shapiro@uunet.UU.NET (Marc Shapiro) (05/11/89)
[ As usual, this is also available for anonymous ftp from ] Since we are sending bibliographies: below you will find a rather large bibliography on Operating Systems and Object-Oriented Systems. It was compiled by myself and other members of my research group (SOR, meaning "Distributed Object-Oriented Systems") in the course of our research. There is no particular order. It contains approximately 270 citations, mostly recent, on all subjects related to OS's and distributed systems. It's in BibTeX format. References are indexed by a very loose keyword system. These are are mostly French acronyms, explained below. I don't know if this will help anybody. In any case, it can't hurt. PS. I automatically distribute updates to this file to anybody who asks. This is one way to keep up on your reading! Marc Shapiro INRIA, B.P. 105, 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France. Tel.: +33 (1) 39-63-53-25 e-mail: (internet) ...!inria!shapiro (uucp) inria! (non-standard) ---- Here come the keywords -------------------------- app applications alg algorithms gc garbage-collection argus Argus atm atomicity, atomic transactions bd data bases c++ c++ langage cha load balancing con design dbg debugging, monitoring div miscellaneous exp operating systems argus argus chorus chorus mach mach unix unix v v-syste sos SOS noy kernels mv virtual memory tr real time gc garbage collection het heterogeneous systems fic storage, file systems fic:loo object storage prs persistent objects (same difference) lan languages, compilation loo anything object-oriented loo:rep distributed objects c++ the C++ language mach Mach mat hardware mv virtual memory nom naming pan fault-tolerance atm atomicity, atomic transactions perf performances, measurements pro protocols, networks pro:tcp tcp-ip family pro:osi osi family pro:loc local net protocols pro:diff broadcast, multicast pro:diff:pan atomic broadcast pro:rpc RPC prs persistence (see also fic:loo) sec security, cryptography sos SOS syn synchronisation, consistency atm transactions atomiques, atomicite tr real time v V-System GENERAL SUB-KEYWODS rep distributed, distribution gal general presentations svy survey nor standards org organisation ---- End of keywords ------------------------------ ---- Here comes file ``~bib/bib.bib'' -------------------------- @string{toapp:tocs = "To appear, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems"} @string{psosp11 = "Presented at the 11th ACM Symp.~on Operating Systems Principles, Austin TX (USA), nov.~1987"} @string{sosp11 = "Proceedings of the 11th {ACM} Symposium on Operating Systems Principles"} @string{sosp10 = "Proceedings of the 10th {ACM} Symposium on Operating Systems Principles"} @string{perso = "Personal communication"} @string{podc5 = "Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on the Principles of Distributed Computing"} @string{icdcs7 = "The 7th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems"} @string{Carnegie = "Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University"} @string{pittsburgh = "Pittsburgh {PA} ({USA})"} @string{toapp = "To appear."} @string{icdcs8 = "The 8th International Conference on Distributed Computer Systems"} @string{podc6 ="Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on the Principles of Distributed Computing"} @string{podc3 = "Proceedings of 3rd Symposium on the Principles of Distributed Computing"} @inproceedings{syn:rep:149, author = "Kenneth P. Birman and Thomas A. Joseph", title = "Exploiting virtual synchrony in distributed systems", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "123--138", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{exp:150, author = "Sape J. Mullender", title = "Distributed Systems Management in Wide Area Networks", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the {NGI-SION Informatica Syposium}", year = 1984, pages = "415--424", address = "Amsterdam (The Netherlands)" } @TechReport{exp:syn:151, author = "Tevanian, Jr., Avadis and Rashid, Richard F. and Golub, David B. and Black, David L. and Cooper, Eric and Young, Michael W.", title = "{M}ach Threads and the Unix Kernel: The Battle for Control", institution = carnegie, year = 1987, number = "CMU-CS-87-149", address = pittsburgh, month = aug } @inproceedings{loo:db:152, author = "Patrick O'Brien and Bruce Bullis and Craig Schaffert", title = "Persistent and Shared Objects in {T}rellis/{O}wl", booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Object-Oriented database Systems", pages = "113--123", year = 1986, Publisher = "{IEEE} Computer Society Press", address = "Washington ({USA})", month = sep } @InProceedings{fic:loo:153, author = "Andrea H. Skarra and Stanley B. Zdonik and Stephen P. Reiss", title = "An Object Server for an Object-Oriented Database System", booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems", year = 1986, pages = "196--204", publisher = "{ACM}, New York ({USA})", address = "Pacific Grove CA (USA)", month = sep } @InProceedings{sec:rep:154, author = "Virgil D. Gligor", title = "Distributed System security", booktitle = icdcs7, year = 1987, publisher = "{IEEE}", address = "Berlin (West) ({RFA})", month = sep } @TechReport{het:noy:155, author = "Reinhard Stroste and Herbert Eberle", title = "Kernel Service Call", institution = "IBM European Networking Center", year = 1987, number = "43.8701", address = "Heidelberg (Federal Republic of Germany)", month = jan } @Article{loo:con:156, author = "Daniel C. Haibert and O'Brien, Patrick D.", title = "Using Types and Inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming", journal = "IEEE Software", year = 1987, volume = 4, number = 5, pages = "71--79", month = sep } @Unpublished{v:syn:157, author = "David R. Cheriton", title = "A Multicast-Clock Synchronization Algorithm", year = 1987, note = perso, month = may } @TechReport{loo:het:158, author = {K. Geihs and H. Eberle and B. Sch\"{o}ner and M. Seifert}, title = "Distributed Object Sharing in Heterogeneous Environments", institution = "IBM European Networking Center", year = 1986, number = "43.8610", address = "Heidelberg (Federal Republic of Germany)" } @InProceedings{exp:het:159, author = {Geihs, K. and Sch\"{o}ner, B. and Hollberg, U. and Schmutz, H. and Eberle, H.}, title = "An Architecture for the Cooperation of Heterogeneous Operating Systems", booktitle = "Computer Network Symposium", year = 1988, organization ="{IEEE} Computer Society", address = "Washington DC ({USA})", month = apr } @Article{pro:pan:160, author = "Kenneth P. Birman and Thomas A. Joseph", title = "Reliable Communication in an Unreliable Environment", journal = tocs, year = 1987, volume = 5, number = 1, pages = "47--76", month = feb } @TechReport{rep:syn:161, author = "Kenneth P. Birman and Thomas A. Joseph and Frank Schmuck and Pat Stephenson", title = "Programming with Shared Bulletin Boards in Asynchronous Distributed Systems", institution = "Department of Computer Science, Cornell University", year = 1986, type = "Technical Report", number = "86-772", address = "Ithaca, New York ({USA})", month = aug } @TechReport{exp:rep:162, author = "Kenneth P. Birman and Thomas A. Joseph and Frank Schmuck", title = "Isis Documentation: Release 1", institution = "Department of Computer Science, Cornell University", year = 1987, type = "Technical Report", number = "87-849", address = "Ithaca, New York ({USA})", month = jul } @InProceedings{rep:pan:163, author = "Kenneth P. Birman", title = "Replication and Fault-Tolerance in the {ISIS} System", booktitle = sosp10, year = 1985, address = "Orcas Island WA ({USA})", month = dec } @Article{lan:rep:164, author = "Michael L. Scott and Raphael A. Finkel", title = "A Simple Mechanism for Type Security Across Compilation Units", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", year = 1985, month = oct } @TechReport{rep:argus:165, author = "Barbara Liskov and William Weihl", title = "Programming Methodology Group Progress Report", year = 1987, type = "Programming Methodology Group Memo", number = 56, institution = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Computer Science", address = "Cambridge, MA ({USA})", month = aug } @Article{v:nom:166, author = "David R. Cheriton and Timothy P. Mann", title = "A Decentralized Naming Facility", journal = toapp:tocs, year = 1987, month = feb } @InProceedings{v:pro:diff:167, author = "David R. Cheriton and Stephen E. Deering", title = "Host Groups: A Multicast Extension for Datagram Internetworks", booktitle = "In 9th Data Communication Symposium", year = 1985, organization = "IEEE Computer Society and {ACM} SIGCOMM", month = sep } @TechReport{v:pro:perf:168, author = "David R. Cheriton and Carey L. Williamson", title = "Network Measurement of the {VMTP} Request-Response Protocol in the V Distributed System", institution = "Department of Computer Science", year = 1987, number = "STAN-CS-87-1145", address = "Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305", month = feb } @Misc{v:169, author = "David R. Cheriton", title = "The {V} Distributed System", howpublished = {}, year = 1987, address = "Computer Science Department, Stanford University", month = mar } @InCollection{pro:pan:170, author = "Alfred Z. Spector", title = "Communication Support in Operating Systems for Distributed Transactions", booktitle = "Networking in Open Systems", publisher = "Spinger-Verlag, Lecture Notes in CS no.~248", year = 1986, address = "Autriche", pages = "314--324", month = aug } @Misc{noy:loo:171, author = "Edgar Nett", title = "An Overview of the {P}ROFEMO Project", year = 1987, month = mar } @Unpublished{loo:con:172, author = "Keith E. Gorlen", title = "Object-Oriented Program Support", note = "OOPS Version 1, Reference Manual", year = 1986, month = may } @Article{pan:173, author = "Yves Deswarte and Jean-Charles Fabre and Jean-Michel Fray and Jean-Claude Laprie and David Powell", title = "{S}ATURNE~: un syst\`{e}me r\'{e}parti tol\'{e}rant les fautes et les intrusions", journal = tsi, year = 1987, volume = 6, number = 2, pages = "191--195" } @Article{fic:rep:174, author = "John H. Howard and Michael L. Kazar and Sherri G. Menees and David A. Nichols and M. Satyanarayanan and Robert N. Sidebotham and Michael J. West", title = "Scale and Performance in a Distributed File System", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1988, volume = 6, number = 1, pages = "51--81", month = feb } @Article{fic:rep:175, author = "Michael N. Nelson and Brent B. Welch and John K. Ousterhout", title = "Caching in the {S}prite Network File System", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1988, volume = 6, number = 1, pages = "134--154", month = feb } @Article{div:176, author = "Douglas B. Terry and Daniel C. Swinehart", title = "Managing Stored Voice in the {E}therphone System", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1988, volume = 6, number = 1, pages = "3--27", month = feb } @Article{loo:rep:177, author = "Eric Jul and Henry Levy and Norman Hutchinson and Andrew Black", title = "Fine-Grained Mobility in the {E}merald System", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1988, volume = 6, number = 1, pages = "109--133", month = feb } @Article{mv:pan:178, author = "Roger Haskin and Yoni Malachi and Wayne Sawdon and Gregory Chan", title = "Recovery Management in {Q}uick{S}ilver", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1988, volume = 6, number = 1, pages = "82--108", month = feb } @Article{vm:179, author = "Albert Chang and Mergen, Mark F.", title = "801 Storage: Architecture and Programming", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1988, volume = 6, number = 1, pages = "28--50", month = feb } @InProceedings{div:180, author = "David A. Nichols", title = "Using Idle Workstations in a Shared Computing Environment", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "5--12", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{alg:181, author = "George Varghese and Tony Lauck", title = "Hashed and Hierarchical Timing Wheels: Data Structures for the Efficient Implementation of a Timer Facility", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "25--38", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{nom:182, author = "Michael F. Schwartz and John Zahorjan and David Notkin", title = "A Name Service for Evolving, Heterogeneous Systems", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "52--62", organization = "{ACM}", month = nov } @InProceedings{mach:vm:183, author = "Michael Young and Avadis Tevanian and Richard Rashid and David Golub and Jeffrey Eppinger and Jonathan Chew and William Bolosky and David Black and Robert Baron", title = "The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "63--76", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{syn:184, author = "David Jefferson and Brian Beckman and Fred Wieland and Leo Blume and Mike DiLoreto and Phil Hontalas and Pierre Laroche and Kathy Sturdevant and Jack Tupman and van Warren and John Wedel and Herb Younger and Steve Bellenot", title = "Distributed Simulation and the {T}ime {W}arp Operating System", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "77--93", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{syn:con:185, author = "A. D. Birrell and J. V. Guttag and J. J. Horning and R. Levin", title = "Synchronization Primitives for a Multiprocessor: A Formal Specification", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "94--102", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{argus:186, author = "Barbara Liskov and Dorothy Curtis and Paul Johnson and Robert Scheifler", title = "Implementation of Argus", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "111--122", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{v:fic:187, author = "Ross S. Finlayson and David R. Cheriton", title = "Log Files: An Extended File Service Write-Once Storage", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "139--148", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{fic:db:188, author = "Andrew D. Birrell and Michael B. Jones and Edward P. Wobber", title = "A Simple and Efficient Implementation for Small Databases", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "149--154", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov, note = "Also available as {DEC} {SRC}, Technical Report n024" } @InProceedings{fic:189, author = "Robert Hagmann", title = "Reimplementing the {C}edar File System Using Logging and Group Commit", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "155--162", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{div:190, author = "Zayas, Edward R.", title = "Attacking the Process Migration Bottleneck", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "13--24", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin TX (USA)", month = nov } @TechReport{app:rep:191, author = "Stephen C. Vestal", title = "Garbage Collection: An Exercise in Distributed, Fault-Tolerant Programming", year = 1987, number = "87-01-03", institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Washington", address = "Seattle WA (USA)", month = jan } @InCollection{v:pro:192, author = "David R. Cheriton", title = "Request-Response and Multicast Interprocess Communication in the {V} Kernel", booktitle = "Networking in Open Systems", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Lecture notes in CS no.~248~", year = 1986, pages = "297--312", address = "Autriche", month = aug } @InCollection{lan:193, author = "M. Hennessy", title = "Communication Primitives in Programming and Specification Languages", booktitle = "Networking in Open Systems", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Lecture notes in CS no.~248", year = 1986, pages = "224--251", address = "IBM Europe Institute, Oberlech", month = aug } @InProceedings{loc:194, author = "O. Gihr and P.J. Kuehn", title = "Comparison of Communication Services with Connection-Oriented and Connectionless Data Transmission", booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Seminar on Computer Networking and Performance Evaluation", year = 1985, address = "Tokyo ({Japan})", month = sep } @Article{pro:195, author = "Pascale Minet", title = "Un R\'{e}seau local pour un environnement industriel automatis\'{e}", journal = tsi, year = 1987, volume = 6, number = 2, pages = "182--186" } @Article{pan:196, author = "David Powell and Pacal Martin and Douglas Seaton", title = "La Tol\'{e}rance aux Fautes dans les syst\`{e}mes r\'{e}partis : l'Approche {D}elta-4", journal = tsi, year = 1987, volume = 6, number = 2, pages = "196--200" } @InProceedings{pro:197, author = "Willy Zwaenepoel", title = "Protocols for Large Data Transferts Over Local Networks", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 9th Symp. on Data Communications", year = 1985, pages = "22--32", organization = "ACM", address = "Whistler Mt., BC (Canada)", month = sep } @InProceedings{app:pan:198, author = "Barbara Liskov and Rivka Ladin", title = "Highly-Available Distributed Services and Fault-Tolerant Distributed Garbage Collection", year = 1986, booktitle = podc5, pages = "29--39", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Vancouver ({Canada})", month = aug } @TechReport{exp:199, author = "Tevanian, Jr., Avadis and Richard F. Rashid", title = "{M}ach: A Basis for Future Unix Development", institution = Carnegie, year = 1987, number = 4864, address = pittsburgh } @Misc{exp:vm:unix:200, author = "Tevanian, Jr., Avadis and Richard F. Rashid and Michael W. Young and David B. Golub and Mary R. Thompson and William Bolosky and Richard Sanzi", title = "A Unix Interface for Shared Memory and Memory and Memory Mapped Files Under {M}ach", year = 1987, month = jul } @Article{rep:201, author = "Jeffrey Joyce and Greg Lomow and Konrad Slind and Brian Unger", title = "Monitoring Distributed Systems", journal = "{ACM} Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1987, volume = 5, number = 2, pages = "121--150", month = may } @Article{pro:diff:202, author = "Jean-Pierre David and Marc Legendre and St\`{e}phane Natkin", title = "Un Protocole de Diffusion Fiable pour les R\'{e}seaux Locaux Industriels", journal = tsi, year = 1987, volume = 6, number = 2, pages = "187--190" } @Article{pro:203, author = "Richard W. Watson and Sandy A. Mamrak", title = "Gaining Efficient in Transport Services by Appropriate Design and Implementation Choices", journal = "{ACM} Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1987, volume = 5, number = 2, pages = "97--120", month = may } @Book{exp:204, title = "{ANSA} Reference Manual", publisher = "{A}dvanced {N}etworked {S}ystems {A}rchitecture", year = 1987, editor = "Dr. A.J. Herbert and Prof. J. Monk", address = "Cambridge (United Kingdom)", month = jun } @Article{pro:loc:205, author = "Alfred Z. Spector", title = "Performing Remote Operations Efficiently on a Local Computer Network", journal = "{ACM}", year = 1982, volume = 25, number = 4, pages = "246--260", month = apr } @TechReport{fic:nom:206, author = "Luis Felipe Cabrera and Jim Wyllie", title = "{Q}uick{S}ilver Distributed File Services: An Architecture for Horizontal Growth", institution = "IBM Almaden Research Center", year = 1987, type = "Research Report", number = "RJ 5578 (56697)", address = "San Jose, CA (USA)", month = apr } @Misc{pro:exp:207, author = "M. Stella Atkins and Gamik Bobloian", title = "Efficient Reliable Multicast Communication in Distributed Systems", note = perso } @TechReport{con:exp:rep:208, author = "David P. Anderson and Dominico Ferrari and P. Venkat Rangan and Shin-Yuan Tzou", title = "The Dash Project: Issues in the Design of Very Large Distributed Systems", institution = "Computer Science Division {EECS}, University of California", year = 1987, number = "UCB/CSD 87/338", address = "Berkeley CA ({USA})", month = jan } @InProceedings{syn:209, author = "Barbara Blaustein and Micheal Siegel", title = "Correctness Conditions for Highly Available Replicated Databases", booktitle = podc5, year = 1986, pages = "11--28", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Vancouver ({Canada})" } @InProceedings{syn:210, author = "Clyde P. Kruskal and Larry Rudolph and Marc Snir", title = "Efficient Synchronization on Multiprocessors with Shared Memory", booktitle = podc5, year = 1986, pages = "218--228", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Vancouver {(Canada)}", month = aug } @InProceedings{syn:211, author = "Maurice Herlihy", title = "Optimistic Concurrency Control for Abstract Data Types", booktitle = podc5, year = 1986, pages = "206--217", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Vancouver {(Canada)}", month = aug } @TechReport{div:212, author = "Bertrand Meyer", title = "C\'{e}page: Towards Computer-Aided Design of Sofware", institution = "Interactive Software Engineering, Inc.", year = 1987, number = "TR-CE-7/GP", address = "Goleta CA ({USA)}", month = mar } @Article{exp:loo:213, author = "R. Balter and S. Krakowiak and M. Meysembourg and C. Roisin and X. Rousset de Pina and R. Scioville and G. Vand\^{o}me", title = "Principes de Conception du Syst\`{e}me R\'{e}parti {G}UIDE", journal = "Bigre+Globule no 52", year = 1986, pages = "3--23", month = dec } @InProceedings{app:214, author = "Lisa A. Call and David L. Cohrs and Barton P. Miller", title = "CLAM -- An Open System for Graphical User Interfaces", booktitle = "Proceedings of the OOPSLA'87 conference", year = 1987, editor = "Norman Meyrowitz", pages = "277--287", publisher = "ACM", address = "Orlando FL (USA)", month = oct } @TechReport{loo:rep:215, author = "Roland Balter", title = "Locally Distributed Operating Systems Analysis and Classification", institution = "Laboratoire de G\'{e}nie Informatique", year = 1986, number = "Comandos (834)", address = "Saint Martin d'H\`{e}res (France)", month = dec } @TechReport{syn:216, author = "A.D. Birrell and J.V. Guttag and J.J. Horning and R. Levin", title = "Synchronization Primitives for a Multiprocessor: A Formal Specification", institution = "Digital Systems Research Center", year = 1987, type = "Technical Report", number = 20, address = "Palo Alto, CA {(USA)}", month = aug } @TechReport{unix:217, author = "Paul R. McJones and Garret F. Swart", title = "Evolving the Unix System Interface to Support Multithreaded Programs", institution = "Digital Research Center", year = 1987, type = "Technical Report", number = 21, address = "Palo Alto, California {(USA)}", month = sep } @TechReport{div:218, author = "Luca Cardelli", title = "Building User Interface by Direct Manipulation", institution = "Digital Systems Research Center", year = 1987, type = "Technical Report", number = 22, address = "Palo Alto, {CA} {(USA)}", month = oct } @TechReport{loo:con:219, author = "Peter Wegner", title = "Workshop On Object-Oriented Programming", institution = "Brown University", year = 1987, type = "Technical Report", number = "CS-87-22", address = "Dept. of Computer Science, Providence, Rhode Island 02912", month = aug } @TechReport{loo:db:220, author = "Karen E. Smith and Stanley B. Zdonik", title = "Intermedia: A Case Study of the Differences Between Relational and Object-Oriented Database Systems", institution = "Brown University, Dept. Computer Science", year = 1987, type = "Technical Report", number = "CS-87-18", address = "Providence, RI (USA)" } @TechReport{loo:221, author = "Peter Wegner", title = "Dimensions of Object-Based Language Design", institution = "Brown University, Dept. Computer Science", year = 1987, type = "Technical Report", number = "CS-87-14", address = "Providence, RI (USA)", month = jul } @InProceedings{loo:222, title = "What is ``Object-Oriented Programming''?", author = "Bjarne Stroustrup", year = 1987, editor = "G. Goos and J. Hartmanis", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 276", booktitle = "Proc.\ European Conf.\ on Object-Oriented Programming", address = "Paris (France)", month = jun } @Article{con:loo:223, author = "Grady Booch", title = "Object-Oriented Development", journal = ieeese, year = 1986, volume = "SE-12", number = 2, pages = "211--221", month = feb } @InProceedings{app:224, author = "Butler W. Lampson", title = "Designing a Global Name Service", booktitle = podc5, year = 1986, pages = 10, organization = "ACM" } @TechReport{fic:pan:225, author = "Keith Marzullo and Frank Schmuck", title = "Supplying High Availability with a Standard Network File System", institution = "Department of Computer Science, Cornell University", year = 1987, type = "Technical Report", number = "87-888", address = "Ithaca, New York ({USA})", month = dec } @Misc{v:vm:226, author = "David R. Cheriton", title = "Effective Use of Large {RAM} Diskless Workstations with the {V} Virtual Memory System", year = 1987, month = feb, note = perso } @InProceedings{v:pro:227, author = "David R. Cheriton", title = "{VMTP}: A Transport Protocol for the Next Generation of Communication Systems", booktitle = "SICOMM'86 Conference", year = 1986, organization = "ACM", address = "Stowe, VT (USA)", month = aug } @InProceedings{noy:argus:228, author = "Barbara Liskov and Dorothy Curtis and Paul Johnson and Robert Scheifler", title = "Implementation of {A}rgus", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } % TechReport{mach:mv:229, % author = "Richard Rashid and Avadis Tevanian and Michael Young and David Young and Robert Baron and David Black and William Bolosky and Jonathan Chew", % title = "Machine-Independent Virtual Memory Management for Paged Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor Architectures", % institution = Carnegie, % year = 1987, % number = "CMU-CS-7-140", % address = pittsburgh, % month = jul %} @Article{exp:mv:229, author = "Richard Rashid and Avadis Tevanian and Michael Young and David Young and Robert Baron and David Black and William Bolosky and Jonathan Chew", title = "Machine-Independent Virtual Memory Management for Paged Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor Architectures", journal = ieeetc, year = 1988, volume = 37, number = 8, pages = "896--908", month = aug } @Article{mach:230, author = "Richard F. Rashid", title = "Threads of a New System", journal = "Unix Review", year = 1986, volume = 4, number = 8, pages = "37--49", month = aug } @Unpublished{mach:231, author = "Eric C. Cooper and Richard P. Draves", title = "C Threads", year = 1987, month = mar, note = perso } @TechReport{pro:exp:232, author = "Luis-Felipe Cabrera", title = "Improving Network Subsystem Performance in a Distributed Environment. A {B}erkeley Unix Case Study", institution = "IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center", year = 1987, type = "Research Report", number = "RJ 5719", address = "San Jose {CA} ({USA})", month = jun } % loo:rep:233 replaced by loo:rep:251 @TechReport{pro:234, author = "Barbara Liskov and Toby Bloom and David Gifford and Robert Scheifler and William Weihl", title = "Communication in the Mercury System", institution = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Computer Science", year = 1987, type = "Programming Methodology Group Memo", number = 59, address = "Cambridge, MA ({USA})", month = oct } @InProceedings{exp:het:235, author = "U. Hollberg and B. Mattes and A. Schill and H. Schmutz and B. Schoener and R. Staroste and W. Stoll", title = "Experience with the Development a Portable Network Operating System", booktitle = "Workshop on Experiences with Distributed Systems", year = 1987, address = "Heidelberg Federal Republic of Germany)", month = sep, note = "{T}o appear in {L}ecture {N}otes in {C}omp. Science (Springer Verlag)" } @Misc{app:236, author = "Philippe Flajolet", title = "Sur L'insertion de Diagrammes Dans un Texte", note = perso } @Misc{div:237, author = "Allan Gottlieb", title = "An Overview of the {NYU} Ultracomputer", year = 1986, month = jul } @Proceedings{app:argus:238, title = "Atomic Data Abstractions in a Distributed Collaborative Editing System (Extended Abstract)", year = 1986, editor = "Irene Greif and Robert Seliger and William Weihl", publisher = "13th Annual ACM Symp. on the Principles of Programming Languages", organization = "ACM", month = jan } @TechReport{loo:rep:239, author = "R. Balter and S. Krakowiak and M. Meysembourg and C. Roisin and X. Rousset de Pina and R. Scioville and G. Vando\^{o}me", title = "Principes de Conception du Syst\'{e}me d'Exploitation r\`{e}parti GUIDE", institution = "Laboratoire de G\'{e}nie Informatique", year = 1987, type = "Rapport Guide", number = "R1", address = "Saint-Martin-d'H\`{e}res (France)", month = apr } @TechReport{loo:rep:240, author = "S. Krakowiak and M. Meysembourg and M. Riveill and C. Roisin", title = "Mod\`{e}le d'Objets et Langage du Syst\`{e}me Guide", institution = "Laboratoire de G\'{e}nie Informatique", year = 1987, type = "Rapport Guide", number = "R2", address = "Saint-Martin-d'H\`{e}res ({France})", month = nov } @InProceedings{pro:rpc:clu:241, author = "J.M. Bacon and K.G. Hamilton", title = "Distributed Computing with RPC: the Cambridge Approach", booktitle = "IFIP Conference on Distributed Processing", year = 1987, pages = "1--14", address = "Amsterdam", month = oct } @InProceedings{exp:pro:dis:242, author = "Robbert van Renesse and Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Hans Van Staveren and Jane Hall", title = "Connecting {RPC}-Based Distributed Systems Using Wide-Area Networks", booktitle = icdcs7, year = 1987, pages = "28--34", organization = "IEEE", address = "Berlin", month = oct } @TechReport{loo:syn:243, author = "R.C.B. Cooper and K.G. Hamilton", title = "Preserving Abstraction in Concurrent Programming", institution = "University of Cambridge", year = 1985, type = "Technical Report", number = 76, address = "Cambridge CB2 3QG, England", month = aug } @Article{fic:loo:244, author = "Mark F. Hornick and Stanley B. Zdonik", title = "A Shared, Segmented Memory System for an Object-Oriented Database", journal = "ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems", year = 1987, volume = 5, number = 1, pages = "70--95", month = jan } @Misc{alg:245, author = "David G. Korn and Kiem-Phong Vo", title = "In Search of a Better Malloc" } @Article{bd:loo:246, author = "Mark F. Hornick and Stanley B. Zdonik", title = "A Shared, Segmented Memory System for an Object-Oriented Database", journal = "ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems", year = 1987, volume = 5, number = 1, pages = "71--95", month = jan } @InProceedings{pro:loc:247, author = "Byung G. Kim", title = "A Distributed {FCFS} Access Protocol in a {CSMA/CD} Network for Synchronous Voice Traffic", booktitle = icdcs7, year = 1987, pages = "90--95", organization = "IEEE", address = "Berlin (West, Germany)", month = oct } @InProceedings{pan:rt:248, author = "Prof. Dr. H. Kopetz", title = "Tutorial no.5: {R}eal Time Systems and Fault-Tolerance", booktitle = icdcs7, year = 1987, organization = "IEEE", address = "Berlin (West, Germany)", month = sep } @InProceedings{pan:rep:249, author = "Dr. F. Cristian", title = "Tutorial no. 2: {H}ighly Available Distributed Systems", booktitle = icdcs7, year = 1987, organization = "IEEE", address = "Berlin (West), Germany", month = sep } @Misc{v:pan:250, author = "David R. Cheriton", title = "Distributed Atomic Transaction Management in a Workstation Cluster" } @Misc{loo:rep:251, author = "Roland Balter and Jacques Bernadat and Andr\'{e} Freyssinet and Eric Paire and G\'{e}rard Vand\^{o}me", title = "Syst\`{e}me Distribu\'{e}s Architecture Orient\'{e}e Objet", howpublished = "Dans le cadre du Projet COMANDOS", year = 1987, month = nov, note = "Rapport Final" } @InProceedings{fic:pan:252, author = "John L. Caroll and Darrell D. E. Long and Jehan-Francois P\^{a}ris", title = "Bock-Level Consistency of Replicated Files", booktitle = icdcs7, year = 1987, pages = "146--153", organization = "IEEE", address = "Belin, (West) Germany", month = oct } @InProceedings{alg:diff:253, author = "Noga Alon and Amnon Barak and Udi Manber", title = "On Disseminating Information Reliably Without Broadcasting", booktitle = icdcs7, year = 1987, pages = "74--81", organization = "IEEE", address = "Berlin, (West) Germany", month = oct } % exp:loo:254 remplace par exp:loo:276 @Article{pan:con:syn:255, author = "Maurice Herlihy", title = "Concurrency Versus Availability: Atomicity Mechanisms for Replicated Data", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1987, volume = 5, number = 3, pages = "249--274", month = aug } @Article{argus:256, author = "Barbara Liskov and Robert Scheifler", title = "Guardians and Actions: Linguistic Support for Robust, Distributed Programs", journal = "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems", year = 1988, volume = 5, number = 3, pages = "381--404", month = jul } @TechReport{loo:pro:257, author = "Barbara Liskov and Liuba Shrira", title = "Promises: An Efficient Procedure Call Mechanism for Distributed Systems", institution = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for Computer Science", year = 1987, type = "Programming Methodology Group Memo", number = 60, address = "Cambridge, MA 02139", month = nov } @TechReport{con:syn:258, author = "Leslie Lamport", title = "Synchronizing Time Servers", institution = "Digital Systems Research Center", year = 1987, number = 18, address = "Palo Alto, CA ({USA}) ", month = jun } @TechReport{div:259, author = "INESC", title = "Images - Programmer's Manual", institution = "Inesc", year = 1988, type = "SOMIW (Esprit 367) Report", address = "Rue Alves Redol 9-2, 1000 - Lisboa, {Portugal}", month = jan } @InCollection{app:260, author = "S.K. Shrivastava", title = "Replicated Distributed Processing", booktitle = "Networking in Open Systems", publisher = "Spinger Verlag (Lecture Notes in CS no.~248)", year = 1986, pages = "326--337", address = "Autriche", month = aug } @TechReport{div:261, author = "Alves Marques, Jos\'{e} and Pinto Simoes, Luis and Nuno M. Guimaraes and Luis Carrico", title = "Interface Manager and Generator for Somiw", institution = "INESC", year = 1988, type = "SOMIW (Esprit 367) Report", number = "10\slash R4", address = "Rue Alves Redol 9-2, 1000 - Lisboa, (Portugal)", month = jan } @InProceedings{loo:pan:262, author = "Maurice P. Herlihy and Jeannette M. Wing", title = "{A}valon: Language Support for Reliable Distributed Systems", booktitle = "Fault Tolerant Computing Symposium 17", year = 1987, pages = "89--94", organization = "IEEE", address = pittsburgh, month = jul } %TechReport{loo:exp:263, % author = "David Detlefs and Maurice Herlihy and Jeannette Wing", % title = "Inheritance of Synchronization and Recovery % Properties in Avalon\slash C++", % institution = Carnegie, % year = 1987, % number = "CM-CS-87-133", % address = pittsburgh, % month = mar %} @Article{loo:exp:263, author = "David Detlefs and Maurice Herlihy and Jeannette Wing", title = "Inheritance of Synchronization and Recovery Properties in {A}valon\slash {C}++", journal = "Computer", year = 1988, volume = 21, number = 12, pages = "57--69", month = dec } @TechReport{loo:fic:264, author = "A. Freyssinet and R. Scioville and G. Vand\^{o}me", title = "Gestion des Objets Persistants dans le Syst\`{e}me {G}uide", institution = "Laboratoire de G\'{e}nie Informatique", year = 1987, number = "R-4", address = "Saint-Martin-d'H\`{e}res (France)", month = dec } @TechReport{loo:con:265, author = "R. Balter and J. Bernadat and D. Decouchant and S. Krakowiak and M. Riveill and X. Rousset de Pina", title = "Mod\`{e}le d'Ex\'{e}cution du Syst\`{e}me Guide", institution = "Laboratoire de G\'{e}nie Informatique", year = 1987, number = "R-3", address = "Saint-Martin-d'H\`{e}res (France)", month = dec } @Article{pro:pan:266, author = "Fabio Panzieri and Santosh K. Shrivastava", title = "Rajdoot: A Remote Procedure Call Mechanism Supporting Orphan Detection and Killing", journal = ieeese, year = 1988, volume = 14, number = 1, pages = "30--37", month = jan } @Article{con:267, author = "Nazim H. Madhavji", title = "Fragtypes: A Basis for Programming Environments", journal = ieeese, year = 1988, volume = 14, number = 1, pages = "85--97", month = jan } @Article{fic:rep:268, author = "Mario Papageorgiou", title = "Le Syst\`{e}me de Gestion de Fichiers R\'{e}parti dans {C}horus", journal = tsi, year = 1988, volume = 7, number = 4, month = may } @TechReport{loo:pan:269, author = "G.N. Dixon and S.K. Shrivastava", title = "Exploiting Type Inheritance Facilities to Implement Recoverability in Object Based Systems", institution = "University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne", year = 1986, number = 223, address = "Newcastle Upon Tyne, England", month = oct } @TechReport{mat:270, author = "Charles P. Thacker and Lawrence C. Stewart and Edwin Satterthwaite, Jr., H.", title = "Firefly: A Multiprocessor Workstation", institution = "Digital Research Center", year = 1987, number = 23, address = "Palo Alto, CA {USA}", month = dec } @Article{het:271, author = "David Notkin and Andrew P. Black and Edward D. Lazowska and Henry M. Levy and Jan Sanislo and John Zahorjan", title = "Interconnecting Heterogeneous Computer Systems", journal = "{ACM}", year = 1988, volume = 31, number = 3, pages = "258--273", month = mar } @Article{exp:syn:272, author = "Stuart, R. and David L. Parnas", title = "On Synchronization in Hard-Real-Time Systems", journal = "{ACM}", year = 1988, volume = 31, number = 3, pages = "274--287", month = mar } @Article{rep:fic:273, author = "David K. Gifford and Roger M. Needham and Michael D. Schroeder", title = "The {C}edar File System", journal = cacm, year = 1988, volume = 31, number = 3, pages = "288--298", month = mar } @Article{argus:274, author = "Barbara Liskov", title = "Distributed Programming in {ARGUS}", journal = "{ACM}", year = 1988, volume = 31, number = 3, pages = "300--312", month = mar } @Article{v:275, author = "David R. Cheriton", title = "The {V} Distributed System", journal = "{ACM}", year = 1988, volume = 31, number = 3, pages = "314--333", month = mar } %TechReport{do:exp:pan:276, % author = "Partha Dasgupta and Leblanc, Jr., Richard J. and William F. Appelbe", % title = "The Clouds Distributed Operating Systems: Functional Description, Implementation Details and Related Work.", % institution = "Institute of Technology", % year = 1987, % number = "GIT-ICS-87/42", % address = "Atlanta, {GA} 30332 {USA}" %} @InProceedings{exp:loo:276, author = "Partha Dasgupta and Leblanc, Jr., Richard J. and William F. Appelbe", title = "The Clouds Distributed Operating Systems: Functional Description, Implementation Details and Related Work.", booktitle = icdcs8, year = 1988, pages = "2--9", organization = "{(IEEE)}", address = "S. Jos\'{e} CA {(USA)}", month = jun } @TechReport{alg:mat:277, author = "John R. Ellis and Kai Li and Andrew W. Appel", title = "{R}eal-time Concurrent Collection on stock Multiprocessors", institution = "Digital Research Center", year = 1988, number = 25, address = "Palo Alto, CA ({USA})", month = feb } @TechReport{pro:sos:278, author = "Mesaac Makpangou and Marc Shapiro", title = "The {SOS} object-oriented communication service", institution = inria, year = 1988, type = "Rapport de Recherche", number = 801, address = "Rocquencourt, Le Chesnay ({F}rance)", month = mar } @Article{exp:rep:279, author = "F.A. Vaughan and C.D. Marlin and C.J. Barter", title = "A Distributed Operating System Kernel for a Closely-Coupled Multiprocessor", journal = "Australian Computer Science Communications", year = 1988, volume = 10, number = 1, month = feb } @InProceedings{exp:280, author = "David Leo Presotto", title = "Plan 9 from {B}ell {L}abs -- The Network", booktitle = "{EUUG} Spring '88", year = 1988, pages = "15--21", organization = "{EUUG}", address = "London", month = apr } @Unpublished{exp:loo:pan:281, author = "Eugene H. Spafford", title = "Architecture and Operation Invocation in the {C}louds Kernel", note = "Personal communication" } @InProceedings{loo:exp:282, author = "Bjarne Stroustrup and Jonathan E. Shopiro", title = "A Set of {C++} Classes for Co-Routine Style Programming", booktitle = "Proceedings and Additional Papers, {C++} Workshop", year = 1987, page = "417--439", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{loo:C++:283, author = "Keith E. Gorlen", title = "An Object-Oriented Class Library for {C++} Programs", booktitle = "Proceedings and additional papers, {C++} Workshop", year = 1987, page = "181--208", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{loo:C++:284, author = "Bjarne Stroustrup", title = "What is Object-Oriented Programming?", booktitle = "Proceedings and Additional Papers, {C++} Workshop", year = 1987, page = "159--180", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{loo:exp:285, author = "Jonathan E. Shopiro", title = "Extending the {C++} Task System for Real-Time Control", booktitle = "Proceedings and additional papers, {C++} workshop", year = 1987, page = "77--94", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{loo:C++:286, author = "Philippe Gautron and Marc Shapiro", title = "Two extensions to {C++}: A Dynamic Link Editor and Inner data", booktitle = "Proceeding and additional papers, {C++} Workshop", year = 1987, page = "23--34", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{loo:C++:287, author = "Bjarne Stroustrup", title = "The Evolution of {C++}~: 1985 to 1987", booktitle = "Proceedings and Additional Papers, {C++} Workshop", year = 1987, page = "1--22", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{exp:loo:288, author = "Roy Campbell and Vincent Russo and Gary Johnston", title = "The Design of a Multiprocessor Operating System", booktitle = "Proceedings and additional papers, {C++} workshop", year = 1987, page = "109--125", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{loo:289, author = "Tsvi Bar-David", title = "Teaching {C++}", booktitle = "Proceedings and additional papers, {C++} workshop", year = 1987, page = "232--237", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{loo:C++:290, author = "Bjarne Stroustrup", title = "Possible Directions for {C++}", booktitle = "Proceedings and Additional Papers, {C++} Workshop", year = 1987, page = "399--416", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @TechReport{fic:loo:291, author = "John Wilkes", title = "Entities", institution = "Hewlett-Packard", year = 1988, number = "ACS-88-32", address = "Palo Alto, CA {USA}", month = apr } @Article{alg:292, author = "Per-Ake Larson", title = "Dynamic Hash Tables", journal = cacm, year = 1988, volume = 31, number = 4, pages = "446--457", month = apr } @InProceedings{prs:293, author = "S. C. Crawley", title = "An Object-Based File System for Large-Scale Applications", booktitle = "Software Engineering Environments", year = 1986, editor = "I. Somerville", publisher = "Peter Peregrinus Ltd.", address = "Lancaster University, England", month = apr } @Misc{prs:294, author = "H. J. Barman and S. C. Crawley", title = "Flexibility in a Persistent Object-Based Type System", address = "University of Cambridge, England" } @Article{fic:rep:295, author = "Michael D. Schroeder and David K. Gifford and Roger M. Needham", title = "A Caching File System for a Programmer's Workstation", journal = "Operating Systems Review", year = 1985, volume = 19, number = 5, pages = "25--34", month = dec } @Article{div:296, author = "John K. Ousterhout and Herv\'{e} Da Costa and David Harrison and John A. Kunze and Mike Kupfer and James G. Thompson", title = "A Trace-Driven Analysis of the Unix 4.2 {BSD} File System", journal = "Operating Systems Review", year = 1985, volume = 19, number = 5, pages = "15--24", month = dec } @Article{svy:exp:rep:297, author = "A. S. Tanenbaum and van Renesse, R.", title = "Distributed Operating Systems", journal = acmcs, year = 1985, volume = 17, number = 4, pages = "419--470", month = dec } @Article{exp:rep:298, author = "S. J. Mullender and A. S. Tanenbaum", title = "The Design of a Capability-Based Distributed Operating System", journal = "The Computer Journal", year = 1986, volume = 29, number = 4, pages = "77--100", month = mar } @InProceedings{exp:rep:299, author = "A. S. Tanenbaum and S. J. Mullender and van Renesse, R.", title = "Using Sparse Capabilities in a Distributed Operating System", booktitle = "Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems", year = 1986, pages = "558--563", organization = "IEEE", month = may } @InProceedings{fic:atm:300, author = "S. J. Mullender and A. S. Tanenbaum", title = "A Distributed File Service Based on Optimistic Concurrency Control", booktitle = sosp10, year = 1985, pages = "365--368", organization = "ACM", address = "Orcas Island, WA (USA)", month = dec } @Article{fic:301, author = "S.J. Mullender and A. S. Tanenbaum", title = "Immediate Files", journal = "Software---Practice and Experience", year = 1984, volume = 14, number = 4, pages = "365--368", month = apr } @InProceedings{het:302, author = "Sape J. Mullender and Robbert van Renesse", title = "Accommodating Heterogeneity in the {A}moeba Distributed System", booktitle = "Proc.\ of {SOSP} Heterogeneity Workshop", year = 1985, organization = "ACM", address = "Orcas Island, Washington, ({USA})", month = dec } @Book{div:303, author = "{Adobe Systems Incorporated}", title = "{P}ost{S}cript Language Reference Manual", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = 1985, month = dec } @TechReport{alg:304, author = "Leslie Lamport", title = "Concurrent Reading and Writing of Clocks", institution = "DEC Systems Reseach Center", year = 1988, number = 27, address = "Palo Alto, CA (USA)", month = apr } @TechReport{pro:pan:305, author = "Thomas A. Joseph and Kenneth P. Birman", title = "Reliable Broadcast Protocols", institution = "Dept.\ of Comp.\ Sc., Cornell University", year = 1988, number = "TR 88--918", address = "Ithaca, New York ({USA})", month = jun } @Article{fic:306, author = "Jason Gait", title = "The Optical File Cabinet: A Random-Access File System for Write-Once Optical Disks", journal = "Computer", year = 1988, volume = 21, number = 6, pages = "11--22", month = jun } @InProceedings{nom:307, author = "Karen R. Sollins and David D. Clark", title = "Distributed Name Management", booktitle = "Message Handling Systems", year = 1988, editor = "R. Speth", pages = "97--115", organization = "IFIP", publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)" } @PhdThesis{div:308, author = "Stephen C. Vestal", title = "Garbage Collection: An Exercise in Distributed, Fault-Tolerant Programming", school = "Dept.\ of Comp.\ Sc., U.\ of Washington", year = 1987, address = "Seattle WA (USA)", month = jan } @TechReport{exp:rep:309, author = "M. Rozier and V. Abrossimov and F. Armand and M. Gien and M. Guillemont and F. Hermann and C. Kaiser and P. Leonard and S. Langlois and W. Neuhauser", title = "Overview of the Chorus Distributed Operating System", institution = "Chorus Syst\`{e}mes", year = 1988, number = "CS/TR-88-7", address = "Montigny-le-Bretonneux (France)", month = jun } @TechReport{rep:alg:310, author = "Kenneth P. Birman and Thomas A. Joseph", title = "Exploiting Replication", institution = "Dept.\ of Comp.\ Sc., Cornell University", year = 1988, number = "TR 88--917", address = "Ithaca, New York ({USA})", month = jun } @Article{het:311, author = "Brian N. Bershad and Henry M. Levy", title = "A Remote Computation Facility for a Heterogeneous Environment", journal = "Computer", year = 1988, volume = 21, number = 5, pages = "50--60", month = may } @PhdThesis{fic:rep:312, author = "Mario Papageorgiou", title = "Les Syst\`{e}mes de Gestion de Fichiers R\'{e}partis", school = "Universit\'{e} Paris~VI", year = 1988, month = jan, address = "4, pl. Jussieu, Paris (France)" } @Article{svy:exp:rep:313, author = "Sacha Krakowiak", title = "Les Syst\`{e}mes d'exploitation r\'{e}partis~: \'{e}volution r\'{e}cente et tendances de la recherche", journal = tsi, year = 1987, volume = 6, number = 2, pages = "151--161" } @InProceedings{pro:sos:314, author = "Mesaac Makpangou and Marc Shapiro", title = "The {SOS} Object-Oriented Communication Service", booktitle = "Proc.\ 9th Int.\ Conf.\ on Computer Communication", year = 1988, address = "Tel Aviv (Israel)", month = "October--November" } @InProceedings{sos:315, author = "Marc Shapiro", title = "The Design of a Distributed Object-Oriented Operating System for Office Applications", booktitle = "Proc.\ Esprit Technical Week 1988", year = 1988, address = "Brussels (Belgium)", month = nov } @InProceedings{dbg:316, author = "Barton P. Miller and Jong-Deok Choi", title = "A Mechanism for Efficient Debugging of Parallel Programs", booktitle = "Proc.\ of the SIGPLAN'88 Conf.\ on Programming Language Design and Implementation", year = 1988, pages = "135--144", organization = "ACM", address = "Atlanta, GA (USA)", month = jun } @Article{pro:317, author = "Gifford, David K. and Nathan Glasser", title = "Remote Pipes and Procedures for Efficient Distributed Communication", journal = toplas, year = 1988, volume = 6, number = 3, pages = "258--283", month = aug } @InProceedings{dbg:318, author = "Janice M. Stone", title = "Debugging Concurrent Processes: a Case Study", booktitle = "Proc.\ of the SIGPLAN'88 Conf.\ on Programming Language Design and Implementation", year = 1988, pages = "145--153", organization = "ACM", address = "Atlanta, GA (USA)", month = jun } @Article{rep:div:319, author = "Jonathan M. Smith", title = "A Survey of Process Migration Mechanisms", journal = "Operating Systems Review", year = 1988, volume = 22, number = 3, pages = "28--40", month = jul } @Article{prs:alg:320, author = "James W. Stamos", title = "Static Grouping of Small Objects to Enhance Performance of a Paged Virtual Memory", journal = tocs, year = 1984, volume = 2, number = 2, pages = "155--180", month = may } @InProceedings{pro:sos:321, author = "Makpangou, Mesaac Mounchili", title = "Invocations d'objets distants dans {SOS}", booktitle = "De Nouvelles Architectures pour les Communications", year = 1988, editor = "Guy Pujolle", pages = "195--201", publisher = "Eyrolles", address = "Paris (France)", month = oct } @PhdThesis{pro:exp:322, author = "Azzeddine Mzouri", title = "Les protocoles de communication dans un syst\`{e}me d'exploitation r\'{e}parti", school = "Universit\'{e} de Paris-Sud centre d'Orsay", year = 1988, month = jan } @Article{div:323, author = "Robert Courts", title = "Improving locality of reference in a garbage-collecting memory management system", journal = cacm, year = 1988, volume = 31, number = 9, pages = "1128--1138", month = sep } @InProceedings{prot:rpc:324, author = "Andrew S. Tanenbaum and van Renesse, Robbert", title = "A Critique of the Remote Procedure Call Paradigm", booktitle = "Proc.\ of the EUTECO'88 Conf.", year = 1988, editor = "R. Speth", pages = "775--783", publisher = "North-Holland", address = "Vienna, Austria", month = apr, note = "Available as Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam TR--123" } @InProceedings{prs:pan:325, author = "Colin Low", title = "A Shared, Persistent Object Store", booktitle = "Proc.\ of the 1988 European Conf.\ on Object-Oriented Programming", year = 1988, publisher = "Springer-Verlag", month = sep } @InProceedings{pro:syn:326, author = "Babao{\v{g}}lu, {\"O}zalp and Rog\'erio Drummond", title = "(Almost) No Cost Clock Synchronization", booktitle = "Fault Tolerant Computing Symp., FTCS--17", year = 1987, pages = "42--47", organization = "{IEEE}", address = pittsburgh, month = jul } @Article{svy:exp:rep:327, author = "Legatheaux Martins, Jos\'{e} and Yolande Berbers", title = "La d\'{e}signation dans les syst\`{e}mes d'exploitation r\'{e}partis", journal = tsi, year = 1988, volume = 7, number = 4, pages = "360--372" } @TechReport{pro:rep:328, author = "Frank Bernhard Schmuck", title = "The Use of Efficient Broadcast Protocols in Asynchronous Distributed Systems", institution = "Dept.\ of C.S., Cornell U.", year = 1988, number = "TR 88--928", address = "Ithaca, NY ({USA})", month = aug } @InProceedings{pro:exp:lan:329, author = "Alan R. Downing and Gerald J. Popek", title = "Protocols for a Transparent, Internet, Distributed Operating System", booktitle = "Computer Networking Symp.", year = 1988, pages = "313--321", organization = "{IEEE}" } @Misc{prs:db:330, author = "Daniel Weinreb and Neal Feinberg and Dan Gerson and Charles Lamb", title = "An Object-Oriented Database System to Support an Integrated Programming Environment", year = 1988, month = feb } @TechReport{div:331, author = "Russell W. Quong and Mark A. Linton", title = "Linking Programs Incrementally", institution = "Comp.\ Systems Lab., Stanford University", year = 1987, number = "CSL-TR-87-341", address = "Stanford CA (USA)", month = dec } @Misc{rep:dbg:332, author = "Mark A. Linton", title = "Integrated Debugging in a Loosely-Coupled Environment" } @Article{div:333, author = "Michael L. Scott and Raphael A. Finkel", title = "A Simple Mechanism for Type Security Across Compilation Units", journal = ieeese, year = 1988, volume = 14, number = 8, pages = "1238--1239", month = aug } @Article{app:loo:334, author = "Mark A. Linton", title = "Distributed Management of a Software Database", journal = "IEEE Software", year = 1987, pages = "70--76" } @InProceedings{app:335, author = "Douglas Comer and Jim Griffoen and Rajendra Yavatkar", title = "Shadow Editing: A Distributed Service for Supercomputer Access", booktitle = icdcs8, year = 1988, pages = "215--221", organization = "{IEEE}", address = "San Jos\'{e}, CA({USA})", month = jun } @InProceedings{exp:prs:336, author = "David V. Pitts and Partha Dasgupta", title = "Object Memory and Storage Management in the {\em Clouds} Kernel", booktitle = icdcs8, year = 1988, pages = "10--17", organization = "{IEEE}", address = "San Jos\'{e}, CA{(USA)}", month = jun } @InProceedings{pro:diff:337, author = "Hector Garcia-Molina and Boris Kogan", title = "Reliable Broadcast in Networks with Nonprogrammable Servers", booktitle = icdcs8, year = 1988, pages = "428--437", organization = "{IEEE}", address = "San Jos\'{e}, CA{(USA)}", month = jun } @InProceedings{pro:diff:338, author = "S. Navaratnam and S. Chanson and G. Neufeld", title = "Reliable Group Communication in Distributed Systems", booktitle = icdcs8, year = 1988, pages = "439--447", organization = "{IEEE}", address = "San Jos\'{e}, CA{(USA)}", month = jun } @InProceedings{dbg:rep:339, author = "Barton P. Miller and Jong-Deok Choi", title = "Breakpoints and Halting in Distributed Programs", booktitle = icdcs8, year = 1988, pages = "316--323", organization = "{IEEE}", address = "San Jos\'{e}, CA{(USA)}", month = jun } @TechReport{loo:syn:340, author = "Maurice P. Herlihy and Jeannette M. Wing", title = "Linearizability: A Correctness Condition for Concurrent Objects", institution = Carnegie, year = 1988, number = "CMU-CS-88-120", address = pittsburgh, month = "mar" } @TechReport{prs:341, author = "Crawley, Stephen Christopher", title = "The {E}ntity System: An Object-Based Filing System", institution = "University of Cambridge", year = 1986, number = 86, address = "Cambridge, England {(GB)}", month = apr } @InProceedings{rep:con:loo:342, author = "Kentaro Shimizu and Mamoru Maekawa and Jun Hamano", title = "Hierarchical Object Groups in Distributed Operating Systems", booktitle = icdcs8, year = 1988, pages = "18--24", organization = "{IEEE}", address = "San Jos\'{e}, CA{(USA)}", month = jun } % TechReport{app:rep:343, % author = "E. H. Baalbergen", % title = "Design and Implementation of Parallel Make", % institution = "Dept.\ of Math. and Computer Science", % year = 1987, % number = "IR-141", % address = "Amsterdam (The Netherlands)", % month = dec %} @Article{app:rep:343, author = "E. H. Baalbergen", title = "Design and Implementation of Parallel Make", journal = "Computing Systems", year = 1988, volume = 1, number = 2, pages = "135--158" } @TechReport{rep:sec:344, author = "Bennet S. Yee and J. D. Tygar and Alfred Z. Spector", title = "Strongbox: A Self-Securing Protection System for Distributed Programs", institution = Carnegie, year = 1988, number = "CMU-CS-87-184", address = pittsburgh, month = jan } @TechReport{fic:sec:345, author = "M. Satyanarayanan", title = "Integrating Security in a Large Distributed System", institution = Carnegie, year = 1987, number = "CMU-CS-87-179", address = pittsburgh, month = nov } @InProceedings{div:346, author = "Attardi, G. and Baldi, A. and Boni, U. and Carignani, E. and Cozzi, G. and Pellegrin, A. and Durocher, E. and Filotti, I. and Wang Qing and Hunter, M. and Marks, J. and Richarson, C. and Watson, A.", title = "Techniques for Dynamic Software Migration", booktitle = "Esprit '88, Proc.\ of the 5th Annual Esprit Conference", year = 1988, editor = "Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General Telecommunications, Information Industries and Innovation", pages = "475--491", publisher = "North-Holland", month = nov } @InProceedings{C++:347, author = "S. B. Lippman and B. Stroustrup", title = "Pointers to Class Members in C++", booktitle = "Proc.\ C++ Conference", year = 1988, pages = "305--323", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = oct } @InProceedings{con:348, author = "Andrew Schulert and Kate Erl", title = "Open Dialogue: Using an Extensible Retained Object Workspace to Support a {UIMS}", booktitle = "Proc.\ C++ Conference", year = 1988, pages = "53--63", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = oct } @InProceedings{exp:noy:349, author = "Gary M. Johnston and Roy H. Campbell", title = "A Multiprocessor Operating System Simulator", booktitle = "Proc.\ C++ Conference", year = 1988, pages = "169--181", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = oct } @InProceedings{con:350, author = "Douglas Lea", title = "Libg++, The {GNU} {C++} Library", booktitle = "Proc.\ C++ Conference", year = 1988, pages = "243--255", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = oct } @InProceedings{C++:351, author = "Bjarne Stroustrup", title = "Parameterized Types for C++", booktitle = "Proc.\ C++ Conference", year = 1988, pages = "1--18", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = oct } @TechReport{div:352, author = "Eugene H. Spafford", title = "The Internet Worm Program: An Analysis", institution = "Dept.\ of Math.\ and Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "CSD-TR-823", address = "West Lafayette, ({USA)}", month = nov } @InProceedings{div:353, author = "R\'{e}gis Minot and Pierre Coucoureux and Hubert Zimmermann and Jean-Jacques Germond and Paolo Alvari and Vincenzo Ambriola and Ted Dowling", title = "The Spirit of {A}phrodite", booktitle = "Esprit '88, Proc.\ of the 5th Annual Esprit Conference", year = 1988, editor = "Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General Telecommunications, Information Industries and Innovation", pages = "519--539", publisher = "North-Holland", month = nov } @TechReport{lan:rep:354, author = "H. E. Bal and J. G. Steiner and A. S. Tanenbaum", title = "Progamming Languages for Distributed Systems", institution = "Dept.\ of Math. and Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "IR-147", address = "Amsterdam (The Netherlands)", month = feb } @Misc{fic:355, author = "van Renesse, Robbert and Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Annita Wilschut", title = "The Design of a High-Performance File Server" } year = 1988 @TechReport{lan:rep:356, author = "H. E. Bal and A. S. Tanenbaum", title = "Orca: A Language for Distributed Object-Based Programming", institution = "Dept.\ of Math.\ and Computer Science", year = 1987, number = "IR-140", address = "Amsterdam (The Netherlands)", month = dec } @Article{exp:perf:357, author = "van Renesse, Robbert and Hans van, Staveren and Andrew S. Tanenbaum", title = "The Performance of the {A}moeba Distributed Operating System", journal = "Software -- Practice and Experience", year = 1989, note = toappear } @InProceedings{con:rep:358, author = "Henri E. Bal and Robbert Van Renesse and Andrew S. Tanenbaum", title = "Implementing Distributed Algorithms Using Remote Procedure Calls", booktitle = "Proc. AFIPS Nat. Computer Conf.", year = 1987, editor = "AFIPS Press", pages = "499--505", address = "Chicago", month = jun } @InProceedings{con:rep:359, author = "Henri E. Bal and Andrew S. Tanenbaum", title = "Distributed Programming With Shared Data", booktitle = "Proceedings of ICCL", year = 1988, pages = "82--91", organization = "IEEE", publisher = "Computer Society Press", address = "Miami, FL", month = oct } @Misc{exp:360, author = "Andrew S. Tanenbaum and van Renesse, Robbert and Hans van Staveren and Sape J. Mullender", title = "A Retrospective and Evaluation of the {A}moeba Distributed Operating System", year = 1980, month = dec } @Misc{exp:361, author = "Sape J. Mullender and Jack Jansen and Guido Van Rossum", title = "{A}moeba Kernel Interface Specification", year = 1988, month = dec } @TechReport{lan:362, author = "Luca Cardelli and James Donahue and Lucille Glassman and Mick Jordan and Bill Kalsow and Greg Nelson", title = "Modula-3 Report", institution = "Olivetti Research Center", year = 1988, number = "ORC-1", address = "Menlo Park, California", note = "{A}lso available as Digital SRC Technical Report no. 31" } @Article{prs:363, author = "R. Morrison and M.P. Atkinson and A.L. Brown and A. Dearle", title = "Bindings in Persistent Programming Languages", journal = "SIGPLAN Notices", pages = "27--34", volume = 23, number = 4, year = 1988, month = apr } @Article{lan:364, author = "R. E. Gantenbein and D. W. Jones", title = "The Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Binding Feature for a High-Level Language", journal = "The Journal of Systems and Software", year = 1988, volume = 8, pages = "259--273" } @Manual{os:lib:365, title = "Guide to the {C}amelot Distributed Transaction Facility: Release 1", organization = "Carnegie-Mellon University", address = "Pittsburgh PA (USA)", year = 1988, month = May, note = "A. Z. Spector and K. R. Swedlow, editors." } @Article{loo:366, author = "Luca Cardelli and Peter Wegner", title = "On understanding Types, Data Abstraction, and Polymorphism", journal = "Computing Surveys", year = 1985, volume = 17, number = 4, pages = "472--522", month = dec } @InProceedings{chap:perf:367, author = "Bertil Folliot and Michel Ruffin", title = "{GATOS}, G\'{e}rant de T\^{a}ches dans un Syst`{e}me Distribu'{e}", booktitle = "Actes Convention Unix 89", year = 1989, pages = "55--72", organization = "{AFUU}", address = "Paris", month = mar } @Article{dbg:368, author = "Thomas J. Leblanc and Barton P. Miller", title = "Summary of {ACM} Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging", journal = "Operating Systems Review", year = 1988, volume = 22, number = 4, pages = "7--19", month = oct } @Article{alg:369, author = "Phil Kearns", title = "A Correct and Unrestrictive Implementation of General Semaphores", journal = "Operating Systems Review", year = 1988, volume = 22, number = 4, pages = "46--48", month = oct } @InCollection{prs:rep:370, author = "Harry H. Porter and Earl F. Ecklund and Denise J. Ecklund and T. Lougenia Anderson and Bruce Schneider", title = "A Distributed Object Server", booktitle = "Advances in Object-Oriented Database Systems", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", year = 1988, editor = "K.R. Dittrich", chapter = 334, pages = "44--59", month = sep } @InProceedings{sos:prs:371, author = "Marc Shapiro and Laurence Mosseri", title = "A simple object storage system", booktitle = "Proc.\ Workshop on persistent object systems", year = 1988, pages = "320--327", editor = "J. Rosenberg", address = "Newcastle NSW (Australia)", month = jan } @TechReport{alg:372, author = "Henry Massalin and Calton Pu", title = "File-grain Scheduling", institution = "Dept.\ of Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "381-88", address = "New York, {(USA)}", month = nov } @Misc{mv:loo:373, author = "P. Broessler and F.A. Henskens and J.L. Keedy and J. Rosenberg", title = "Addressing Objects in a Very Large Distributed Virtual Memory" } @TechReport{exp:noy:loo:374, author = "Vincent Russo and Gary Johnston and Roy Compbell", title = "Process Management and Exception Handling in Multiprocessor Operating Systems Using Object-Oriented Design Techniques", institution = "Department of Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "R-88-1415", address = "Urbana, Illinois {(USA)}", month = sep } @TechReport{exp:mvloo:375, author = "Roy Campbell and Vincent Russo and Gary Johnston", title = "A Class Hierarchical, Object-Oriented Approach to Virtual Memory Management in Multiprocessor Operating Systems", institution = "Department of Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "R-88-1459", address = "Urbana, Illinois {(USA)}", month = sep } @TechReport{exp:fic:loo:376, author = "Peter W. Madany and Douglas E. Leyens and Vincent F. Russo and Roy H. Campbell", title = "A {C++} Class Hierarchy for Building Unix-Like File Systems", institution = "Department of Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "R-88-1462", address = "Urbana, Illinois {(USA)}", month = sep } @TechReport{exp:loo:377, author = "Gary M. Johnston and Roy H. Campbell", title = "A Multiprocessor Operating System Simulator", institution = "Department of Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "R-88-1460", address = "Urbana, Illinois {(USA)}", month = sep } @TechReport{perf:378, author = "Allen D. Malony and Daniel A. Reed", title = "Visualizing Parallel Computer System Performance", institution = "Department of Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "R-88-1465", address = "Urbana, Illinois {(USA)}", month = sep } @InProceedings{loo:res:379, author = "Munir A. Tag and Amine Benkiran and Gerard Durand and Mick J. Wilson", title = "Design of an Object-Oriented Distributed System: Experience with {CSA}", booktitle = "Workshop on the Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems in the 1990s", year = 1988, pages = "192--201", organization = "IEEE", address = "Hong Kong", month = sep } @TechReport{C++:380, author = "P. A. Buhr and G. J. Ditchfield and C. R. Zarnke", title = "Concurrency in {C++}", institution = "Faculty of Mathematics", year = 1988, number = "CS-88-30", address = "Ontario, Canada", month = jul } @Article{prs:con:381, author = "P. Balch and W.P. Cockshott and P.W. Foulk", title = "Layered Implementations of Persistent Object Stores", journal = "The Software Engineering Journal", year = toappear } @InProceedings{prs:rep:382, author = "Porter, Harry H., III", title = "Persistence in a Distributed Object Server", booktitle = "Proc.\ Workshop on Persistent Object Systems", year = 1989, pages = "271--285", editor = "J. Rosenberg", address = "Newcastle NSW (Australia)", month = jan } @InProceedings{fic:383, author = "P.A. Buhr and C.R. Zarnke", title = "Addressing in a Persistent Environment", booktitle = "Proc.\ Workshop on persistent object systems", year = 1989, pages = "36--50", editor = "J. Rosenberg", address = "Newcastle NSW (Australia)", month = jan } @InProceedings{mat:loo:384, author = "James Leslie Keedy", title = "Support for Objects in the {MONADS} Architecture", booktitle = "Proc.\ Workshop on persistent object systems", year = 1989, pages = "202--213", editor = "J. Rosenberg", address = "Newcastle NSW (Australia)", month = jan } @InProceedings{pan:385, author = "Mary F. Fernandez and Stanley B. Zdonik", title = "Transaction Groups: A Model for Controlling Cooperative Transactions", booktitle = "Proc.\ Workshop on persistent object systems", year = 1989, pages = "128--138", editor = "J. Rosenberg", address = "Newcastle NSW (Australia)", month = jan } @InProceedings{C++:prs:386, author = "Joel E. Richardson and Michael J. Carey", title = "Implementing Persistence in {E}", booktitle = "Proc.\ Workshop on persistent object systems", year = 1989, pages = "302--319", editor = "J. Rosenberg", address = "Newcastle NSW (Australia)", month = jan } @InProceedings{mat:loo:387, author = "John Rosenberg and David M. Koch and J. Leslie Keedy", title = "A Massive Memory Supercomputer", booktitle = "Proc.\ Workshop on persistent object systems", year = 1989, pages = "387--394", editor = "J. Rosenberg", address = "Newcastle NSW (Australia)", month = jan } @TechReport{sos:388, author = "The {SOR} group", title = "{SOS} Reference Manual for Prototype {V4}", institution = "INRIA", year = 1989, type = "Rapport Technique", number = 103, address = rocquencourt, month = feb } @TechReport{sos:389, author = "Yvon Gourhant", title = "Un conf\'{e}rencier r\'{e}parti sous {SOS}, et portage de l'\'{e}diteur de liens dynamique", institution = inria, year = 1988, type = "Rapport de Recherche", number = 785, address = rocquencourt, month = jan } @Article{loo:mat:390, author = "Jorg Kaiser", title = "{MUTABOR}, A Coprocessor Supporting Memory Management in an Object-Oriented Architecture", journal = "IEEE Micro", year = 1988, pages = "30--46", month = oct } @InProceedings{nom:sos:391, author = "J.P. Le Narzul and M. Shapiro", title = "Un Service de Nommage pour un Syst\`{e}me \`{a} Objets R\'{e}partis", booktitle = "Actes Convention Unix 89", year = 1989, pages = "73--82", organization = "{AFUU}", address = "Paris", month = mar } @InProceedings{het:392, author = "F. Brent Dubach and Robert M. Rutherford and Charles M. Shub", title = "Process-Originated Migration in a Heterogeneous Environment", booktitle = "Computer Science Conference", year = 1989, pages = "21--23", address = "Louisville, KY ({USA})", month = feb } @Unpublished{loo:393, author = "Rajendra K. Rajand Henry M. Levy", title = "A Compositional Model for Software Reuse", note = "Department of Computer Science, Seattle, WA ({USA})", year = 1989, month = jan } @Unpublished{loo:mat:394, author = "Rodger Lea and Doug Shepherd", title = "Network Support for Distributed Objets: Coping with Heterogeneity in Models and Architectures", note = "Department of Computing, Lancaster ({E}ngland)", year = 1988 } @Misc{prs:395, author = "Paul Cockshott", title = "Concurrent Garbage Collection Algorithm for a Persistent Heap" } @TechReport{mv:rep:syn:396, author = "Meichun Hsu and Va-On Tam", title = "Transaction Synchronization in Distributed Shared Virtual Memory Systems", institution = "Aiken Computation Laboratory, Harvard University", year = 1989, number = "TR-05-89", address = "Cambridge MA ({USA})", month = jan } @InProceedings{sos:prs:c++:397, author = "Marc Shapiro and Philippe Gautron and Laurence Mosseri", title = "Persistence and Migration for {C}++ Objects", booktitle = "ECOOP'89", year = 1989, address = "Nottingham ({GB})", month = jul } @TechReport{mv:rep:398, author = "Meichun Hsu and Va-On Tam", title = "Managing Databases in Distributed Virtual Memory", institution = "Aiken Computation Laboratory, Harvard University", year = 1988, number = "TR-07-88", address = "Cambridge MA ({USA})", month = mar } @TechReport{rep:con:399, author = "M. Satyanarayanan", title = "On the Influence of Scale in a Distributed System", institution = carnegie, year = 1987, number = "CMU-CS-87-162", address = pittsburgh, month = mar } @TechReport{rep:sec:400, author = "M. Satyanarayanan", title = "Integrating Security in a Large Distributed System", institution = carnegie, year = 1987, number = "CMU-CS-87-179", address = pittsburgh, month = nov } @InProceedings{rep:pan:con:401, author = "Maurice P. Herlihy and Jeannette M. Wing", title = "Specifying Graceful Degradation in Distributed Systems", booktitle = podc6, year = 1987, organization = "{ACM}", address = "Vancouver ({Canada})", month = aug, note = "Also available as CMU technical report no.\ CMU-CS-87-120" } @InProceedings{pan:402, author = "D. I. Bevan", title = "Distributed Garbage Collection Using Reference Counting", booktitle = "Parallel Arch. and Lang. Europe", year = 1987, pages = "117--187", publisher = "Spring-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 259", address = "Eindhoven, The Netherlands", month = jun } @TechReport{loo:rep:403, author = "Eric Jul", title = "Object Mobility in a Distributed Object-Oriented System", institution = "Department of Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "88-12-06", address = "Seattle, WA ({USA})", month = dec } @Article{loo:mat:404, author = "Dick Pountain", title = "Rekursiv: An Object-Oriented {CPU}", journal = "BYTE", year = 1988, pages = "341--349", month = nov } @InProceedings{exp:rep:405, author = "D. Decouchant and A. Duda and A. Freyssinet and H. Nguyen Van and M. Riveill and X. Rousset de Pina ", title = "Guide~: Un Syst\`{e}me R\'{e}parti \`{a} Objet", booktitle = "Actes Convention Unix 89", year = 1989, pages = "297--316", organization = "{AFUU}", address = "Paris", month = mar } @InProceedings{pro:perf:unix:406, author = "Floriane Blusseau", title = "Mod\'{e}lisation d'une Application sur un R\'{e}seau {E}thernet~: un Serveur Unix {A}mdahl" Communiquant via {NFS} avec des stations de travail Unix", booktitle = "Actes Convention Unix 89", year = 1989, pages = "199--225", organization = "{AFUU}", address = "Paris", month = mar } @InProceedings{pro:nom:unix:407, author = "Fran\c{c}is Dupont", title = "Serveur de Noms", booktitle = "Actes Convention Unix 89", year = 1989, pages = "177--187", organization = "{AFUU}", address = "Paris", month = mar } @InProceedings{mat:408, author = "Edwige E. Pissaloux", title = "Sur le Concept de la Machine Orient\'{e}e Types de Donn\'{e}es", booktitle = "Actes Convention Unix 89", year = 1989, pages = "113--121", organization = "{AFUU}", address = "Paris", month = mar } @InProceedings{fic:loo:rep:409, author = "Val\'{e}rie Issarny", title = "Construction d'un Syst\`{e}me de Gestion de Fichiers R\'{e}paris \`{a} l'aide du Concept d'Objet Fragment\'{e}", booktitle = "Actes Convention Unix 89", year = 1989, pages = "43--54", organization = "{AFUU}", address = "Paris", month = mar } @InProceedings{chorus:afuu:410, author = "Denis Metral-Charvet and Fran\c{c}ois Saint-Lu", title = "Le Syst\`{e}me {CHORUS}~: Temps R\'{e}el, R\'{e}partition et Unix Int\'{e}gr\'{e}s", booktitle = "Actes Convention Unix 89", year = 1989, pages = "19--42", organization = "{AFUU}", address = "Paris", month = mar } @TechReport{chorus:mv:411, author = "V. Abrossimov and M. Rozier and M. Shapiro", title = "Generic Virtual Memory Management for Operating System Kernels", institution = "Chorus-Syst\`{e}mes", year = 1989, number = "CS/TR-89-18", address = "Montigny le Bretonneux {France}", month = mar } @Unpublished{lan:loo:413, author = "S. Krakowiak and M. Meysembourg and H. Nguyen Van and M. Riveill and C. Roisin", title = "Design and Implementation of an Object-Oriented, Strongly Typed Language for Distributed Applications", note = "Submitted for publication", year = 1989, month = feb } @Article{div:414, author = "Michael Lesk", title = "Controversy: Can {U}nix survive Secret Source Code?", journal = "Computing Systems", year = 1988, volume = 1, number = 2, pages = "189--202" } @Article{fic:415, author = "Brian N. Bershad and C. Brian Pinkerton", title = "Watchdogs --- Extending the {U}nix File System", journal = "Computing Systems", year = 1988, volume = 1, number = 2, pages = "169--188" } @Article{noy:con:alg:416, author = "Calton Pu and Henry Massalin and John Ioannidis", title = "The Synthesis Kernel", journal = "Computing Systems", year = 1988, volume = 1, number = 1, pages = 12--32 } @InProceedings{dbg:417, author = "Dieter Haban and Dieter Wybranietz", title = "Monotoring and Measuring Parallel Systems", booktitle = podc3, year = 1989, organization = "IEEE", month = mar } @Misc{dbg:418, author = "Dieter Haban and Dieter Wybranietz", title = "Behavior and Performance Analysis of Distributed Systems Using a Hybrid Monitor", note = "submitted for publication" } @InProceedings{dbg:419, author = "Dieter Wybranietz and Dieter Haban", title = "Monitoring and Measuring Distributed Systems During Operation", booktitle = "Conf. on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems", year = 1988, organization = "ACM SIGMETRICS", address = "Santa Fe, New Mexico, ({USA})", month = may, note = "Also available as SFB 124---INCAS Project, Report no.\ 31/87, University of Kaiserslautern" } @Article{loo:C++:syn:420, author = "Brian N. Bershad and Edward D. Lazowska and Henry M. Levy", title = "{PRESTO}: A System for Object-Oriented Parallel Programming", journal = "Software---Practice and Experience", year = 1988, volume = "18(8)", pages = "713--732", month = aug } ---- End of file ``~bib/bib.bib'' ------------------------------ Marc Shapiro INRIA, B.P. 105, 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France. Tel.: +33 (1) 39-63-53-25 e-mail: (internet) ...!inria!shapiro (uucp) inria! (non-standard)
shapiro@uunet.UU.NET (Marc Shapiro) (05/11/89)
[ As usual, this is also available for anonymous ftp from ] Since we are sending bibliographies: below you will find a rather large bibliography on Operating Systems and Object-Oriented Systems. It was compiled by myself and other members of my research group (SOR, meaning "Distributed Object-Oriented Systems") in the course of our research. There is no particular order. It contains approximately 270 citations, mostly recent, on all subjects related to OS's and distributed systems. It's in BibTeX format. References are indexed by a very loose keyword system. These are are mostly French acronyms, explained below. I don't know if this will help anybody. In any case, it can't hurt. PS. I automatically distribute updates to this file to anybody who asks. This is one way to keep up on your reading! Marc Shapiro INRIA, B.P. 105, 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France. Tel.: +33 (1) 39-63-53-25 e-mail: (internet) ...!inria!shapiro (uucp) inria! (non-standard) ---- Here come the keywords -------------------------- app applications alg algorithms gc garbage-collection argus Argus atm atomicity, atomic transactions bd data bases c++ c++ langage cha load balancing con design dbg debugging, monitoring div miscellaneous exp operating systems argus argus chorus chorus mach mach unix unix v v-syste sos SOS noy kernels mv virtual memory tr real time gc garbage collection het heterogeneous systems fic storage, file systems fic:loo object storage prs persistent objects (same difference) lan languages, compilation loo anything object-oriented loo:rep distributed objects c++ the C++ language mach Mach mat hardware mv virtual memory nom naming pan fault-tolerance atm atomicity, atomic transactions perf performances, measurements pro protocols, networks pro:tcp tcp-ip family pro:osi osi family pro:loc local net protocols pro:diff broadcast, multicast pro:diff:pan atomic broadcast pro:rpc RPC prs persistence (see also fic:loo) sec security, cryptography sos SOS syn synchronisation, consistency atm transactions atomiques, atomicite tr real time v V-System GENERAL SUB-KEYWODS rep distributed, distribution gal general presentations svy survey nor standards org organisation ---- End of keywords ------------------------------ ---- Here comes file ``~bib/bib.bib'' -------------------------- @string(inria = {Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique} ) @string(rocquencourt = {Rocquencourt (France)}) @string(tsi = "Techniques et Sciences Informatiques") @string(paris = "Paris (France)") @string(icdcs6 = "Proc.\ 6th Intl.\ Conf.\ on Distributed Computing Systems") @string(icdcs7 = "Proc.\ 7th Intl.\ Conf.\ on Distributed Computing Systems") @string(berlin = "Berlin, West Germany") @string(cambridge-mass = "Cambridge, Mass. ({USA})") @string{chorus = "Chorus-Syst\`{e}mes"} @string{montigny = "Montigny-le-Bretonneux (France)"} @string{aparaitre = "(A para\^{\i}tre)"} @string{toappear = "(To appear)"} @string{encours = "(En cours)"} @string{toapp:tocs = "To appear, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems"} @string{psosp11 = "Presented at the 11th ACM Symp.~on Operating Systems Principles, Austin TX (USA), nov.~1987"} @string{sosp11 = "Proceedings of the 11th {ACM} Symposium on Operating Systems Principles"} @string{sosp10 = "Proceedings of the 10th {ACM} Symposium on Operating Systems Principles"} @string{perso = "Personal communication"} @string{podc5 = "Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on the Principles of Distributed Computing"} @string{Carnegie = "Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University"} @string{pittsburgh = "Pittsburgh {PA} ({USA})"} @string{toapp = "To appear."} @string{icdcs8 = "The 8th International Conference on Distributed Computer Systems"} @string{podc6 ="Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on the Principles of Distributed Computing"} @string{podc3 = "Proceedings of 3rd Symposium on the Principles of Distributed Computing"} @inproceedings{syn:rep:149, author = "Kenneth P. Birman and Thomas A. Joseph", title = "Exploiting virtual synchrony in distributed systems", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "123--138", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{exp:150, author = "Sape J. Mullender", title = "Distributed Systems Management in Wide Area Networks", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the {NGI-SION Informatica Syposium}", year = 1984, pages = "415--424", address = "Amsterdam (The Netherlands)" } @TechReport{exp:syn:151, author = "Tevanian, Jr., Avadis and Rashid, Richard F. and Golub, David B. and Black, David L. and Cooper, Eric and Young, Michael W.", title = "{M}ach Threads and the Unix Kernel: The Battle for Control", institution = carnegie, year = 1987, number = "CMU-CS-87-149", address = pittsburgh, month = aug } @inproceedings{loo:db:152, author = "Patrick O'Brien and Bruce Bullis and Craig Schaffert", title = "Persistent and Shared Objects in {T}rellis/{O}wl", booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Object-Oriented database Systems", pages = "113--123", year = 1986, Publisher = "{IEEE} Computer Society Press", address = "Washington ({USA})", month = sep } @InProceedings{fic:loo:153, author = "Andrea H. Skarra and Stanley B. Zdonik and Stephen P. Reiss", title = "An Object Server for an Object-Oriented Database System", booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems", year = 1986, pages = "196--204", publisher = "{ACM}, New York ({USA})", address = "Pacific Grove CA (USA)", month = sep } @InProceedings{sec:rep:154, author = "Virgil D. Gligor", title = "Distributed System security", booktitle = icdcs7, year = 1987, publisher = "{IEEE}", address = "Berlin (West) ({RFA})", month = sep } @TechReport{het:noy:155, author = "Reinhard Stroste and Herbert Eberle", title = "Kernel Service Call", institution = "IBM European Networking Center", year = 1987, number = "43.8701", address = "Heidelberg (Federal Republic of Germany)", month = jan } @Article{loo:con:156, author = "Daniel C. Haibert and O'Brien, Patrick D.", title = "Using Types and Inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming", journal = "IEEE Software", year = 1987, volume = 4, number = 5, pages = "71--79", month = sep } @Unpublished{v:syn:157, author = "David R. Cheriton", title = "A Multicast-Clock Synchronization Algorithm", year = 1987, note = perso, month = may } @TechReport{loo:het:158, author = {K. Geihs and H. Eberle and B. Sch\"{o}ner and M. Seifert}, title = "Distributed Object Sharing in Heterogeneous Environments", institution = "IBM European Networking Center", year = 1986, number = "43.8610", address = "Heidelberg (Federal Republic of Germany)" } @InProceedings{exp:het:159, author = {Geihs, K. and Sch\"{o}ner, B. and Hollberg, U. and Schmutz, H. and Eberle, H.}, title = "An Architecture for the Cooperation of Heterogeneous Operating Systems", booktitle = "Computer Network Symposium", year = 1988, organization ="{IEEE} Computer Society", address = "Washington DC ({USA})", month = apr } @Article{pro:pan:160, author = "Kenneth P. Birman and Thomas A. Joseph", title = "Reliable Communication in an Unreliable Environment", journal = tocs, year = 1987, volume = 5, number = 1, pages = "47--76", month = feb } @TechReport{rep:syn:161, author = "Kenneth P. Birman and Thomas A. Joseph and Frank Schmuck and Pat Stephenson", title = "Programming with Shared Bulletin Boards in Asynchronous Distributed Systems", institution = "Department of Computer Science, Cornell University", year = 1986, type = "Technical Report", number = "86-772", address = "Ithaca, New York ({USA})", month = aug } @TechReport{exp:rep:162, author = "Kenneth P. Birman and Thomas A. Joseph and Frank Schmuck", title = "Isis Documentation: Release 1", institution = "Department of Computer Science, Cornell University", year = 1987, type = "Technical Report", number = "87-849", address = "Ithaca, New York ({USA})", month = jul } @InProceedings{rep:pan:163, author = "Kenneth P. Birman", title = "Replication and Fault-Tolerance in the {ISIS} System", booktitle = sosp10, year = 1985, address = "Orcas Island WA ({USA})", month = dec } @Article{lan:rep:164, author = "Michael L. Scott and Raphael A. Finkel", title = "A Simple Mechanism for Type Security Across Compilation Units", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", year = 1985, month = oct } @TechReport{rep:argus:165, author = "Barbara Liskov and William Weihl", title = "Programming Methodology Group Progress Report", year = 1987, type = "Programming Methodology Group Memo", number = 56, institution = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Computer Science", address = "Cambridge, MA ({USA})", month = aug } @Article{v:nom:166, author = "David R. Cheriton and Timothy P. Mann", title = "A Decentralized Naming Facility", journal = toapp:tocs, year = 1987, month = feb } @InProceedings{v:pro:diff:167, author = "David R. Cheriton and Stephen E. Deering", title = "Host Groups: A Multicast Extension for Datagram Internetworks", booktitle = "In 9th Data Communication Symposium", year = 1985, organization = "IEEE Computer Society and {ACM} SIGCOMM", month = sep } @TechReport{v:pro:perf:168, author = "David R. Cheriton and Carey L. Williamson", title = "Network Measurement of the {VMTP} Request-Response Protocol in the V Distributed System", institution = "Department of Computer Science", year = 1987, number = "STAN-CS-87-1145", address = "Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305", month = feb } @Misc{v:169, author = "David R. Cheriton", title = "The {V} Distributed System", howpublished = {}, year = 1987, address = "Computer Science Department, Stanford University", month = mar } @InCollection{pro:pan:170, author = "Alfred Z. Spector", title = "Communication Support in Operating Systems for Distributed Transactions", booktitle = "Networking in Open Systems", publisher = "Spinger-Verlag, Lecture Notes in CS no.~248", year = 1986, address = "Autriche", pages = "314--324", month = aug } @Misc{noy:loo:171, author = "Edgar Nett", title = "An Overview of the {P}ROFEMO Project", year = 1987, month = mar } @Unpublished{loo:con:172, author = "Keith E. Gorlen", title = "Object-Oriented Program Support", note = "OOPS Version 1, Reference Manual", year = 1986, month = may } @Article{pan:173, author = "Yves Deswarte and Jean-Charles Fabre and Jean-Michel Fray and Jean-Claude Laprie and David Powell", title = "{S}ATURNE~: un syst\`{e}me r\'{e}parti tol\'{e}rant les fautes et les intrusions", journal = tsi, year = 1987, volume = 6, number = 2, pages = "191--195" } @Article{fic:rep:174, author = "John H. Howard and Michael L. Kazar and Sherri G. Menees and David A. Nichols and M. Satyanarayanan and Robert N. Sidebotham and Michael J. West", title = "Scale and Performance in a Distributed File System", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1988, volume = 6, number = 1, pages = "51--81", month = feb } @Article{fic:rep:175, author = "Michael N. Nelson and Brent B. Welch and John K. Ousterhout", title = "Caching in the {S}prite Network File System", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1988, volume = 6, number = 1, pages = "134--154", month = feb } @Article{div:176, author = "Douglas B. Terry and Daniel C. Swinehart", title = "Managing Stored Voice in the {E}therphone System", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1988, volume = 6, number = 1, pages = "3--27", month = feb } @Article{loo:rep:177, author = "Eric Jul and Henry Levy and Norman Hutchinson and Andrew Black", title = "Fine-Grained Mobility in the {E}merald System", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1988, volume = 6, number = 1, pages = "109--133", month = feb } @Article{mv:pan:178, author = "Roger Haskin and Yoni Malachi and Wayne Sawdon and Gregory Chan", title = "Recovery Management in {Q}uick{S}ilver", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1988, volume = 6, number = 1, pages = "82--108", month = feb } @Article{vm:179, author = "Albert Chang and Mergen, Mark F.", title = "801 Storage: Architecture and Programming", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1988, volume = 6, number = 1, pages = "28--50", month = feb } @InProceedings{div:180, author = "David A. Nichols", title = "Using Idle Workstations in a Shared Computing Environment", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "5--12", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{alg:181, author = "George Varghese and Tony Lauck", title = "Hashed and Hierarchical Timing Wheels: Data Structures for the Efficient Implementation of a Timer Facility", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "25--38", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{nom:182, author = "Michael F. Schwartz and John Zahorjan and David Notkin", title = "A Name Service for Evolving, Heterogeneous Systems", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "52--62", organization = "{ACM}", month = nov } @InProceedings{mach:vm:183, author = "Michael Young and Avadis Tevanian and Richard Rashid and David Golub and Jeffrey Eppinger and Jonathan Chew and William Bolosky and David Black and Robert Baron", title = "The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "63--76", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{syn:184, author = "David Jefferson and Brian Beckman and Fred Wieland and Leo Blume and Mike DiLoreto and Phil Hontalas and Pierre Laroche and Kathy Sturdevant and Jack Tupman and van Warren and John Wedel and Herb Younger and Steve Bellenot", title = "Distributed Simulation and the {T}ime {W}arp Operating System", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "77--93", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{syn:con:185, author = "A. D. Birrell and J. V. Guttag and J. J. Horning and R. Levin", title = "Synchronization Primitives for a Multiprocessor: A Formal Specification", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "94--102", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{argus:186, author = "Barbara Liskov and Dorothy Curtis and Paul Johnson and Robert Scheifler", title = "Implementation of Argus", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "111--122", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{v:fic:187, author = "Ross S. Finlayson and David R. Cheriton", title = "Log Files: An Extended File Service Write-Once Storage", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "139--148", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{fic:db:188, author = "Andrew D. Birrell and Michael B. Jones and Edward P. Wobber", title = "A Simple and Efficient Implementation for Small Databases", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "149--154", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov, note = "Also available as {DEC} {SRC}, Technical Report n024" } @InProceedings{fic:189, author = "Robert Hagmann", title = "Reimplementing the {C}edar File System Using Logging and Group Commit", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "155--162", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{div:190, author = "Zayas, Edward R.", title = "Attacking the Process Migration Bottleneck", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, pages = "13--24", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin TX (USA)", month = nov } @TechReport{app:rep:191, author = "Stephen C. Vestal", title = "Garbage Collection: An Exercise in Distributed, Fault-Tolerant Programming", year = 1987, number = "87-01-03", institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Washington", address = "Seattle WA (USA)", month = jan } @InCollection{v:pro:192, author = "David R. Cheriton", title = "Request-Response and Multicast Interprocess Communication in the {V} Kernel", booktitle = "Networking in Open Systems", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Lecture notes in CS no.~248~", year = 1986, pages = "297--312", address = "Autriche", month = aug } @InCollection{lan:193, author = "M. Hennessy", title = "Communication Primitives in Programming and Specification Languages", booktitle = "Networking in Open Systems", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Lecture notes in CS no.~248", year = 1986, pages = "224--251", address = "IBM Europe Institute, Oberlech", month = aug } @InProceedings{loc:194, author = "O. Gihr and P.J. Kuehn", title = "Comparison of Communication Services with Connection-Oriented and Connectionless Data Transmission", booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Seminar on Computer Networking and Performance Evaluation", year = 1985, address = "Tokyo ({Japan})", month = sep } @Article{pro:195, author = "Pascale Minet", title = "Un R\'{e}seau local pour un environnement industriel automatis\'{e}", journal = tsi, year = 1987, volume = 6, number = 2, pages = "182--186" } @Article{pan:196, author = "David Powell and Pacal Martin and Douglas Seaton", title = "La Tol\'{e}rance aux Fautes dans les syst\`{e}mes r\'{e}partis : l'Approche {D}elta-4", journal = tsi, year = 1987, volume = 6, number = 2, pages = "196--200" } @InProceedings{pro:197, author = "Willy Zwaenepoel", title = "Protocols for Large Data Transfers Over Local Networks", booktitle = "Proc.\ of the 9th Symp.\ on Data Communications", year = 1985, pages = "22--32", organization = "ACM", address = "Whistler Mt., BC (Canada)", month = sep } @InProceedings{app:pan:198, author = "Barbara Liskov and Rivka Ladin", title = "Highly-Available Distributed Services and Fault-Tolerant Distributed Garbage Collection", year = 1986, booktitle = podc5, pages = "29--39", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Vancouver ({Canada})", month = aug } @TechReport{exp:199, author = "Tevanian, Jr., Avadis and Richard F. Rashid", title = "{M}ach: A Basis for Future Unix Development", institution = Carnegie, year = 1987, number = 4864, address = pittsburgh } @Misc{exp:vm:unix:200, author = "Tevanian, Jr., Avadis and Richard F. Rashid and Michael W. Young and David B. Golub and Mary R. Thompson and William Bolosky and Richard Sanzi", title = "A Unix Interface for Shared Memory and Memory and Memory Mapped Files Under {M}ach", year = 1987, month = jul } @Article{rep:201, author = "Jeffrey Joyce and Greg Lomow and Konrad Slind and Brian Unger", title = "Monitoring Distributed Systems", journal = "{ACM} Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1987, volume = 5, number = 2, pages = "121--150", month = may } @Article{pro:diff:202, author = "Jean-Pierre David and Marc Legendre and St\`{e}phane Natkin", title = "Un Protocole de Diffusion Fiable pour les R\'{e}seaux Locaux Industriels", journal = tsi, year = 1987, volume = 6, number = 2, pages = "187--190" } @Article{pro:203, author = "Richard W. Watson and Sandy A. Mamrak", title = "Gaining Efficient in Transport Services by Appropriate Design and Implementation Choices", journal = "{ACM} Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1987, volume = 5, number = 2, pages = "97--120", month = may } @Book{exp:204, title = "{ANSA} Reference Manual", publisher = "{A}dvanced {N}etworked {S}ystems {A}rchitecture", year = 1987, editor = "Dr. A.J. Herbert and Prof. J. Monk", address = "Cambridge (United Kingdom)", month = jun } @Article{pro:loc:205, author = "Alfred Z. Spector", title = "Performing Remote Operations Efficiently on a Local Computer Network", journal = "{ACM}", year = 1982, volume = 25, number = 4, pages = "246--260", month = apr } @TechReport{fic:nom:206, author = "Luis Felipe Cabrera and Jim Wyllie", title = "{Q}uick{S}ilver Distributed File Services: An Architecture for Horizontal Growth", institution = "IBM Almaden Research Center", year = 1987, type = "Research Report", number = "RJ 5578 (56697)", address = "San Jose, CA (USA)", month = apr } @Misc{pro:exp:207, author = "M. Stella Atkins and Gamik Bobloian", title = "Efficient Reliable Multicast Communication in Distributed Systems", note = perso } @TechReport{con:exp:rep:208, author = "David P. Anderson and Dominico Ferrari and P. Venkat Rangan and Shin-Yuan Tzou", title = "The Dash Project: Issues in the Design of Very Large Distributed Systems", institution = "Computer Science Division {EECS}, University of California", year = 1987, number = "UCB/CSD 87/338", address = "Berkeley CA ({USA})", month = jan } @InProceedings{syn:209, author = "Barbara Blaustein and Micheal Siegel", title = "Correctness Conditions for Highly Available Replicated Databases", booktitle = podc5, year = 1986, pages = "11--28", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Vancouver ({Canada})" } @InProceedings{syn:210, author = "Clyde P. Kruskal and Larry Rudolph and Marc Snir", title = "Efficient Synchronization on Multiprocessors with Shared Memory", booktitle = podc5, year = 1986, pages = "218--228", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Vancouver {(Canada)}", month = aug } @InProceedings{syn:211, author = "Maurice Herlihy", title = "Optimistic Concurrency Control for Abstract Data Types", booktitle = podc5, year = 1986, pages = "206--217", organization = "{ACM}", address = "Vancouver {(Canada)}", month = aug } @TechReport{div:212, author = "Bertrand Meyer", title = "C\'{e}page: Towards Computer-Aided Design of Sofware", institution = "Interactive Software Engineering, Inc.", year = 1987, number = "TR-CE-7/GP", address = "Goleta CA ({USA)}", month = mar } @Article{exp:loo:213, author = "R. Balter and S. Krakowiak and M. Meysembourg and C. Roisin and X. Rousset de Pina and R. Scioville and G. Vand\^{o}me", title = "Principes de Conception du Syst\`{e}me R\'{e}parti {G}UIDE", journal = "Bigre+Globule no 52", year = 1986, pages = "3--23", month = dec } @InProceedings{app:214, author = "Lisa A. Call and David L. Cohrs and Barton P. Miller", title = "CLAM -- An Open System for Graphical User Interfaces", booktitle = "Proceedings of the OOPSLA'87 conference", year = 1987, editor = "Norman Meyrowitz", pages = "277--287", publisher = "ACM", address = "Orlando FL (USA)", month = oct } @TechReport{loo:rep:215, author = "Roland Balter", title = "Locally Distributed Operating Systems Analysis and Classification", institution = "Laboratoire de G\'{e}nie Informatique", year = 1986, number = "Comandos (834)", address = "Saint Martin d'H\`{e}res (France)", month = dec } @TechReport{syn:216, author = "A.D. Birrell and J.V. Guttag and J.J. Horning and R. Levin", title = "Synchronization Primitives for a Multiprocessor: A Formal Specification", institution = "Digital Systems Research Center", year = 1987, type = "Technical Report", number = 20, address = "Palo Alto, CA {(USA)}", month = aug } @TechReport{unix:217, author = "Paul R. McJones and Garret F. Swart", title = "Evolving the Unix System Interface to Support Multithreaded Programs", institution = "Digital Research Center", year = 1987, type = "Technical Report", number = 21, address = "Palo Alto, California {(USA)}", month = sep } @TechReport{div:218, author = "Luca Cardelli", title = "Building User Interface by Direct Manipulation", institution = "Digital Systems Research Center", year = 1987, type = "Technical Report", number = 22, address = "Palo Alto, {CA} {(USA)}", month = oct } @TechReport{loo:con:219, author = "Peter Wegner", title = "Workshop On Object-Oriented Programming", institution = "Brown University", year = 1987, type = "Technical Report", number = "CS-87-22", address = "Dept. of Computer Science, Providence, Rhode Island 02912", month = aug } @TechReport{loo:db:220, author = "Karen E. Smith and Stanley B. Zdonik", title = "Intermedia: A Case Study of the Differences Between Relational and Object-Oriented Database Systems", institution = "Brown University, Dept. Computer Science", year = 1987, type = "Technical Report", number = "CS-87-18", address = "Providence, RI (USA)" } @TechReport{loo:221, author = "Peter Wegner", title = "Dimensions of Object-Based Language Design", institution = "Brown University, Dept. Computer Science", year = 1987, type = "Technical Report", number = "CS-87-14", address = "Providence, RI (USA)", month = jul } @InProceedings{loo:222, title = "What is ``Object-Oriented Programming''?", author = "Bjarne Stroustrup", year = 1987, editor = "G. Goos and J. Hartmanis", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 276", booktitle = "Proc.\ European Conf.\ on Object-Oriented Programming", address = "Paris (France)", month = jun } @Article{con:loo:223, author = "Grady Booch", title = "Object-Oriented Development", journal = ieeese, year = 1986, volume = "SE-12", number = 2, pages = "211--221", month = feb } @InProceedings{app:224, author = "Butler W. Lampson", title = "Designing a Global Name Service", booktitle = podc5, year = 1986, pages = 10, organization = "ACM" } @TechReport{fic:pan:225, author = "Keith Marzullo and Frank Schmuck", title = "Supplying High Availability with a Standard Network File System", institution = "Department of Computer Science, Cornell University", year = 1987, type = "Technical Report", number = "87-888", address = "Ithaca, New York ({USA})", month = dec } @Misc{v:vm:226, author = "David R. Cheriton", title = "Effective Use of Large {RAM} Diskless Workstations with the {V} Virtual Memory System", year = 1987, month = feb, note = perso } @InProceedings{v:pro:227, author = "David R. Cheriton", title = "{VMTP}: A Transport Protocol for the Next Generation of Communication Systems", booktitle = "SICOMM'86 Conference", year = 1986, organization = "ACM", address = "Stowe, VT (USA)", month = aug } @InProceedings{noy:argus:228, author = "Barbara Liskov and Dorothy Curtis and Paul Johnson and Robert Scheifler", title = "Implementation of {A}rgus", booktitle = sosp11, year = 1987, organization = "{ACM}", address = "Austin {TX} ({USA})", month = nov } % TechReport{mach:mv:229, % author = "Richard Rashid and Avadis Tevanian and Michael Young and David Young and Robert Baron and David Black and William Bolosky and Jonathan Chew", % title = "Machine-Independent Virtual Memory Management for Paged Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor Architectures", % institution = Carnegie, % year = 1987, % number = "CMU-CS-7-140", % address = pittsburgh, % month = jul %} @Article{exp:mv:229, author = "Richard Rashid and Avadis Tevanian and Michael Young and David Young and Robert Baron and David Black and William Bolosky and Jonathan Chew", title = "Machine-Independent Virtual Memory Management for Paged Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor Architectures", journal = ieeetc, year = 1988, volume = 37, number = 8, pages = "896--908", month = aug } @Article{mach:230, author = "Richard F. Rashid", title = "Threads of a New System", journal = "Unix Review", year = 1986, volume = 4, number = 8, pages = "37--49", month = aug } @Unpublished{mach:231, author = "Eric C. Cooper and Richard P. Draves", title = "C Threads", year = 1987, month = mar, note = perso } @TechReport{pro:exp:232, author = "Luis-Felipe Cabrera", title = "Improving Network Subsystem Performance in a Distributed Environment. A {B}erkeley Unix Case Study", institution = "IBM Research Division, Almaden Research Center", year = 1987, type = "Research Report", number = "RJ 5719", address = "San Jose {CA} ({USA})", month = jun } % loo:rep:233 replaced by loo:rep:251 @TechReport{pro:234, author = "Barbara Liskov and Toby Bloom and David Gifford and Robert Scheifler and William Weihl", title = "Communication in the Mercury System", institution = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Computer Science", year = 1987, type = "Programming Methodology Group Memo", number = 59, address = "Cambridge, MA ({USA})", month = oct } @InProceedings{exp:het:235, author = "U. Hollberg and B. Mattes and A. Schill and H. Schmutz and B. Schoener and R. Staroste and W. Stoll", title = "Experience with the Development a Portable Network Operating System", booktitle = "Workshop on Experiences with Distributed Systems", year = 1987, address = "Heidelberg Federal Republic of Germany)", month = sep, note = "{T}o appear in {L}ecture {N}otes in {C}omp. Science (Springer Verlag)" } @Misc{app:236, author = "Philippe Flajolet", title = "Sur L'insertion de Diagrammes Dans un Texte", note = perso } @Misc{div:237, author = "Allan Gottlieb", title = "An Overview of the {NYU} Ultracomputer", year = 1986, month = jul } @Proceedings{app:argus:238, title = "Atomic Data Abstractions in a Distributed Collaborative Editing System (Extended Abstract)", year = 1986, editor = "Irene Greif and Robert Seliger and William Weihl", publisher = "13th Annual ACM Symp. on the Principles of Programming Languages", organization = "ACM", month = jan } @TechReport{loo:rep:239, author = "R. Balter and S. Krakowiak and M. Meysembourg and C. Roisin and X. Rousset de Pina and R. Scioville and G. Vando\^{o}me", title = "Principes de Conception du Syst\'{e}me d'Exploitation r\`{e}parti GUIDE", institution = "Laboratoire de G\'{e}nie Informatique", year = 1987, type = "Rapport Guide", number = "R1", address = "Saint-Martin-d'H\`{e}res (France)", month = apr } @TechReport{loo:rep:240, author = "S. Krakowiak and M. Meysembourg and M. Riveill and C. Roisin", title = "Mod\`{e}le d'Objets et Langage du Syst\`{e}me Guide", institution = "Laboratoire de G\'{e}nie Informatique", year = 1987, type = "Rapport Guide", number = "R2", address = "Saint-Martin-d'H\`{e}res ({France})", month = nov } @InProceedings{pro:rpc:clu:241, author = "J.M. Bacon and K.G. Hamilton", title = "Distributed Computing with RPC: the Cambridge Approach", booktitle = "IFIP Conference on Distributed Processing", year = 1987, pages = "1--14", address = "Amsterdam", month = oct } @InProceedings{exp:pro:dis:242, author = "Robbert van Renesse and Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Hans Van Staveren and Jane Hall", title = "Connecting {RPC}-Based Distributed Systems Using Wide-Area Networks", booktitle = icdcs7, year = 1987, pages = "28--34", organization = "IEEE", address = "Berlin", month = oct } @TechReport{loo:syn:243, author = "R.C.B. Cooper and K.G. Hamilton", title = "Preserving Abstraction in Concurrent Programming", institution = "University of Cambridge", year = 1985, type = "Technical Report", number = 76, address = "Cambridge CB2 3QG, England", month = aug } @Article{fic:loo:244, author = "Mark F. Hornick and Stanley B. Zdonik", title = "A Shared, Segmented Memory System for an Object-Oriented Database", journal = "ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems", year = 1987, volume = 5, number = 1, pages = "70--95", month = jan } @Misc{alg:245, author = "David G. Korn and Kiem-Phong Vo", title = "In Search of a Better Malloc" } @Article{bd:loo:246, author = "Mark F. Hornick and Stanley B. Zdonik", title = "A Shared, Segmented Memory System for an Object-Oriented Database", journal = "ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems", year = 1987, volume = 5, number = 1, pages = "71--95", month = jan } @InProceedings{pro:loc:247, author = "Byung G. Kim", title = "A Distributed {FCFS} Access Protocol in a {CSMA/CD} Network for Synchronous Voice Traffic", booktitle = icdcs7, year = 1987, pages = "90--95", organization = "IEEE", address = "Berlin (West, Germany)", month = oct } @InProceedings{pan:rt:248, author = "Prof. Dr. H. Kopetz", title = "Tutorial no.5: {R}eal Time Systems and Fault-Tolerance", booktitle = icdcs7, year = 1987, organization = "IEEE", address = "Berlin (West, Germany)", month = sep } @InProceedings{pan:rep:249, author = "Dr. F. Cristian", title = "Tutorial no. 2: {H}ighly Available Distributed Systems", booktitle = icdcs7, year = 1987, organization = "IEEE", address = "Berlin (West), Germany", month = sep } @Misc{v:pan:250, author = "David R. Cheriton", title = "Distributed Atomic Transaction Management in a Workstation Cluster" } @Misc{loo:rep:251, author = "Roland Balter and Jacques Bernadat and Andr\'{e} Freyssinet and Eric Paire and G\'{e}rard Vand\^{o}me", title = "Syst\`{e}me Distribu\'{e}s Architecture Orient\'{e}e Objet", howpublished = "Dans le cadre du Projet COMANDOS", year = 1987, month = nov, note = "Rapport Final" } @InProceedings{fic:pan:252, author = "John L. Caroll and Darrell D. E. Long and Jehan-Francois P\^{a}ris", title = "Bock-Level Consistency of Replicated Files", booktitle = icdcs7, year = 1987, pages = "146--153", organization = "IEEE", address = "Belin, (West) Germany", month = oct } @InProceedings{alg:diff:253, author = "Noga Alon and Amnon Barak and Udi Manber", title = "On Disseminating Information Reliably Without Broadcasting", booktitle = icdcs7, year = 1987, pages = "74--81", organization = "IEEE", address = "Berlin, (West) Germany", month = oct } % exp:loo:254 remplace par exp:loo:276 @Article{pan:con:syn:255, author = "Maurice Herlihy", title = "Concurrency Versus Availability: Atomicity Mechanisms for Replicated Data", journal = "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems", year = 1987, volume = 5, number = 3, pages = "249--274", month = aug } @Article{argus:256, author = "Barbara Liskov and Robert Scheifler", title = "Guardians and Actions: Linguistic Support for Robust, Distributed Programs", journal = "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems", year = 1988, volume = 5, number = 3, pages = "381--404", month = jul } @TechReport{loo:pro:257, author = "Barbara Liskov and Liuba Shrira", title = "Promises: An Efficient Procedure Call Mechanism for Distributed Systems", institution = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for Computer Science", year = 1987, type = "Programming Methodology Group Memo", number = 60, address = "Cambridge, MA 02139", month = nov } @TechReport{con:syn:258, author = "Leslie Lamport", title = "Synchronizing Time Servers", institution = "Digital Systems Research Center", year = 1987, number = 18, address = "Palo Alto, CA ({USA}) ", month = jun } @TechReport{div:259, author = "INESC", title = "Images - Programmer's Manual", institution = "Inesc", year = 1988, type = "SOMIW (Esprit 367) Report", address = "Rue Alves Redol 9-2, 1000 - Lisboa, {Portugal}", month = jan } @InCollection{app:260, author = "S.K. Shrivastava", title = "Replicated Distributed Processing", booktitle = "Networking in Open Systems", publisher = "Spinger Verlag (Lecture Notes in CS no.~248)", year = 1986, pages = "326--337", address = "Autriche", month = aug } @TechReport{div:261, author = "Alves Marques, Jos\'{e} and Pinto Simoes, Luis and Nuno M. Guimaraes and Luis Carrico", title = "Interface Manager and Generator for Somiw", institution = "INESC", year = 1988, type = "SOMIW (Esprit 367) Report", number = "10\slash R4", address = "Rue Alves Redol 9-2, 1000 - Lisboa, (Portugal)", month = jan } @InProceedings{loo:pan:262, author = "Maurice P. Herlihy and Jeannette M. Wing", title = "{A}valon: Language Support for Reliable Distributed Systems", booktitle = "Fault Tolerant Computing Symposium 17", year = 1987, pages = "89--94", organization = "IEEE", address = pittsburgh, month = jul } %TechReport{loo:exp:263, % author = "David Detlefs and Maurice Herlihy and Jeannette Wing", % title = "Inheritance of Synchronization and Recovery % Properties in Avalon\slash C++", % institution = Carnegie, % year = 1987, % number = "CM-CS-87-133", % address = pittsburgh, % month = mar %} @Article{loo:exp:263, author = "David Detlefs and Maurice Herlihy and Jeannette Wing", title = "Inheritance of Synchronization and Recovery Properties in {A}valon\slash {C}++", journal = "Computer", year = 1988, volume = 21, number = 12, pages = "57--69", month = dec } @TechReport{loo:fic:264, author = "A. Freyssinet and R. Scioville and G. Vand\^{o}me", title = "Gestion des Objets Persistants dans le Syst\`{e}me {G}uide", institution = "Laboratoire de G\'{e}nie Informatique", year = 1987, number = "R-4", address = "Saint-Martin-d'H\`{e}res (France)", month = dec } @TechReport{loo:con:265, author = "R. Balter and J. Bernadat and D. Decouchant and S. Krakowiak and M. Riveill and X. Rousset de Pina", title = "Mod\`{e}le d'Ex\'{e}cution du Syst\`{e}me Guide", institution = "Laboratoire de G\'{e}nie Informatique", year = 1987, number = "R-3", address = "Saint-Martin-d'H\`{e}res (France)", month = dec } @Article{pro:pan:266, author = "Fabio Panzieri and Santosh K. Shrivastava", title = "Rajdoot: A Remote Procedure Call Mechanism Supporting Orphan Detection and Killing", journal = ieeese, year = 1988, volume = 14, number = 1, pages = "30--37", month = jan } @Article{con:267, author = "Nazim H. Madhavji", title = "Fragtypes: A Basis for Programming Environments", journal = ieeese, year = 1988, volume = 14, number = 1, pages = "85--97", month = jan } @Article{fic:rep:268, author = "Mario Papageorgiou", title = "Le Syst\`{e}me de Gestion de Fichiers R\'{e}parti dans {C}horus", journal = tsi, year = 1988, volume = 7, number = 4, month = may } @TechReport{loo:pan:269, author = "G.N. Dixon and S.K. Shrivastava", title = "Exploiting Type Inheritance Facilities to Implement Recoverability in Object Based Systems", institution = "University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne", year = 1986, number = 223, address = "Newcastle Upon Tyne, England", month = oct } @TechReport{mat:270, author = "Charles P. Thacker and Lawrence C. Stewart and Edwin Satterthwaite, Jr., H.", title = "Firefly: A Multiprocessor Workstation", institution = "Digital Research Center", year = 1987, number = 23, address = "Palo Alto, CA {USA}", month = dec } @Article{het:271, author = "David Notkin and Andrew P. Black and Edward D. Lazowska and Henry M. Levy and Jan Sanislo and John Zahorjan", title = "Interconnecting Heterogeneous Computer Systems", journal = "{ACM}", year = 1988, volume = 31, number = 3, pages = "258--273", month = mar } @Article{exp:syn:272, author = "Stuart, R. and David L. Parnas", title = "On Synchronization in Hard-Real-Time Systems", journal = "{ACM}", year = 1988, volume = 31, number = 3, pages = "274--287", month = mar } @Article{rep:fic:273, author = "David K. Gifford and Roger M. Needham and Michael D. Schroeder", title = "The {C}edar File System", journal = cacm, year = 1988, volume = 31, number = 3, pages = "288--298", month = mar } @Article{argus:274, author = "Barbara Liskov", title = "Distributed Programming in {ARGUS}", journal = "{ACM}", year = 1988, volume = 31, number = 3, pages = "300--312", month = mar } @Article{v:275, author = "David R. Cheriton", title = "The {V} Distributed System", journal = "{ACM}", year = 1988, volume = 31, number = 3, pages = "314--333", month = mar } %TechReport{do:exp:pan:276, % author = "Partha Dasgupta and Leblanc, Jr., Richard J. and William F. Appelbe", % title = "The Clouds Distributed Operating Systems: Functional Description, Implementation Details and Related Work.", % institution = "Institute of Technology", % year = 1987, % number = "GIT-ICS-87/42", % address = "Atlanta, {GA} 30332 {USA}" %} @InProceedings{exp:loo:276, author = "Partha Dasgupta and Leblanc, Jr., Richard J. and William F. Appelbe", title = "The Clouds Distributed Operating Systems: Functional Description, Implementation Details and Related Work.", booktitle = icdcs8, year = 1988, pages = "2--9", organization = "{(IEEE)}", address = "S. Jos\'{e} CA {(USA)}", month = jun } @TechReport{alg:mat:277, author = "John R. Ellis and Kai Li and Andrew W. Appel", title = "{R}eal-time Concurrent Collection on stock Multiprocessors", institution = "Digital Research Center", year = 1988, number = 25, address = "Palo Alto, CA ({USA})", month = feb } @TechReport{pro:sos:278, author = "Mesaac Makpangou and Marc Shapiro", title = "The {SOS} object-oriented communication service", institution = inria, year = 1988, type = "Rapport de Recherche", number = 801, address = "Rocquencourt, Le Chesnay ({F}rance)", month = mar } @Article{exp:rep:279, author = "F.A. Vaughan and C.D. Marlin and C.J. Barter", title = "A Distributed Operating System Kernel for a Closely-Coupled Multiprocessor", journal = "Australian Computer Science Communications", year = 1988, volume = 10, number = 1, month = feb } @InProceedings{exp:280, author = "David Leo Presotto", title = "Plan 9 from {B}ell {L}abs -- The Network", booktitle = "{EUUG} Spring '88", year = 1988, pages = "15--21", organization = "{EUUG}", address = "London", month = apr } @Unpublished{exp:loo:pan:281, author = "Eugene H. Spafford", title = "Architecture and Operation Invocation in the {C}louds Kernel", note = "Personal communication" } @InProceedings{loo:exp:282, author = "Bjarne Stroustrup and Jonathan E. Shopiro", title = "A Set of {C++} Classes for Co-Routine Style Programming", booktitle = "Proceedings and Additional Papers, {C++} Workshop", year = 1987, page = "417--439", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{loo:C++:283, author = "Keith E. Gorlen", title = "An Object-Oriented Class Library for {C++} Programs", booktitle = "Proceedings and additional papers, {C++} Workshop", year = 1987, page = "181--208", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{loo:C++:284, author = "Bjarne Stroustrup", title = "What is Object-Oriented Programming?", booktitle = "Proceedings and Additional Papers, {C++} Workshop", year = 1987, page = "159--180", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{loo:exp:285, author = "Jonathan E. Shopiro", title = "Extending the {C++} Task System for Real-Time Control", booktitle = "Proceedings and additional papers, {C++} workshop", year = 1987, page = "77--94", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{loo:C++:286, author = "Philippe Gautron and Marc Shapiro", title = "Two extensions to {C++}: A Dynamic Link Editor and Inner data", booktitle = "Proceeding and additional papers, {C++} Workshop", year = 1987, page = "23--34", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{loo:C++:287, author = "Bjarne Stroustrup", title = "The Evolution of {C++}~: 1985 to 1987", booktitle = "Proceedings and Additional Papers, {C++} Workshop", year = 1987, page = "1--22", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{exp:loo:288, author = "Roy Campbell and Vincent Russo and Gary Johnston", title = "The Design of a Multiprocessor Operating System", booktitle = "Proceedings and additional papers, {C++} workshop", year = 1987, page = "109--125", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{loo:289, author = "Tsvi Bar-David", title = "Teaching {C++}", booktitle = "Proceedings and additional papers, {C++} workshop", year = 1987, page = "232--237", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @InProceedings{loo:C++:290, author = "Bjarne Stroustrup", title = "Possible Directions for {C++}", booktitle = "Proceedings and Additional Papers, {C++} Workshop", year = 1987, page = "399--416", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = nov } @TechReport{fic:loo:291, author = "John Wilkes", title = "Entities", institution = "Hewlett-Packard", year = 1988, number = "ACS-88-32", address = "Palo Alto, CA {USA}", month = apr } @Article{alg:292, author = "Per-Ake Larson", title = "Dynamic Hash Tables", journal = cacm, year = 1988, volume = 31, number = 4, pages = "446--457", month = apr } @InProceedings{prs:293, author = "S. C. Crawley", title = "An Object-Based File System for Large-Scale Applications", booktitle = "Software Engineering Environments", year = 1986, editor = "I. Somerville", publisher = "Peter Peregrinus Ltd.", address = "Lancaster University, England", month = apr } @Misc{prs:294, author = "H. J. Barman and S. C. Crawley", title = "Flexibility in a Persistent Object-Based Type System", address = "University of Cambridge, England" } @Article{fic:rep:295, author = "Michael D. Schroeder and David K. Gifford and Roger M. Needham", title = "A Caching File System for a Programmer's Workstation", journal = "Operating Systems Review", year = 1985, volume = 19, number = 5, pages = "25--34", month = dec } @Article{div:296, author = "John K. Ousterhout and Herv\'{e} Da Costa and David Harrison and John A. Kunze and Mike Kupfer and James G. Thompson", title = "A Trace-Driven Analysis of the Unix 4.2 {BSD} File System", journal = "Operating Systems Review", year = 1985, volume = 19, number = 5, pages = "15--24", month = dec } @Article{svy:exp:rep:297, author = "A. S. Tanenbaum and van Renesse, R.", title = "Distributed Operating Systems", journal = acmcs, year = 1985, volume = 17, number = 4, pages = "419--470", month = dec } @Article{exp:rep:298, author = "S. J. Mullender and A. S. Tanenbaum", title = "The Design of a Capability-Based Distributed Operating System", journal = "The Computer Journal", year = 1986, volume = 29, number = 4, pages = "77--100", month = mar } @InProceedings{exp:rep:299, author = "A. S. Tanenbaum and S. J. Mullender and van Renesse, R.", title = "Using Sparse Capabilities in a Distributed Operating System", booktitle = "Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems", year = 1986, pages = "558--563", organization = "IEEE", month = may } @InProceedings{fic:atm:300, author = "S. J. Mullender and A. S. Tanenbaum", title = "A Distributed File Service Based on Optimistic Concurrency Control", booktitle = sosp10, year = 1985, pages = "365--368", organization = "ACM", address = "Orcas Island, WA (USA)", month = dec } @Article{fic:301, author = "S.J. Mullender and A. S. Tanenbaum", title = "Immediate Files", journal = "Software---Practice and Experience", year = 1984, volume = 14, number = 4, pages = "365--368", month = apr } @InProceedings{het:302, author = "Sape J. Mullender and Robbert van Renesse", title = "Accommodating Heterogeneity in the {A}moeba Distributed System", booktitle = "Proc.\ of {SOSP} Heterogeneity Workshop", year = 1985, organization = "ACM", address = "Orcas Island, Washington, ({USA})", month = dec } @Book{div:303, author = "{Adobe Systems Incorporated}", title = "{P}ost{S}cript Language Reference Manual", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = 1985, month = dec } @TechReport{alg:304, author = "Leslie Lamport", title = "Concurrent Reading and Writing of Clocks", institution = "DEC Systems Reseach Center", year = 1988, number = 27, address = "Palo Alto, CA (USA)", month = apr } @TechReport{pro:pan:305, author = "Thomas A. Joseph and Kenneth P. Birman", title = "Reliable Broadcast Protocols", institution = "Dept.\ of Comp.\ Sc., Cornell University", year = 1988, number = "TR 88--918", address = "Ithaca, New York ({USA})", month = jun } @Article{fic:306, author = "Jason Gait", title = "The Optical File Cabinet: A Random-Access File System for Write-Once Optical Disks", journal = "Computer", year = 1988, volume = 21, number = 6, pages = "11--22", month = jun } @InProceedings{nom:307, author = "Karen R. Sollins and David D. Clark", title = "Distributed Name Management", booktitle = "Message Handling Systems", year = 1988, editor = "R. Speth", pages = "97--115", organization = "IFIP", publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)" } @PhdThesis{div:308, author = "Stephen C. Vestal", title = "Garbage Collection: An Exercise in Distributed, Fault-Tolerant Programming", school = "Dept.\ of Comp.\ Sc., U.\ of Washington", year = 1987, address = "Seattle WA (USA)", month = jan } @TechReport{exp:rep:309, author = "M. Rozier and V. Abrossimov and F. Armand and M. Gien and M. Guillemont and F. Hermann and C. Kaiser and P. Leonard and S. Langlois and W. Neuhauser", title = "Overview of the Chorus Distributed Operating System", institution = "Chorus Syst\`{e}mes", year = 1988, number = "CS/TR-88-7", address = "Montigny-le-Bretonneux (France)", month = jun } @TechReport{rep:alg:310, author = "Kenneth P. Birman and Thomas A. Joseph", title = "Exploiting Replication", institution = "Dept.\ of Comp.\ Sc., Cornell University", year = 1988, number = "TR 88--917", address = "Ithaca, New York ({USA})", month = jun } @Article{het:311, author = "Brian N. Bershad and Henry M. Levy", title = "A Remote Computation Facility for a Heterogeneous Environment", journal = "Computer", year = 1988, volume = 21, number = 5, pages = "50--60", month = may } @PhdThesis{fic:rep:312, author = "Mario Papageorgiou", title = "Les Syst\`{e}mes de Gestion de Fichiers R\'{e}partis", school = "Universit\'{e} Paris~VI", year = 1988, month = jan, address = "4, pl. Jussieu, Paris (France)" } @Article{svy:exp:rep:313, author = "Sacha Krakowiak", title = "Les Syst\`{e}mes d'exploitation r\'{e}partis~: \'{e}volution r\'{e}cente et tendances de la recherche", journal = tsi, year = 1987, volume = 6, number = 2, pages = "151--161" } @InProceedings{pro:sos:314, author = "Mesaac Makpangou and Marc Shapiro", title = "The {SOS} Object-Oriented Communication Service", booktitle = "Proc.\ 9th Int.\ Conf.\ on Computer Communication", year = 1988, address = "Tel Aviv (Israel)", month = "October--November" } @InProceedings{sos:315, author = "Marc Shapiro", title = "The Design of a Distributed Object-Oriented Operating System for Office Applications", booktitle = "Proc.\ Esprit Technical Week 1988", year = 1988, address = "Brussels (Belgium)", month = nov } @InProceedings{dbg:316, author = "Barton P. Miller and Jong-Deok Choi", title = "A Mechanism for Efficient Debugging of Parallel Programs", booktitle = "Proc.\ of the SIGPLAN'88 Conf.\ on Programming Language Design and Implementation", year = 1988, pages = "135--144", organization = "ACM", address = "Atlanta, GA (USA)", month = jun } @Article{pro:317, author = "Gifford, David K. and Nathan Glasser", title = "Remote Pipes and Procedures for Efficient Distributed Communication", journal = toplas, year = 1988, volume = 6, number = 3, pages = "258--283", month = aug } @InProceedings{dbg:318, author = "Janice M. Stone", title = "Debugging Concurrent Processes: a Case Study", booktitle = "Proc.\ of the SIGPLAN'88 Conf.\ on Programming Language Design and Implementation", year = 1988, pages = "145--153", organization = "ACM", address = "Atlanta, GA (USA)", month = jun } @Article{rep:div:319, author = "Jonathan M. Smith", title = "A Survey of Process Migration Mechanisms", journal = "Operating Systems Review", year = 1988, volume = 22, number = 3, pages = "28--40", month = jul } @Article{prs:alg:320, author = "James W. Stamos", title = "Static Grouping of Small Objects to Enhance Performance of a Paged Virtual Memory", journal = tocs, year = 1984, volume = 2, number = 2, pages = "155--180", month = may } @InProceedings{pro:sos:321, author = "Makpangou, Mesaac Mounchili", title = "Invocations d'objets distants dans {SOS}", booktitle = "De Nouvelles Architectures pour les Communications", year = 1988, editor = "Guy Pujolle", pages = "195--201", publisher = "Eyrolles", address = "Paris (France)", month = oct } @PhdThesis{pro:exp:322, author = "Azzeddine Mzouri", title = "Les protocoles de communication dans un syst\`{e}me d'exploitation r\'{e}parti", school = "Universit\'{e} de Paris-Sud centre d'Orsay", year = 1988, month = jan } @Article{div:323, author = "Robert Courts", title = "Improving locality of reference in a garbage-collecting memory management system", journal = cacm, year = 1988, volume = 31, number = 9, pages = "1128--1138", month = sep } @InProceedings{prot:rpc:324, author = "Andrew S. Tanenbaum and van Renesse, Robbert", title = "A Critique of the Remote Procedure Call Paradigm", booktitle = "Proc.\ of the EUTECO'88 Conf.", year = 1988, editor = "R. Speth", pages = "775--783", publisher = "North-Holland", address = "Vienna, Austria", month = apr, note = "Available as Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam TR--123" } @InProceedings{prs:pan:325, author = "Colin Low", title = "A Shared, Persistent Object Store", booktitle = "Proc.\ of the 1988 European Conf.\ on Object-Oriented Programming", year = 1988, publisher = "Springer-Verlag", month = sep } @InProceedings{pro:syn:326, author = "Babao{\v{g}}lu, {\"O}zalp and Rog\'erio Drummond", title = "(Almost) No Cost Clock Synchronization", booktitle = "Fault Tolerant Computing Symp., FTCS--17", year = 1987, pages = "42--47", organization = "{IEEE}", address = pittsburgh, month = jul } @Article{svy:exp:rep:327, author = "Legatheaux Martins, Jos\'{e} and Yolande Berbers", title = "La d\'{e}signation dans les syst\`{e}mes d'exploitation r\'{e}partis", journal = tsi, year = 1988, volume = 7, number = 4, pages = "360--372" } @TechReport{pro:rep:328, author = "Frank Bernhard Schmuck", title = "The Use of Efficient Broadcast Protocols in Asynchronous Distributed Systems", institution = "Dept.\ of C.S., Cornell U.", year = 1988, number = "TR 88--928", address = "Ithaca, NY ({USA})", month = aug } @InProceedings{pro:exp:lan:329, author = "Alan R. Downing and Gerald J. Popek", title = "Protocols for a Transparent, Internet, Distributed Operating System", booktitle = "Computer Networking Symp.", year = 1988, pages = "313--321", organization = "{IEEE}" } @Misc{prs:db:330, author = "Daniel Weinreb and Neal Feinberg and Dan Gerson and Charles Lamb", title = "An Object-Oriented Database System to Support an Integrated Programming Environment", year = 1988, month = feb } @TechReport{div:331, author = "Russell W. Quong and Mark A. Linton", title = "Linking Programs Incrementally", institution = "Comp.\ Systems Lab., Stanford University", year = 1987, number = "CSL-TR-87-341", address = "Stanford CA (USA)", month = dec } @Misc{rep:dbg:332, author = "Mark A. Linton", title = "Integrated Debugging in a Loosely-Coupled Environment" } @Article{div:333, author = "Michael L. Scott and Raphael A. Finkel", title = "A Simple Mechanism for Type Security Across Compilation Units", journal = ieeese, year = 1988, volume = 14, number = 8, pages = "1238--1239", month = aug } @Article{app:loo:334, author = "Mark A. Linton", title = "Distributed Management of a Software Database", journal = "IEEE Software", year = 1987, pages = "70--76" } @InProceedings{app:335, author = "Douglas Comer and Jim Griffoen and Rajendra Yavatkar", title = "Shadow Editing: A Distributed Service for Supercomputer Access", booktitle = icdcs8, year = 1988, pages = "215--221", organization = "{IEEE}", address = "San Jos\'{e}, CA({USA})", month = jun } @InProceedings{exp:prs:336, author = "David V. Pitts and Partha Dasgupta", title = "Object Memory and Storage Management in the {\em Clouds} Kernel", booktitle = icdcs8, year = 1988, pages = "10--17", organization = "{IEEE}", address = "San Jos\'{e}, CA{(USA)}", month = jun } @InProceedings{pro:diff:337, author = "Hector Garcia-Molina and Boris Kogan", title = "Reliable Broadcast in Networks with Nonprogrammable Servers", booktitle = icdcs8, year = 1988, pages = "428--437", organization = "{IEEE}", address = "San Jos\'{e}, CA{(USA)}", month = jun } @InProceedings{pro:diff:338, author = "S. Navaratnam and S. Chanson and G. Neufeld", title = "Reliable Group Communication in Distributed Systems", booktitle = icdcs8, year = 1988, pages = "439--447", organization = "{IEEE}", address = "San Jos\'{e}, CA{(USA)}", month = jun } @InProceedings{dbg:rep:339, author = "Barton P. Miller and Jong-Deok Choi", title = "Breakpoints and Halting in Distributed Programs", booktitle = icdcs8, year = 1988, pages = "316--323", organization = "{IEEE}", address = "San Jos\'{e}, CA{(USA)}", month = jun } @TechReport{loo:syn:340, author = "Maurice P. Herlihy and Jeannette M. Wing", title = "Linearizability: A Correctness Condition for Concurrent Objects", institution = Carnegie, year = 1988, number = "CMU-CS-88-120", address = pittsburgh, month = "mar" } @TechReport{prs:341, author = "Crawley, Stephen Christopher", title = "The {E}ntity System: An Object-Based Filing System", institution = "University of Cambridge", year = 1986, number = 86, address = "Cambridge, England {(GB)}", month = apr } @InProceedings{rep:con:loo:342, author = "Kentaro Shimizu and Mamoru Maekawa and Jun Hamano", title = "Hierarchical Object Groups in Distributed Operating Systems", booktitle = icdcs8, year = 1988, pages = "18--24", organization = "{IEEE}", address = "San Jos\'{e}, CA{(USA)}", month = jun } % TechReport{app:rep:343, % author = "E. H. Baalbergen", % title = "Design and Implementation of Parallel Make", % institution = "Dept.\ of Math. and Computer Science", % year = 1987, % number = "IR-141", % address = "Amsterdam (The Netherlands)", % month = dec %} @Article{app:rep:343, author = "E. H. Baalbergen", title = "Design and Implementation of Parallel Make", journal = "Computing Systems", year = 1988, volume = 1, number = 2, pages = "135--158" } @TechReport{rep:sec:344, author = "Bennet S. Yee and J. D. Tygar and Alfred Z. Spector", title = "Strongbox: A Self-Securing Protection System for Distributed Programs", institution = Carnegie, year = 1988, number = "CMU-CS-87-184", address = pittsburgh, month = jan } @TechReport{fic:sec:345, author = "M. Satyanarayanan", title = "Integrating Security in a Large Distributed System", institution = Carnegie, year = 1987, number = "CMU-CS-87-179", address = pittsburgh, month = nov } @InProceedings{div:346, author = "Attardi, G. and Baldi, A. and Boni, U. and Carignani, E. and Cozzi, G. and Pellegrin, A. and Durocher, E. and Filotti, I. and Wang Qing and Hunter, M. and Marks, J. and Richarson, C. and Watson, A.", title = "Techniques for Dynamic Software Migration", booktitle = "Esprit '88, Proc.\ of the 5th Annual Esprit Conference", year = 1988, editor = "Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General Telecommunications, Information Industries and Innovation", pages = "475--491", publisher = "North-Holland", month = nov } @InProceedings{C++:347, author = "S. B. Lippman and B. Stroustrup", title = "Pointers to Class Members in C++", booktitle = "Proc.\ C++ Conference", year = 1988, pages = "305--323", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = oct } @InProceedings{con:348, author = "Andrew Schulert and Kate Erl", title = "Open Dialogue: Using an Extensible Retained Object Workspace to Support a {UIMS}", booktitle = "Proc.\ C++ Conference", year = 1988, pages = "53--63", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = oct } @InProceedings{exp:noy:349, author = "Gary M. Johnston and Roy H. Campbell", title = "A Multiprocessor Operating System Simulator", booktitle = "Proc.\ C++ Conference", year = 1988, pages = "169--181", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = oct } @InProceedings{con:350, author = "Douglas Lea", title = "Libg++, The {GNU} {C++} Library", booktitle = "Proc.\ C++ Conference", year = 1988, pages = "243--255", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = oct } @InProceedings{C++:351, author = "Bjarne Stroustrup", title = "Parameterized Types for C++", booktitle = "Proc.\ C++ Conference", year = 1988, pages = "1--18", organization = "USENIX", address = "Berkeley, CA ({USA})", month = oct } @TechReport{div:352, author = "Eugene H. Spafford", title = "The Internet Worm Program: An Analysis", institution = "Dept.\ of Math.\ and Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "CSD-TR-823", address = "West Lafayette, ({USA)}", month = nov } @InProceedings{div:353, author = "R\'{e}gis Minot and Pierre Coucoureux and Hubert Zimmermann and Jean-Jacques Germond and Paolo Alvari and Vincenzo Ambriola and Ted Dowling", title = "The Spirit of {A}phrodite", booktitle = "Esprit '88, Proc.\ of the 5th Annual Esprit Conference", year = 1988, editor = "Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General Telecommunications, Information Industries and Innovation", pages = "519--539", publisher = "North-Holland", month = nov } @TechReport{lan:rep:354, author = "H. E. Bal and J. G. Steiner and A. S. Tanenbaum", title = "Progamming Languages for Distributed Systems", institution = "Dept.\ of Math. and Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "IR-147", address = "Amsterdam (The Netherlands)", month = feb } @Misc{fic:355, author = "van Renesse, Robbert and Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Annita Wilschut", title = "The Design of a High-Performance File Server" } year = 1988 @TechReport{lan:rep:356, author = "H. E. Bal and A. S. Tanenbaum", title = "Orca: A Language for Distributed Object-Based Programming", institution = "Dept.\ of Math.\ and Computer Science", year = 1987, number = "IR-140", address = "Amsterdam (The Netherlands)", month = dec } @Article{exp:perf:357, author = "van Renesse, Robbert and Hans van, Staveren and Andrew S. Tanenbaum", title = "The Performance of the {A}moeba Distributed Operating System", journal = "Software -- Practice and Experience", year = 1989, note = toappear } @InProceedings{con:rep:358, author = "Henri E. Bal and Robbert Van Renesse and Andrew S. Tanenbaum", title = "Implementing Distributed Algorithms Using Remote Procedure Calls", booktitle = "Proc. AFIPS Nat. Computer Conf.", year = 1987, editor = "AFIPS Press", pages = "499--505", address = "Chicago", month = jun } @InProceedings{con:rep:359, author = "Henri E. Bal and Andrew S. Tanenbaum", title = "Distributed Programming With Shared Data", booktitle = "Proceedings of ICCL", year = 1988, pages = "82--91", organization = "IEEE", publisher = "Computer Society Press", address = "Miami, FL", month = oct } @Misc{exp:360, author = "Andrew S. Tanenbaum and van Renesse, Robbert and Hans van Staveren and Sape J. Mullender", title = "A Retrospective and Evaluation of the {A}moeba Distributed Operating System", year = 1980, month = dec } @Misc{exp:361, author = "Sape J. Mullender and Jack Jansen and Guido Van Rossum", title = "{A}moeba Kernel Interface Specification", year = 1988, month = dec } @TechReport{lan:362, author = "Luca Cardelli and James Donahue and Lucille Glassman and Mick Jordan and Bill Kalsow and Greg Nelson", title = "Modula-3 Report", institution = "Olivetti Research Center", year = 1988, number = "ORC-1", address = "Menlo Park, California", note = "{A}lso available as Digital SRC Technical Report no. 31" } @Article{prs:363, author = "R. Morrison and M.P. Atkinson and A.L. Brown and A. Dearle", title = "Bindings in Persistent Programming Languages", journal = "SIGPLAN Notices", pages = "27--34", volume = 23, number = 4, year = 1988, month = apr } @Article{lan:364, author = "R. E. Gantenbein and D. W. Jones", title = "The Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Binding Feature for a High-Level Language", journal = "The Journal of Systems and Software", year = 1988, volume = 8, pages = "259--273" } @Manual{os:lib:365, title = "Guide to the {C}amelot Distributed Transaction Facility: Release 1", key = "Camelot", organization = "Carnegie-Mellon University", address = "Pittsburgh PA (USA)", year = 1988, month = May, note = "A. Z. Spector and K. R. Swedlow, editors." } @Article{loo:366, author = "Luca Cardelli and Peter Wegner", title = "On understanding Types, Data Abstraction, and Polymorphism", journal = "Computing Surveys", year = 1985, volume = 17, number = 4, pages = "472--522", month = dec } @InProceedings{chap:perf:367, author = "Bertil Folliot and Michel Ruffin", title = "{GATOS}, G\'{e}rant de T\^{a}ches dans un Syst`{e}me Distribu'{e}", booktitle = "Actes Convention Unix 89", year = 1989, pages = "55--72", organization = "{AFUU}", address = "Paris", month = mar } @Article{dbg:368, author = "Thomas J. Leblanc and Barton P. Miller", title = "Summary of {ACM} Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging", journal = "Operating Systems Review", year = 1988, volume = 22, number = 4, pages = "7--19", month = oct } @Article{alg:369, author = "Phil Kearns", title = "A Correct and Unrestrictive Implementation of General Semaphores", journal = "Operating Systems Review", year = 1988, volume = 22, number = 4, pages = "46--48", month = oct } @InCollection{prs:rep:370, author = "Harry H. Porter and Earl F. Ecklund and Denise J. Ecklund and T. Lougenia Anderson and Bruce Schneider", title = "A Distributed Object Server", booktitle = "Advances in Object-Oriented Database Systems", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", year = 1988, editor = "K.R. Dittrich", chapter = 334, pages = "44--59", month = sep } @InProceedings{sos:prs:371, author = "Marc Shapiro and Laurence Mosseri", title = "A simple object storage system", booktitle = "Proc.\ Workshop on persistent object systems", year = 1988, pages = "320--327", editor = "J. Rosenberg", address = "Newcastle NSW (Australia)", month = jan } @TechReport{alg:372, author = "Henry Massalin and Calton Pu", title = "File-grain Scheduling", institution = "Dept.\ of Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "381-88", address = "New York, {(USA)}", month = nov } @Misc{mv:loo:373, author = "P. Broessler and F.A. Henskens and J.L. Keedy and J. Rosenberg", title = "Addressing Objects in a Very Large Distributed Virtual Memory" } @TechReport{exp:noy:loo:374, author = "Vincent Russo and Gary Johnston and Roy Compbell", title = "Process Management and Exception Handling in Multiprocessor Operating Systems Using Object-Oriented Design Techniques", institution = "Department of Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "R-88-1415", address = "Urbana, Illinois {(USA)}", month = sep } @TechReport{exp:mvloo:375, author = "Roy Campbell and Vincent Russo and Gary Johnston", title = "A Class Hierarchical, Object-Oriented Approach to Virtual Memory Management in Multiprocessor Operating Systems", institution = "Department of Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "R-88-1459", address = "Urbana, Illinois {(USA)}", month = sep } @TechReport{exp:fic:loo:376, author = "Peter W. Madany and Douglas E. Leyens and Vincent F. Russo and Roy H. Campbell", title = "A {C++} Class Hierarchy for Building Unix-Like File Systems", institution = "Department of Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "R-88-1462", address = "Urbana, Illinois {(USA)}", month = sep } @TechReport{exp:loo:377, author = "Gary M. Johnston and Roy H. Campbell", title = "A Multiprocessor Operating System Simulator", institution = "Department of Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "R-88-1460", address = "Urbana, Illinois {(USA)}", month = sep } @TechReport{perf:378, author = "Allen D. Malony and Daniel A. Reed", title = "Visualizing Parallel Computer System Performance", institution = "Department of Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "R-88-1465", address = "Urbana, Illinois {(USA)}", month = sep } @InProceedings{loo:res:379, author = "Munir A. Tag and Amine Benkiran and Gerard Durand and Mick J. Wilson", title = "Design of an Object-Oriented Distributed System: Experience with {CSA}", booktitle = "Workshop on the Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems in the 1990s", year = 1988, pages = "192--201", organization = "IEEE", address = "Hong Kong", month = sep } @TechReport{C++:380, author = "P. A. Buhr and G. J. Ditchfield and C. R. Zarnke", title = "Concurrency in C++", institution = "Faculty of Mathematics", year = 1988, number = "CS-88-30", address = "Ontario, Canada", month = jul } @Article{prs:con:381, author = "P. Balch and W.P. Cockshott and P.W. Foulk", title = "Layered Implementations of Persistent Object Stores", journal = "The Software Engineering Journal", year = toappear } @InProceedings{prs:rep:382, author = "Harry H. Porter, III", title = "Persistence in a Distributed Object Server", booktitle = "Proc.\ Workshop on Persistent Object Systems", year = 1989, pages = "271--285", editor = "J. Rosenberg", address = "Newcastle NSW (Australia)", month = jan } @InProceedings{fic:383, author = "P.A. Buhr and C.R. Zarnke", title = "Addressing in a Persistent Environment", booktitle = "Proc.\ Workshop on persistent object systems", year = 1989, pages = "36--50", editor = "J. Rosenberg", address = "Newcastle NSW (Australia)", month = jan } @InProceedings{mat:loo:384, author = "James Leslie Keedy", title = "Support for Objects in the {MONADS} Architecture", booktitle = "Proc.\ Workshop on persistent object systems", year = 1989, pages = "202--213", editor = "J. Rosenberg", address = "Newcastle NSW (Australia)", month = jan } @InProceedings{pan:385, author = "Mary F. Fernandez and Stanley B. Zdonik", title = "Transaction Groups: A Model for Controlling Cooperative Transactions", booktitle = "Proc.\ Workshop on persistent object systems", year = 1989, pages = "128--138", editor = "J. Rosenberg", address = "Newcastle NSW (Australia)", month = jan } @InProceedings{C++:prs:386, author = "Joel E. Richardson and Michael J. Carey", title = "Implementing Persistence in {E}", booktitle = "Proc.\ Workshop on persistent object systems", year = 1989, pages = "302--319", editor = "J. Rosenberg", address = "Newcastle NSW (Australia)", month = jan } @InProceedings{mat:loo:387, author = "John Rosenberg and David M. Koch and J. Leslie Keedy", title = "A Massive Memory Supercomputer", booktitle = "Proc.\ Workshop on persistent object systems", year = 1989, pages = "387--394", editor = "J. Rosenberg", address = "Newcastle NSW (Australia)", month = jan } @TechReport{sos:388, author = "The {SOR} group", title = "{SOS} Reference Manual for Prototype {V4}", institution = "INRIA", year = 1989, type = "Rapport Technique", number = 103, address = rocquencourt, month = feb } @TechReport{sos:389, author = "Yvon Gourhant", title = "Un conf\'{e}rencier r\'{e}parti sous {SOS}, et portage de l'\'{e}diteur de liens dynamique", institution = inria, year = 1988, type = "Rapport de Recherche", number = 785, address = rocquencourt, month = jan } @Article{loo:mat:390, author = "Jorg Kaiser", title = "{MUTABOR}, A Coprocessor Supporting Memory Management in an Object-Oriented Architecture", journal = "IEEE Micro", year = 1988, pages = "30--46", month = oct } @InProceedings{nom:sos:391, author = "J.P. Le Narzul and M. Shapiro", title = "Un Service de Nommage pour un Syst\`{e}me \`{a} Objets R\'{e}partis", booktitle = "Actes Convention Unix 89", year = 1989, pages = "73--82", organization = "{AFUU}", address = "Paris", month = mar } @InProceedings{het:392, author = "F. Brent Dubach and Robert M. Rutherford and Charles M. Shub", title = "Process-Originated Migration in a Heterogeneous Environment", booktitle = "Computer Science Conference", year = 1989, pages = "21--23", address = "Louisville, KY ({USA})", month = feb } @Unpublished{loo:393, author = "Rajendra K.Rajand Henry M. Levy", title = "A Compositional Model for Software Reuse", note = "Department of Computer Science, Seattle, WA ({USA})", year = 1989, month = jan } @Unpublished{loo:mat:394, author = "Rodger Lea and Doug Shepherd", title = "Network Support for Distributed Objets: Coping with Heterogeneity in Models and Architectures", note = "Department of Computing, Lancaster ({E}ngland)", year = 1988 } @Misc{prs:395, author = "Paul Cockshott", title = "Concurrent Garbage Collection Algorithm for a Persistent Heap" } @TechReport{mv:rep:syn:396, author = "Meichun Hsu and Va-On Tam", title = "Transaction Synchronization in Distributed Shared Virtual Memory Systems", institution = "Aiken Computation Laboratory, Harvard University", year = 1989, number = "TR-05-89", address = "Cambridge MA ({USA})", month = jan } @InProceedings{sos:prs:c++:397, author = "Marc Shapiro and Philippe Gautron and Laurence Mosseri", title = "Persistence and Migration for {C}++ Objects", booktitle = "ECOOP'89", year = 1989, address = "Nottingham ({GB})", month = jul } @TechReport{mv:rep:398, author = "Meichun Hsu and Va-On Tam", title = "Managing Databases in Distributed Virtual Memory", institution = "Aiken Computation Laboratory, Harvard University", year = 1988, number = "TR-07-88", address = "Cambridge MA ({USA})", month = mar } @TechReport{rep:con:399, author = "M. Satyanarayanan", title = "On the Influence of Scale in a Distributed System", institution = carnegie, year = 1987, number = "CMU-CS-87-162", address = pittsburgh, month = mar } @TechReport{rep:sec:400, author = "M. Satyanarayanan", title = "Integrating Security in a Large Distributed System", institution = carnegie, year = 1987, number = "CMU-CS-87-179", address = pittsburgh, month = nov } @InProceedings{rep:pan:con:401, author = "Maurice P. Herlihy and Jeannette M. Wing", title = "Specifying Graceful Degradation in Distributed Systems", booktitle = podc6, year = 1987, organization = "{ACM}", address = "Vancouver ({Canada})", month = aug, note = "Also available as CMU technical report no.\ CMU-CS-87-120" } @InProceedings{pan:402, author = "D. I. Bevan", title = "Distributed Garbage Collection Using Reference Counting", booktitle = "Parallel Arch.\ and Lang.\ Europe", year = 1987, pages = "117--187", publisher = "Spring-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science 259", address = "Eindhoven, The Netherlands", month = jun } @TechReport{loo:rep:403, author = "Eric Jul", title = "Object Mobility in a Distributed Object-Oriented System", institution = "Department of Computer Science", year = 1988, number = "88-12-06", address = "Seattle, WA ({USA})", month = dec } @Article{loo:mat:404, author = "Dick Pountain", title = "Rekursiv: An Object-Oriented {CPU}", journal = "BYTE", year = 1988, pages = "341--349", month = nov } @InProceedings{exp:rep:405, author = "D. Decouchant and A. Duda and A. Freyssinet and H. Nguyen Van and M. Riveill and X. Rousset de Pina ", title = "Guide~: Un Syst\`{e}me R\'{e}parti \`{a} Objet", booktitle = "Actes Convention Unix 89", year = 1989, pages = "297--316", organization = "{AFUU}", address = "Paris", month = mar } @InProceedings{pro:perf:unix:406, author = "Floriane Blusseau", title = "Mod\'{e}lisation d'une application sur un R\'{e}seau {E}thernet~: un Serveur {U}nix {A}mdahl communiquant via {NFS} avec des stations de travail {U}nix", booktitle = "Actes Convention Unix 89", year = 1989, pages = "199--225", organization = "{AFUU}", address = "Paris", month = mar } @InProceedings{pro:nom:unix:407, author = "Fran\c{c}is Dupont", title = "Serveur de Noms", booktitle = "Actes Convention Unix 89", year = 1989, pages = "177--187", organization = "{AFUU}", address = "Paris", month = mar } @InProceedings{mat:408, author = "Edwige E. Pissaloux", title = "Sur le Concept de la Machine Orient\'{e}e Types de Donn\'{e}es", booktitle = "Actes Convention Unix 89", year = 1989, pages = "113--121", organization = "{AFUU}", address = "Paris", month = mar } @InProceedings{fic:loo:rep:409, author = "Val\'{e}rie Issarny", title = "Construction d'un Syst\`{e}me de Gestion de Fichiers R\'{e}partis \`{a} l'aide du Concept d'Objet Fragment\'{e}", booktitle = "Actes Convention Unix 89", year = 1989, pages = "43--54", organization = "{AFUU}", address = "Paris", month = mar } @InProceedings{chorus:afuu:410, author = "Denis Metral-Charvet and Fran\c{c}ois Saint-Lu", title = "Le Syst\`{e}me {CHORUS}~: Temps R\'{e}el, R\'{e}partition et Unix Int\'{e}gr\'{e}s", booktitle = "Actes Convention Unix 89", year = 1989, pages = "19--42", organization = "{AFUU}", address = "Paris", month = mar } @TechReport{chorus:mv:411, author = "V. Abrossimov and M. Rozier and M. Shapiro", title = "Generic Virtual Memory Management for Operating System Kernels", institution = "Chorus-Syst\`{e}mes", year = 1989, number = "CS/TR-89-18", address = "Montigny le Bretonneux {France}", month = mar } @Unpublished{lan:loo:413, author = "S. Krakowiak and M. Meysembourg and H. Nguyen Van and M. Riveill and C. Roisin", title = "Design and Implementation of an Object-Oriented, Strongly Typed Language for Distributed Applications", note = "Submitted for publication", year = 1989, month = feb } @Article{div:414, author = "Michael Lesk", title = "Controversy: Can {U}nix survive Secret Source Code?", journal = "Computing Systems", year = 1988, volume = 1, number = 2, pages = "189--202" } @Article{fic:415, author = "Brian N. Bershad and C. Brian Pinkerton", title = "Watchdogs --- Extending the {U}nix File System", journal = "Computing Systems", year = 1988, volume = 1, number = 2, pages = "169--188" } @Article{noy:con:alg:416, author = "Calton Pu and Henry Massalin and John Ioannidis", title = "The Synthesis Kernel", journal = "Computing Systems", year = 1988, volume = 1, number = 1, pages = "12--32" } @Misc{dbg:418, author = "Dieter Haban and Dieter Wybranietz", title = "Behavior and Performance Analysis of Distributed Systems Using a Hybrid Monitor", note = "Submitted for publication" } @InProceedings{dbg:419, author = "Dieter Wybranietz and Dieter Haban", title = "Monitoring and Measuring Distributed Systems During Operation", booktitle = "Conf.\ on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems", year = 1988, organization = "ACM SIGMETRICS", address = "Santa Fe, New Mexico, ({USA})", month = may, note = "Also available as SFB 124---INCAS Project, Report no.\ 31/87, University of Kaiserslautern" } @Article{loo:C++:syn:420, author = "Brian N. Bershad and Edward D. Lazowska and Henry M. Levy", title = "{PRESTO}: A System for Object-Oriented Parallel Programming", journal = "Software---Practice and Experience", year = 1988, volume = 18, number = 8, pages = "713--732", month = aug } @Article{loo:exp:con:421, author = "Brian N. Bershad and Edward D. Lazowska and Henry M. Levy and David B. Wagner", title = "An Open Environment for Building Parallel Programming Systems", journal = "ACM", year = 1988, month = apr } ---- End of file ``~bib/bidon.bib'' ------------------------------