[comp.os.research] OS from Hell

glockner@cs.ucsd.edu (Alexander Glockner) (04/28/88)

[ Send replies to the author (glockner%cs@ucsd.edu), he can summarize. --DL ]

After staying in the lab too long one night, my friends and I
began discussing some problems with operating systems we had used...
eventually the question came up:
  "What would the `operating system from Hell' look like?"
That's right, pretend that you were given _carte blanche_ to design
an absolutely atrocious operating system.  What would you put in it?
Two restrictions:
1) No replies that it already exists, although you may feel free
   to borrow whatever "features" you want.
2) No trivial wasting of resources either, please.  You may use
inefficient algorithms, however; for instance, Bentley's
O(n! times n-squared) sort.  (You don't know what that is?  Shame
on you!  Think about it before sending me e-mail.)
Thanks -- Alex (not an alias for the moderator)
Alexander Glockner      | Faced with information overload, we have
glockner%cs@ucsd.edu    | no alternative but pattern recognition.
{...}!sdcsvax!glockner  |               -- Marshall McLuhan