[comp.os.research] A modified file system bibliography

douglis@ginger.Berkeley.EDU (Fred Douglis) (01/07/88)

I'm the one who wrote the first version of the bibliography that Darrell
posted a couple of weeks ago.  It was for my own use, and used some
definitions that I defined only in another file; the entries appeared only in
the order in which I happened to find them on my desk.  Marc Shapiro sent
Darrell a rewritten version, in a cleaner format, which I'm now fixing up and
posting.  This supersedes the previous version.  Please send any
comments/fixes to me.

By the way, the emphasis on the bibliography is not *all* file systems -- it
was a collection of papers I accumulated while researching log-based file
systems and archival systems.  I'd appreciate references to other relevant

Fred Douglis (douglis@ginger.Berkeley.EDU)

-- CUT HERE --

@string{sosp7= "Proceedings of the 7th {S}ymposium on {O}perating {S}ystem
@string{sosp8= "Proceedings of the 8th {S}ymposium on {O}perating {S}ystem
@string{sosp9= "Proceedings of the 9th {S}ymposium on {O}perating {S}ystem
@string{sosp10= "Proceedings of the 10th {S}ymposium on {O}perating {S}ystem
@string{sosp11= "Proceedings of the 11th {S}ymposium on {O}perating {S}ystem

@string{mit = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology"}
@STRING{COMP = "IEEE Computer"}

  author =	"Mogul, Jeffrey Clifford",
  title =	"Representing Information about Files",
  school =	"Computer Science Department, Stanford University",
  address =	"Palo Alto CA (USA)",
  year =	1986,
  month =	mar,
  note =	"Report No. {STAN-CS-86-1103}"

  author =	"Thompson, James Gordon",
  title =	"Efficient Analysis of Caching Systems",
  school =	"Computer Science Division (EECS), University of
		 California, Berkeley",
  address =	"Berkeley CA (USA)",
  year =	1987,
  month =	oct,
  note =	"Report No. {UCB\slash{}CSD 87\slash{}374}"

  author =	"David P. Reed",
  title =	"Naming and Synchronization in a Decentralized
		 Computer System",
  school =	mit,
  address =	"Cambridge MA (USA)",
  year =	1978,
  month =	SEP,
  note =	"Report. No. {MIT\slash{}LCS\slash{}TR-205}"

  author =	"Gifford, David K.",
  title =	"Information Storage in a Decentralized Computer System",
  institution =	"Xerox PARC",
  year =	1981,
  number =	"CSL-81-8",
  month =	jun

  author =	"Liba Svobodova",
  title =	"File Servers for Network-Based Distributed Systems",
  journal =	acmcs,
  year =	1984,
  volume =	16,
  number =	4,
  pages =	"353--398",
  month =	dec

  author =	"McKusick, Marshall K. and   Joy, William N. and
		 Leffler, Samuel J. and Fabry,  Robert S.",
  title =	"A Fast File System for {U}nix",
  journal =	tocs,
  year =	1984,
  volume =	2,
  number =	3,
  pages =	"181--197",
  month =	aug

  author =	"Mark R. Brown and Karen N. Koling and Edward A. Taft",
  title =	"The {A}lpine File System",
  journal =	tocs,
  year =	1985,
  volume =	3,
  number =	4,
  pages =	"261--293",
  month =	nov

  author =	"M. Satyanarayanan",
  title =	"A Study of File Sizes and Functional Lifetimes",
  booktitle =	sosp8,
  year =	1981,
  month =	dec,
  organization= "ACM", 
  pages =	"96--108"

  author =	"M. Fridrich and W. Older",
  title =	"The {F}elix File Server",
  booktitle =	sosp8,
  year =	1981,
  month =	dec,
  organization= "ACM", 

  pages =	"37--46"

  author =	"Liba Svobodova",
  title =	"A Reliable Object-Oriented Data Repository for a
		 Distributed Computer System",
  booktitle =	sosp8,
  year =	1981,
  month =	dec,
  organization= "ACM",
  pages =	"47--58"

  author =	"William H. Paxton",
  title =	"A Client-Based Transaction System to Maintain Data Integrity",
  booktitle =	sosp7,
  year =	1979,
  month =	dec,
  organization= "ACM", 

  pages =	"18--23"

  author =	"Fred J. Pollack and Kevin C. Kahn and Roy M. Wilkinson",
  title =	"The {iMAX}-432 {O}bject {F}iling {S}ystem",
  booktitle =	sosp8,
  year =	1981,
  month =	dec,
  organization= "ACM",
  pages =	"137--147"

  author =	"Simson L. Garfinkel",
  title =	"A File System For Write-Once Media",
  note =	"Unpublished report",
  month =	jul,
  year =	1987,
  organization= "MIT Media Lab"

  author =	"Stephan v. Bechtolsheim",
  title =	"A {U}nix Archiving System",
  note =	"Unpublished report",
  month =	jul,
  organization= "Purdue University",
  year =	1987

  author =	"D. H. Lawrie and J. M. Randal and R. R. Barton",
  title =	"Experiments with Automatic File Migration",
  journal =	COMP,
  institution =	"University of Illinois",
  year =	1982,
  pages =	"45--55",
  volume =	"??",
  number =	"??"

  author =	"Jason Gait",
  title =	"The Optical File Cabinet: A Random Access File System
		 for Write Once Optical Disk",
  note =	"Unpublished paper",
  year =	1987

  author =	"Arvin Park and Richard J. Lipton",
  title =	"Models and Measurements of File System Performance",
  institution =	"Princeton University",
  address =	"Princeton NJ (USA)",
  year =	1986,
  number =	"CS-TR-067-86",
  month =	dec

  author =	"Kenneth Salem and Hector Garcia-Molina",
  title =	"Crash Recovery Mechanisms for Main Storage Database Systems",
  institution =	"Princeton University",
  address =	"Princeton NJ (USA)",
  year =	1986,
  number =	"CS-TR-034-86",
  month =	apr

  author =	"David R. Cheriton",
  title =	"{UIO}: A Uniform {I/O} System Interface for
		 Distributed Systems",
  journal =	tocs,
  year =	1987,
  volume =	5,
  number =	1,
  pages =	"12--46",
  month =	feb

  author =	"Koch, Philip D. L.",
  title =	"Disk File Allocation Based on the Buddy System",
  journal =	tocs,
  year =	1987,
  volume =	5,
  number =	4,
  pages =	"352--370",
  month =	nov

  author =	"Alan Jay Smith",
  title =	"Disk Cache-Miss Ratio Analysis and Design Considerations",
  journal =	tocs,
  year =	1985,
  volume =	3,
  number =	3,
  pages =	"161--203",
  month =	aug

  author =	"Mary R. Thompson and Robert D. Sansom and Michael B.
		 Jones and Richard F. Rashid",
  title =	"{S}esame: The {S}pice File System",
  institution =	"Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University",
  address =	"Pittsburgh PA (USA)",
  year =	1985,
  number =	"CMU-CS-85-172",
  month =	dec

  author =	"John R. Nicol and Gordon S. Blair and Doug Shepherd
		 and Jonathan Walpole",
  title =	"An Approach to Multiple Copy Update Based on Immutability",
  note =	"Department of Computing, University of Lancaster, unpublished 

  author =	"Jim Rees and Paul H. Levine and Nathaniel Mishkin and
		 Paul J. Leach",
  title =	"An Extensible {I/O} System",
  booktitle =	"Proceedings of the {S}ummer 1986 {U}senix {C}onference (??)",
  year =	1986,
  address =	"Atlanta GA (USA)"

  author =	"Daniel Hammond Craft",
  title =	"Resource Management in a Distributed Computing System",
  school =	"University of Cambridge",
  year =	1985,
  address =	"Cambridge (England)",
  month =	mar

  author =	"Stephen Christopher Crawley",
  title =	"The Entity System: An Object-Based Filing System",
  school =	"University of Cambridge",
  year =	1986,
  address =	"Cambridge (England)",
  month =	apr

  author =	"R. Haskin and Y. Malachi and W. Sawdon and G. Chan",
  title =	"Recovery Management in {Q}uick{S}ilver",
  journal =	tocs,
  year =	1988,
  note =	"To appear"

  author =	"R. Hagmann",
  title =	"Reimplementing the {C}edar File System Using Logging and Group
  booktitle =	sosp11,
  year =	1987,
  pages =	"155--162",
  organization= "ACM",
  month =	nov

  author =	"J. Ousterhout and H. Da Costa and D. Harrison and J.
		 Kunze and M. Kupfer and J. Thompson",
  title =	"A Trace-Driven Analysis of the {U}nix 4.2 {BSD} File System",
  booktitle =	sosp10,
  year =	1985,
  month =	dec,
  organization= "ACM",
  pages =	"15--24"

  author =	"M. Schroeder and D. Gifford and R. Needham",
  title =	"A Caching File System for a Programmer's Workstation",
  booktitle =	sosp10,
  year =	1985,
  month =	dec,
  organization= "ACM",
  pages =	"25--34"

  author =	"Liba Svobodova",
  title =	"Management of Object Histories in the {S}wallow Repository",
  institution =	"MIT Laboratory for Computer Science",
  address =	"Cambridge MA (USA)",
  year =	1980,
  number =	"MIT\slash{}LCS\slash{}TR-243",
  month =	jul

  author =	"Gail C. Arens",
  title =	"Recovery of the {S}wallow Repository",
  school =	"MIT Laboratory for Computer Science",
  address =	"Cambridge MA (USA)",
  year =	1981,
  month =	jan

  author =	"David Maier",
  title =	"Using Write-Once Memory for Database Storage",
  booktitle =	"Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of
		 Database Systems",
  year =	1982,
  organization= "ACM",
  address =	"Los Angeles CA (USA)",
  month =	mar