[comp.os.research] a nice summary of the Cornell report From Phage list

comer@cs.purdue.edu (04/10/89)

Summary by Manny Farber <G47Y@cornella.cit.cornell.edu>

The Cornell Chronicle is the Administration's  organ.   As  such,
their  coverage  of  the Bob Morris report may be relatively one-
sided, but since they got the report in advance, they  summarized
it.  I'll put the last paragraph right here: Copies of the report
are  available  from  the  Office  of  the  Vice  President   for
Information Technologies, 308 Day Hall, [area code 607] 255-3324.

Dennis Meredith, Cornell Chronicle, 4/6/89)

Graduate student Robert Tappan Morris Jr., working alone, created
and  spread  the  "worm" computer program that infected computers
nationwide last November,  concluded  an  internal  investigative
commission appointed by Provost Robert Barker.

The commission said the program was not technically a  "virus"--a
program  that inserts itself into a host program to propagate--as
it has been referred  to  in  popular  reports.   The  commission
described  the  program  as a "worm," an independent program that
propagates itself throughout a computer system.

In  its  report,  "The  Computer  Worm,"  the  commission  termed
Morris's   behavior  "a  juvenile  act  that  ignored  the  clear
potential  consequences."   This  failure  constituted  "reckless
disregard of those probable consequences," the commission stated.

Barker, who had delayed release of the report for  six  weeks  at
the  request  of  both  federal  prosecutors and Morris's defense
attorney,  said,  "We  feel  an  overriding  obligation  to   our
colleagues  and  to  the public to reveal what we know about this
profoundly disturbing incident."

The commission had sought to determine the involvement of  Morris
or other members of the Cornell community in the worm attack.  It
also studied the motivation and  ethical  issues  underlying  the
release of the worm.

Evidence was gathered by interviewing Cornell faculty, staff, and
graduate  students  and  staff  and  former  students  at Harvard
University, where Morris had done undergraduate work.

Morris declined to be interviewed on advice of  counsel.   Morris
had  requested  and has received a leave of absence from Cornell,
and the university is prohibited by federal law  from  commenting
further on his status as a student.

The commission also was unable to reach Paul  Graham,  a  Harvard
graduate   student  who  knew  Morris  well.   Morris  reportedly
contacted Graham on Nov. 2., the day the worm was  released,  and
several times before and after that.

Relying on files from Morris's computer account, Cornell Computer
Science  Department  documents, telephone records, media reports,
and technical reports from  other  universities,  the  commission
found that:

- Morris violated the Computer  Sciences  Department's  expressed
policies  against  computer  abuse.  Although he apparently chose
not to attend orientation meetings at  which  the  policies  were
explained, Morris had been given a copy of them.  Also, Cornell's
policies are similar to those at Harvard, with  which  he  should
have been familiar.

- No member of the Cornell community knew Morris was  working  on
the  worm.   Although  he  had  discussed  computer security with
fellow graduate students, he did not confide his plans  to  them.
Cornell  first  became  aware  of  Morris's involvement through a
telephone call from the Washington Post to the science editor  at
Cornell's News Service.

- Morris made only minimal efforts to halt the worm once  it  had
propagated,  and  did  not  inform  any  person  in a position of
responsibility about the existence or content of the worm.

- Morris probably did not indent for the worm to destroy data  or
files, but he probably did intend for it to spread widely.  There
is no evidence  that  he  intended  for  the  worm  to  replicate

- Media reports that 6,000 computers had been infected were based
on  an  initial rough estimate that could not be confirmed.  "The
total number of affected computers was surely in the  thousands,"
the commission concluded.

- A computer security industry association's  estimate  that  the
worm  caused about $96 million in damage is "grossly exaggerated"
and "self- serving."

- Although it was technically sophisticated, "the worm could have
been  created  by  many  students,  graduate or undergraduate ...
particularly if forearmed with knowledge of  the  security  flaws
exploited or of similar flaws."

The  commission  was  led  by  Cornell's   vice   president   for
information technologies, M. Stuart Lynn.  Other members were law
professor Theodore Eisenberg, computer  science  Professor  David
Gries,   engineering   and   computer   science  Professor  Juris
Hartmanis,  physics  professor  Donald  Holcomb,  and   Associate
University Counsel Thomas Santoro.

Release of the worm was not "an heroic event that pointed up  the
weaknesses  of  operating  systems,"  the report said.  "The fact
that UNIX ... has many security flaws  has  been  generally  well
known, as indeed are the potential dangers of viruses and worms."

The worm attacked only computers that were attached to  Internet,
a  national  research  computer  network  and  that  used certain
versions of the UNIX operating system.  An  operating  system  is
the basic program that controls the operation of a computer.

"It is no act of genius or heroism to exploit  such  weaknesses,"
the commission said.

The commission also did not accept arguments  that  one  intended
benefit of the worm was a heightened public awareness of computer

"This was an accidental byproduct of the event and the  resulting
display  of  media interest," the report asserted.  "Society does
not condone burglary on the grounds  that  it  heightens  concern
about safety and security."

In characterizing the action, the commission said, "It may simply
have  been  the  unfocused  intellectual  meanderings of a hacker
completely  absorbed  with  his  creation  and   unharnessed   by
considerations of explicit purpose or potential effect."

Because the commission was unable to contact Graham, it could not
determine  whether  Graham  discussed  the  worm with Morris when
Morris visited Harvard  about  two  weeks  before  the  worm  was
launched.  "It would be interesting to know, for example, to what
Graham was referring to in an Oct. 26 electronic mail message  to
Morris  when he inquired as to whether there was 'Any news on the
brilliant project?'" said the report.

Many in the computer science community seem to favor disciplinary
measures for Morris, the commission reported.

"However, the general sentiment also seems to be  prevalent  that
such  disciplinary  measures  should  allow for redemption and as
such not be so harsh as to permanently damage  the  perpetrator's
career," the report said.

The commission emphasized,  that  this  conclusion  was  only  an
impression  from  its  investigations  and  not  the  result of a
systematic poll of computer scientists.

"Although the act was reckless and impetuous, it appears to  have
been  an  uncharacteristic  act  for  Morris" because of his past
efforts at Harvard and elsewhere to  improve  computer  security,
the commission report said.

Of the need for increased security  on  research  computers,  the
commission  wrote,  "A  community  of scholars should not have to
build  walls  as  high  as  the  sky  to  protect  a   reasonable
expectation of privacy, particularly when such walls will equally
impede the free flow of information."

The trust between  scholars  has  yielded  benefits  to  computer
science  and to the world at large, the commission report pointed

"Violations of that trust cannot be condoned.  Even if there  are
unintended  side  benefits, which is arguable, there is a greater
loss to the community as a whole."

The commission did  not  suggest  any  specific  changes  in  the
policies  of the Cornell Department of Computer Science and noted
that policies against computer abuse are in place for centralized
computer   facilities.    However,   the   commission  urged  the
appointment of a committee to develop a university-  wide  policy
on  computer  abuse  that  would  recognize  the pervasive use of
computers distributed throughout the campus.

The  commission  also  noted  the  "ambivalent  attitude  towards
reporting  UNIX security flaws" among universities and commercial
vendors.  While some computer  users  advocate  reporting  flaws,
others   worry   that   such   information  might  highlight  the
vulnerability of the system.

"Morris  explored  UNIX  security   amid   this   atmosphere   of
uncertainty, where there were no clear ground rules and where his
peers and mentors gave no clear guidance," the report said.

"It is hard  to  fault  him  for  not  reporting  flaws  that  he
discovered.    From  his  viewpoint,  that may have been the most
responsible course of action, and one that was supported  by  his

The commission report also included a brief account of the worm's
course  through  Internet.   After its release shortly after 7:26
p.m. on Nov 2, the worm spread to computers at the  Massachusetts
Institute  of Technology, the Rand Corporation, the University of
California at Berkeley and others, the commission report said.

The worm consisted of two  parts--a  short  "probe"  and  a  much
larger   "corpus."   The  probe  would  attempt  to  penetrate  a
computer, and if successful, send for the corpus.

The program had four main methods of attack and  several  methods
of  defense  to  avoid  discovery  and  elimination.   The attack
methods  exploited  various  flaws  and  features  int  he   UNIX
operating  systems  of  the  target  computers.   The  worm  also
attempted entry by "guessing" at passwords by such techniques  as
exploiting  computer  users' predilections for using common words
as passwords.

The study's  authors  acknowledged  computer  scientists  at  the
University of California at Berkeley for providing a "decompiled"
version of the worm and other technical information.  The Cornell
commission  also  drew  on  analyses  of  the  worm  by Eugene H.
Spafford of Purdue University and Donn Seeley of  the  University
of Utah.