[comp.os.research] SOS description and contact

shapiro@corto.inria.fr (08/18/89)

SOS is an experimental distributed object-oriented operating system.

SOS is based on a concept of "distributed object", implemented as a
"group" of elementary objects distributed among different address
spaces; members of a group have mutual communication privileges, which
are denied to non-members.  Access to a service may occur only via a
local "proxy", which is a member of the group implementing the
service.  Typically, a client gains access to some new service by
importing (migrating) a proxy for that service.

A prototype of SOS has been implemented in C++, on top of Unix.  It
supports object migration, persistent object, dynamic linking, and
arbitrarily complex user-defined objects (written in C++).  The system
services are accessed via a small set of pre-defined proxies.
Existing system services are: a distributed object manager, a name
service, a storage service, a communication service (allowing groups
to choose from a library of protocol types: datagrams, RPC, multicast,
atomic multicast, etc.).  Applications built using SOS include a
multimedia document manager and a UIMS.

SOS is thouroughly documented with a reference manual (similar to Unix
man) and an introductory programmer's manual.  Most of the code is in
the public domain, except for a few components derived from ATT code,
for which an ATT licence (Unix and C++) is necessary.

Contact: Marc Shapiro
INRIA, B.P. 105, 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France.  Tel.: +33 (1) 39-63-53-25
e-mail: shapiro@sor.inria.fr			(internet)
        ...!inria!shapiro			(uucp)
        inria!shapiro@uunet.uu.net 		(non-standard)

Here is a bibliography of some recent papers:

@InProceedings (ProxyPrinciple,
  Author = "Marc Shapiro",
  Title = "Structure and Encapsulation in Distributed Systems:
	   the {P}roxy {P}rinciple",
  Booktitle = "Proc.\ 6th Intl.\ Conf.\ on Distributed Computing Systems",
  organization = "{IEEE}", pages = "198--204",
  Address = "Cambridge, Mass. ({USA})",
  Year = 1986, Month = May)           

@InProceedings (sos:sigops86,
  author = "Shapiro, Marc",
  title = "{SOS}: a distributed Object-Oriented Operating System",
  booktitle = "2nd {ACM SIGOPS} European Workshop, on ``Making
	       Distributed Systems Work{''}",
  address = "Amsterdam (the Netherlands)",
  year = 1986, month = sep,
  note = "(Position paper)"

  author = "Shapiro, Marc and Abrossimov, Vadim and Gautron, Philippe
	    and Habert, Sabine and Makpangou, Mesaac Mounchili",
  title = "Un recueil de papiers sur le syst\`{e}me d'exploitation
	   r\'{e}parti \`{a} objets {SOS}",
  institution = {Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et
  address = {Rocquencourt (France)},
  year = 1987, month = may, number = 84,
  type = "Rapport Technique"

  author =      "Philippe Gautron and Marc Shapiro",
  title = 	"Two extensions to {C++}: A Dynamic Link Editor and
		 Inner data",
  booktitle =   "Proceeding  and additional papers, {C++} Workshop",
  year = 	1987,
  page =        "23--34", 
  organization = 	"USENIX",
  address = 	"Berkeley, CA ({USA})",
  month = 	nov

  author = 	 "Mesaac Makpangou and Marc Shapiro",
  title = 	 "The {SOS} Object-Oriented Communication Service",
  booktitle = 	 "Proc.\ 9th Int.\ Conf.\ on Computer Communication",
  year = 	 1988,
  address = 	 "Tel Aviv (Israel)",
  month = 	 "October--November"

  author = 	"Marc Shapiro",
  title = 	"The Design of a Distributed Object-Oriented Operating
		 System for Office Applications",
  booktitle = 	"Proc.\ Esprit Technical Week 1988",
  year = 	1988,
  address = 	"Brussels (Belgium)",
  month = 	nov

  author = 	 "Makpangou, Mesaac Mounchili",
  title = 	 "Invocations d'objets distants dans {SOS}",
  booktitle = 	 "De Nouvelles Architectures pour les Communications",
  year = 	 1988,
  editor = 	 "Guy Pujolle",
  pages = 	 "195--201",
  publisher = "Eyrolles",
  address = 	 "Paris (France)",
  month = 	 oct

  author = 	 "Marc Shapiro and Laurence Mosseri",
  title = 	 "A simple object storage system",
  booktitle = 	 "Proc.\  Workshop on persistent object systems",
  year = 	 1988,
  pages = 	 "320--327",
  editor =       "J. Rosenberg",
  address = 	 "Newcastle NSW (Australia)",
  month = 	 jan

  author = 	 "The {SOR} group",
  title = 	 "{SOS} Reference Manual for Prototype {V4}",
  institution =  {Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et
  year = 	 1989,
  type =         "Rapport Technique",
  number = 	 103,
  address = 	 {Rocquencourt (France)},
  month = 	 feb

  author = 	 "Makpangou, Mesaac Mounchili",
  title = 	 "Protocoles de communication et programmation par
		  objets~: l'exemple de {SOS}",
  school = 	 "Universit\'{e} Paris {VI}",
  year = 	 1989,
  address = 	 "Paris (France)",
  month = 	 feb

  author = 	 "J.P. Le Narzul and M. Shapiro",
  title = 	 "Un Service de Nommage pour un Syst\`{e}me \`{a}
		  Objets R\'{e}partis",
  booktitle = 	 "Actes Convention Unix 89",
  year = 	 1989,
  pages = 	 "73--82",
  organization = "{AFUU}",
  address = 	 "Paris",
  month = 	 mar

  author = 	 "Marc Shapiro and Philippe Gautron and Laurence Mosseri",
  title = 	 "Persistence and Migration for {C}++ Objects",
  booktitle = 	 "ECOOP'89",
  year = 	 1989,
  address = 	 "Nottingham ({GB})",
  month = 	 jul

  author = 	 "Marc Shapiro",
  title = 	 "{P}rototyping a distributed object-oriented {OS} on {U}nix",
  institution =  sor,
  year = 	 1989,
  type = 	 "Note technique",
  number = 	 "SOR--60",
  address = 	 rocquencourt,
  month = 	 may,
  note =         "To appear, Workshop on Experiences
		  with Building Distributed (and Multiprocessor)
		  Systems, Ft.\ Lauderdale FL (USA), Oct. 1989."

  author = 	 "V. Abrossimov and M. Rozier and M. Shapiro",
  title = 	 "Generic Virtual Memory Management for Operating
		  System Kernels",
  booktitle = 	 "Proc.\ 12th ACM Symp.\ on Operating Systems Principles",
  year = 	 1989,
  organization = "ACM SIGOPS",
  address = 	 "Litchfield Park AZ (USA)",
  month = 	 dec