[comp.os.research] SOSP Call for Papers

bcn@cs.washington.edu (Clifford Neuman) (11/24/90)

                      Call For Papers

     13th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles

                    October 13-16, 1991
                Asilomar Conference Grounds
                 Pacific Grove, California

For more than two decades, the ACM  Symposium  on  Operating
Systems  Principles  has  been  the  premier  forum  for the
presentation of operating systems innovations.

Authors are invited  to  submit  papers  to  the  13th  SOSP
describing  original  research  contributions related to the
design, implementation, and analysis of  operating  systems.
The  field  of  operating  systems  is closely tied to other
areas of computer science  such  as  computer  architecture,
data  communications,  programming  systems, and application
areas.  The Symposium attracts attendees with diverse  back-
grounds,  and  we  explicitly solicit papers not only in the
"traditional core" of the field, but also in  the  interface
to  these  other areas.  Topics of interest include, but are
not restricted to:

Reliability                System structure and organization
Multiprocessor systems     Language and programming issues
Support for multimedia     Performance tools and techniques
Real-time systems          I/O and file systems
Communication              High-performance systems
Heterogeneous systems      Security
Transactional approache    The architecture / OS interface
Distributed systems

Papers should  be  no  longer  than  5000  words  (about  20
double-spaced  pages) and must not have been published else-
where or be under consideration for  publication  elsewhere.
The  title of the paper and the authors' names and addresses
should appear on a cover sheet accompanying the  paper,  but
the  authors  should  not be identified in the paper itself.
Blind reviewing will  be  done  by  the  program  committee,
assisted by outside referees.

Please send fifteen copies of  your  paper  to  the  Program

                     Edward D. Lazowska
     Department of Computer Science & Engineering FR-35
                  University of Washington
                     Seattle, WA  98195

Authors of accepted papers will be expected to sign  an  ACM
copyright  release form.  Proceedings will be distributed at
the Symposium and published as an issue of Operating Systems
Review,  the  SIGOPS  quarterly.  Papers of particular merit
also will be forwarded to ACM Transactions on Computer  Sys-

                     Program Committee

Ozalp Babaoglu, Univ. di Bologna
Brian Bershad, Carnegie-Mellon Univ.
Mike Burrows, DEC Systems Research Center
Carla S. Ellis, Duke Univ.
John Hennessy, Stanford Univ.
Maurice Herlihy, DEC Cambridge Research Lab.
Edward D. Lazowska (Chair), Univ. of Washington
Paul Leach, HP Apollo
Barbara Liskov, MIT
Sape Mullender, CWI
Larry Peterson, Univ. of Arizona
Michael L. Powell, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
David Reed, Lotus Development Corp.

Deadline for receipt of submissions:  February 25, 1991
Acceptance notification:  May 28, 1991
Deadline for camera-ready final papers:  July 19, 1991