wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (04/21/89)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S ESSAY PRESENTATION -Tuesday, April 25, 1989 Mr. D.P. Mulders, Graduate Student, Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo will speak on ``Network Security: A Review of Measures and Mechanics.'' TIME: 2:30 PM ROOM: DC 1302 ABSTRACT As a growing number of users rely on transferring critical data over computer networks, the need for correct network security becomes more apparent. This paper outlines possible threats presented by an arbitrary network malcontent, and then discusses necessary goals of network security aimed at counteracting these threats. Measures for realising a secure network and their corresponding mechanisms are placed within the OSI architectural framework and examined in depth.
wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (04/22/89)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S ESSAY PRESENTATION -Monday, April 24, 1989 Mr. Paul Cormier, graduate student, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Waterloo will present a Master's Essay Presentation on ``Shoshin''. TIME: 2:30 PM ROOM: DC 1304 ABSTRACT Shoshin is a distributed software testbed supporting interprocess communication through message-passing primitives. It is based on a loosely coupled system in which messages are sent between Micro- Vax II machines via an Ethernet network. Recently, Shoshin was modified to support tightly coupled processors, in which it is possible to have more than one processor per Shoshin node. It was decided that an identical, trusted kernel would run on each processor in the multiprocessor node. In addition, the kernel would have to be modified to support semi-local interprocess communication, that is, message passing between processes on different processors, but within the same multiprocessor node. In this talk we present the Shoshin distributed operating system, its purpose and its usage. The primary and secondary bootstrap operations performed by the master and auxiliary processors are examined. This also includes some of the hardware limitations imposed on this design as a result of the MicroVax II architecture. The primitives supported by the Shoshin kernel to provide local and remote interprocess communication are examined and help us to derive the design alternatives considered for semi-local inter- processor communication. The advantages and disadvantages of each design are presented along with the design chosen and the algorithms used to implement this design.
wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (04/26/89)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S ESSAY PRESENTATION -Friday, April 28, 1989 Lori M. Murphy, graduate student, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Waterloo will speak on "Equation Solving Using an L1 Minimization Technique" TIME: 2:30 PM ROOM: DC 1302 ABSTRACT Many algorithms have been proposed for solving systems of nonlinear equations. This paper examines the L1 minimization technique designed by Bartels and Conn (and extended by Busovaca to handle degeneracy) and investigates its use as a nonlinear system solver. The performance of the algorithm is compared to such traditional methods as Brown's algorithm and Powell's Hybrid algorithm.
wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (07/06/89)
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, will speak on ``General Purpose and Binary Image Data Compression.'' DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S ESSAY PRESENTATION SEMINAR -Friday, July 7, l989 Mr. Roland Olsson, graduate student, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, will speak on ``General Purpose and Binary Image Data Compression'' TIME: 1:30 p.m. ROOM: DC 1304 ABSTRACT Data is described by a model that computes the probabilty p of the next input symbol, which is optimally coded using -log2 p bits. The predictions of the model are used by a Huffman or an arithmetic coding algorithm. Techniques based on the latter yield the smallest compressed file size. Lempel-Ziv compression algorithms are often faster, but do not give quite as good compression. A novel Lempel- Ziv variant is developed. Binary image compression can be used in for example facsimile machines and image databases. Run-length coding, READ coding and pel colour prediction using a template are reviewed. A new way of encoding an image as a set of contours and contour locations is discussed in detail. The last method considered uses character recognition to achieve very high compression for binary images that mainly consist of text."
wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (07/28/89)
Dept. of Computer Science, will speak on ``Diambiguation Using the New Oxford English Dictionary.'' DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S ESSAY PRESENTATION -Wednesday, August 2, 1989 Mr. Byron Weber Becker, graduate student, Dept. of Computer Science, will speak on ``Disambiguation Using the New Oxford English Dictionary.'' TIME: 2:00 p.m. ROOM: DC 1304 ABSTRACT One of the basic activities in communication is distinguishing which of several meanings for a given word is the intended meaning. In a dictionary, these meanings are listed as different "senses." If a computer could perform this sense disambiguation auto- matically, it could prove useful in applications such as automatic translation and indexing newspaper articles. I have been investigating using the New Oxford English Dictionary for sense disambiguation. I will be reviewing similar work done by M. Lesk and K.S. Jones, as well as my own approach. Comparisons between the approaches as well as ideas for future research will be presented.
wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (08/03/89)
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, will speak on ``A Graph Package for MAPLE.'' DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S ESSAY PRESENTATION -Thursday, August 10, 1989 Mr. David Clark, graduate student, Dept. of Computer Science, will speak on ``A Graph Package For MAPLE.'' TIME: 3:30 p.m. ROOM: DC 1304 ABSTRACT This talk describes the implementation of a package for working with graphs under Maple. The packages allows the user to construct, manipulate, and test properties of graphs. The package is intended for students and researchers in mathematics interested in manipulating small graphs. The package solves the basic representation issues and provides enough functionality for beginning users.
wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (08/11/89)
Dept. of Computer Science, will speak on `` A Processing Model for Redirection Clues in Discourse.'' DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S ESSAY PRESENTATION -Thursday, August 17, 1989 Mr. David Hsu, graduate student, Dept. of Computer Science, will speak on ``A Processing Model for Redirection Clues in Discourse.'' TIME: 11:00 a.m. ROOM: DC 3540 ABSTRACT This essay examines the processing of interruptions in discourse based on the model proposed by Grosz and Sidner. Three types of interruptions with redirection clue words or phrases are proposed in the Grosz and Sidner model - flashbacks, digressions and semantic returns. We develop an interruption processing model (IPM) and present an implementation, which takes as input discourse that includes interruptions and produces as output an interpretation of the structure of that discourse. The design of algorithms for the processing model is guided by the high-level mechanisms suggested by Grosz and Sidner. The algorithms present low-level descriptions of the updates required for the representation of the discourse, as stored in the intentional structure and attentional state. Several examples are provided to illustrate the structures of discourse at any given instance. The examples also help to explain the behavior of clues in discourse. The processing model also forms part of the realization of the computational argument analysis system by R. Cohen. Together with the implementation of connective clues by T. Smedley, they establish the clue interpreter in the system. Together with the implementation of Evidence Oracle by M. Young, they constitute the processing model for the system.
wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (11/23/89)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S ESSAY PRESENTATION -Friday, December 1, 1989 Mr. F.K.T. Sun, graduate student, Dept. of Computer Science, will speak on ``Using X11 to display visual effects.'' TIME: 2:30 p.m. ROOM: DC 1331 ABSTRACT We describe six demonstration programs for displaying variants of effects reported in the vision literature. The demonstrations use a windowed workstation environment, the X Window System Version 11 (X11). The perfomance of the window system is analyzed in terms of our implementation experience and suggestions are made for future window system architectures based on our experience. The visual effects are discussed in terms of what they teach about the display of information within a windowed environment and the tools that the visual effects themselves provide for improving that environment. November 23, 1989
wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (12/01/89)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S ESSAY PRESENTATION -Wednesday, December 6, 1989 Mr. A. Scian, graduate student, Dept. of Computer Science, will speak on ``Software Reusability Paradigms''. TIME: 1:30 p.m. ROOM: DC 1331 ABSTRACT Building upon the ideas and work of others to construct something new and unique is a common theme in our world. Unfortunately, this ideal is not practised when it comes to developing software. The idea of software reusability is to develop software without reinventing the wheel each time. The problems associated with software construction will be examined along with a study of other fields that deal with complexity. The similarities and differences regarding the way complexity problems are handled gives rise to a set of requirements for software reusability. A broad survey of current research in software reusability will highlight the progress in different areas. In addition, major attempts at reusing software will be studied in depth. The attempts at software reusability will be contrasted against the set of requirements for software reusability. The prospects for software reusability look good in the immediate future and it is hoped the benefits can be realized by the software community. November 30, 1989
wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (12/08/89)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S ESSAY PRESENTATION -Monday, December 11, 1989 Mr. Frank Miller, graduate student, Dept. of Computer Science, will speak on ``Mapping SQL/W Into Request Trees.'' TIME: 11:00 a.m. ROOM: DC 3540 ABSTRACT SQL/W is the query language for the LauRel database system, a new DBMS being developed at the University of Waterloo. LauRel and SQL/W are based on an extended relational model with facilities to handle nested relations and reference attributes. This talk will describe how an SQL/W query is transformed into a request-oriented tree which will serve as a basis for the execution plan. The request tree will be a binary tree of nodes which store information regarding the steps necessary to evaluate the query. This request tree will be passed through the query optimizer and then to the execution engine which will convert the tree into an execution plan. December 7, 1989
wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (12/08/89)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S ESSAY PRESENTATION -Tuesday, December 12, 1989 Mr. T. Cifelli, graduate student, Dept. of Computer Science, will speak on ``A Multicast Communication Protocol for Shoshin.'' TIME: 2:30 p.m. ROOM: DC 1304 ABSTRACT This presentation suggests a design for efficient 1-to-N Inter-Process Communication (IPC) for Shoshin. The programming entities of client, server, and peer have been generalized to be one or more processes. They may be organized into groups and addressed with a single group identifier (GID) as targets for the multicast IPC. The nsend primitive has been added to the IPC repertoire and allows application processes to send messages to either individual processes or process groups. The existing brecany primitive is used to receive messages sent using nsend. The nsend primitive does not provide the same reliability guarantees as the existing bsend primitive, which only allows sending to indiviual processes. The 1-to-N IPC covers three communication domains: processors within a multiprocessor, Ethernet LAN, and the Campus Internet. December 7, 1989
wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (12/14/89)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S ESSAY PRESENTATION -Monday, December 18, 1989 Mr. Alfredo Viola, graduate student, Dept. of Comp. Sci., will speak on ``Design and Implementation of an Algebra of Data Structures.'' TIME: 3:30 p.m. ROOM: DC 1331 ABSTRACT "At most points in a program one in concerned solely with the behavioural characteristics of a data structure. One is interested in what one can do with it, not in how the various operations on it are implemented" (J.V. Guttag, 1977). We define the algebra by presenting the Abstract Data Types which specify the data structures we consider. We will present a hierarchy in which the relationships among the Abstract Data Types are explicitly expressed. We implement this algebra using the system package Gauss developed by Michael B. Monagan at the University of Waterloo using the Maple programming language. This package defines a hierarchy of algebraic structures. It has system primitives which allow the implementation of abstract data types exploiting the notions of category and multiple inheritance. The result is a very compact implementation in which we have achieved a high degree of abstraction where the algebraic properties of the data structures are presented explicitly. December 13, 1989
wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (12/15/89)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S ESSAY PRESENTATION -Tuesday, December 19, 1989 Mr. Marc Lavergne, graduate student, Dept. of Comp. Sci., will speak on ``A Study of Distributed Election Protocols.'' TIME: 1:30 p.m. ROOM: DC 1331 Election is a fundamental problem of distributed computing. Many problems in distributed systems exhibit the behaviour of election or can be solved by means of election. Processor and communication failures complicate the election process. Several issues have to be considered when designing election protocols under these types of failures. This talk presents several election protocols from the literature which address such failures. The different approaches used to handle failures and related problems are discussed. Alternative approaches to some of the problems are then presented. Although extensive work has been done on election protocols, much of the work assumes an underlying network topology, usually ring-based networks or complete networks. Elections in these specific distributed environments are NOT considered.
wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (12/16/89)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S ESSAY PRESENTATION -Wednesday, December 20, 1989 (NOTE DATE!!) Mr. Allan Wong, graduate student, Dept. of Computer Science will speak on ``User-Level Shared Memory for Shoshin.'' TIME: 9:30 a.m. ROOM: DC 1331 ABSTRACT Shoshin is a distributed software testbed supporting interprocess communication through message-passing primitives. It is based on a loosely coupled system in which messages are sent between MicroVAX II machines via an Ethernet network. Recently, Shoshin was modified to support tightly coupled processors, in which it is possible to have more than one processor per Shoshin node. In addition to local memory for each processor, global memory can be made accessible to every processor in the same node. To make effective use of this global memory, a set of shared memory primitives has been designed and implemented to allow this global memory to be shared by user processes in the same Shoshin node. We begin this talk by outlining the structure of the Shoshin distributed operating system, its purpose and its usage. A selection of previous work on shared memory is described. Then the shared memory primitives designed for Shoshin are presented. This is followed by a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of some of the implementation alternatives. An application program designed to utilize the primitives is illustrated and performance results for it are examined. December 14, 1989
wlrush@water.waterloo.edu (Wenchantress Wench Wendall) (12/19/89)
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S ESSAY PRESENTATION -Thursday, December 21, 1989 Mr. Debasish Jana, graduate student, Dept. of Computer Science will speak on ``Synchronous Communication and Static Process Structure - Problems and a Proposed Solution.'' TIME: 2:30 p.m. ROOM: DC 1331 ABSTRACT A programming language for distributed system environment has to choose a set of communication primitives(synchronous or asynchronous) and a structure of processes(static or dynamic). In a client-server model, a client requests for service from a server and the server, in turn, requests several resources for their availabilities. A server encounters a local delay when a local resource needed is not available and it encounters a remote delay when the server makes a call to another module which is busy or has to perform considerable computing before making a response. Remote delays are mainly because of communication or I/O delays. Liskov et al argued that the combination of static process structure and synchronous communication has adequate expressive power for handling local delays. But, it is not entirely suitable for dealing with remote delays. They also suggested that a distributed programming language should abandon either synchronous communication or static process structure. In this essay, we propose a new facility, a communication primitive reply-with that shows Liskov et al's hypothesis is not entirely true. This new primitive largely removes the limitations of synchronous communication primitives in combination with static process structure, when combined with send, receive, reply (Thoth's message passing primitives) and also with other facilities e.g. Ada rendezvous, December 13, 1989 - 2 - monitors. December 13, 1989