[comp.os.research] Distributed Operating Systems - Research Positions

ang@uunet.UU.NET (Andrzej Goscinski) (12/14/88)

University College
The University of New South Wales
Australian Defence Force Academy



The Department of Computer Science invites applications for research
vacancies created by ARC funding for a project entitled "The Design and
Development of a Test Bed for the Study of Distributed Operating Systems".
The Research Associate position is initially funded for one year, with a
good possibility of renewal to three years.  The Research Fellow position 
is funded for three years.  Candidates for the Research Associate position
are expected to have a PhD or equivalent degree and for Research Fellow
position a PhD degree.  

Preference will be given to applicants with experience in Operating Sys-
tems, Computer Networks, and Distributed Systems, but applicants with a
good research record in another field are encouraged to apply.

SALARY: Research Associate: $26,617-$30,360; Postdoctoral Fellow: $30,737-
$37,424 p.a.

The Department has excellent computing facilities, which are still being
augmented.  Currently, the facilities include two Pyramid 9910s, fifteen
Sun workstations, a Masscomp 5500 equipped for research into speech recog-
nition and generation, six Mac IIs and a large number of SEs, and several
IBM PCs and compatibles.  An Ethernet LAN spans the Computer Science
building, connecting the Pyramids and Suns.  All Macs are connected via
Appletalk to LaserWriters, and most are further linked to the Ethernet
via a Multigate bridge.  Access is available to other compus computers,
including the Computer Centre's Prime 9955, via a broadband LAN.

These facilities, together with a management orientation that encourages
cooperation and interaction, offer a unique opportunity to pursue an
active research programme in a pleasant environment.  There are also
exellent opportunities for consulting work with Government and Business.

Closing date: January 20, 1989. 

For further information contact:

Dr A. Goscinski 
Department of Computer Science
University College
The University of New South Wales
Australian Defence Forces Academy
Canberra, ACT, 2600

Phone +61 62 688819
Telex: ADFADM AA62030
Fax: +61 62 688581
Network: ang@csadfa.oz