(Hai-Ning Liu) (03/02/89)
I am doing this research project relate to on-line multi-processor scheduling. I am looking for theortical papers now. The following is a brief description. Computation Model: We assume that we have certain number of processors. We don't care the exact architecture but we do assume that it takes d units of time to communicate between each processor pair. Each task takes 1 unit of time of a processor. Situation: A group of tasks with their interdependency relations will be feed into the multiprocessor system stage by stage. At each stage, some tasks are given to the system and they must be computed before their successors can be feed in. I am interested in seeing 1) how other people have formulated the problems in the similar situation? 2) what are some interesting problems? 3) are there some applications in real life?.... Thanks in advance. Please email if you will. -----H.N. Liu