[comp.os.research] Deceit File System project

siegel@cs.cornell.edu (Alexander Siegel) (08/19/89)

Title:    Deceit Distributed File System

Contacts: Alex Siegel    (siegel@cs.cornell.edu)
          Ken Birman     (ken@cs.cornell.edu)
          Kieth Marzullo (marzullo@cs.cornell.edu)

Deceit is a distributed file system which is being developed at
Cornell, and it focuses on flexible file semantics in relation to
efficiency, scalability, and reliability.  Deceit servers are
functionally interchangable and collectively provide the illusion of a
single, large server machine to any clients which mount Deceit.
Stable copies of each file are stored on a subset of the file servers.
The user is able to set parameters on a file to achieve different
levels of availability, performance, and one-copy behavior.  Deceit
behaves as a plain NFS server and can be mounted by any NFS client
without modifying any client software.  The current Deceit prototype
uses the ISIS Distributed Programming Environment for all
communication and processor group management.

Availability: early prototypes available