[comp.os.research] Bridge parallel file system contacts

dibble@cs.rochester.edu (08/19/89)

Contacts: Michael L. Scott scott@cs.rochester.edu
          Peter C. Dibble  dibble@cs.rochester.edu

Parallel computers with non-parallel file systems find themselves
limited by the performance of the processor running the file
system.  We have designed and implemented a parallel file system
called Bridge that eliminates this problem by spreading both data
and file system computation over a large number of processors and
disks.  Our design will adapt easily to a wide variety of
multiprocessors and multicomputers; our current implementation runs
on the BBN Butterfly.  To assess the effectiveness of Bridge we
have used it as the basis for several standard file-handling
applications, including copying, sorting, searching, and image
transposition.  Analysis and empirical measurements suggest that
for applications such as these Bridge can provide nearly linear
speedup on over 100 nodes.