[ont.events] Unix Unanimous in 1990

evan@telly.on.ca (Evan Leibovitch) (11/28/89)

This is to confirm that the January meeting of Unix Unanimous has been
moved from the 24th to the 31st. That removes any conflicts with either
Usenix or Uniforum. As previously mentioned, there will be no December

So far, the meeting dates and subjects scheduled are:

January 31	TeX text processing system		Jean-Francois Lamy
February 28	General-purpose round-table		Everyone
March 28	Disk drive/controller technology	Anton Aylward
April 25	X Windows and Computer Imaging		TBA from Sony Canada

The Rose Room at the North York Memorial Centre appears to suit us well,
though a {white|black}board would help. This room has now been formally
booked through the end of 1990.

Thank you all for your support. See you at UNIXMAS under the Dome!
  Evan Leibovitch, Telly Computing, located in beautiful Brampton, Ontario
                evan@telly.on.ca / uunet!attcan!telly!evan
European heaven: English police, French chefs, German engineers, Italian lovers
European hell:   German police, English chefs, Italian engineers, Swiss lovers