[comp.os.research] ACM SIGSMALL Call for Papers

zebulon@csd.uwo.ca (Scott Feeney) (11/10/90)

				Call for Papers

	       1991 ACM Symposium on Personal and Small Computers

			  Sponsored by ACM SIGSMALL/PC
			    Toronto Ontario, Canada
			        June 12-14, 1991

	in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH, National Research Council of
	Canada, Information Technology Research Center of Ontario and
	with support from IBM Canada.

	   General Chair		   Program Chair
	     Jacob Slonim		     Michael Bauer
	     IBM Toronto Laboratories	     Univ. of Western Ontario

    The Annual Symposium on Small Systems provides an ongoing international
    overview of microcomputer and microprocessor theory, technology and
    applications. In 1991 the Symposium will concentrate upon recent advances
    in the development and use of Workstations.Areas of particular interest

	o Workstation Architectures - processors, system architectures
	  and peripherals.

	o Workstations within Distributed Environments - the integration
	  of workstations into distributed environments, operating systems,
	  performance measurements, networking standards.

	o User Interfaces in Workstation Environments - iconic representations
	  and graphical programming, dialogue languages, ergonomic analysis,
	  windowing and multiple displays.

	o Workstations in Software Engineering - practical examples of
	  workstations in software development; use of case tools.

	o Tools for Workstation Development - tools for developing
	  applications for workstations in distributed environments.

	o Applications - practical examples of workstations in specialized
	  environments, such as offices, medicine, engineering, and education.

    Information for Authors
    Five (5) copies of a complete paper in English (5000 word maximum) should
    be received on or before December 10, 1990 by the program chairman:

			Prof. Michael Bauer
			Department of Computer Science
			Middlesex College
			The University of Western Ontario
			London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B7
			Email: bauer@csd.uwo.ca, bauer@uwovax.bitnet

    All papers will be refereed for publication in the conference proceedings.
    Authors of selected papers will be required to sign an ACM copyright form.
    A student paper competition will be held.  Contact the Program Chair for

    Important Dates:

		December 10, 1990	- Papers Due
		January 28, 1991	- Notification to Authors
		March 11, 1991		- Camera-Ready Copy Due
		June 12, 1991		- Conference Begins

    Program Committee

	J. Michael Bennett		Alberto Mendelzon
	  Univ. of Western Ontario	  University of Toronto

	Hal Berghel			C. Mohan
	  University of Arkansas	  IBM Almaden

	Peter Boulton			Ian Munro
	  University of Toronto		  University of Waterloo

	Bruce Catley			Ron Oliver
	  Treasury Board of Canada	  Cal. Poly. San Luis Obispo

	Leonard Gallagher		Josef Raviv
	  NIST				  IBM Israel

	W. Morven Gentleman		Arthur Ryman
	  Nat. Res. Council Canada	  IBM Toronto Laboratories

	Cordell Green			Patricia Selinger
	  Kestrel Institute		  IBM Almaden

	Al Grimstad			Phil Shaw
	  Bellcore			  IBM San Jose

	Michael Jenkins			Arie Shoshani
	  Inf. Tech. Research Centre	  Lawrence Berkeley Lab.

	Paul Larson			Robert Sunday
	  University of Waterloo	  IBM Toronto Laboratories

	Fred Lochovsky			Toby Teorey
	  University of Toronto		  University of Michigan

	Lawrence Markosian		James Thomas
	  Reasoning Systems		  Battelle

	Tim Merrett			Elizabeth Unger
	  McGill University		  Kansas State University

	Richard McBride
	  Univ. of South Dakota
Scott Feeney,  Research Associate,  Department of Computer Science
The University of Western Ontario,  London Canada, N6A 5B7
zebulon@csd.uwo.ca, zebulon@uwocsd.UUCP