nopuklic@uunet.UU.NET (Blayne Puklich) (09/19/88)
I'm in need of some detailed information relating to algorithms currently being developed and currently in use for distributed systems. We're researching overhead problems in tightly coupled multicomputer systems and are at the phase where we need to vary the algorithms used for network file transfers and such. We've been focusing on distributed file systems, with the basic structure being a partially-interconnected packet switching network. The protocol in use now is based on timers, with collisions resolved by simple packet deletion. We need to find and/or develop protocols other than this, and develop benchmarks for system throughput and overhead. I've done some research already, and have come up with very little that hits the nail right on the head. Most of what I've found helps, but I need help finding more. That's research, I guess. Any help in locating sources for algorithms would be greatly appreciated, as would examples of systems currently in use that resemble the one we're researching. We've looked at several operating systems, such as Locus, V, and Mach; any information on others currently in use would also be appreciated (and any other hardware systems). I hope I explained this well enough (I'm pretty tired right now!). Also, if this type of discussion should really be in another newsgroup, make sure to let me know. I tried to cover the groups I thought would include this topic, so if I interpreted the subject matter wrong, don't hesitate to correct me. I followed the discussions of the groups for a short time, so I could be wrong. Please mail anything directly to me via the addresses below (obviously), and if it bounces on the three addresses given, try nopuklic@ndsuvax.UUCP. If all else fails, just post it. Thanks! ||+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|| || Blayne Puklich || || NDSU Student ACM NU087763@NDSUVM1.bitnet || || Chairperson North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND || || || || "Everyone should have a Corvette, I think." || || NOTE: If bounces, revert to || || nopuklic@ndsuvax.BITNET. || ||-------------------------------------------------------------------------||