(Jonathan M. Smith) (07/07/88)
Due to a reorganization of our Technical Report library, the librarian has returned about 40 copies of my report, CUCS-241-86, "Approaches to Distributed UNIX Systems" to me for disposition. I'll service requests FCFS until they're gone; send physical addresses assuming a sender in NYC, USA. Description: While a bit dated (the survey contents are current as of about mid-1986) the report is technically accurate and the list of references is rather extensive. It really should have been two papers, one examining kernel support necessary for multiprocessor UNIX systems, the other on naming and transparency issues for UNIX file systems accessed via a network. Some important systems (I now know) are missing, such as the fault-tolerance-oriented Auragen, etc. The paper would serve as a decent introduction for someone examining issues in porting uniprocessor systems to multinode hardware configurations; enough UNIX background is given for the paper to be self-contained. -Jonathan