[comp.os.research] And by the way. References to memnet and capnet are

farber@uunet.UU.NET (David J. Farber) (02/13/89)

[4] Gary S. Delp, Adarshpal Sethi,  and  David  J.  Farber,  ``An
Analysis   of  Memnet:  a  High-Speed,  Shared-Memory  LAN'',  in
Computer Communication Review}  18:4 (August 1988).

[5] Gary  S.  Delp,  ``The  Architecture  and  Implementation  of
Memnet:  A  High-Speed,  Shared-Memory,  Computer  Communications
Network'', doctoral dissertation, University of Delaware (1988).

[6] Razi and Farber, ``Initial Thoughts on the Architecture of an
Object-Based  Distributed  System'', Technical Report, Department
of Computer and  Information  Sciences,  University  of  Delaware

[7] Tam and Farber, "An Introduction to CapNet" , Distributed Systems
Laboratory Lab Technical Report, Department of Computer and
Information Science, University of Pennsylvania (1988)