
%C Chapel Hill, NC
%D November 13-15, 1987

%A Halasz, Frank G.
%A Moran, T. P.
%A Trigg, Randall H.
%T NoteCards in a Nutshell
%J CHI+GI 1987
%D April 1987

%A Hammwohner, Rainer
%A Thiel, Ulrich
%T Content Oriented Relations Between Text Units-A Structural Model for 
%T Hypertexts
%J Hypertext '87 Papers
%C Chapel Hill, NC
%D November 13-15, 1987

%A Herot, C.
%A Carling, R.
%A Friedell, M.
%A Kramlich, D.
%T A Prototype Spatial Data Management System
%J Computer Graphics
%V 14
%N 3
%D July 1980
%P 63-70

%A Hershey, W.
%T Idea Processors
%D June, 1985

%A Hiltz, Starr Roxanne
%T The 'Virtual Classroom': Using Computer-Mediated Communication for 
%T University Teaching
%J Journal of Communication
%D Spring, 1968
%P 95-104

%A Hiltz, Starr Roxanne
%A Turoff, Murry
%B The Network Nation: Human Communication via Computer
%I Addison-Weseley
%D 1978

%A Hjerppe, Roland
%T Project HYPERCATalog: Visions and preliminary conceptions of an extended and
%T enhanced catalog
%B Intelligent Information Systems for the Information Society
%E Brookes, B. C.
%P 211-232
%C Amsterdam
%I Elsevier Science Publishers
%D 1986

%A Irby, C. H.
%T Display Techniques for Interactive Text Manipulation
%J AFIPS Conference Proceedings
%D 1974

%A Jonassen, D. H.
%T Hypertext principles for text and courseware design
%J Educational Psychologist
%V 21
%D 1986
%P 269-292

%A Kay, Alan C.
%T Computer Software
%J Scientific American
%V 251
%N 3
%D September, 1984
%P 53-59

%A Kay, Alan C.
%A Goldberg, A.
%T Personal Dynamic Media
%J IEEE Computer
%V 10
%N 3
%D March 1987
%P 31-43

%E Kerr, Elaine
%E Hiltz, Starr Roxanne
%B Computer-Mediated Communication Systems
%C New York
%I Academic Press
%D 1982

%A Kochen, M.
%T WISE: A World Information Sysnthesis and Encyclopedia
%J Journal of Documentation
%V 28
%D 1972
%P 322-343

%A Koved, Larry
%T Restructuring Textual Information for Online Retrieval
%I IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
%C Yorktown Heights, NY
%R 11278(#50830)
%D July 23, 1985

%A Lair, D. C.
%A Maron, M. E.
%T An Evaluation of Retrieval Effectiveness for a Full-text Document-Retrieval
%T System
%J Communications of the ACM
%V 28
%N 3
%D March 1985
%P 289-299

%E Lambert, Steve
%A Ropiequet, Suzanne
%B CD ROM: The New Papyrus
%C Redmond WA
%I Microsoft Press
%D 1986

%A Landow, George P.
%T Context32: Using Hypermedia to Teach Literature
%J Proceedings of the 1987 IBM Academic Information Systems University AEP 
%J Conference
%D 1987

%A Landow, George P.
%T Relationally Encoded Links and the Rhetoric of Hypertext
%J Hypertext '87 Papers
%C Chapel Hill, NC
%D November 13-15
%D 1987

%A Larson, J.
%T A Visual Approach To Browsing in a Database Environment
%J IEEE Computer
%D June, 1986

%A Learning Research Group
%T Personal Dynamic Media
%I Xerox Palo Alto Reserach Center
%C Palo Alto, CA
%R SSL-76-1
%D March 1976

%A Lenat, D. B.
%A Borning, Alan
%A McDonald, D.
%A Taylor, C.
%A Weyer, Steven A.
%T Knoesphere: Building Expert Systems with Encyclopedic Knowledge
%J Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Artificial 
%J Intelligence
%C Karslruhe, West Germany
%D 1983

%A Lowe, David G.
%T Co-operative Structuring of Information: The Representation of Reasoning 
%T and Debate
%J International Journal of Man-Machine Studies
%V 23
%D 1985
%P 97-111

%A Lowe, David G.
%T SYNVIEW: The Design of a System for Cooperative Structuring of Information
%J Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '86) Proceedings
%C Austin, TX
%D December 3-5
%D 1986

%A Malone, T.
%A Grant, K.
%A Turbak, F.
%A Brobst, S.
%A Cohen, M.
%T Intelligent Information-Sharing Systems
%J Communications of the ACM
%V 30
%N 5
%D May, 1987

%A Mantei, M.
%A McCracken, Donald L.
%T Issue Analysis with ZOG, A Highly Interactive Man-machine Interface
%J Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Policy Analysis and 
%J Information Systems
%D 1979

%A Marshall, Catherine C.
%T Exploring Representation Problems Using Hypertext
%J Hypertext '87 Papers
%C Chapel Hill, NC
%D November 13-15
%D 1986

%A Maxemchuck, N. F.
%A Wilder, H. A.
%T Virtual Editing: I. The Concept
%J Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Office Information 
%J Systems
%C Couvent Royal de St. Maximin
%D October 13-15, 1982

%A McCracken, Donald L.
%A Akscyn, Robert
%T Experience with the ZOG Human-Computer Interface System
%J International Journal of Man-Machine Studies
%V 21
%N 2
%D 1984
%P 293-310

%A McCracken, Donald L.
%A Akscyn, Robert
%T The ZOG Approach to Database Management
%I Carnegie-Mellon University
%C Pittsburgh, PA
%R CS-34-113

%A McQuillan, Patrick J.
%T Computers and Pedagogy: The Invisible Presence
%J Journal of Computer-Based Educational Research
%D 1987

%A Meyrowitz, Norman
%T Intermedia:  The Architecture and Construction of an Object-Oriented 
%T Hypertext/Hypermedia System and Applications Framework
%J Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programing Systems, 
%J Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA '86)
%C Portland, Oregon
%D September 29-October 2, 1986

%A Meyrowitz, Norman
%T Networks of Scholar's Workstations: End-User Computing in a University 
%T Community
%I Brown University, IRIS
%C Providence, RI
%R 85-3
%D June 1985

%A Michel, Stephen
%T Guide-A Hypertext Solution
%J CD-ROM Review
%D July/August 1987
%P 22-24

%A Mohl, R. F.
%T Cognitive Space in the Interactive Movie Map: An Investigation of Spatial 
%T Learning in Virtual Environments
%I Department of Architecture, MIT
%O PhD Dissertation
%D 1982

%A Monty, M. L.
%T Temporal Context and Memory for Notes Stored in the Computer
%J ACM SIGCHI Bulletin
%V 18
%N 2
%D October, 1986
%P 50-51

%A Monty, M. L.
%A Moran, T. P.
%T A Longitudinal Study of Authoring Using NoteCards
%J ACM SIGCHI Bulletin
%V 18
%N 2
%D October, 1986
%P 59-60

%A Negroponte, Nicholas
%T Books Without Pages
%J IEEE International Conference on Communications IV
%D 1979

%A Negroponte, Nicholas
%T An Idiosynchratic Systems Approach to Interactive Graphics
%J ACM/SIGGRAPH Workshop on User-Oriented Design of Interactive Graphics 
%J Systems
%C Pittsburgh, PA.
%D October, 1976

%A Nelson, Theodor H.
%T As We Will Think
%J Online 72: Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on Online
%J Interactive Computing
%C Brunel University, Uxbridge, England
%D September, 1972

%A Nelson, Theodor H.
%T A Conceptual Framework for Man-Machine Everything
%J AFIPS National Computer Conference and Exposition, Proceedings
%D 1973

%A Nelson, Theodor H.
%T Dream Machines:  New Freedoms through Computer Screens - A Minority Report
%B Computer Lib:  You Can and Must Understand Computers Now
%C Chicago, IL
%I Hugo's Book Service
%D 1974

%A Nelson, Theodor H.
%T A File Structure for the Complex, the Changing and the Indeterminate
%J Association for Computing Machinery, Proceedings of the National Conference
%D 1965

%A Nelson, Theodor H.
%T Getting it Out of our System
%B Information Retrieval:  A Critical View
%E G. Schecter
%P 191-210
%C Washington, D.C.
%I Thompson Book Co.
%D 1967

%A Nelson, Theodor H.
%T The Hypertext
%J Proceedings International Documentation Federation Annual Conference
%D 1965

%E Nelson, Theodor H.
%B Literary Machines
%C Swathmore, PA
%I T.H. Nelson
%D 1981

%A Nelson, Theodor H.
%T A New Home for the Mind
%J Datamation
%D March, 1982
%P 169-180

%A Nelson, Theodor H.
%T Replacing the Printed Word:  A Complete Literary System
%B Information Processing 80
%E S.H. Lavington
%P 1013-1023
%I North-Holland Publishing Co.
%D IFIO 1980


Darrell Long
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, UC San Diego, La Jolla CA 92093
ARPA: Darrell@Beowulf.UCSD.EDU  UUCP: darrell@sdcsvax.uucp
Operating Systems submissions to: comp-os-research@sdcsvax.uucp