[comp.os.research] Schwartz at JvNC: Future of Very High Performance Computing

SALZMAN@pucc.princeton.edu (David Salzman) (06/15/89)

          The John von Neumann National Supercomputer Center
                         665 College Road East
               Princeton Forrestal Center, Plainsboro NJ

   "Prospects for the Future of Very High Performance Computing"

                           Jack Schwartz
                      4:00pm, Friday, June 23

Agencies of the federal government have fostered the development
of supercomputing in the United States since the beginning of
electronic computing.  The very highest performance computers now
under development use one of two strategies:  aggressive
technology, typified by the Cray and (late) ETA lines, and
scalable parallel machines, such as the Connection Machine, Warp,
or Cosmic Cube.  This talk surveys programs and expectations in
the national program, as well as the national security and
national competitiveness issues informing them.

Jack Schwartz is director of the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency's (DARPA's) office of Information Science and
Technology.  Prior to his DARPA service, he spent 35 years at NYU
as a professor in the mathematics and computer science departments
after earning his doctorate at Yale.

  Free and open to the public.  Reservations are not needed.
  For information about the seminar or directions to the Center,
  contact <SCIENCE@JVNCD.BITNET> or call 609/520-2000.
  Refreshments will be served at 3:30 PM.